Loading Song from file with Uri - XNA 4.0 - uri

I am attempting to load a song from Uri for use in my game. Code as below:
Uri uriStreaming = new Uri("file://E:/MySong.mp3");
Song song = Song.FromUri("Song Name", uriStreaming);
MediaPlayer.IsMuted = false;
MediaPlayer.Volume = 0.5f;
When I get in game no audio is playing at all, though I have no errors at all. I've also tried it with a http:/ link for an mp3 and it works fine, so I'm not quite sure of the issue.
Any ideas for a fix?
Edit: After further investigation of this problem, I've found out that it's the ID3 tags causing the issue, specifically if it is ID3v2.4 and if I use a tool to remove them, it plays fine. However, I can't expect my user to do this with all of their audio, so is there a workaround for this?


Youtube video sometimes returns not available

On a wordpress website we are showing some video's on product pages.
Without any regularity there is a "video not available" message. I was hoping we could get some help figuring out any way this is possible. Below is the error we are getting, which doesnt provide a lot of inofrmation.
I already kind of ruled out the copyright to be the issue, since this is not constantly and happens at random moment & intervals.
"debug_error": "{\"errorCode\":\"auth\",\"errorDetail\":\"0\",\"errorMessage\":\"Deze video is niet beschikbaar\",\"yk\":\"\",\"xI\":\"0;a6s.0\",\"aB\":2}",
I've had to debug this issue for a week since it happened so randomly. No idea what causes it, but what I did to get around it was altering the onReady event function to check the errorCode, and then stop the video before we call the play event.
function onPlayerReady(event) {
var data = event.target.playerInfo.videoData;
if (data.errorCode == "auth") {
onPlayerReady is what we call on the onReady event, as in options.events.onReady.
This only does the check once, since I did not want to hammer Youtube if a video doesn't load.
It is a very aggravating problem and I can't seem to find any more info on it either. An auth error would point to something authentication related, but we get this with videos we own and specifically enabled for embedding, and as far as I know the iframe api does not require any api keys to use.

Got the "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." error message even a clean start from Google Assistant Simulator

I am still quite new to this topic, so sorry if I didn't provide enough information.
For the first time, I copoed everything from https://developers.google.com/actions/dialogflow/first-app to learn about it, which works great.
After, I tried to create my own one, then at the end, I got this message "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." from https://console.actions.google.com/project/[[PROJECT-ID]]/simulator/.
Therefore, I tried to delete everything and make a complete new start, including all the projects on https://console.actions.google.com/ and https://console.dialogflow.com.
I then copied the exact same thing from https://developers.google.com/actions/dialogflow/first-app again, but this time, I still got "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." from https://console.actions.google.com/project/[[PROJECT-ID]]/simulator/.
I tried to look at firebase log, no error indeed
I tried to use the web demo from the integration tab, everything works (which means the server side code or the connection have no problem) as expected, firebase also logged the request.
I tried to use a different browser (chrome -> firefox) still not working.
Here is the response code from the Google Assistant Simulator (its kinda nothing):
"audioResponse": "//NExAARqQ...",
"conversationToken": "GidzaW11bG...",
"response": "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon.",
"visualResponse": {
"visualElements": []
And here is the debug message (yes, its nothing in there, so I'm stuck):
"agentToAssistantDebug": {},
"assistantToAgentDebug": {}
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In Actions Console..
Go to Develop -> Invocation
Set a display name (Eg: Hello World) and click Save
Go to Test and type "Talk to Hello World"
Fixed the issue for me.
Make sure your Actions on Google project has a name.
I spent almost 2 days scratching my head on this. Just go to Activity controls of the relevant google account (The account that you are using for the simulator) and turn on all those switches (You may leave out Youtube related stuff).
And.....Voila, it works!
Usually, these are turned off for non-personal accounts.
Faced the same issue when I tried to change the language of app to a locale.
Try the following,
Check if the welcome intent and fallback intents have responses and training phrases
All contexts are mapped
Disable and enable testing
At least in my case, I've added 'Suggestions' for an ending scene, like below:
You can see the error on the right side log of 'Test' page:
Fix is to remove 'Suggestions' in ending scene.
I had the exact same issue and after struggling for hours I found the stupid error on my side: In my Dialogflow Agent settings, I accidentally turned on the V2 API. So my firebase function kept complaining about null intent. Hope this help.

Client doesn't have a name/class at startup

I'm trying to start an application (Spotify) on a particular tag. Rules aren't applied and now I'm inspecting the client class by printing the class in a notification in the "manage" signal. This results in an empty notification.
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
When I restart awesome, it does print the client class, so why isn't it working when the client is initially started?
Using xprop, it also prints the class:
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "spotify", "Spotify"
Sounds like a bug in Spotify (and I think I heard about this one before). I would guess that Spotify does not follow ICCCM and only sets its WM_CLASS property after it made its window visible and not before.
I fear that you cannot do much about this except for complaining to Spotify devs to fix their stuff.
You could work around this by starting a timer in the manage signal that checks if a window turns out to be spotify a short time later. Alternatively, you could do something like client.connect_signal("property::class", function(c) if c.class == "Spotify" then print("This is now a spotify window") end end) to react to change to a window's class (of course you'd want to do something more useful to Spotify's windows than printing them).
(Per the ICCCM, a window is not allowed to change its class while it is visible, but who cares about standards...)
I had a similar issue with the claws-mail client. Inspecting it via xprop, it shows
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "claws-mail", "Claws-mail"
but awesome just did’t apply the rules for it. The trick was giving awesome-wm both of these class names in the rules section by providing a set of characters to chose from:
rule = {class = "[Cc]laws%-mail"}
I hope this works for your spotify application, too.
For further reading about patterns in lua I suggest this:

Framebuster with exceptions

I have a question about writing a frame-buster-buster. I have already read Frame Buster Buster ... buster code needed but I need an extra tweak.
My content from my blog at [http://my_domain.c0m/blog] is being displayed at another site showing three "views". One view is a feed and doesn't particulary bother me. The other two bother me and I wish to break both. I also want to permit exceptions of domains with permission to frame.
In one view, it appears the the content from the top of my html of the top of my blog is first copied to create a "snapshot" [http://the_other_domain.c0m/copy_of_blog] then that copy is framed in [http://the_other_domain.c0m/ ]. So, in this case, the 'child' copy are both hosted at [http://the_other_domain.c0m/] . Google translate does a similar thing-- but I find this ok. So, I would like to break this frame while also permitting exceptions for google and also for people who have made a copy to their pcs and would like to view in a utility that might frame.
In the other view, it appears the content from my site is framed. So in this case [http://my_domain.c0m/blog_post] is framed by [http://the_other_domain.c0m/]. I would like to bust out of this frame. However, my difficulty is that I can't figure out how to do so while keeping the exceptions for google translate or individual pc users frames at home.
My solution so far (I am not particularly familiar with javascript. So, please don't laugh too hard at the redundancy and lack of knowledge):
I was able to bust the first frame using:
<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" >
var topWindow = String(top.location)
var topWord=topWindow.split("/")
var selfWindow = String(self.location)
var selfWord=topWindow.split("/")
var correctLocation ="http://my_domain.c0m/blog"
var correctWord2="my_domain.c0m"
var http="http:"
if( ( (topWord[2] != correctWord2) || (selfWord[2] != correctWord2) )
&& (topWord[2] != 'translate.googleusercontent.com' ) && (topWord[0] == http ) ){
document.write("message expressing my opinion about the asshattery going in here.]" )
//document.write("<p><font color='purple'>Hi there! Javascript is working.</font> </p> " )
function redirect_after_pause() {
var correctLocation ="http://my_domain.c0m/blog"
I know this is inefficient. But it works and achieves my goal of making an exception for a) translations at googlecontent which my readers in france requested and b) cases where a user is framing in a utility that downloads to their pc (which I think has uri's beginning with "FILE:".
Now the difficulty: This does not work for the view where content hosted at my domain is framed at the other domain. I believe I have tracked the problem down to var topWindow = String(top.location) not being permitted in my child window. In principle, this would work:
<script type="text/javascript">
if(top != self) top.location.replace(location);
However, I think it screws up the use of google translate which uses a top frame that holds their translation of my content also hosted at [http://translate.google.com]. I suspect it similarly screws up readers that might display a local copy on someones pc if that copy is displayed in a frame.
If someone can guide me toward a solution I can implement to break both frames while permitting my exception
BTW: It does appear that the site in question is using a framebuster. I poked around and found this inside their /static/common.js?1345250291 code:
enable_iframe_buster_buster:function(){var a=this,b=0;window.onbeforeunload=function(){b++};clearInterval(this.locks.iframe_buster_buster);this.locks.iframe_buster_buster=setInterval(function(){0<b&&(b-=2,a.flags.iframe_story_locations_fetched&&!a.flags.iframe_view_not_busting&&_.contains(["page","story"],a.story_view)&&NEWSBLUR.reader.active_feed&&($(".NB-feed-frame").attr("src",""),window.top.location="/reader/buster",$(".task_view_feed").click()))},1)},disable_iframe_buster_buster:function(){clearInterval(this.locks.iframe_buster_buster)}
That's deep inside some particulary dense javascript. Whatever it does it doesn't seem to affect my ability to bust the frame for the case where my content is copied and hosted at [http://the_other_domain.c0m/]. I haven't yet fully explored whether it busts simple framebusters because earlier I only recently recognized that " var topWindow = String(top.location) " was forbidden in the child frame with a different domain from the parent frame.
Whether or not the frame-buster is present, I'd like help with solutions here. I know that if one site is now framing my content in this way it is only a matter of time before the obnoxious technique catches on and I would like to code in solutions that bust both methods gracefully while providing myself with exceptions. Thanks in advance.

Retrieve comments from website using disqus

I would like to write a scraping script to retrieve comments from cnn articles. For example, this article: http://www.cnn.com/2012/01/19/politics/gop-debate/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
I realize that cnn uses disqus for their comment discussion. As the comment loading is not webpage-based (ie, prev page, next page) and is dynamic (ie, need to click "load next 25"), I have no idea how to retrieve all the 5000+ comments for this article.
Any idea or suggestion?
Thanks so much!
I needed to get comments via scraping a page that had disqus comments via ajax. Because they were not rendered on the server, I had to call the disqus api. In the source code, you will need the identifier code:
var identifier = "456643" // take note of this from the page source
// this is the ident url query param in the following js request
also,look in the js source code to get the pages public key, and forum name. Place these in the url where appropriate.
I used javascript nodejs to test this, ie :
var request = require("request");
var publicKey = "pILMw27bsbJsdfsdQDh9Eh0MzAgFL6xx0hYdsdsdfaIfBHRvLGqFFQ09st";
var disqusUri = "https://disqus.com/api/3.0/threads/listPosts.json?&api_key=" + publicKey + "&thread:ident=456643&forum=nameOfForumFromSource";
request(disqusUri, function(res,status,err){
console.log("ERR: " + err);
The option for scraping (other then getting the page), which might be less robust (depends on you're needs) but will offer a solution for the problem you have, is to use some kind of wrapper around a full fledged web browser and literally code the usage pattern and extract the relevant data. Since you didn't mention which programming language you know, I'll give 3 examples: 1) Watir - ruby, 2) Watin - IE & Firefox via .net, 3) Selenium - IE via C#/Java/Perl/PHP/Ruby/Python
I'll provide a little example using Watin & C#:
IE browser = new IE();
browser.GoTo(YOUR CNN URL);
List visibleComments = Browser.List(Find.ById("dsq-comments"));
//do your scraping thing
Link moreComments = Browser.Link(Find.ByClass("dsq-paginate-append-text");
//wait util ajax ended by searching for some indicator
Browser.WaitUntilContainsText(SOME TEXT);
//do your scraping thing
I'm not familiar with disqus, but it might be a better option to force all the comments to show by looping the Link & click parts of the code I posted until all the comments are visible and the scrape the List element dsq-comments
