Check Httpconnection is open or not in blackberry - networking

Before making HttpConnection from blackberry application i want to check if it is open or not?. Because without checking that when i tried to make a connection i got class
EDIT: Posted the code from the OP's answer.
Below is my code for the http connection.
public String makePostRequest(String[] paramName, String[] paramValue) {
StringBuffer postData = new StringBuffer();
HttpConnection connection = null;
InputStream inputStream = null;
OutputStream out = null;
try {
connection = (HttpConnection);
for (int i = 0; i < paramName.length; i++) {
String encodedData = postData.toString();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US");
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", (new Integer(
connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", Constants.COOKIE_TOKEN);
byte[] postDataByte = postData.toString().getBytes("UTF-8");
out = connection.openOutputStream();
DebugScreen.Log("Output stream..."+out);
DebugScreen.Log("Output stream..."+connection.getResponseCode());
// get the response from the input stream..
inputStream = connection.openInputStream();
DebugScreen.Log("Input stream..."+inputStream);
byte[] data = IOUtilities.streamToBytes(inputStream);
response = new String(data);
} catch ( Exception e) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
DebugScreen.Log("Exception inside the make connection..makePostRequest."
+ e.getMessage());
DebugScreen.Log("Exception inside the make connection..makePostRequest."
+ e.getClass());
}finally {
try {
if(inputStream != null){
inputStream = null;
if(out != null){
out = null;
if(connection != null){
connection = null;
} catch ( Exception ex) {
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
DebugScreen.Log("Exception from the connection2 class.."
+ ex.getMessage());
DebugScreen.Log("Exception from the connection2 class.."
+ ex.getClass());
return response;

Before making httpconnection from blackberry application i want to check if it is open or not.
That doesn't make sense. You want to make sure it is open before you open it. You can't. You have to try to open it, and handle the exception if it fails. That's what the exception is for.
The best way to test whether any resource is available is to try to use it. You can't predict that. You have to try it.
Because without checking that when i tried to make a connection i got class
So it wasn't available. So now you know. That's the correct behaviour. You're already doing the right thing. There is no question here to answer.


Playing video stream from mp4 file with moov atom at end using libvlcsharp

I want to play video replay from low-end surveillance camera. Replays are saved on the camera in .mp4 format, with moov atom at the end. It's possible to retrieve file via http request using digset authentication. Approximate size of each video file is 20 MB, but download speed is only 3 Mbps, so downloading whole file takes about 60 s. This is to long, so I want to start displaying video before whole file will be downloaded.
Web browsers handles this kind of problem by reading end of file at the begining. I want to achieve same goal using c# and libvlcsharp, so created HttpMediaInput class.
public class HttpMediaInput : MediaInput
private static readonly NLog.Logger logger = NLog.LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private HttpClientHandler _handler;
private HttpClient _httpClient;
private string _url;
Stream _stream = null;
public HttpMediaInput(string url, string username, string password)
_url = url;
_handler = new HttpClientHandler() { Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password) };
_httpClient = new HttpClient(_handler);
public override bool Open(out ulong size)
size = ulong.MaxValue;
_stream = _httpClient.GetStreamAsync(_url).Result;
base.CanSeek = _stream.CanSeek;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Exception occurred during sending stream request to url: {_url}");
return false;
public unsafe override int Read(IntPtr buf, uint len)
byte[] buffer = new byte[len];
int bytesReaded = _stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
logger.Trace($"Bytes readed: {bytesReaded}");
Span<byte> byteSpan = new Span<byte>(buf.ToPointer(), buffer.Length);
return bytesReaded;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, "Stream read exception");
return -1;
It works great for mp4 files that have all necessary metadata stored on the beginning, but no video is displayed in case of my camera.
Assuming that I will be able to download moov atom from mp4 using http range requests, how to provide this data to libvlc? Is it even possible?
I'm developing application using C#, WPF, dotnet framework.
VLC cannot play files from camera because http digest auth with md5 is considered to be deprecated (related issue in VLC repo).
However, I was able to resolve this problem following cube45 suggestions, I implemented range requests.
public override bool Open(out ulong size)
size = ulong.MaxValue;
HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage { RequestUri = new Uri(_url) };
requestMessage.Headers.Range = new System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue();
requestMessage.Method = HttpMethod.Head;
var response = _httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage).Result;
size = (ulong)response.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
_fileSize = size;
logger.Trace($"Received content lenght | {size}");
base.CanSeek = true;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, $"Exception occurred during sending head request to url: {_url}");
return false;
public unsafe override int Read(IntPtr buf, uint len)
HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage { RequestUri = new Uri(_url) };
long startReadPosition = (long)_currentPosition;
long stopReadPosition = (long)_currentPosition + ((long)_numberOfBytesToReadInOneRequest - 1);
if ((ulong)stopReadPosition > _fileSize)
stopReadPosition = (long)_fileSize;
requestMessage.Headers.Range = new System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue(startReadPosition, stopReadPosition);
requestMessage.Method = HttpMethod.Get;
HttpResponseMessage response = _httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage).Result;
byte[] readedBytes = response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result;
int readedBytesCount = readedBytes.Length;
_currentPosition += (ulong)readedBytesCount;
logger.Trace($"Bytes readed | {readedBytesCount} | startReadPosition {startReadPosition} | stopReadPosition | {stopReadPosition}");
Span<byte> byteSpan = new Span<byte>(buf.ToPointer(), (int)len);
return readedBytesCount;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, "Media reading general exception");
return -1;
public override bool Seek(ulong offset)
logger.Trace($"Seeking media with offset | {offset}");
_currentPosition = offset;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error(ex, "MediaInput seekeing general error");
return false;
This solution seams to work, but there are two unresolved problems:
There is about 8s lag between libvlcsharp starts reading stream and video goes live (waiting time in web browser is about 2s).
Some part of video file at the end is not displayed, because the buffer is too short to hold whole file inside. Related thread

Invoke PDF, Server returned HTTP response code: 400

English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
Hope I improved the question.
I start a Script over Selenium, automated testing, WebDriver.
I perform a Link on HTML-Page
This link creates a new Browser Tab
This BrowserTab display a PDF/A Standard Document
I want to parse the PDF an verify its content
After HttpURLConnection I got Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) response status code: 400
and parsing the InputStream can not be done.
Over localhost it can be done.
Also I can hit link "curent URL" without any problems.
Selenium v2.45.0
Tested on IE 9 and Firefox 39.0.
How can I examine the problem?
I read about HTTP response code: 400
But didn't find solution for my problem
Could it be a redirect-problem?
Thank you
Here is my code:
public class httperrorStack {
public static void main ( String[] args )
// Selnium WebDriver
WebDriver driver = null;
//driver = new FirefoxDriver();
// Test with Browser IE 9 same Problem withFirefox 39.0
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
String baseUrl = "http://##.###.###.##:#####/wps/portal"; //ATU2
// launch direct to Base URL
// launch to Documentlink: opens PDF/A-Document in a new Browser Tab
//Get all the window handles in a set
Set <String> handles =driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> it = handles.iterator();
//iterate through windows
while (it.hasNext()){
String parent =;
String newwin =;
URL url = null;
try {
// The CurrentURL of the documentlink
// url = "http://##.###.###.###:#####/wps/myportal/dirname/dirname/dir-name/!dir/p/b1/about50characters/In"
url = new URL(driver.getCurrentUrl());
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
// verify connection
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
HttpURLConnection httpConn = (HttpURLConnection)connection;
try {
httpConn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
} catch (IOException e1) {
InputStream is = null;
// Response Code = 400
try {
if (httpConn.getResponseCode() >= 400) {
is = httpConn.getErrorStream();
// httpConn.getResponseCode() = 400
//httpConn.getErrorStream() = "$HttpInputStream#1d082e88"
} else {
is = httpConn.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e1) {
connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
InputStream is2;
if (connection.getResponseCode() >= 400) {
is2 = connection.getErrorStream();
//connection.getErrorStream() = "$HttpInputStream#60704c"
} else {
is2 = connection.getInputStream();
catch (Exception e){
BufferedInputStream fileToParse = null;
try {
fileToParse = new BufferedInputStream(
} catch (IOException e) {
// output of StackTrace
/* Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: http://##.###.###.##:#####/wps/redirect
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at mypackage.httperrorStack.main(*/
// Close Window
// exit the program explicitly

If I have a spring mvc rest controller returning byte[], how would I download to my android app using volley?

I need to implement a list view containing a thumbnail, and this thumbnail is loaded using volley networkimageview. How would I implement this if my controller looks like this:
#RequestMapping (value="/rest/getphoto/", produces=MediaType.IMAGE_PNG_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody byte [] get Image (#RequestParam ("imageId"));
I've found many examples regarding the usage of volley but they are not helping me. Besides, I am using secure connection. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I'm including controller code in my spring mvc project and the portion of code in my android client requesting an image.
* Spring MVC *
#RequestMapping(value = "/rest/singlephoto/", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.IMAGE_PNG_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody byte[] base64ImageForAndroid(#RequestParam("photoId") String photoIdParam, HttpServletRequest request)
String pathToLoad = "/path/default.png";
//HashMap<String, String> retVal = new HashMap<String, String>();
byte[] retVal;
long photoId = Long.parseLong(photoIdParam);
Photo photo = photoManager.getSinglePhoto(photoId);
if (photo != null)
pathToLoad = photo.getPath();
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
File file = new File(pathToLoad);
retVal = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file);
catch (IOException ex)
retVal = null;
return retVal;
* Android Client Requesting with volley *
Bitmap thumb = imageCache.get(item.getThumbnailUrl() + "thumb");
if (thumb == null)
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpBasicAuthentication auth = new HttpBasicAuthentication(this.username, this.password);
Listener<byte[]> imageLoadedListener = new Response.Listener<byte[]>() {
public void onResponse(byte[] photoByteArray) {
Bitmap bitmap = EfficientImageLoading.decodeBitmapFromByteArray(photoByteArray, viewHolder.thumbnail.getWidth(), viewHolder.thumbnail.getHeight());
imageCache.put(item.getThumbnailUrl() + "thumb", bitmap);
//Cache full size and recycle
Bitmap fullBmp = EfficientImageLoading.decodeImageFromByteFullSize(photoByteArray);
imageCache.put(item.getThumbnailUrl(), fullBmp);
ErrorListener errorListener = new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
this.singleInstance.addToRequestQueue(new CustomImageRequest(Request.Method.GET, item.getThumbnailUrl(), errorListener, headers, imageLoadedListener));
Application server logs show:
GET /app//photo/rest/singlephoto/?photoId=7 HTTP/1.1" 406 1067
That is 406-- forbidden or something like that. Also android's LogCat shows an error like the following: BasicNetwork.PerformRequest: Unexpected response code 406 for https://domain/app/singlephoto?photoId=7
Is there something wrong with my controller or my client or both?

How to import an xquery module using Saxon

I am having some troubles running an Xquery with Saxon9HE, which has a reference to an external module.
I would like Saxon to resolve the module with a relative path rather absolute.
the module declaration
module namespace common = "http://my-xquery-utils";
from the main xquery
import module namespace common = "http://my-xquery-utils" at "/home/myself/common.xquery";
from my java code
public class SaxonInvocator {
private static Processor proc = null;
private static XQueryEvaluator xqe = null;
private static DocumentBuilder db = null;
private static StaticQueryContext ctx = null;
* Utility for debug, should not be called outside your IDE
* #param args xml, xqFile, xqParameter
public static void main(String[] args) {
XmlObject instance = null;
try {
instance = XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File(args[0]));
} catch (XmlException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SaxonInvocator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (IOException ex){
Logger.getLogger(SaxonInvocator.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.print(transform(instance, args[1], args[2]));
public static String transform(XmlObject input, String xqFile, String xqParameter) {
String result = null;
try {
proc = new Processor(false);
ctx = proc.getUnderlyingConfiguration().newStaticQueryContext();
ctx.setModuleURIResolver(new ModuleURIResolver() {
public StreamSource[] resolve(String moduleURI, String baseURI, String[] locations) throws XPathException {
StreamSource[] modules = new StreamSource[locations.length];
for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {
modules[i] = new StreamSource(getResourceAsStream(locations[i]));
return modules;
db = proc.newDocumentBuilder();
XQueryCompiler comp = proc.newXQueryCompiler();
XQueryExecutable exp = comp.compile(getResourceAsStream(xqFile));
xqe = exp.load();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.xmlText().getBytes("UTF-8"));
StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(bais);
XdmNode node =;
new QName(xqParameter), node);
result = xqe.evaluate().toString();
} catch (SaxonApiException e) {
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return result;
public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String resource) {
InputStream stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + resource);
if (stream == null) {
stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream(resource);
if (stream == null) {
stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream("my/project/" + resource);
if (stream == null) {
stream = SaxonInvocator.class.getResourceAsStream("/my/project/" + resource);
return stream;
If a change it into a relative path like
import module namespace common = "http://my-xquery-utils" at "common.xquery";
I get
Error on line 22 column 1
I am not sure how the ModuleURIResolver should be used.
Saxon questions are best asked on the Saxon forum at - questions asked here will probably be noticed eventually but sometimes, like this time, they aren't our first priority.
The basic answer is that for the relative URI to resolve, the base URI needs to be known, which means that you need to ensure that the baseURI property in the XQueryCompiler is set. This happens automatically if you compile the query from a File, but not if you compile it from an InputStream.
If you don't know a suitable base URI to set, the alternative is to write a ModuleURIResolver, which could for example fetch the module by making another call on getResourceAsStream().

Blackberry HttpConnection failure on device

I'm after some BlackBerry suggestions again. I'm developing a REST based app using the standard BB code that appends to the URI connection string (I'll post if you like but don't want to take up space here as I suspect that those of you that know about this know exactly what I mean).
The code works fine in the emulator in MDS mode and is good on the phone too with straight WiFi.
Now, the problem is when I come to use 3G on an actual phone. At that point it fails. Is this some kind of transcoding problem?
I'm using a raw HttpConnection.
An HTTP POST works (with body info) but the GET (which uses a cookie for auth purposes as a header requestproperty) fails.
The failure is only with header (GET) based info on non WiFi connections on the mobile device.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
public static String httpGet(Hashtable params, String uriIn) {
String result = null;
LoginDetails loginDetails = LoginDetails.getInstance();
HttpConnection _connection;
String uri = uriIn + "?api_key=" + loginDetails.getApi_key();
Enumeration e = params.keys();
// iterate through Hashtable keys Enumeration
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) (e.nextElement());
String value = (String) params.get(key);
uri += "&" + key + "=" + value;
uri = uri + HelperMethods.getConnectionString();
try {
_connection = (HttpConnection);
"text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
_connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", loginDetails.getCookie());
_connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
String charset = "UTF-8";
_connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", charset);
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=" + charset);
OutputStream _outputStream = _connection.openOutputStream();
int rc = _connection.getResponseCode();
InputStream _inputStream = _connection.openInputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream bytestream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int ch;
while ((ch = != -1) {
result = new String(bytestream.toByteArray());
if (_outputStream != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e1) {
if (_connection != null)
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {
} catch (IOException e3) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return result;
And this uses:
public synchronized static String getConnectionString() {
String connectionString = null;
// Simulator behaviour is controlled by the USE_MDS_IN_SIMULATOR
// variable.
if (DeviceInfo.isSimulator()) {
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
// Wifi is the preferred transmission method
else if (WLANInfo.getWLANState() == WLANInfo.WLAN_STATE_CONNECTED) {
connectionString = ";interface=wifi";
// Is the carrier network the only way to connect?
else if ((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_DIRECT) {
String carrierUid = getCarrierBIBSUid();
if (carrierUid == null) {
// Has carrier coverage, but not BIBS. So use the carrier's TCP
// network
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
} else {
// otherwise, use the Uid to construct a valid carrier BIBS
// request
connectionString = ";deviceside=false;connectionUID="+carrierUid + ";ConnectionType=mds-public";
// Check for an MDS connection instead (BlackBerry Enterprise Server)
else if ((CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() & CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_MDS) {
connectionString = ";deviceside=false";
// If there is no connection available abort to avoid hassling the user
// unnecssarily.
else if (CoverageInfo.getCoverageStatus() == CoverageInfo.COVERAGE_NONE) {
connectionString = "none";
// In theory, all bases are covered by now so this shouldn't be reachable.But hey, just in case ...
else {
connectionString = ";deviceside=true";
return connectionString;
* Looks through the phone's service book for a carrier provided BIBS
* network
* #return The uid used to connect to that network.
private synchronized static String getCarrierBIBSUid() {
ServiceRecord[] records = ServiceBook.getSB().getRecords();
int currentRecord;
for (currentRecord = 0; currentRecord < records.length; currentRecord++) {
if (records[currentRecord].getCid().toLowerCase().equals("ippp")) {
if (records[currentRecord].getName().toLowerCase()
.indexOf("bibs") >= 0) {
return records[currentRecord].getUid();
return null;
Fixed - see above.
It turns out that there were spaces in the uri's.
Quite why this worked over WiFi & not 3G etc. is still puzzling.
