Can't upload two different framework websites on a server -

I am trying to upload two different framework(2.0 and 4.0) websites on a server.
If iis target framework 4.0 is enabled then my website 2.0 shows the error: Server Application Unavailable
If iis target framework 2.0 is enabled then my website 4.0 shows an error
Unrecognized attribute target Framework.
Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.

An IIS application can only run under one framework. Each application however is assigned to an application pool which determines what version of the framework to run.
You can simply create a new application pool that works with a different version of the framework.
See the MS Technet article on details for how to do this.
From the article for IIS7:
Open IIS Manager. For information about opening IIS Manager, see Open IIS Manager (IIS 7).
In the Connections pane, expand the server node and click Application Pools.
On the Application Pools page, in the Actions pane, click Add Application Pool.
On the Add Application Pool dialog box, type a friendly name for the application pool in the Name box.
From the .NET Framework version list, select the version of the .NET Framework required by your managed applications, modules, and handlers. Or select No Managed Code if the applications that you run in this application pool do not require the .NET Framework.
From the Managed pipeline mode list, select one of the following options:
Integrated, if you want to use the integrated IIS and ASP.NET request- processing pipeline.
Classic, if you want to use IIS and ASP.NET request-processing modes separately. In classic mode, managed code is processed by using Aspnet_isapi.dll instead of the IIS 7 integrated pipeline.
Select Start application pool immediately to start the application pool whenever the WWW service is started. By default, this is selected.
Click OK.

The problem can be Framework. As it is case sensitive
You can set the framework as follows
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">
You need to create different application pool.
One application pool should be using framework 2.0
and another should be using framework 4.0
Apply in both the application accordingly.
Here is a good link
MSDN Article link


How to route request from one application pool to another in iis 6.0

I have got two web applications (separate virtual directories) residing in the DefaultAppPool on Windows Server 2003. My first application has got a link and when I click on it, the second application opens up.
Now I want to use different .Net framework for both web applications and for that in IIS 6.0, I will have to host them in separate app pools.
Now the question is - is it possible to host them in different app pools and keep the behavior intact so that if I click on the link in first web application, it can still open the second web application hosted in a different app pool?
Thanks in advance,
I think I've found the solution and it is simpler than what I actually thought.
Steps I took:
Create another app pool in IIS 6.0 on Windows Server 2003
Assign one of the web applications to this pool. So now I have two web applications in two different app pools. Currently both are having ASP.NET version as 2.0.50727
Change the ASP.NET version of one of the applications to 4.0.30319. So interesting fact to understand here is - in IIS 6, you can't set the .NET framework for an app pool. It actually assumes it from the first application in it and then applies it to all the web applications residing in this app pool
And it is done!!
It can be checked to list all the sites and which .NET versions they are configured to by using aspnet_iisreg -lk. Run this command from your .NET framework directory. For ex: C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
Both the sites with different .NET framework will be listed
Hope this helps.

How to host an ASP.NET Web Applications site on IIS 7

I'm locally working on an ASP.NET Web Applications site. It's almost finished so i wanted to try and put it in an IIS server.
The IIS server is running on a different server. What do i need to do to run my ASP.NET web site in that remote IIS server?
I tried to following:
I copied my entire project directory (so including the .csproj file, the bin folder etc.) to the following location on the remote server, where IIS is running C:\MyProject.
In IIS manager i added a Virtual Directory under Default Web Site. Located my Web Site files in C:\MyProject and added that folder. Then in IIS manager i converted that Virtual Directory to an Application.
But when i browse to my Web Site i get an error:
HTTP Error 500.23 - Internal Server Error
An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode.
So this is probably not the way to do it. I don't think i can just do a Deploy, because i never set up any .axd(?) or anything.
So my question is, what do i have to do in order to run my Web Site on IIS..?
The error will be probably because of, you developed the site in .net version 2.0 and try to run under the Integrated pipeline apppool that runs under .net framework 4.0.
Create a new apppool with classic mode and .net framework equals to your application developed framework.
attach the newly created apppool to your virtual directory.
Note: For deployment, you don need to copy .csproj or unwanted solution files to destination location.
If it is otherway around, (i.e,) application is .net 4.0 and apppool is 2.0 please follow the below steps.
Update .net framework in the server to 4.0 if you have only 2.0.
Then register .net 4.0 version in IIS by running the following command in command prompt.
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -i
Try changing Application pool to Classic. To do that open Advanced settings of your application in IIS manager and change Application Pool. There should be "ASP.NET v4.0 Classic" or something similar according to your framework version.

Web deploy error to IIS - application pool managedRuntimeVersion

When trying to deploy an ASP.NET application deployment package to IIS, I receive an error
(The application pool that you are trying to use has the 'managedRuntimeVersion' property set to 'v2.0'. This application requires 'v4.0'.
I have taken these steps:
ensured my server's default .NET Framework version is 4 (restarted the IIS service on the machine)
ensured my web application is set for .NET 4
ensured the application's web.config has no references to requiring .NET 2 or 3.5
What is the root cause of this error, and how can it be solved?
Web Deploy uses the default IIS web site settings while publishing. To change/confirm this on your IIS machine:
go to IIS->Default Web Site->Basic Settings->Application Pool
select ASP.NET v4.0 or the appropriate app pool using the appropriate Framework version
If you're trying to import this application into an existing site, ensure that its application pool is the same version. I was attempting the same, but didn't realize my 'new' website was running on an app pool that was v2.
Be sure that your Application Pools by default are configured also for v4.0 by default.
ASP.NET 4 is installed when you install Visual Studio. However, the installation process does not automatically register ASP.NET 4 with IIS, and existing IIS Web sites are not automatically assigned to.NET 4 application pools.
To fix this, register ASP.NET with IIS and set the application pool of the destination IIS Web site to the .NET Framework version that is required by the package.
To do this, open Command Prompt as administrator and go to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319 and type: aspnet_regiis -i
According to Web Deployment FAQ for Visual Studio and ASP.NET
I was trying to use Continuos Deployment in VSTS/TFS, in my Release Definition (which was default), I had a IIS Web App Manage Task (named Manage IISWebApplication), where it had Parent website name setting with the correct website name, and the Virtual Path setting was right as well.
I just had to fix the web site name in the Deployment Process section, where it has the Environment Name and Website name as well.
Silly, but it got me 2 days to notice the web site name was in two places in the Release Definition.

Install ASP.NET 4.0 alongside ASP.NET 2.0 on IIS6

I've read where you create a new application pool, one for 2.0 sites and one for 4.0 sites. But there is no option I see when creating a pool to configure the framework.
My problem is I have several 2.0 sites running as the Default Web Site. I added a WCF 4.0 service under a new virtual directory and set the framework to 4.0. I also put it in a separate app pool.
Now, I can only get one working at a time. Either the 2.0 sites or the 4.0 site. I get:
It is not possible to run two
different versions of ASP.NET in the
same IIS process. Please use the IIS
Administration Tool to reconfigure
your server to run the application in
a separate process.
Is it possible to do this under IIS6 and Windows Server 2003?
To clarify: Each app pool binds to the .NET framework of the first web site that uses it, in order of application startup. That first site will run fine, but all other sites will be restricted to the same app pool. You need at least one app pool per framework version; and in my experience, the most robust setup is one app pool per application - this way, you can switch framework versions without worrying about other applications, and you can kill individual applications through task manager when the need arises.
The App Pools don't need configuring, just make sure the 2.0 sites are running as one, and the 4.0 site running as another.

How do you tell IIS 6 to set the .NET version to 2.0 (not 1.1) When New sites are created?

We create new sites in IIS 6 (Windows Server 2003) using IIS Manager. When these sites are created in IIS 6, the ASP.NET version defaults to ASP.NET 1.1. We would like it to default to ASP.NET 2.0. The reason this is a problem for us is that when you take any site on the server and switch the ASP.NET version from ASP.NET 1.1 to ASP.NET 2.0, all web sites recycle.
Is there a setting in the IIS metabase that controls this or a way to create a site via script that sets the ASP.Net version correctly so that we can avoid the IIS reset when setting up each site?
As already mentioned by another, I reference this post whenever I need to change the .NET settings for a site.
As for your question, the following steps (summarized from the linked post) should achieve what you need:
Run aspnet_regiis -lk from any .NET framework folder to list your current settings to help you determine which sites should remain using .NET 1.1. If you know there is a .NET 1.1 site, but it is not explicitly listed by this command, then it is inheriting from the root W3SVC/.
For all .NET 1.1 sites not explicitly listed by the previous command, you will need to force them to use .NET 1.1:
Determine the Identifier ID of the site(s) which you want to force to use .NET 1.1. (Through the IIS 6 Manager, you can determine the Identifier of a site by clicking the "Web Sites" folder on the left side of the tool. On the right side, all your sites will be listed, and the Identifier column shows the ID.)
From the .NET 1.1 framework folder, run aspnet_regiis -sn W3SVC/<Identifier ID>/ROOT/ where <Identifier ID> is the ID of the site which you want to force to use .NET 1.1.
Finally, change the root W3SVC/ to use .NET 2.0 so that all newly created sites will inherit from the root and default to use .NET 2.0. To change the root, from the .NET 2.0 framework folder, run aspnet_regiis -sn W3SVC/.
You can run aspnet_regiis -lk again to verify your settings.
Be warned, running aspnet_regiis -i will remap all of your IIS websites to 2.0. If you have existing 1.1 applications that you want to keep, run aspnet_regiis -ir instead. This will set 2.0 to be the default runtime for IIS, but it won't change the script mappings for existing sites.
Find the directory for the version of .Net you want, for example;
Get a cmd prompt there and then run aspnet_regiis -i.
Further info #
The following will set the default website to ASP.NET 2.0:
C:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe -sn W3SVC/
Child applications inherit the ASP.NET setting from the parent, so all children will have the new setting.
Alternatively run as variation on this command after setting up the new application.
Simple answer: Open IIS Manager. In navigation pane, find the .NET2 web site and right click on it. Select "Properties". Then select "ASP.NET" tab. First dropdown on that screen gives you option to select a different version of .NET.
Please be aware -- when I did this, all of the web sites on the web server stopped running. Microsoft support told me that .NET1 and .NET2 should not be run from same general area (default web sites) of the web server. Solution is to create an application pool on the web server for either .NET1 or .NET2 sites and then use that to isolate all sites running the "other" version of .NET. Instruction for creating an application pool can be found under "help" in IIS Manager.
You can create just one application pool and put all sites with same .NET in the same pool or you can create an application pool for each application. Your choice.
