Visual Studio 2012 Error -

I use Visual Studio 2012 on a Windows 8 PC. I had no problems when installing VS2012.
When I'm working on a ASP.NET c# project I usually use the option "See in the explorer" instead debug the project. This gives me the ability to change code behind.
Sometimes after build and press F5 to reload the page I get some errors. This doesn't happend always, but very often.
The errors are: CS2021, CVT1100, CS1566...
"Can't find file 'C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\617be439\61539075\App_GlobalResources.iuxkzxdi.0.cs'"
Always the "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root" is the problem. Sometimes it says can't find file others it says access denied.
Visual Studio works but is horrible to keep pressing F5 until the error goes away.
Can anyone help me?

Run VS2012 as Administrator. Local account by default have restriction accessing the build/temporary locations and will throw such errors. You'll have similar problems when trying to publish websites.
Therefore, It is easier to set VS 2012 once, and check the box in properties to "Run program as administrator" to allow it run always as "Administrator".


IIS Express giving a compilation error, denies access to files

I am running Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 7. I have a solution with 2 startup projects, both running on IIS Express, and the .NET version is 4.5.2.
Whenever I start the solution for the first time, everything works as expected. However, when I stop the application, make some changes to the source code, and restart, I get this Compilation Error -532462766 screen on startup :
The detailed compiler output is filled with lines like this:
/R:"C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Runtime\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Runtime.dll" /R:"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\vs\268da2e1\665f7c6d\assembly\dl3\a9f1f009\c9360fff_0864d101\ServiceStack.Common.dll"
Going back to Visual Studio, and selecting "Clean Solution" gives me these unable to delete file messages (username and projectname removed).
The only way to get things working again, is to right-click IIS Express in the notification area, exit the process, then clean the solution in VS2015, and rebuild. Everything works again then, until the next time I need to change something in the source code (which happens quite a lot, being a software developer and all).
It seems IIS Express or Visual Studio, or my Windows user account is not allowed to delete files in IIS Express. I have tried running VS2015 and IIS Express in administrator mode, but no luck. What else can I try?

Visual Studio 2013 debug not stepping in

I am developing a web application on Visual Studio 2013. On older versions, whenever there is a bug in the web app, I moved from the browser to the visual studio to the line where the code is.
Now, whenever there is a bug, I just see it in the browser without being able to see it in the Visual Studio. As if the debugger is not able to step into my code.
This has been going on for all my web projects which makes me feel that it is a setting in VS but I am not able to locate it.
can anyone help?
I was able to find out what was wrong here.
it seems that for some reason, under Debug in the main menu and under Exceptions, nothing was checked! I checked ALL "Common Language Run-time Exceptions" and it worked for me.
However, you need to spend sometime there in the debugging list. If you enable ALL, you will get all sort of exceptions captured.

Debugger For Visual Studio is not Working

I am facing a very serious issue with visual studio debugger. My application is hosted on local IIS server. Yesterday i was debugging my code suddenly it stopped working. I verified w3wp process. It was same as IIS process. Then i tried to download symbols but i am not sure either they are all that i need. I tried attaching debugger on visual studio 10 and visual studio 12. Neither of them is working in this case. I tried to attach debugger of JavaScript but it is also not working.
Please Help.
Are you building full debugging symbols? If not then the debugger has no information to relate the source code to the in memory activity under the debugger. This is set in the project properties per configuration.
Also ensure the symbols are in the bin folder.
You can validate that VS is loading the right symbols with the Debug | Modules window.
I cleared temporary cache of .NET Framework. then i again deployed my application on IIS with different name and magically everything started working.

Visual Studio 2015 - Opening two projects in debug mode

I'm using Visual Studio Ultimate 2015 CTP (Version 14.0.22512.0 DP), and create two 5 vnext web applications.
When one is running, and I'm starting the second one with the context menu "Debug->Start new instance" option, the IIS Express crashes instantly (Internet Explorer opens firstly the second project, and then instantly closes both, Chrome simply display only that the page doesn't exist).
The only trace that I found is in the Event Viewer, a Warning from IIS Express:
The directory specified for caching compressed content C:\Users\Alek\AppData\Local\Temp\iisexpress\IIS Temporary Compressed Files\Clr4IntegratedAppPool is invalid. Static compression is being disabled.
Any suggestions how to fix this? It's hard to work on a multi-tier project when only one project can be run at a time.
When I created manually above folder, nothing is logged to the event viewer, but the IIS Express still crashes. On Visual Studio 2013 I can run two instances of two Web Applications withtout any problems
It should work if you set your solution to use multiple startup projects and add all the projects you need to debug
Really easy steps to follow here:
Still not as easy as previous versions of visual studio
Maybe not a solution, but a workaround which I found - running two instances of Visual Studio 2015 allow to run two projects. Attempting to create publish settings in vs 2012 gives strange error

I recently updated my 3.5 web project from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2012. Every time I try to create publish settings it says the following:
{There are errors in web.config. Please correct these errors and try again.
The first error is: "Web.config appears to be in invalid state. Please correct it and try again."}
I have been unable to determine what this means. I have no errors in my web.config that it is telling me about. I have search for this error and have come up with nothing.
Can someone please help me out?
I should also mention this entire project resides on a mapped drive. I am still able to open the project and publish it in Visual Studio 2010 but can't even create the publish settings in Visual Studio 2012.
I think the below steps would help you out.
Before performing publish make sure the project is changed to Release mode.
Do not perform publish as a website. Try and publish your website to a file system.
create a virtual directory and point that virtual directory to the published folder.
The above mentioned steps worked for me.
