Can ASP.NET connect to WCF using net.tcp protocol? -

There is a WCF Windows Service listening in netTcpBinding protocol, which I understand is Microsoft's proprietary protocol (correct me if i am wrong). I need to write a website that will consume the WCF services. I know for certain PHP can only connect to WCF Service in SOAP (basicHttpBinding or wsHttpBinding) so I need to write another SOAP proxy.
Some comments on the internet suggest that it is possible to have ASP.NET website connect to a WCF Service via net.tcp protocol. Is this actually true? Where should I look?

Your understanding about the netTcpBinding is correct. It is proprietary and accessible only from .NET clients. Since ASP.NET is .NET you could consume your WCF service without any problems.

Ofcourse an ASP.NET web application can connect to a WCF service using net.tcp binding but not over the internet! If the application and the service arn't on the same server or in the same intranet it will not work, you have to choose a HTTP binding.
From my comment below:
Yes net.tcp can work over the internet but not every circumstances it's not recommended (check it at MSDN) to use it. Ofcourse if the whole server control is our we can give it a try but if not (the application and service hosted by a 3rd party member) the chances are not so high to get it work (for example port blocking, the net.Tcp listener is disabled, net.Tcp port sharing is not working or disabled)


What is more suitable: A windows service or WCF service?

I am creating a web app. I want to create a listening service (TCP) that listens continuously and updates web page according to that.
A Windows service or a WCF service?
At the end I just want a background service that listens on a socket continuously and update data in database. and when database is updated I will use signal r to show that in my page.
Right now I am trying with WCF but I am wondering if it can be done with Windows service also. And right now this application will work on LAN. But in the future, it can also be in the cloud.
First of all, it is important to understand that a Windows service and a WCF service are not the same.
A Windows service is a specialized executable that runs in the background on Windows.
A WCF service is a specialized piece of code that exposes some functionality through a well-defined endpoint. It does not run on its own, but instead must be hosted by some parent process, like IIS, a desktop application, or even a Windows service.
In thinking about the problem you've described, I suppose the most fundamental question to ask is whether or not you have control over the data that will be received via the TCP connection. WCF is built on the notion of the ABCs (Address, Binding, and Contract), all of which have to match in order to facilitate data exchange between WCF endpoints. For example, if you wish to expose a WCF endpoint via IIS that accepts TCP connections from some remote WCF endpoint, the remote WCF endpoint needs to send data to your IIS-hosted WCF endpoint using the agreed-upon data contract. Absent that, WCF will not work. So, if you cannot define the data contract to be used between WCF endpoints, then you'll need to find another option. An option that will work is to open a TCP listener within a Windows service, process the data as it is received, update your database, and listen for more data.
By way of example, I work on a project that has a front-end desktop application that communicates with a back-end Windows service. We build both the application and the Windows service, so we have full control over the data exchange between the two processes. At one point in time, we used WCF as the mechanism for data exchange. The Windows service would host a WCF service that exposed a NetNamedPipeBinding, which we later on changed to NetTcpBinding to get around some system administration issues. The application would then create its own endpoint to communicate with the WCF service being hosted within the Windows service.
This worked fine.
As our system got more mature, we needed to start sending more and more information from the Windows service to the application. If I recall correctly, I believe we experimented with streaming within WCF and concluded that the overhead was not something we could tolerate. So, we used WCF to exchange commands and status information between the application and the Windows service, but we simultaneously used a TCP socket connection to stream the data from the Windows service to the application.
This worked fine.
When we got a chance to update the Windows service software, we decided that it would be better to have a single communication mechanism between the Windows service and the application. So, we replaced WCF altogether with a TCP socket connection that uses a homegrown messaging protocol to exchange information in both directions - application to Windows service and Windows service to application.
This works fine and is the approach we've used for a couple of years now.

ASP.NET Web api, multiple applications under same host name

Lets say that I have multiple internal ASP.NET web api applications. i.e.
I would like to expose these different services under a common host name
The reason I'm thinking of this setup is to allow each service to run a different set of middleware, but give the client a uniform URL structure to use. Each service can then be upgraded indepently of the others.
Ideally this should be using the latest version of ASP.NET and potentially hosted on Service Fabric. It doesn't have to run on the new core stack, the full .NET framework is acceptable.
I've read that the WebListener supports port sharing, so that is something I'm considering.
Yes, you can do this with ASP.NET applications in Service Fabric:
service 1:
service 2:
service 3:
As long as you use a web stack that supports port sharing. On windows, that means using a web stack that uses the http.sys kernel driver. Here are the web hosting options currently available for ASP.NET on Service Fabric:
The WebListener host in ASP.NET Core 1 is based on HttpListener which uses http.sys, so that will work.
Kestrel in ASP.NET Core 1 is not based on http.sys and to my knowledge does not support port sharing, so that won't work.
Katana uses HttpListener so that will also work.
Even in Azure Fabric every service should have different port - port sharing is available for service replicas (statefull) or multiple instances of the same service (stateless).
Common way to have uniform URL structure is to create Api Gateway, which will call other services.

SignalR Persistent Connection Between MVC Server and a Windows Service?

I have a use case where we will have an ASP.NET MVC Server Application but it needs to talk over a persistent connection to a Windows service. It doesn't look like SignalR does this as it really wants talk Server to JavaScript browsers but I did notice .NET desktop libraries. Can it talk from a server to a Windows server? If not, is there a recommended way, TCP/IP or HTTP to have a persistent connection between the two? NetTcpBinding in WCF?
Yes, there is a SignalR client library for .NET that you can use in any old .NET app to talk to a SignalR server just like you can from JavaScript.
While there is a WebSockets binding for WCF, there is no binding that actually talks native SignalR which adds its own message framing on top of raw web sockets. So, while possible, it doesn't exist today and I wouldn't hold my breath for it ever being created.
Why not simply have a queue using RabbitMQ. And anytime the web need to talk to window service, it push a message into the queue while the window service listen to the queue

Difference between Webservice and WCF?

Is there any difference between
Webservice and WCF
WCF and WCF RIA Data Services
it seems to be the same.
There are quite a difference between WCF and Web Service mostly in performance and security, also a flexibility and portability.
10 most important differences are listed right: HERE take a look!
A Web Service is programmable application logic accessible via standard Web protocols. One of these Web protocols is the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is a W3C submitted note (as of May 2000) that uses standards based technologies (XML for data description and HTTP for transport) to encode and transmit application data.
Consumers of a Web Service do not need to know anything about the platform, object model, or programming language used to implement the service; they only need to understand how to send and receive SOAP messages (HTTP and XML).
WCF Service
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a framework for building service-oriented applications. Using WCF, you can send data as asynchronous messages from one service endpoint to another. A service endpoint can be part of a continuously available service hosted by IIS, or it can be a service hosted in an application. An endpoint can be a client of a service that requests data from a service endpoint. The messages can be as simple as a single character or word sent as XML, or as complex as a stream of binary data.
Check this Link web services are homogenous. web services can use only HTTP chanenel.
Not supports msmq and tcp binding...
WCF is flexible because its services can be hosted in
different types of applications. The following lists
several common scenarios for hosting WCF services:
Managed Windows Service
WCF = Web services + .Net Remoting + MSMQ + (COM+)

Utilize WCF Service in

I hosted some WCF Services on my client machine and this machine is connected to internet through any DSL. So, there is no live IP or any other static IP associated with it. Now, I want to utilize these WCF Services on my webpages through Asp.Net.
I need to ask, is this possible to access WCF services hosted on a machine which is connected through simple internet?
Few other things to keep in mind that, client (WCF services hosted) and server (Asp.Net pages hosted) in totally different domain. But, I know client machine IP or MAC address.
You can use services like to setup something like that.
