How to determine which field has been updated? - axapta

What's the correct way to determine which field has been changed in update() method on a table?
I know it's possible in modifiedField() via fieldId but that's too early.

The method you are looking for is Orig()
Look in the update() method of BOMTable or BankAccountTrans
The table has a method called orig that exposes the values of the last saved state of the current record.
a good example and description can be found here
void update () {
CustTable this_Orig = this.orig ();
if (this_Orig.custGroup! = this.custGroup)
//Cust group is changing on this update


initialize value of edit method in init method of form

I want to initialize a value of an edit method inside the init method of form, i wrote this:
public class foo extends FormRun
str paymTermId;
public void init()
CustTable custTable = CustTable::find("DE-001");
paymTermId = custTable.paymTermId;
edit str edtpaymTermId(boolean set, str _paymTermId)
if (set)
paymTermId= _paymTermId;
return paymTermId ;
But when i open the form the control remains empty.
any suggestions?
I tried to reproduce the issue, but was not successful. For me, when opening the form, the control shows a value.
A possible reason why it is not working for you could be that you open the form in the wrong company. In your code, you retrieve the value to display in the control from the payment term of customer DE-001. This customer exists in company USMF in the Contoso demo data and has payment term Net10. If the form is opened in this company, the value is shown in the control. If you are in another company (e.g. DAT), no value is shown.
I see 2 things that are wrong:
You are setting the value BEFORE super(). It should be after.
You SHOULDN'T initialize the value via field, you should do it calling edit method. Edit methods have a boolean SET parameter which can simulate a call for setting a value.

Where to place validation code

I've created a simple form with an enum field on a grid, dragged from the DataSource CompanyImage:
Table CompanyImage has an Index on this field named Brand in my example and AllowDuplicates is set to No :
And here is the form:
I've overridden the close() method of the form like this:
public void close()
An error is displayed when I close it saying that
"Cannot create a record in CompanyImage(CompanyImage). Legal entities: Example1.
The record already exists."
That's fine but I would like a way to stop closing the window when this happens. A validateWrite() would be nice but I am not really able to figure out where and what to write in order to accomplish this behavior.
I mean, how to check that new row is added and it contains a field that already exists in the table ?
You shouldn't have to force the write() method. Closing the form should already do it.
If you wish to check something to allow the form to be closed, the close() method is too late in execution. You should leverage the canClose() method.
You could override the validate method of the grid column. You would need to write some validation logic in that method but that would prevent the column from saving at all if validation failed.
public boolean validate()
boolean ret;
// write your own validation logic
if (validation logic is true)
ret = true;
return ret;

Passing parameters to parameter dialog for Query-based reports

I have a query-based report in which the query has some interactive ranges enabled on them. This is great except the value is blank, or has the last values used pre-populated. One of these is Vendor account number. If I wanted to have this report to pre-populate the Vend account based on whichever Vendor account record is selected (the caller), how would I be able to achieve this?
The answer was easy, although hard to find. I wasn't aware that you could access query objects from within a controller. The solution is to create a Controller class with only a main() method defined as normal, and the prePromptModifyContract method overridden. The following code will solve the problem:
SomeTable someTable;
Query query;
if (this.parmArgs() && this.parmArgs().dataset() == tableNum(SomeTable))
someTable = this.parmArgs().record();
query = this.getFirstQuery();
SysQuery::findOrCreateRange(query.dataSourceTable(tableNum(SomeOtherTable)), fieldNum(SomeOtherTable, SomeOtherField)).value(SysQuery::value(someTable.SomeField));
I haven't tried this, but you could override the query's init method and call to element.args().record() as in a Form.
Something like this:
public void init()
VendTable vendTable;
if (element.args().dataset() == tableNum(VendTable))
vendTable = element.args().record();
//populate your ranges with vendTable
I hope it works!

Table Update Event Handler

I am investigating the capabilities of the new delegate & event subscription pattern in AX 2012.
At the moment I am looking to detect when a particular field has been modified, for example when SalesTable.SalesStatus is changed to SalesStatus::Invoiced.
I have created the following post-event handler and attatched to the SalesTable.Update method;
public static void SalesTable_UpdatePosteventHandler(XppPrePostArgs _args)
Info("Sales Update Event Handler");
Now I know I can get the SalesTable from the _args, but how can I detect a field has changed? I could really use a before & after version, which makes me think I am subscribing to the wrong event here.
If the update method does not update the field, you can use a pre event handler on the update method. If you want to monitor the PriceGroup field on the CustTable table then create a class called CustTableEventHandler containing this method:
public static void preUpdateHandler(XppPrePostArgs _args)
CustTable custTable = _args.getThis();
if (custTable.PriceGroup != custTable.orig().PriceGroup)
info(strFmt("Change price group from '%1' to '%2'", custTable.orig().PriceGroup, custTable.PriceGroup));
A post event handler will not work, as orig() will return the changed record.
Also if the the record is updated using doUpdate your handler is not called.
You could also override the aosValidateUpdate on CustTable, which is called even if doUpdate is used. This method is always run on the AOS server.
public boolean aosValidateUpdate()
boolean ret = super();
if (this.PriceGroup != this.orig().PriceGroup)
info(strFmt("Change price group from '%1' to '%2'", this.orig().PriceGroup, this.PriceGroup));
return ret;
Yet another option would be a global change to the Application.eventUpdate method.
From the header of the method:
Serves as a callback that is called by the kernel when a record in a
table is updated, provided that the kernel has been set up to monitor
records in that table.
A developer can set up the kernel to call back on updates for a given
table by inserting a record into the DatabaseLog kernel table with all
fields set to relevant values, which includes the field logType set to
EventUpdate. It is possible to set up that the kernel should call back
whenever a record is updated or when a specific field is updated.This
is very similar to how logUpdate is called and set up. The call
of this method will be in the transaction in which the record is
This method is used by the alert rule notification system. I would recommend against this, unless it is a global change (like alert rules).
Alert rules can be extended as described here.

Dynamics AX 2009: Add a field to InventJournalTrans, propagate to InventTrans

I need to add an additional field to InventJournalTrans, that after posting will show up in the InventTrans table. The field is a reference column to a record in another table. What method(s) do I need to modify to make this behavior happen?
Currently, I have already added the fields to both tables and modified the Form to allow the user to enter and save the new field. I just can't seem to find the bottom of the rabbit hole on where the actual posting to InventTrans is occurring.
Ideally, it should just be a:
inventTrans.ReasonRefRecId = inventJournalTrans.ReasonRefRecId;
assignment statement before the
call. Anybody have a clue on where this is at?
The link above does contain the solution -- I have included the code from that page in case that page disappears or no longer becomes available. Thanks to gl00mie for answering on that site and providing this answer.
You should create a new InventMovement method like this:
public MyNewFieldType myNewField()
return MyNewFieldType::DefaultValue; // suppose your new field is an enum
Then modify \Classes\InventMovement\initInventTransFromBuffer
void initInventTransFromBuffer(InventTrans _inventTrans, InventMovement _movement_orig)
// ... append this line to the end of whatever else is already in this method
_inventTrans.MyNewField = this.myNewField();
And finally overload the new method in the InventMov_Journal class:
public MyNewFieldType myNewField()
return inventJournalTrans.MyNewField;
