Whether sencha touch2 supports SQLite database? - sqlite

I am a newbie to Sencha Touch2, and I have started developing some sample applications.I was just wandering that database like SQLite is supported in this? I googled a lot on it but I ended up in searching with Sencha touch2 proxy which is quite like local database.
Any help on this would be appreciated a lot.
Thank you

Well, that depends how you've implemented the DB. For example, CouchDB provides a REST interface, so you can use the REST proxy. Or you can use the WebSQL interface if you want to give that a try. If you only need client-side storage there is also just using the localstorage proxy (which is pretty dead simple).
I haven't seen an SQLlite implementation, but it's certainly possible. If you have specific questions on implementing a proxy for one of these, maybe update your post with some specific questions or issues you are having.


Is an iframe still a good idea?

I have the requirement to be able to present a document on a website, in the browser. (not download it) and well the way I know to tackle this (without paying to third parties software) is an iframe, but that sounds like a really old practice.
I'm currently developing an application on Blazor and .net5 and sounds really wrong to put an iframe in there, can you guys provide me input for better practices or just your thoughts?
I'm trying to use them to present doc, docx, pdf and pngs in a Blazor application with .net5.
Honestly, after days of research, I'm trying to talk the team into the idea of creating an API dedicated to Docs, and as part of that effort would migrate documents to AWS S3 or azure blob storage.
We will introduce Aspose for rendering and separate the Issue.
Why? because all the solutions I have seen to support doc and Docx in .net5 are really hacky and I can see lacks in terms of security. And I would not recommend anyone to try to do the approach I was looking to do at the begging of this question.
I leave here what experience cause this research was pain and I hope this question can still help someone.

Can Realm be used on a Web-App on PC as well?

I am currently working on an app with React Native and we have quite some problems deciding which Database to use.
Realm is one of the options which came into the closer circle, but we are now wondering if it is possible to access a Realm database from both a device and a Desktop/Web Applikation?
Thank you for your time.
Short answer is: 'yes' it can be used.
Please look at comments for more detail.

Is there a way to implement CRUD actions using phonegap?

If have a web app and built in nodejs (sails) and I want to create the same app for mobile using phonegap and local storage (sqlite), is there a way to implement the CRUD actions in the mobile app without programming the DB creation, queries, etc?
If I understood you correctly, you are looking for abstraction layer so that you wouldn't need to handle the database connection by yourself? If so, I haven't actually came across with any such framework, nor was I able to find one with quite extensive googling. It may be because it is still quite rare to use the SQLite, especially on normal web browsers. Also, it is quite trivial to write those operation by yourself and thus you should be able to do it quite easily.

SignalR (.Net) Database to Grid (Knockout)

I am relatively new to SignalR and every tutorial seems to be for a chat application or some variant. This is good to get to grips, but I am looking to have a grid that updates automatically on a database change. I have even gone through Pluralsights tutorial which shows this as a sample but then all it's practicals are for a chat application.
I do understand that this is what a search engine is for, but I have exhausted this channel, as above I found plenty of tutorials but all seem to be for a chat application.
Has anyone else noticed this, and if so has anyone found any good resources for tutorials that deal with real-time grids. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can use SqlDependency but it tend to be heavily dependent to SQL (Thus the name). I think its bad practice to have a solution dependent to the database, sooner or later you also want updates from the Domain only etc.
I have made a EventAggregator proxy for signalR that can pick up events decoupled from domain and database. Check it out here
Install with nuget
Install-Package SignalR.EventAggregatorProxy
It has both a .NET and javascript client, check the wiki for how to set it up, and here is a demo
It's true that most of the tutorials demonstrate a chat application, since that's the easiest way to show off the technology. Once you start demonstrating a more complex sample, there are design patterns that don't really have to do with the technology.
Here's a tutorial that demonstrates how to update the client based on changes from a server:
Here's a demo that uses SqlDependency to update the client:
(The above is SignalR 1.0, so see the Updating document for info on how to change it to 2.0):

Example of a very insecure ASP.NET application

I am looking for a very insecure ASP.NET application. Ideally i'm looking for an application that was written by a noob who has made a lot of security mistakes. If the app has a MS-SQL back-end that would be a bonus. I know of two cool projects for PHP and J2EE which fill my needs. Do you know anything like this for ASP.NET?
Hacme Bank is a pretty good example from Foundstone of what not to do. It's an older example, written in .NET 1.1 against SQL 2000, but covers most of the common vulnerabilities found in web applications.
I know one... there's a business near where I live, and I refuse to join their loyalty program because I accidentally stumbled across a SQL injection vulnerability on their site. I can't tell you who it is though, because they're a real business and I'm sure they don't want your students to hack them.
Why not write your own? Maybe start a codeplex project called LearnSecurity, which has a combination of pages - some which use bad security practices and some which don't.
Yes, as Rob suggested ... you could make a couple of pages ... on the first get the input from a field and execute it against the database :) On the second, just get some text from the db that contains javascript alert or something and render it directly on the page :) Just an idea ...
You can search the vulnerabilities databases, like NISTs one.
