drupal 6 /user/permissions checkbox page core module - drupal

Does anyone know where i can find the code that makes the user/permissions checkbox page in drupal? I'd like to see how it's done to make something similar for a custom module i'm building.

The function you're looking for is theme_checkbox($element) and can be found in root/includes/form.inc. If you ever want to know what function/template is responsible for a certain HTML element then Theme developer is your friend.
Enable the module, set the permissions and you'll see a small checkbox Themer info. Then just point to the HTML part you're interested and see what theme function/template is doing the rendering.

i think on default module folder there is user folder on user.admin.inc file contain code for permission function is user_admin_perm(); see this code


Where could be inline-css in Wordpress

I am working on this webpage:http://hypoinvest.sk/ which runs on Wordpress with this theme If you check source code you can see a lot of inline-css and I want to know in which files are actually defined. Only thing what I know about it they are called by function wp_head() in header.php. I have local copy of all files on this web and I can't find any mention about some of that css rules through unix grep. Anyone suspect where these css rules could be located?
check site and let me know.
Run a search in the source code for
As this appears to be the 'handle' designated as the first variable in the function wp_add_inline_style. The "-css" is added automatically. You'll see this on line 79 of the page source.
You want to check your page back-end site where you put content ,
I think are you using any compose or editor to create page on edit page.
check it edit option it has some inline css.

Load resources in gadgets in Jira

I've made an Add-on which is a custom field.
The style of the text in the field changes depending on the properties of an issue.
I check which style should the text have in the .java file and I pass the html class in a variable called $indicator to the velocity template:
#if( ${value} )
<span class="$indicator">${value}</span>
It works perfect everywhere but in gadgets. When I add this field to a table showing issues in a dashboard, the html code is correct, but it doesn't find the css resource. This is because gadgets are inside an iframe.
How can I make the iframe have a reference to the stylesheet?
You did not say exactly which gadget you were using, but try adding the following context within your <web-resource> module:
The above should work for at least Assigned to Me, Filter Results, In Progress, Voted, and Watched in JIRA 6.1+.
If that does not work, you might also try:
If that general context doesn't work, you can look for which exact contexts are #requireContext'ed by the specific gadget you are trying to use, and then make sure that your web-resource is listed in that context. You can figure this out by looking at the gadget's XML and then searching for the #requireContext. (You can find the gadget XMLs inside $JIRA_DATA/plugins/.osgi-plugins/transformed-plugins/jira-gadgets-plugin-*.jar)
Starting with JIRA 7 the Answer of Scott Dudley is no longer working. #requireContext was replaced with a #requireResource within the Atlassian sources of this gadget.
As it affects our plugin, I created a Improvement Request to make that possible again

Sharepoint MasterPages/Templates customization

I am pretty new to Sharepoint.
I need to customize some Sharepoint Masterpages (the background color, the font type and a few other css requeriments).
Considering I have available the following files: v4.master, default.master and two more pages which are content pages of default.master, plus the COREv4.css file.
I know I should create a copy of one of those master pages (I am not sure which tho) and customize it changing the CSS linked to it). The following questions come in regards of this:
1) The custom CSS file should be a modified copy of the COREv4.CSS or just another CSS file with the desired styles?
2) How do I create/link the customized CSS file for the modified page via Site Settings?. How/Where should I save the new file?.
3) As for the copy of v4.master, How do I load it to "replace" the original one for the site?.
4) The system is built upon Sharepoint 2010. That ensures that the page to have the modified CSS would be a v4.master copy only?.
Thank you for the insight as always.
I managed to solve the problem getting a general idea with the pdf manual provided, your suggestions and some extra steps I will describe briefly:
1) To place my custom css file I put it in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\3082\STYLES
2) I opened the site to be customized with Sharepoint Designer 2010.
3) I clicked on the option Main Pages/Master Pages, and selected the page to be v4.master page, copied and pasted it. Then I renamed it right clicking on it, selecting "Rename" and typed the new name, after doing that I right clicked one more and selected "Set page as main default page".
4) To edit the contents of the page I right clicked once more and selected the option "Edit content in advanced mode", right before the head tag ended I copied and pasted:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="customname.css" runat="server" After="core4.css"/>
Note that "customname.css" is my css file. Then I clicked on the floppy disk icon on the upper left side of the screen to save.
5) After doing that I used Chrome HTML/CSS Analyzer, inspecting the original (and now copied) master page to browse on the zones that needed customization in order to identify the class names/ids/element types that managed the styles to be changed. Once identified I only added to them the properties that required change, EG:
//Webparts Alternate Highlighted Rows
div#ctl00_MSO_ContentDiv table.ms-viewlsts tbody
tr.ms-alternatingstrong{ background-color:#F7FAF4 }
table.ms-listviewtable.ms-basictable tbody
tr.ms-alternatingstrong.ms-itmhover{ background-color:#F7FAF4 }
I mostly did this by myself by trial and error with Chrome Analyzer but I also helped the task using the Chart found here (http://sharepointexperience.com/csschart/csschart.html), tho at some point going thru it turned a bit tricky and I decided to do it by myself as I mentioned. In the process I repeatedly added more styles to the custom file and then overwrote it on the server location to refresh the page/pages to see how it was looking, this till the end of the process.
Thanks for your help, I hope this serves as a guide for anyone that needs it. If you have questions let me know.
You can create a new master page from the scratch or modify the existing one.
Please have a look at this link it may help you to get answers of your questions
It's not advised to modify files of SharePoint.
Better to create new master page file, specify all CSS and script you want inside and install this with feature.
What version of SharePoint do you have? SharePoint 2010 Server or Foundation? Cause with server version you can brand your master page in a cool way:
see this link
Microsoft has a good introductory article on how you can/should do this.

How to make sure changes to a Wordpress plugin won't be lost on plugin update?

I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that you can actually move the main plugin *.php file to somewhere else (I assume under your theme directory) to have it safe in case you made changes to it and your plugin updates. I tried Google but I can't find anything. Google page with good results will suffice.
I've just experienced a situation where my 2 plugins which had its layout changed and accommodated my needs and I want to make sure it doesn't happen again. Apart from having the main file in another location, is there a way to move along any CSS and JS files as well?
In Concrete5 CMS there is a nice way of doing this, by creating a new folder inside a block of an addon (may be regarded as a WP plugin), inside of which you can create copies of main file, any CSS and JS files and then you can simply edit them and choose that template for a page location you are using that block in.
I assume there is no such thing in Wordpress but how close can I get?
UPDATE: I found where I applied that advice on creating a new instance of the file then moving it to the theme directory.
The plugin in question was HL-Twitter. These are the plugin files:
Now, this is the top contents (commented out) of the hl_twitter_widget.php:
Widget Theme for HL Twitter
To change this theme, copy hl_twitter_widget.php
to your current theme folder, do not edit this
file directly.
Available Properties:
$num_tweets: how many tweets to show
$tweets: array of $tweet
$tweet: object representing a tweet
$user: represents the Twitter user (ONLY SET IF SHOWING A SINGLE USERS TWEETS!)
So I was wrong about copying the main file (in this case hl_twitter.php), but still - this enabled me to edit the file outside the plugin directory and the system somehow checks for its existence and picks it up if exists.
If this behavior something that is natively supported by Wordpress or it has been integrated in the plugin itself?
With themes, Wordpress has a concept of "child themes" which allows exactly that: to keep changes separate from main theme, in case it changes.
I haven't yet found a way to do this with plugins.
I'm using a few tactics myself:
I bump plugin version to a very high number like 99.9. This way Wordpress won't ever update the plugin.
Store my plugins in version control (i use git, but it doesnt matter), this allows you to update the plugin, run the 'diff' tool and see what changes happend. If you don't like you just revert like it would be a bad code you've written. But this approach requires a bit of skill.
Are you talking about running parts of a modified 3rd party plugin, and an updated version, at the same time?
That's not going to be possible. There is no magical method of "preserve my changes and transfer them into the new version automatically". The way to go here is doing a diff between the edited version and the update, and integrating the changes in the actual source files.
The bottom line is, if you manually edit a third party plugin, you're in for manual review (and possibly rework) once an update takes place. That's why it's usually not a good idea to extensively modify third party plugins.
Well in fact, yes! There is some kind of way.
You have to remove the to be modificated plugin's original actions/filters and then add your altereted actions/filters.
If the desired plugin is even coded in OOP you can just inherit the whole class and rewrite the wanted functions (oh sorry: "methods". we're talking about OOP ;) ). Instantiate your inherited class and rest as above.
Maybe there are better ways! I already search for a method so that the original class won't even get loaded but our altered one instead but I'm no John Carmack.

Template files not being discovered

I was experiencing an odd problem where blocks were not showing up on a site. After a lot of spelunking I have found that block.tpl.php is not getting called/discovered.
Looking at the suggestions that the theme engine is trying to find it looks like the most general template it will look for is block-MODULE.tpl.php - ie if I set up symlinks for block-block.tpl.php, block-views.tpl.php etc then the content will show.
It just won't find block.tpl.php
So I can kind of make the problem go away, but I'd feel a lot better if I could fix it properly.
Anyone know why (or where) this would happen?
This is drupal 6, with a zen subtheme. zen is in sites/all/themes/ the subtheme is in sites/example.com/themes/.
(it does seem to be finding page.tpl)
PHPTemplate will find the more general templates (e.g. block.tpl.php): you can confirm this behavior by looking in the themes/garland folder which has its own block.tpl.php.
The most common reason for the template engine ignoring your template overrides is because the theme registry has not been reset. You can reset it by going to Site Configuration -> Performance and clicking Clear cached data at the bottom of the page.
Also make sure you've gone through and followed the instructions for sub-theming exactly: missing a step can produce unexpected results:
How to build your own sub-theme (6.x-2.x)
How to build your own sub-theme (6.x-1.x)
Turns out I had added a to the hook_theme() function in template.php for blocks that was pointing to a different location and confusing everyone.
Why I did that is lost to history, but it seems to server no useful purpose.
there should be a version of block.tpl.php in both the theme and subtheme directories.
