ie9 showing weird spacing in div - css

So here is where the page is hosted: see comment
The problem is in the bottom content box titled 'Mortgage Recent News', you'll notice how the borders of the div are misaligned in ie9. However, they are perfectly aligned in FF and Chrome.
I realize that this code isn't ideal to begin with, but it's what I have to work with. I cannot include the images in any part of the ul as it's generated by a backend script that we do not have access to.
I'm just looking for a way to fix the current code so that it looks the same on ie9 as it does on FF and Chrome right now.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Fixed the problem. Basically I needed to specify both the padding and height of each li in the css instead of letting the browser default. Works now.


Cross browser alignment issues on wrapper

Here is the link to the website I am talking about.
My problem is that when you navigate between the different pages in the main navigation, the main wrapper does not align on the different pages I have used. So if you are on the home page and you click on "WMH" in the main navigation bar the whole page jumps to the left by about 8px.
This creates a jitter between pages that my client really doesn't like. I used some padding-left and padding-right in css to align it correctly. Unfortunately when I get it pixel perfect in Firefox, it is wrong in Chrome and Safari. If I get it pixel perfect in chrome, it jitters in Firefox. This is very irritating. I don't want to have to write separate styles for Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari unless it really is the only solution.
Thanks for your feedback.
The browser scrollbar looks to be causing this. You can force a scrollbar to always appear which would solve the issue. Add this to your CSS:
html {overflow-y: scroll;}
You would also probably need to remove the padding that you tried to fix the problem with originally once the above style is in your CSS.

Bottom of text cut off in chrome

I was looking at a friends website and noticed most of the text has the bottom cut off but only when viewing in chrome. I poked around in the css but couldn't seem to find the issue.
Can anyone help me out?
The site is
The same issue exists here, Bubbler+One font (at least for me in chrome).
here is an image about how it looks at my place.
So, I guess the issue is not with your website but with the font itself.
Try replacing the font-family with some similar font or try to download it from another source
I've had the same issue. Text in input box looked fine in Firefox however it was cut off from bottom in Chrome.
Check with padding of the input box, it is smartly managed in Firefox but not in Chrome!
I gave padding as padding:0px 6px; (or whatever you intend to give!)

Horizontal drop menu (child menu) positioning differently in chrome, ie9, firefox, and safari

i have spent 3 days trying to figure out this issue and cannot come up with a viable solution.
ive even tried using javascript to load stylesheets tailored to each browser, but even that didnt work.
my problem is my horizontal menu ( is displaying perfectly fine i n chrome, but when i load in safari or firefox, the child menu is way out of position. oddly enough IE(9) is closer to being correct than the other two, but even thats not quite correct.
i have played with the stylesheet trying to figure it out, but when i get it right in fff, safari, or ie its screwed up in chrome.
i cant seem to find a solution that works in all browsers.
can someone please help me find a solution to this?
ive tried using a different menu but this one looks the best and any vertical drops ive used give me z-index problems between the menu and the slideshow that i cant seem to fix.
I do not think src is an optional attribute for link tags. Replace it with hrefs like the first two. When I look at the page in firefox, I do not see two files above being imported.
The order of the files in those link tags are very important as well.
I do not know if you already have them but firefox and chrome has the firebug and web developer plugins that makes life easier.
jQuery has been updated to v1.7.2; I would update all your plugins & see if that helps.
First of all, remove all the javascript you applied to match for different browsers.
Then Remove the width:750px; and left: 548px; on style.css line 83 (ul#nav li:hover > ul)
Hope this will solve your problem
Also your page width is 1220px. Stick with the 960px width in order to compatible with small screen sizes.

Fixed positioning bug in Firefox 7.0.1, some overflow seems to cause 1px margin on fixed div

This seems to be a bug specific to firefox (version 7.0.1), I have copied the offending code into jsFiddle.
but jsFiddle DOES NOT REPRODUCE THE BUG. copy the code from jsFiddle into a blank html document and test it locally to see the issue.
This is the normal state of the menu items before you over over any of them:
This is the first sub_item when hovered over wiht the mouse:
And the third sub_item:
And now the last:
Where did that white margin come from around the #global_nav_box div? it only shows up on the hover state of the last sub item.
That is the bug I cant (conveniently) fix.
Fixes I've found are:
Setting the body tag 'margin-top:0px' - but that leave an unsightly margin on the left and right of the page.
Removing the 'z-index' property from the CSS for #global_nav_box - I thought i'd fixed it, until all the content on the page below scrolled over the div when you scroll on the page.
So why does it do this? Can you replicate this on Firefox? How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.
Update: Ive had some of my friends test it and it (the bug) shows up for some and not for others, I have also tested in in Windows XP mode and it (the bug) still doesn't show up. All my testers were running Windows 7 and Firefox 7.0.1.
I've disabled all plugins and extensions on my install of Firefox and its still there. Insane.
Although I do not know what caused this issue I have found a clean solution for it :)
Could you not wrap the absolute positioned div in a fixed div like this:
Source: HelloJoe
His solution from the previous thread that was the cause for this one fixed everything. :)

chrome css problem: border (right) around link not displayed

I have this small testcase:
You can see that in Chrome (tested on win7 11.0.696.68) the first 2 links right border is "cut off" and is not shown. FF and IE 7/8/9 seem to show it OK.
Also "buggy" on Safari (so it's webkit related?)
Anyone knows what's the problem with this approach or how to solve this?
(or if I should report a bug to chrome) Any workaround that doesn't affect other browsers?
Also, my testcase is different from Right border not displaying on google chrome but maybe it's the same bug?
Updated: I don't want to use inline-block as IE7 doesn't support it and I'm finding this bug because I'm removing the inline-block I previously had there :) Also this is dynamic so it's not easy to add after each link because some links can break to a new line, others don't... so I'm trying first to get the "right way" and then resort to more "tricky" ways.
You have set the containing DIV at a fixed width of 250px. This is cutting off the edges. Also, you should add display:inline-block; to your CSS link class. This will make your link a block element while keeping it inline. It will also apply the padding you have asigned properly.
See updated link here
Try giving those links a display: inline-block or display: block property, as links are inline elements.
you need to add display: block to .referencesSkills
