I have some BlackBerry apps that have been converted from Android apps. They are apps for work so dont want to be put onto the App World due to email addresses and private information. I was wondering if there is a QR code generator that will create a code for a .bar file so people can scan the code on their blackberry devices to get them onto their phone?
Many Thanks
There are a few things worth noting here:
1) If these apps are intended for a corporate environment, they need to be deployed through the enterprise's corporate BES. Otherwise, they will not have access to the work perimeter.
2) However, Android apps can not run in the work perimeter.
3) If you create a QR code that points to the address of your app in the BlackBerry World web store, and the user scans it, it should open BlackBerry World to the correct page.
ASP.NET Form. If running a form in a browser on a small (Android) device with a barcode scanner, will the scanned barcode go into the ASP.NET textbox? Or I need to add something to the application?
Well, it going to depend on which of the 150+ barcode scanners you decide to grab from google play.
However, the answer is yes, or no. It will depend on the kind of scanner.
If you download just a scanning application (software based - not built in scanner).
The reason is Android (and even iOS) don't allow one application to set focus, get/grab/take data from other applications. Nor is the reverse allowed. If that was possible, then the app could also get/grab/take values from when you are say running your on-line banking application.
I don't think Android thus supports focus to another application during scan that has focus. Now if this is factory supplied software on the phone? Then yes, this works like a desktop keyboard "wedge". That means the program does not know if you are typing from keyboard, or input is from the scanner (hence the name keyboard wedge). These will work with a web form.
However, we now seeing the rise of software based keyboard wedges. That means the software scanner is installed on android as a custom keyboard. And this in case, then once again, it will work in a web form.
So, for devices with a built in scanner? yes, that will work in all applications. For a software only (uses built in camera), then again, this is possible if the software in question works as a keyboard/wedge scanner.
If you going to adopt android scanning? then use a purpose built Android scanner.
And another possible if you want to use a software scanner? Write a small android application and have it talk to your web site. This I think is the best solution, but of course means you have to adopt some Android dev tools.
So how this works will depend on if the android device has a built in scanner, or it is a software + camera based scanner. However, it would seem that even now installable software based scanners in theory can be made to work for any application since the application is running and behaving as a user installed keyboard.
So, you have to check the particular device. The answer is not in all cases, and the answer depends on if you using a Android device with a built in scanner, or you looking to use any Android phone as that scanner.
Ok, so I have a Flex application developed using Apache FB 4.14 SDK. I got it working and approved on App Store and Play Store. Now my client is looking to port the app on Windows Phone. I tried some googling but all I found is about Astoria project, which is recently dropped by Microsoft. So My question from you folks is what is the best way to port the Flex code for Windows phone with minimal efforts?
Sadly, there is currently no easy path from Flex to Windows Phone.
The road map also states no current plans to add support: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplatform/whitepapers/roadmap.html
You will have to port your game to a different engine. How much work that is, and which engine you should use, depends a lot on the nature of your app.
It also depends on if you want to make a Windows code base just for that platform, or if you want to port to something to have one code base for all mobile platforms
since I am new in the world of developing apps for watches, and the fact that it exists for smartphones the following frameworks:
I wonder if there exists for watches apps similar frameworks? So that you code once but run overall.
Edit 1:
At this day (12.05.2015) regarding to the answer of a nativescript maintainer here. I will go with nativescript to start writing app for wearables.
Cordova/PhoneGap apps don't work directly on the wearable devices/watches. Cordova/PhoneGap is basically a javascript API which can run on WebKit/WebView on all the mobile OS's. But the Android Watch and Apple Watch doesn't support WebKit and so the apps developed with Cordova don't work directly on Watch devices. But if want to extend some of the features from the existing Cordova app to the wearable app, you need to create the extension app in native language and the extension should be able to communicate with the paired app on the mobile device. The extension on the Watch will have only UI and the bussiness logic etc runs on the Cordova app on the mobile. It is possible to establish communication between these apps which will drive the display on the watch devices.
I am not sure about the other frameworks you listed above on how much they support wearable devices.
As #kiran and #NRimer have mentioned, these cross platform frameworks are relying on the WebKit/WebView which is the almost universal layer supported on every mobile device. They dont run directly on the device, but device runs WebKit platform that runs these cross platform apps. So comparing the capabilities of the native app with cross platform app, native app is bigger, because it can have a hands on device hardware related features. The thing particular to the smart watches is that they mostly rely on other smart phone device, and it uses it's communication protocols, that are hardware specific, and WebKit doesnt have its hands on it.
It depends on what you're looking to do with the framework. Watch apps build off data provided by their containing app. For example if you want to provide custom notifications on the watch, the app (or server for remote notifications) constructs them. When your watch app needs information, it makes a request to the containing app. Lets say you have a group of apps that you want to provide the same notifications or functions on each of their watch apps, you could make a framework that handles these functions for the containing app. As for the watch portion, think of it as more of a display of information provided. Unfortunately i dont think there's a way to generate frameworks for watch apps yet. If you're looking to have a lot of code within the watch app this might be more difficult but for simple display of information you should be alright.
Can non-Metro apps make use of the Windows Push Notification infrastructure? i.e. C# Desktop apps running on Windows 8? Or Windows 7 for that matter? It seems to be a pretty generic model, but the overviews I've read don't cover this.
A related question is - can Metro apps be written that use "live tiles" in a standalone app that is not part of the Windows 8 start screen? i.e. you create a container app which holds live tile-like entities but has nothing to do with the start screen.
(1) No, it cannot. Only the Metro style apps can use the Windows Push Notification Service.
(2) From looking at a lot of the apps, they have a lot of modern elements that look like tiles. It looks like every Metro app has a tile though, so I don't think there's a way to write a Metro app that can't be put there.
Ive tried asking on the blackberry forums with no luck... Maybe there are some Blackberry/Adobe experts here...
Im just about to start a project using Adobe AIR/flex for the Blackberry Playbook, I have a few questions:
If I develop an application for the playbook, will the same application be able to run on a desktop? If so will there be any differences?
What is the difference between the desktop and mobile libraries? Can I only access a subset of the SDK on the mobile device compared to the desktop?
Can I create a playbook application that can call methods to a JAVA back end, located on my server?
What’s different about developing a
mobile application versus a web or
desktop application? While many
existing Flex concepts and patterns
carry over directly to mobile
development, developers will need to
take into account the differences in
interaction patterns, screen real
estate, and performance
characteristics of mobile devices
compared to desktop computers. As a
result, we recommend using the new
mobile features in Flex to craft UIs
specific to mobile devices, while
sharing underlying model and data
access code with your desktop or web
application. Additionally, we
recommend certain best practices when
developing mobile applications with
Flex, such as using ActionScript and
FXG rather than MXML for creating item
renderers and skins.
Taken from http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flex/mobile/faq.html#differences
As per my usual qualifying statement: I haven't tried this. Since this is of some interest to me and I've got a bit of free time I'll give making a hero app and running it as a desktop app versus as a mobile app a shot and post back here once I have it working or find a wall.
The runtime: Adobe AIR 2.5 on mobile
devices The initial versions of the
mobile development features in "Hero"
and "Burrito" are targeted at creating
standalone installed applications
using the Adobe AIR runtime for mobile
devices. By focusing on AIR, Flex can
take full advantage of the integration
AIR provides with each mobile
platform, such as the ability to
handle hardware back and menu buttons
and to access local storage.
Running on AIR Finally, it's important
to realize that in addition to all the
mobile Flex components listed above,
you can also directly take advantage
of all the APIs that are available in
AIR on mobile devices—geolocation,
accelerometer, camera integration, and
so forth. While some of these features
are not exposed as Flex components,
they are easy to access directly using
ActionScript. For more information on
developing using the APIs provided by
AIR on mobile devices, see AIR mobile
Basically it's looking like the answer to all the questions is positive.
Yes and likely yes. (as they re-iterate throughout anything I've found on the topic the controls in Hero were made specifically for touch, taking into consideration the fat finger vs the mouse pointer, my guess is it will render slightly differently on the desktop and it's best to actually develop the UIs separately, although the web-services/model can be combined into a shared library/project)
You should have access to everything provided to the desktop (plus info from GPS/accelerometer etc., but obviously wouldn't get those on desktop), but don't have nearly as good a processor so what will work on the desktop may not on a lower performance computing device, but for low resource consumption tasks this shouldn't be a worry.
Yes this is a core feature of Flex, I don't see how it would be possible to make a (useful) RIA without web services. For confirmation on this one look no further than Adobe TV: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/adc-presents/flex-mobile-part-1-beginning-a-mobile-application/ <-- that app is using a web service (doesn't really matter to Flex what the underlying server technology is so long as it can make HTTP requests against it, RemoteObject/AMFService should serve your purpose)
If I develop an application for the
playbook, will the same application be
able to run on a desktop? If so will
there be any differences?
Depends. the Air file for both desktop and Playbook is exactly the same, however for Playbook development, RIM has provided an Air library so that Flex developers can take advantage of the hardware further than just the normal Air capabilities. With that said, if your application is dependent on that extra library, it will not work on desktop.
What is the difference between the
desktop and mobile libraries? Can I
only access a subset of the SDK on the
mobile device compared to the desktop?
Desktop and mobile libraries? Do you mean the Playbook Air Library or something else? See above for the latter. Comment on this if you can clarify.
Can I create a playbook application
that can call methods to a JAVA back
end, located on my server?
Yes, you can, as long as you have internet connectivity on the Playbook.