Wordpress API works with VPN only? - wordpress

I'm working on a project on my localhost for sometime now, and i've recently tried to make it online. My project works perfectly on my localhost, and I can post new articles to wordpress blogs with no problem.
The problem is, after uploading my project to a online web server ( Hostgators Baby Plan ) , I tried to add a new post to one of my wordpress blogs and I got the following error :
faultCode 500 faultString You are not allowed to do that.
The thing is, I've searched everywhere in the past few days in-order to solve this problem and had no luck.
Do you guys think this problem is caused because i'm using a webserver and not a VPS? If you have any other solutions I'll be glad to hear them out.

It might be related to file permissions or something like that.
There is no need to use VPS. I manage my website on a shared server and I've tested WordPress on free hosting services too.

This is probably due to incorrect permissions either on the file structure or the mySQL DB user or something like that. Take a look at this article on the WP codex about file permissions.
Big services like Hostgater usually have an "auto-install" feature for common software like Wordpress (via Softaculous or something similar). I don't know how you migrated your site from your local version to the server but it may be worth installing a fresh Wordpress instance through Hostgator and then simply loading in the wp-content folder and your development database on top of that.


AWS Lightsail WordPress Multisite plugins require FTP?

I have a WordPress Multisite running on a relatively new Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lightsail instance, based on a Bitnami image (provided through AWS Lightsail) running a LAMP stack, based on Debian.
Until recently, plugins installed through the WordPress multisite Administrator Dashboard installed and ran good. Worked great before, no problems. Now, for some reason, attempting to install any WordPress plugin surfaces a dialog requiring FTP credentials be provided. There's a screenshot of the WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials at the end of this message.
I'm thinking this - new - demand to provide FTP credentials when adding a WordPress plugin is happening due to permissions. Naturally, I'd rather not need to install WordPress plugins using FTP.
So, I have two questions:
What settings were accidentally - somehow - changed to cause WordPress to now produce this new requirement asking for FTP credentials when installing any WordPress plugin?
How to I fix WordPress so that plugins can be installed without FTP?
I did see many solutions for fixing permissions on the Internet, except since I'm new to AWS, Linux (Debian) & WordPress I'd like to use this opportunity to learn how this situation happened, while learning how to fix the hiccup. Other than using a few new plugins, which installed & ran fine without FTP, I have not made any edits to any internal WordPress files.
The only chance to change permissions might - maybe - have happened when setting-up users within my AWS account, including setting-up of a Yubico key with key-pairs --> I don't think that security change would influence the LAMP stack running the WordPress multisite, but I wanted to offer information that might - maybe - related to security changes influencing why, now, adding WordPress plugins requests FTP credentials.
Thanks in advance, everybody. Thank you. :)
WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials
I tried to add many, many WordPress plugins to confirm that every WordPress plugin now asks for FTP credentials for any new plugin.
I have looked at many Internet posts explaining how to change WordPress & Linux permissions, along with posts explaining how to change WordPress configuration files to not ask for FTP when installing new plugins. I have not acted on these many suggestions since I'm cautious & careful --> I'm ready to study months & months becoming a Linux, WordPress, and supporting technologies expert, but at this stage since I'm new to all-of-the-above, I'm reluctant to make any changes until I fully understand the technologies (after making this post, I will make copies of WordPress configuration-files to test changes that can be undone, but I wanted to see whether StackOverflow might help me learn what happened in the first place, while learning how to correctly fix these issues.
I pay for AWS Premium Support --> I've sent a message to AWS Premium Support, but so far have not heard back from AWS.

Why is the www version of website not working properly?

I'm facing a problem with the following website: https://www.rhythmandstrums.ie/
When I open the "www" version of it: https://www.rhythmandstrums.ie/ I get a bugged website, failing to open stylesheets and possibly other file sources, whereas if I open the website without the "www", everything works as expected: https://rhythmandstrums.ie/
Some considerations:
This website is hosted in a Wordpress Multisite, so it shares the same configuration files as other websites, none of the other websites have this issue. So I was wondering if this could be a problem with redirection, although, again, none of the other websites have this problem and they share the same config files (including server block settings and such, it is in nginx).
I have checked the DNS values and nameservers and everything looks fine (I took base from all the other websites that were set up in the same way, I can post a screenshot if it might be of help).
This error also seems to happen in the Wordpress backend, with the admin dashboard not being able to load parts of plugins, it seems like it is looking where it doesn't exist.
I have replaced instances of the www version of the url in the database, as I do with other websites as well, but that didn't seem to fix the issue.
I have cleared cache a few times (both in the cache plugin and manually in the nginx server - manually deleting the contents of the cache folder), and since this has been going for a long time, I don't know if this is cache related, but any suggestion is highly appreciated. Again, all the configs, included the cache plugin settings are the same for all the other websites in the network, which none are having this issue.
If I inspect the console when I'm accessing both versions of the website, www and non-www it seems like it's trying to pull information from different locations, but I can't figure out why it's doing that.
Guys, I hope this was not confusing, but let me know if you you would like to see screenshots or other info that might be relevant. Thanks so much in advance, I really appreciate it.

How to resolve a hacked website? Webshell wordpress website

I think I got hacked...
my wordpress website looks like that yesterday:
and today looks like that:
I have a backup on the database. I don't know how to handle that now, I run a wordpress on a Centos 7 apache server.
I have received webshell alert from yesterday but first of all I am not really sure what is webshell alert and secondly I have no idea how to resolve that.
Some files with webshell alert are:
This could be a list of (some) compromised files. But you really need to import a full file and database backup, as well you should change all passwords and update WordPress including all plugins to the latest version. Most likely there was an exploit in WP or in any plugin that enabled an attacker to upload a webshell.
It will be easier as searching for compromised files because you can forget something.
Have You used any Nulled Plugin ??
If You've then you are boomed !!!
Happened With me too !!!

Gateway Anti-Virus Alert - WP

As you can see from the image above. I am experiencing some sort of error message but i have no idea what it means.
I am using wordpress 4.1 with a default theme. Every time i tried to add a menu to the menu structure i get the following message:
Gateway Anti-Virus Alert
This request is blocked by the Firewall Gateway Anti-Virus
Service. Name: Mailer.S (Trojan)
Things that i have already tried:
Using different theme
Installing and re-installing wordpress
Delete everything and start from beginning
And none of this work!
Please help me.
Thank you
You probably got infected with malware, and a service running on your hosting is blocking some malicious code. At best you can contact your hosting provider and ask them how to resolve. Malware on a WordPress site is pretty common by using outdated plugins, themes or having insecure rights on folders and files.
It's pretty hard to get rid of, you have to search trough every file to check for malicious code and check every folder for files that shouldn't be there.

How to publish WordPress site built in WebMatrix

This is a 3 part question/advice. I built a WordPress site locally using WebMatrix a while back and had to upload it to GoDaddy. This was a mission, i couldn't get it to work no matter what i tried so i figured i was doing something wrong. Called them a few times and didn't get any help, until i called someone who had dealt with this before (think he said that he built a site the same way) and knew exactly how to get it working. I tried doing another site and went through the same issues publishing and couldn't upload it because i didn't write down what they told me to do the first time, and nobody else knows how to get this to work. So...
1- Is there a different hosting provider that I should use (I have a WordPress site on WebMatrix at home that I need to publish) that works better/easier with WebMatrix/Web Deploy?
2 - Is there a different/better tool you recommend for me to use other than WebMatrix for Wordpress? (WebMatrix installs WordPress automatically for me and gives me intellisense and other useful tools so I use it thanks to that)
3 - This is the most important, How can i publish a WP site that i completely built locally using WebMatrix when I'm ready? (i think there's plugins i need to download to re-route url's or something like that. And i think i need to edit the wp-config file too, not sure. A step by step from someone would be priceless)
I've searched every way i could think of when i was trying to publish the site a bit ago i seem to have read everything i could find and still couldn't figure it out. Any help would be great so that when im ready to publish the site i built at home i can get it up and running smoothly.
The easiest place to look for hosting for WebMatrix built sites is the Windows Web Hosting Gallery:
You can see a demo of setting up a site with Arvixe and deploying from WebMatrix (though not WordPress) here:
Shameless Plug
You can also easily use Microsoft Azure to host WebMatrix sites, and WordPress. Here's an article that describes how to set it up:
Hope this all helps!
