I need to rsync specific files from local on specific locations with a specific nomenclature on the remote machine.
As I need to create subfolders on the remote in order to put the file, I have first used mkdir (like below).
rsync --protect-args -i -avuz --rsync-path="mkdir -p 'FROM/LOCAL/TO/REMOTE/PATH/TO/NEW/FILE' && rsync" --stats --progress "/FROM/LOCAL/PATH/TO/FILE/file.txt" user#IP:"FROM/LOCAL/TO/REMOTE/PATH/TO/NEW/FILE/new_file.txt"
However, as 'mkdir' is disliked (banned) on the remote machine, I would like to know if there's any way to rsync a file at a specific location on the remote without using 'mkdir' (for which the folders can change frequently)
I prepared an ARM template, template creates listed azure resources: linux VM deployment, Storage deployment, file share in this Storage Account.
ARM works fine, but I would like to add one thing, mounting file share to a linux VM (using script from file share blade, script proposed by Microsoft).
I would like to use Custom Script Extension, and then use "commandToExecute" option to paste inline linux script (this one for file share mounting).
My question is: how to retrieve password to file share and then pass it as a parameter to the inline script. Is it possible? Is it possible to paste file share mounting script as an inline script in ARM template? maybe there is any other way to complete my task? I know that I can store script in a storage account and in ARM template put "blob SAS URL" in the Custom Extension ARM area, but still is a question how to retrieve the password to File Shares, below is the script for File share mount.
sudo mkdir /mnt/wsustorageaccount
if [ ! -d "/etc/smbcredentials" ]; then
sudo mkdir /etc/smbcredentials
if [ ! -f "/etc/smbcredentials/StorageAccountName.cred" ]; then
sudo bash -c 'echo "username=xxxxx" >> /etc/smbcredentials/StorageAccountName.cred'
sudo bash -c 'echo "password=xxxxxxx" >> /etc/smbcredentials/StorageAccountName.cred'
sudo chmod 600 /etc/smbcredentials/StorageAccountName.cred
sudo bash -c 'echo "//StorageAccount.file.core.windows.net/test /mnt/StorageAccount cifs nofail,vers=3.0,credentials=/etc/smbcredentials/StorageAccountName.cred,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,serverino" >> /etc/fstab'
sudo mount -t cifs //StorageAccountName.file.core.windows.net/test /mnt/StorageAccountName -o vers=3.0,credentials=/etc/smbcredentials/StorageAccountName.cred,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777,serverino
You can use this quickstart example:
listKeys(variables('storageAccountId'), '2019-04-01').keys[0].value
I am trying to mount a file that will act as a read/write HFS+ filesystem. I am using arch linux based distro so I installed hfsprogs and hfsutils. In debian based distros hfsprogs should be enough.
I created a 8G file like this:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.img bs=1024 count=0 seek=$[1000*8000]
Then I did the formatting:
mkfs.hfsplus -v TestImg test.img
After that when I try to mount the file I get:
mkdir /tmp/sun
sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop,rw,offset=0 test.img /tmp/sun
mount: /tmp/sun: mount failed: Operation not permitted
Parted shows that offset it ok:
sudo parted -m test.img unit B print
I also tried to use fdisk with the file creating sun partition table but that did not help either. Can you help me please with creating HFS+ rw filesystem as a file?
I used loop device inappropriately.
The correct steps are:
Create file
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.img bs=100MB count=10 seek=$[10*8]
Create blocked device mapped to that file:
losetup -fP test.img
At this point blocked device /dev/loop0 got created.
Create filesystem:
mkfs.hfsplus test.img
Mount to your folder
mount -o rw,loop /dev/loop0 /tmp/loop_test
How do you use an identity file with rsync?
This is the syntax I think I should be using with rsync to use an identity file to connect:
rsync -avz -e 'ssh -p1234 -i ~/.ssh/1234-identity' \
"/local/dir/" remoteUser#"/remote/dir/"
But it's giving me an error:
Warning: Identity file ~/.ssh/1234-identity not accessible: No such file or directory.
The file is fine, permissions are set correctly, it works when doing ssh - just not with rsync - at least in my syntax. What am I doing wrong? Is it trying to look for the identity file on the remote machine? If so, how do I specify that I want to use an identity file on my local machine?
Use either $HOME
rsync -avz -e "ssh -p1234 -i \"$HOME/.ssh/1234-identity\"" dir remoteUser#server:
or full path to the key:
rsync -avz -e "ssh -p1234 -i /home/username/.ssh/1234-identity" dir user#server:
Tested with rsync 3.0.9 on Ubuntu
You may want to use ssh-agent and ssh-add to load the key into memory. ssh will try identities from ssh-agent automatically if it can find them. Commands would be
eval $(ssh-agent) # Create agent and environment variables
ssh-add ~/.ssh/1234-identity
ssh-agent is a user daemon which holds unencrypted ssh keys in memory. ssh finds it based on environment variables which ssh-agent outputs when run. Using eval to evaluate this output creates the environment variables. ssh-add is the command which manages the keys memory. The agent can be locked using ssh-add. A default lifetime for a key can be specified when ssh-agent is started, and or specified for a key when it is added.
You might also want to setup a ~/.ssh/config file to supply the port and key definition. (See `man ssh_config for more options.)
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/1234-identity
Port 1234
Single quoting the ssh command will prevent shell expansion which is needed for ~ or $HOME. You could use the full or relative path to the key in single quotes.
You have to specify the absolute path to your identity key file. This probably some sort of quirck in rsync. (it can't be perfect after all)
I ran into this issue just a few days ago :-)
This works for me
rsync -avz --rsh="ssh -p1234 -i ~/.ssh/1234-identity" \
"/local/dir/" remoteUser#"/remote/dir/"
use key file with rsync:
rsync -rave "ssh -i /home/test/pkey_new.pem" /var/www/test/ ubuntu#
Are you executing the command in bash or sh? This might make a difference. Try replacing ~ with $HOME. Try double-quoting the string for the -e option.
Is it possible to have an SSH session use all your local configuration files (.bash_profile, .vimrc, etc..) on login? That way you would have the same configuration for, say, editing files in vim in the remote session.
I just came across two alternatives to just doing a git clone of your dotfiles. I take no credit for either of these and can't say I've used either extensively so I don't know if there are pitfalls to either of these.
sshrc is a tool (actually just a big bash function) that copies over local rc-files without permanently writing them to the remove user's $HOME - the idea being that might be a shared admin account that other people use. Appears to be customizable for different remote hosts as well.
.ssh/config and LocalCommand
This blog post suggests a way to automatically run a command when you login to a remote host. It tars and pipes a set of files to the remote, then un-tars them on the remote's $HOME:
Your local ~/.ssh/config would look like this:
Host *
PermitLocalCommand yes
LocalCommand tar c -C${HOME} .bashrc .bash_profile .exports .aliases .inputrc .vimrc .screenrc \
| ssh -o PermitLocalCommand=no %n "tar mx -C${HOME}"
You could modify the above to only run the command on certain hosts (instead of the * wildcard) or customize for different hosts as well. There might be a fair amount of duplication per host with this method - although you could package the whole tar c ... | ssh .. "tar mx .." into a script maybe.
Note the above looks like it clobbers the same files on the remote when you connect, so use with caution.
Use a dotfiles.git repo
What I do is keep all my config files in a dotfiles.git on a central server.
You can set it up so that when you ssh into a remote machine, you automatically pull the latest version of the dotfiles. I do something like this:
ssh myhost
cd ~/dotfiles
git pull --rebase
cd ~
ln -sf dotfiles/$username/linux/.* .
To put that in a shell script, you can automate the process of executing commands on a remote machine by piping to ssh.
The "$username" is there so that you can share your config files with other people you're working with.
The "ln -sf" creates symbolic links to all your dotfiles, overwriting any local ones, such that ~/.emacs is linked to the version controlled file ~/dotfiles/$username/.emacs.
The use of a "linux" subdirectory is just to allow for configuration changes across platforms. I also have a mac directory under dotfiles/$username/mac. Most of the files in the /mac directory are symlinked from the linux directory as it's very similar, but there are some exceptions.
Finally, note that you can make this even more sophisticated with hostnames and the like rather than just a generic 'linux'. With a dotfiles.git, you can also raid dotfiles from your friends, which is awesome -- everyone has their own set of little tricks and hacks.
No, because it's not SSH using your config files, but the remote shell.
I suggest keeping your config files in Subversion or some other VCS. Here's how I do it.
Well, no, because as Andy Lester says, the remote machine is the one doing the work, and it has no access back to your local machine to get .vimrc ...
On the other hand, you could use sshfs to mount the remote file system locally and edit the files locally. This doesn't require you to install anything on the remote machine. Not sure how efficient it is, maybe not great for editing big files over slow links.
Or Komodo IDE has a neat "Open >> Remote File" option which lets you edit files on remote
machines by scping them back and forth automatically.
I do this kind of things every day. I have about 15 bash rc files and .vimrc, a few vim plugin scripts, .screenrc and some other rc files. I have a sync script (written in bash) which uses the cool rsync command to sync all these files to remote servers. Every time I update some files on my main server, I would call the script to sync them to remote servers.
Setting up a svn/git/hg repository on the main server also works for me but my remote servers need to be repeatedly reinstalled for testing. So I find it's more convenient to use rsync.
A few years ago I also used the rdist tool which can also meet the requirement for most of the time. But now I prefer rsync as it supports incremental sync which is very efficient.
ssh can be configured to pass certain environment variables through to the other (remote side). And since most shells will check some environment variables for additional settings to apply, you can hack that into applying some local settings remotely. But its a bit complicated and most administrators turn off the ssh environment variable pass-through in the sshd config anyways.
You could always just copy the files to the machine before connecting with ssh:
scp ~/.bash_profile ~/.vimrc user#host:
ssh user#host
This works best if you are using keys to login and no one else logs in as that user.
Here's a simple bash script I've used for this purpose. It syncs over some folders I like to have copied over using rsync and then adds the ~/bin folder to the remote machines .bashrc if it's not there already. It works best if you have have copied your ssh keys to each server. I use this approach instead of a "dotfiles repo" as lots of the servers I connect to don't have git on them.
So to use it, you'd do something like this:
./bin_sync_to_machine.sh server1
function show_help()
echo ""
echo "usage: SERVER {SERVER2 SERVER3 etc...}"
echo ""
if [ "$1" == "help" ]
if [ -z "$1" ]
# Sync ~/bin and some dot files to remote server using rsync
for SERVER in $*; do
rsync -avrz --progress ~/bin/ -e ssh $SERVER:~/bin
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.vim/ -e ssh $SERVER:~/.vim
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.vimrc -e ssh $SERVER:~/.vimrc
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.aliases $SERVER:~/.aliases
rsync -avrz --progress ~/.aliases $SERVER:~/.bash_aliases
# Ensure remote server has ~/bin in the path
ssh $SERVER '~/bin/path_add_to_path.sh'
pathadd() {
if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
# Add to current path if running in a shell
pathadd ~/bin
# Add to ~/.bashrc
if ! grep -q PATH:~/bin ~/.bashrc; then
echo "PATH=\$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
if ! grep -q source ~/.aliases ~/.bashrc; then
echo "source ~/.aliases" >> ~/.bashrc
I wrote an extremely simple tool for this that will allow you to natively transport your .vimrc file whenever you ssh, by using SSHd built-in config options in a non-standard way.
No additional svn,scp,copy/paste, etc required.
It is simple, lightweight, and works by default on all server configurations I have tested so far.
I think that https://github.com/fsquillace/kyrat does what you need.
I wrote it long time ago before sshrc was born and it has more benefits compared to sshrc:
It does not require dependencies on xxd for both hosts (which can be unavailable on remote host)
Kyrat uses a more efficient encoding algorithm
It is just ~20 lines of code (really easy to understand!)
No need of root access or any installations to the remote host
For instance:
$> echo "alias q=exit" > ~/.config/kyrat/bashrc
$> kyrat myuser#myserver.com
myserver.com $> q