qplot dynamic plotting - r

I would like to create dynamic plotting over given dates, ie i want the plots appear one after another through specific dates when the code is run. This code seems to work with plot function but not with qplot.
any ideas?
thanks in advance,
x with headings t, date, AUM, profit
for (i in 1:10){
z <- x[x$t == i,]
a <- unique(z$date)

You need to add a print() call, i.e. print(qplot(...)).
The reason is that ggplot2 uses grid graphics which requires a print call.
This is R FAQ 7.16.


ggplot does not display inside a function

I wrote this function to plot the city and income. The plotting code works perfectly fine when it is not inside the function. However, when I called it with the function, no graph showed up. Please help! Thanks.
graph <- function(x, y) {
df %>%
filter(city == "x", year == y) %>%
ggplot(aes(log(income))) +
I tried to assign the plot to p and then add print(p), but nothing showed up.
you take x as a param, but dont use it in your function; you use a hardcoded x to check against city; its likely you get nothing, and so plot empty charts
besides from that, I can set up an analogous construction and see charts just fine; so theres not inherent reason that the plot wouldnt be seen from inside a function like this

How to save several plots from an own function into a list in R?

I have created one function that contains two types of plots and it will give you one image. However, the title of this image will change depending on one list, so, you will have several plots but different title.
(The original function will change the numbers that the plot uses but, in essence, is what I need).
This is the example that I have created.
list_genes <- c("GEN1", "GEN2", "GEN3")
myfunction <- function(x,y){
for(gene in list_genes){
# This to draw both plots
plot(x,y, main=paste0("Plot of ", gene))
hist(x, main=paste0("Plot of ", gene))
Since the list has 3 elements, we get 3 plots.
However, as I need to create a presentation with all the plots that I generate, I found this post with a solution to create slides for several plots inside a for loop. It is what I want, but for that, I need to save my plots into a list/variable.
object <- myfunction(x=c(1,5,6,2,4),y=c(6,10,53,1,5))
> object
I found this post (which gives you an interesting solution) but, the plots still cannot be saved into an object.
calling_myfunc <- function(){
object <- calling_myfunc()
> object
My final objective is to create a presentation (automatically) with all of the plots that I generate from my function. As I saw in this post. But I need to save the plots into a variable.
Could anyone help me with this?
Thanks very much in advance
Although I couldn't find the way to save the plots into an object, I found a way to create a presentation with those images thanks to this post and the export package.
list_genes <- c("GEN1", "GEN2", "GEN3")
myfunction <- function(x,y){
for(gene in list_genes){
# This to draw both plots
plot(x,y, main=paste0("Plot of ", gene))
hist(x, main=paste0("Plot of ", gene))
graph2ppt(file="plots.pptx", width=6, height=5,append=TRUE) } }
Of course, the width and height of the plots can be changed or put them as a parameter in the function.
Since the package is not available in CRAN for my current R version (4.1.2), I downloaded it from GitHub:
In addition, I have found another package that I can use for the same purpose (although it adds one extra slide at the beginning, I don't know why)
list_genes <- c("GEN1", "GEN2", "GEN3")
myfunction <- function(x,y){
for(gene in list_genes){
# This to draw both plots
plot(x,y, main=paste0("Plot of ", gene))
hist(x, main=paste0("Plot of ", gene))
topptx(file="plots.pptx", width=6, height=5,append=TRUE)
PS: I found the solution to create a presentation --> How to create a presentation in R with several plots obtained by a function?

How to make multiple plots with a for loop?

I was experimenting with the waffle package in r, and was trying to use a for loop to make multiple plots at once but was not able to get my code to work. I have a dataset with values for each year of renewables,and since it is over 40 years of data, was looking for a simple way to plot these with a for loop rather than manyally year by year. What am I doing wrong?
I have it from 1:16 as an experiment to see if it would work, although in reality I would do it for all the years in my dataset.
for(i in 1:16){
parts <- c(`Renewable`=(renperc), `Non-Renewable`=100-renperc)
waffle(parts, rows=10, size=1, colors=c("#00CC00", "#A9A9A9"),
title="Iceland Primary Energy Supply",
If I get your question correctly you want to plot all the 16 iterations in a same panel? You can parametrise your plot window to be divided into 16 smaller plots using par(mfrow = c(4,4)) (creating a 4 by 4 matrix and plotting into each cells recursively).
## Setting the graphical parameters
par(mfrow = c(4,4))
## Running the loop normally
for(i in 1:16){
parts <- c(`Renewable`=(renperc), `Non-Renewable`=100-renperc)
waffle(parts, rows=10, size=1, colors=c("#00CC00", "#A9A9A9"),
title="Iceland Primary Energy Supply",
If you need more plots (e.g. 40) you can increase the numbers in the graphical parameters (e.g. par(mfrow = c(6,7))) but that will create really tiny plots. One solution is to do it in multiple loops (for(i in 1:16); for(i in 17:32); etc.)
UPDATE: The code simply wasn't plotting anything when i tried putting in anything above one value (ex. 1:16) or a letter, both in terms of separate plots or many in one plot window (which I think perhaps waffle does not support in the same way as regular plots). In the end, I managed by making it into a function, although I'm still not sure why my original method wouldn't work if this did. See the code that worked below. I also tweaked it a bit, adding ggsave for example.
waffling <- function(x){
parts <- c(`Renewable`=(renperc), `Non-Renewable`=100-renperc)
waffle(parts, rows=10, size=1, colors=c("#00CC00", "#A9A9A9"), title="",
ggsave(file=paste0("plot_", x,".png"))}
for(i in 1:57){

Multiple graphs within plot with loop

How to get graph for each column of data.frame within one plot with loop? Must be easy just can't figure it out.
Sample data:
rdata <- data.frame(y=rnorm(1000,2,2),v1=rnorm(1000,1,1),v2=rnorm(1000,3,3),
What I have tried?
p <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
for(i in 2:5){
w <- xyplot(y~rdata[,i],rdata)
If you don't have to use lattice you can just use base plot instead and it should work as you want.
p <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
for(i in 2:5){
If you want to use lattice look this answer. Lattice ignores par, so you have to do some more work to achieve what you want.
Inorder to easily arrange a bunch of lattice plots, I like to use the helper function print.plotlist. It has a layout= parameter that acts like the layout() function for base graphics. For example, you could call
rdata <- data.frame(y=rnorm(1000,2,2),v1=rnorm(1000,1,1),v2=rnorm(1000,3,3),
plots<-lapply(2:5, function(i) {xyplot(y~rdata[,i],rdata)})
print.plotlist(plots, layout=matrix(1:4, ncol=2))
to get
Otherwise you normally use a split= parameter to the print statement to place a plot in a subsection of the device. For example, you could also do
print(plots[[1]], split=c(1,1,2,2), more=T)
print(plots[[2]], split=c(1,2,2,2), more=T)
print(plots[[3]], split=c(2,1,2,2), more=T)
print(plots[[4]], split=c(2,2,2,2))

R, graph of binomial distribution

I have to write own function to draw the density function of binomial distribution and hence draw
appropriate graph when n = 20 and p = 0.1,0.2,...,0.9. Also i need to comments on the graphs.
I tried this ;
graph <- function(n,p){
x <- dbinom(0:n,size=n,prob=p)
My first question : is there any way so that i don't need to write down the line graph(20,p) several times except using scan()?
My second question :
I want to see the graph in one device or want to hit ENTER to see the next graph. I wrote
but the graph is too tiny. How can i present the graphs nicely with giving head line n=20 and p=the value which i used to draw the graph?[though it can be done by writing mtext() after calling the function graphbut doing so i have to write a similar line few times. So i want to do this including in function graph. ]
My last question :
About comment. The graphs are showing that as the probability of success ,p is increasing the graph is tending to right, that is , the graph is right skewed.
Is there any way to comment on the graph using program?
Here a job of mapply since you loop over 2 variables.
graph <- function(n,p){
x <- dbinom(0:n,size=n,prob=p)
main=sprintf(paste('bin. dist. ',n,p,sep=':')))
Plotting base graphics is one of the times you often want to use a for loop. The reason is because most of the plotting functions return an object invisibly, but you're not interested in these; all you want is the side-effect of plotting. A loop ignores the returned obects, whereas the *apply family will waste effort collecting and returning them.
par(mfrow=c(2, 5))
for(p in seq(0.1, 1, len=10))
x <- dbinom(0:20, size=20, p=p)
barplot(x, names.arg=0:20, space=0)
