Wordpress if post or blog category statement - wordpress

got a little problem here on Wordpress.
I am trying to use PHP to check whether the page I am on is a category page or a post page if it isn't on either it will do something else nothing.
The code I have is:
<?php if( (!is_category($category)) || (!is_single($post)) ) { ?>
Do something...
<?php } ?>
When I try it without the or the category bit works fine. When I join them together the code stops working.

I think what you're actually trying to test is if it's not a category and not a post. So change your condition accordingly:
if( (!is_category($category)) && (!is_single($post)) ) {


Wordpress Shortcode Output Buffering Renders Content When Saving Post in WP Admin

I have a WP shortcode that is giving me problems.
Basically, the shortcode just pulls content from another post using a couple of parameters. It then loads up a partial template.
The problem occurs in WP Admin when saving the page that contains the shortcode. When saving the page updates do in fact save correctly but the resulting page is a page that outputs the contents of the shortcode.
I'm using output buffering around get_template_part() for two reasons: 1. So I only have one instance of the template in my code - and - 2. Because the template is actually pretty substantial and appending all of it to an output variable would be a daunting task.
The shortcode works fine in every way except when saving the page.
Here is a video demonstrating the issue:
Here is my code:
function get_main_page_content( $atts ) {
$main_page_id = $atts['main_page_id'];
$section = $atts['section'];
$people_display_option = $atts['people_display_option'];
$GLOBALS['sc_display_option'] = $people_display_option;
if(have_rows('flexible_content', $main_page_id)):
while(have_rows('flexible_content', $main_page_id)): the_row();
if ( $section == 'agenda' ) {
if ( $section == 'people_cards' ) {
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
add_shortcode('get_main_page_content', 'get_main_page_content');
It looks to me like ob_end_flush() is not needed and is redundant. That might be causing the OB to send twice, resulting in that code on your screen.
I'd be curious if your problem persists if you drop that line. Also, for a very simplified version of your exact usecase, check this blog post:

WordPress Search goes to post page when you do a blank search

Yea so on my wordpress theme I've put together...
When you click the search button (with the search field empty) it takes you to the blog page. I have assigned the index.php as the blog page and made another page and assigned that as the home page.
Can anyone help? Its not a major problem but it is a little glitch I would like to get rid of.
I also faced the same problem, it is default given by wordpress.
but luckily I found something which helped me.
Add below in "Functions.php"
function SearchFilter($query) {
// If 's' request variable is set but empty
if (isset($_GET['s']) && empty($_GET['s']) && $query->is_main_query()){
$query->is_search = true;
$query->is_home = false;
return $query;}
and then replace below line(line no 15) in search.php
<?php if ( have_posts() && strlen( trim(get_search_query()) ) != 0 ) : ?>
Might be it will help you too
For details read this : Customize empty search wordpress

Wordpress: Show post if it is in two specific categories

I am trying to get the index-page of a Wordpress-blog show some very specific posts. As far as I understand i need to use a standard loop in order to make sticky posts work, so custom queries is out of the question. (Correct me if this is wrong.)
All posts are put in a main category (Eg. "Make-Up") In addition, posts that should show on the front page gets an additional category "Frontpage".
The current loop outputs all posts, regardless of category. And styles certain categories differently. An example would be the video-category which is only shown by getting an embed code from a custom field in the post.
<?php elseif (in_category('20')) : ?>
<div class="post element grid_4">
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Embed', true) ?>
I need to remove all posts not in the category "Frontpage" while still being able to control how posts are being shown.
Earlier i used a filter to control the main loop:
function exclude_category($query) {
if ( $query->is_home ) {
$query->set('cat', '20 27');
return $query;
add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category');
However this would cause my geomashup-plugin to break as it probably uses the same loop?
My current proposal for a solution would be to do something like this, plus functioning code:
<?php elseif (the post is in BOTH category 20 and 27)) : ?>
<div class="post element grid_4">
<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Embed', true) ?>
<?php else : ?>
<div style: display: none;></div>
However i am unsure about how make a condition demanding the post to be in two categories, and i realise this is a terribly dirty fix.
Any tips or pointers as to how i could solve this would be greatly appreciated :)
Front page can be seen here: http://parfymelle.brandbase.no
For anyone wondering i solved it by including the geotagged posts-category (the shop locations) in the filter for the main loop, and then using a php if in the index.php to hide posts from that category. Dirty, but works, i guess.

targeting title in wordpress post

I am working on a wordpress plugin that modifies the title of a post. I only want to do this when I am viewing a single post. To be specific, I want to add a link beside the title, but for purposes of the question, I will be adding some arbitary text.
I started out by using the 'the_title' filter hook, and calling this function.
function add_button_to_title($title)
global $post;
return $title.'googly googly';
return $title;
The problem is, the links on the side bar apparently also use 'the_title', as I saw my text showing up in the side bars as well, which led me to:
if(is_single() && in_the_loop())
But then, in my theme(and i suppose themes in general) there is a link to the previous post and next post, which also uses 'the title' filter. So finally I have:
if(is_single() && in_the_loop() && ($post->post_title == $title))
The last conditional basically makes sure that it is the title of the post that is being printed, not the title of the next or previous post. This works but I am not sure how well it will work given different themes...It seems like terribly hacked together. Any advice from wordpress gurus out there? I am worried that the title would be modified for other reasons and the conditional will fail.
Any help is appreciated!
There isn't really a good solution except, as ShaderOp said, requiring theme modification. Your solution will work for the most part. The only exception is if the theme developer has changed the query in a page. I'd say this is probably a good enough solution that it'll cover more than 95% of the cases you'd run into.
I solved a similar issue by adding a check to see if the title being filtered matches the title of the post. This avoids the issue with other post titles on the page (in sidebar, menu) also getting filtered.
function add_button_to_title( $title ) {
global $post;
if( is_single() && $title == $post->post_title ) {
return $title . 'googly googly';
} else {
return $title;
Wouldn't it be easier to keep the original version of your add_button_to_title function, but instead of hooking it to a filter, call it directly from your single.php page in the appropriate place?
For example, somewhere in your theme's single.php, instead of this:
<h3 class="storytitle">
<?php the_title(); ?>
Use this:
<h3 class="storytitle">
<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark">
<?php echo add_button_to_title(the_title('', '', false); ?>
today I ran into a similar problem. the_title gets called several times accross the whole page (e.g., in the html-head, the menus, the sidebar). I followed a similar approach using conditionals and the post/page id.
Additionally, I added a boolean flag which is set to true using the 'the_content' filter. So the title gets changed until the content is displayed. This way, I ensure that sidebars/widgets are not affected (e.g. Thematic theme has a default widget with links to pages - here the other conditionals would not be helpful as get_the_id() would return an equivalent). This ONLY works if the theme uses sidebars on the right. I did not find a way yet how to hook in directly before the 'the_title' call for the page/post to enable the boolean flag.
function myplugin_adjust_title($title, $id) {
global $myplugin_title_changed;
if ($myplugin_title_changed) {
return $title;
if (in_the_loop() && is_page('myplugin') && $id == get_the_ID()) {
$title = '';
return $title;
add_filter('the_title', 'myplugin_adjust_title', 10, 2);
function myplugin_adjust_title_helper_content($content) {
global $myplugin_title_changed;
$myplugin_title_changed = true;
return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'myplugin_adjust_title_helper_content');

WordPress: Multiple conditional statements not working

I'm trying a simple multiple conditional statement which should work fine with PHP but WordPress says no. What am I missing?
<?php if (is_page('sample1') || is_page('sample2') || is_page('sample3') || is_page('sample4')) { ?>
include this
<?php } else { ?>
include this instead
<?php } ?>
Undefined function?
How are you calling footer.php from your theme?
It has nothing to do with the code you posted. It has everything to do with the path to the footer or where you are trying to load it within the page lifecycle. Also check if the path is right.
