Hosting Multiple Sites through LAN in ASP.NET IIS 7 -

We have a few services running on our internal server, named cpweb2.
The Default Web Site is accessed locally by browsing to http://cpweb2/.
To enable browsing to other applications, the other sites are assigned a different port number.
For example:
CapacityTracker is configured to use port 8081: http://cpweb2:8081/
AcpWcfTool is configured to use port 8093: http://cpweb2:8093/
ProductionScoreboard is configured to use port 8082: http://cpweb2:8082/
ShopServices is configured to use port 8095: http://cpweb2:8095/
As you can imagine, not many people simply remember the web address for these sites.
I am currently creating a new service called AcpMainframe. I would like to give it a more user friendly URL like http://cpweb2/mainframe or http://mainframe.cpweb2/, but I don't know how exactly to do that if Default Web Site is not one of my projects.
I guess this question is two parts.
Can I get my new AcpMainframe service added to the root level Default Web Site if I do not have the code for that root level website?
If so, how do I go about that?

If you can use other hostnames in addition to the one you have, you can set bindings in IIS that will allow multiple sites to run on port 80. Examples can be found here.


Configure 2 sites in the IIS of windows Server 2016

I have to configure a staging site of my web application in Windows Server 2016.
I have site which is running smoothly in my win server 2016, and I have configured A record from my bluehost DNS Manager.
My Question: I want to add a new site in the IIS of my server using same port. So how I could manage to reach it from A record or CNAME record from bluehost?
As far as I know, IIS doesn’t allow two websites to use the same port number when we using the same alias for the local machine.
To create a unique binding, we need to specify another name(HostName) for the second website. Edit the binding and specify the unique hostname the user will address to.
Now, we can start the second website as well.
All we have to do is to add an alias for the server(A or CNAME) to DNS that specifies the IP address or the name of your web server.
Here is a related discussion.
Feel free to let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Two Webapps have the same IP address

I have a webapp setup with Wordpress with a specific IP address (which is also pointed towards a custom domain).
The problem is, when I add a new webapp (also with Wordpress), it also gets allocated the same IP address as the first webapp causing it to redirect to the first webapp.
I have setup the second webapp with the same subscription plan and am using the same database for both.
Also, the first time I made a second (ever) webapp, it has its own seperate IP, but due to some issue, I deleted it and made a new webapp with the same name. Now whatever I do and no matter how many new webapps I make, they all have the allocated IP the same as the first webapp. Any solutions?
Azure Web Apps are created behind a set of load balancers that differentiate between Web Apps based on the incoming request.
if your two Web Apps are located at and and you have configured both in DNS to point to the same IP address, then the load balancers at the front should decide where to send the request based on what is requested.
This is going to be a problem of using the same backend database for two different wordpress sites. (unfortunately I'm not a wordpress expert, so I can't comment on what that might be - but this answer will hopefully help those who do know about wordpress, to clear up that this is not likely to be an Azure issue)
As Michael indicated the Azure Web Apps site behind Load Balancer or ARR Front ends. However there is more to this.
When you create a site in Web App, you actually create an App Service Plan as well (this corresponds to a VM)
So when you create the second site you will get an option to either choose the same or a new app service plan.
If you choose the same app service plan, then both of your sites will sit on the same VM and as a result will be behind the same ARR FE.
If you choose to create a new app service plan, there might be a possibility that the VM will be allocated either behind the same or a different Front end. This cannot be controlled. The Fabric controller makes the allocation based on availability.
Eitherways, this shouldn't be a problem. It is okay for 2 sites to share the IP Addresses. However if you wish to have separate IP Addresses for your sites, then you can use one of the options:
Create the site in a different data centre
Create the second site under new app service plan. There is a high chance that the app service plan might be allocated under a different ARR FE.
Scale the site to Standard or higher tier and use IP Based SSL. This will allocate a dedicated IP for your site. There is additional cost associated with getting a dedicated IP. Refer the Azure App Service pricing for this.

How necessary is DNS Server to run an ASP.NET web app on IIS?

Assuming a Windows Server 2012 VPS:
It seems that many tutorials include the setting up of DNS Server (setup of forward lookup zones, and A record) as part of the basic steps to deploy and run an ASP.NET web application on IIS.
I'm slightly confused, because within IIS manager you can set the bindings ( IP address, URL, SSL, port) of a web application. Wouldn't this alone not suffice to correctly route incoming requests to the correct web application?
What would be the advantage to running DNS Server?
IIS Manager can only manage IIS related Windows settings, but to make a site work you need much more settings than that.
DNS settings are critical to direct web browsers to your side. Nobody uses IP addresses to access a site, so a typical URL uses domain name. That requires DNS to translate the domain name to an IP address so that browsers can send HTTP packets to the proper location.
IIS Manager could not manage that for you, as which DNS product to use or how to configure it is usually vendor specific and out of IIS's scope.

Configure Shared Website Hosting for IIS

I have a server that running IIS7 and DNS server.
I have 2 domains:
I want to visitors from internet coming without port of this sites. What may i do for this?
If I understand your question correctly, you need to set up two separate websites within IIS, and configure the bindings on each site - select the Bindings option and specify the correct hostname, for each site.
Note - this will only work for HTTP sites; if you want to route HTTPS to each site, they'll each need a unique IP address as you cannot setup hostname bindings for secure sites.

How to support custom user domains (like WordPress) in IIS/ASP.NET

I would like to know if it is possible using IIS and ASP.NET (and ideally something that might be employed on a shared hosting account, but this isn't required) to mimic's ability to allow end users to use their own domain names.
WordPress has users who own their own domains change the domain's DNS settings to point to WordPress's own DNS. My guess is this is not something that would be able to be done on a shared hosting account since it would involve adding an entry to the DNS server's table for each custom user domain.
However, for future reference, is this something that might be automated programmatically on perhaps a VPS?
My guess is this is not something that would be able to be done on a shared hosting account
You're nearly correct. The default site in IIS listens to all connections on port 80 for the default IP address.
You can add more sites in 3 ways:
Add new sites listening on different ports. This is not entirely practical if you want "ordinary" sites litening on port 80.
Add more IP addresses to the box (not too eaisly done) and set up new IIS sites to listen to the new IP addresses independently.
Add new sites to the server listening to different "host headers" (domain names to you and I) but on the same (default) IP address .
So called "Shared hosting" usually uses options 3, because a hosting company can get away with only using a single IP address for possibly hundreds of sites.
Therefore you would have to go through the tedious process of adding each host header to the box, and while I'm almost certian this could be done with Wscript, I'm no expert in that area.
If you really wanted to get into it, you could write an ISAPI module to intercept the calls and set up some clever (ish) database/hash table of domain names and target folders to server as the different sites.
Bottom line is, there are various ways to achieve this on Windows. Probably none quite as easy as on a *nix platform where everything is super-scriptable.
What we do is have a wildcard DNS entry set up for our domain. That way, whatever domain the user types will resolve to our website as long as it ends with "". Then our .Net code just looks at the "HOST" header coming in and serves up the content that matches that domain name.
