How to show webform submitted data in drupal7 - drupal

i want to display the webform submitted data in drupal 7 and that survey only admin can see.After the submission i want to show the submitted data to admin in table format and also wants to download that data in excel Sheet format. What approach i should follow.

you can call this function which is called after the data is inserted in the webform.
This hook will provide you the node id and and the submission id. Using this submission id you can access all the data which you have inserted and can perform your task inside it.
function hook_webform_submission_insert($node, $submission) {
//do your task

Install this module it will be displayed in table format and also you can customize the report & also It will create separate content type.
Below is the screen shot for webform report, you can also view, edit & delete from report itself.
hope your requirement will match this!!!

Hmmm.. I thought the native table generator pretty functional. It includes a download button.
login as admin, then go to: Content --> Webforms Tab --> Your webform --> Submissions (or better = TABLES ! ) to see what the users have submitted. At the far right side of the TABLE display is a download button. With this selection you get EVERYTHING downloaded in a convenient XL sheet.
I know I'm a late comer to this party, and perhaps this enhancement is a late addition to the software. Solution offered here to aid others in the future.


I need plugin which can make my each unique employee upload his work

I need plugin which can make my each unique employee upload his work like only media or client can submit job requirement with only 3 field title ,media,description without login into wordpress dashboard like this & each client is redirected to dat work without login into dashboard
This is very broad topic to be discussed here. Be more specific if you are facing any particular issues.
Or you can use Upwork for posting this job to hire someone to complete it up.
try (visual form builder)
with this plugin you can create field with file upload field
but this is not Exactly what you want

Create moderation for form data

I want to add moderation logic for a form which has name, mail and comment. Now when anyone fills the form and clicks "submit" it should directly be posted to the page. I want to send the content to "admin" and to be published after the content is reviewed. How can I achieve this in Drupal? I'm using Drupal 7.2.
There are many ways to achieve what you want. I guess you are looking for a site-builder approach.
Then you may have a look at the Webform module. Webform lets you build forms and define e-mail addresses to where the submitted data should be send to.
Then there is the Rules module with which you can define a rule that on every form submission automatically a (initially unpublished) node is being created populated with the form values.
And finally you may provide a list of all unpublished nodes built with Views. Maybe you already provide a button "publish" next to each node in the list that triggers the node publication.
Alternatively you may also have a look at moderation modules like Workbench Moderation.
Or have a look at the Flag module which is pretty useful for flagging content according some logic and/or button clicks. For example you can add a flag: approved.

Wordpress custom form advanced

just a quick one, are you aware of any wordpress form plugins that allow me to create a form and depending on which options they select, it will display a certain bit of information that submits to a selected email.
Im trying to achieve a web request form for clients and would like them to be able to fill out information as well as select a check box for a certain amount of questions. For example,"would you like to update your own content?"
if they check this box, i would like the form to render all the information in the form and then depending on which checkbox is selected it will give me a bit of content that is different. im trying to automate a proposal template so it writes all this content in an email so i can quickly do proposals for websites etc.
Yes, gravity forms does this. And it's very easy too.
It is called 'conditional logic'. You enable this on a field, which will display conditional drop downs which you can choose previous 'multiple choice' questions to base your conditions on.
Think you have to pay for this plugin but you could probably find version 4 as a download somewhere to demo before you buy.
You won't be disappointed.

Client management page on Drupal 7

I would like to know what is the best way to create a custom page for my client where he can update is content by himself, the simpliest way possible for him, without even entering drupal management.
I would like to create a page with different dropdown list where he can't update a table on a page, only by selecting an item in those and add other dropdown list as well.
For example: he logs in a custom page
Theres a list with different kind of fruits, he choose banana and it automaticaly update a page table and update it with banana.
After that he could also create a new drop down list of vegetables for example, and add different kind in it so he can use it to update the site later. All that done with ajax as well.
I'm very new to drupal and have a couple of php notions, but i don't know where to start, would it be in CCK, Views or Form Api or the three at the same time?
Or is there a module out there doing that kind of thing?
English is not my primary language, so sorry if it isn't very clear.
Thank you very much.
I think what you are looking for is CCK module. You can create a CCK content type and have a field within it called fruits. From the admin interface you can decide what are the values that should be in the dropdown.
You can give the client permission to create a node of the content type. If you think he should be able to edit only the drop down values, make sure you give him the permission to only that field.
You can create a listing page using or you can also consider using
You should take a look at views bulk operations, and try using the "modify node fields" feature which will allow you to perform bulk operations on node fields displayed in a view and then look into roles & permissions which will help you restrict viewing the "View" by role.

Is there a customizable form in drupal similar to the contact form?

I need a form to enable user to enter event info in three fields (what, where, and when). Then I would like to be able to present the events in tabular form. I don't know PHP. Does drupal have a module for this purpose?
The content construction kit (CCK) allows you to create content types with custom fields, and automatically produces the forms for those content types. You'll probably also want the date field for the when.
You would use Views to display data as a table.
Drupal Form Builder
Will create quick forms for you on the go.
Drupal CCK
This one is a little bit more envolved, but more definitive, common place, and HIGHLY extensible. Here's a nice little tutorial as well.
If you don't want the results (events) to turn into nodes when the user enters the data and submit the form, then you should look into the webform module.
A while back I "demoed" this to my peers by building a "mcdonald's monopoly" tracker that anyone could use to input their pieces and then I setup a view as a block to display the aggregate result for everyone's pieces.
We didn't win anything, but this may be what you are looking for.
