echoing variable gets "Resource id" - symfony

Using symfony2 I load some entities and then try to iterate over them in a twig template.
However, instead of the variable content I am getting the following:
Resource id #23
My twig template looks like this:
{% for post in posts %}
{{ post.content }}
{% endfor %}
My controller code is:
$repository = $this->getDoctrine()
$reviews = $repository->findBy(
array('title' => 'my title'))

Maybe is too late for this answer (definitely it is LOL) but I recently had the same issue and the problem is that blob datatypes are treated as a buffer, so you have to read the info using buffer functions.
In your entity Post code you may add this method:
public function readContent(){
$content = '';
$content.= fread($this->getContent(), 1024);
return $content;
Then in your views you may call the readcontent method instead of content:
{% for post in posts %}
{{ post.readcontent }}
{% endfor %}
Is better late than never :)

My entity name is : 'Test'
Blob type field is : 'Details'
in '/src/Vendorname/Bundlename/Entity/entityname.php'
* Get details
* #return string
public function getDetails()
return $this->details;
* Reading the blob type of content.
* #return data
public function readDetails(){
$details = '';
$details.= fread($this->getDetails(), 1024);
return $details;
and in '*.html.twig' file
{% for match in matches %}


What is the better solution to get the Entity I want in a biderectional OneToMany relation?

I have one entity Article and an other entity Image with a bidrectional relation OneToMany and ManyToOne :
class Article
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\Image", mappedBy="article")
private $images;
class Image
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\Article", inversedBy="images")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(nullable=true)
private $article;
In my controller I use #paramconverter to get the article I want :
* #Route("/blog/{slug}", name="article")
* #ParamConverter("article", class="AppBundle:Article")
public function articleAction(Article $article)
return $this->render('default/article.html.twig', array(
'article' => $article,
Now my problem is that I want to identify the ONLY image with the attributes "main = true" in all the "article.images" I have.
What is the best solution?
In my wiew I can do somehting like this but it's not the best I think :
{% for image in article.images %}
{% if image.main %}
<img src="{{ asset( image.src ) }}" alt="{{ image.alt }}" title="{{ image.title }}">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I'd like to use something like :
{{ article.mainImg }}
How can I achieve this please? And is this the best solution?
Doctrine provides a collection filter mechanism you could use to get the "main image":
public function articleAction(Article $article)
$criteria = Criteria::create()
->where(Criteria::expr()->eq("main", true))
$mainImg = $article->getImages()->matching($criteria)->first();
return $this->render('default/article.html.twig', array(
'article' => $article,
'mainImg' => $mainImg
More information on filtering doctrine collections: Filtering collections
I did not test the code myself, but it should convey the idea of how it can be done.

How can I print Google Books api description?

Hie I am trying to get the synopsis and other items like author and published date printed. But I am Able to achieve this only with certain search terms, an error occurs with other words or terms
Key "description" for array with keys "title, subtitle, authors, publishedDate, industryIdentifiers, readingModes, pageCount, printType, categories, maturityRating, allowAnonLogging, contentVersion, imageLinks, language, previewLink, infoLink, canonicalVolumeLink" does not exist.
I am using symfony and twig. this is what the twig file looks like :
{% for item in items %}
<img src="{{ item.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail}}"/>
<h4>{{ item.volumeInfo.title}}</h4>
{{ item.volumeInfo.description }}
<strong> {{ item.volumeInfo.publishedDate }}</strong><br/>
<b>{{ item.volumeInfo.authors | join }}</b>
What am I doing wrong? why does this work only sometimes ? how can I make it work correctly all the time?
class GoogleBooksController extends Controller
public function getVolumeAction($title)
$client =new client();
$response = $client- >get("$title");
return $this->render('BookReviewBundle:GoogleBooks:volume.html.twig', array('items'=>$items
// ...
)); }
I belive the description field is not mandatory, so you can do follow
{% if item.volumeInfo.description is defined %}
{{ item.volumeInfo.description }}
{% endif %}

Display image stored in BLOB database in symfony

I load my image (blob data ) in my GETer Entity
When I just return ($this->foto) in my GETer I see :Resource id #284 on the screen
When I change my GETer like this : return stream_get_contents($this->foto);
I see these : ���JFIF��� ( ,,,,,,,, ( and more )
In my Controller a call the index.html.twig to show all my entities
* Lists all Producten entities.
public function indexAction()
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$entities = $em->getRepository('CustomCMSBundle:Producten')->findAll();
return $this->render('CustomCMSBundle:Producten:index.html.twig', array(
'entities' => $entities,
Now in my views ( index.html.twig ) I like to show the picture
{% for entity in entities %}
<img src="{{ entity.foto}}" alt="" width="80" height="80" />
{{ entity.foto }}
{% endfor %}
But I don't see the picture ?
Can anyone help me?
You are using <img src="(raw image)"> instead of <img src="(image's url)">
A quick solution is to encode your image in base64 and embed it.
$images = array();
foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
$images[$key] = base64_encode(stream_get_contents($entity->getFoto()));
// ...
return $this->render('CustomCMSBundle:Producten:index.html.twig', array(
'entities' => $entities,
'images' => $images,
{% for key, entity in entities %}
{# ... #}
<img alt="Embedded Image" src="data:image/png;base64,{{ images[key] }}" />
{# ... #}
{% endfor %}
in your entity write your image getter like this:
public function getFoto()
return imagecreatefromstring($this->foto);
and use it instead of the object "foto" property.
php doc for the function:
A more direct way, without extra work in the controller:
In the Entity Class
* #ORM\Column(name="photo", type="blob", nullable=true)
private $photo;
private $rawPhoto;
public function displayPhoto()
if(null === $this->rawPhoto) {
$this->rawPhoto = "data:image/png;base64," . base64_encode(stream_get_contents($this->getPhoto()));
return $this->rawPhoto;
In the view
<img src="{{ entity.displayPhoto }}">
Thanks to answer to my question here, I could improve this code so the image can be displayed more than once.
As it is said before you must use base64 method, but for a better performance and usability, the correct option is creating a custom twig filter (Twig extension) as described here .
namespace Your\Namespace;
use Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension;
use Twig\TwigFilter;
class TwigExtensions extends AbstractExtension
public function getFilters()
return [
new TwigFilter('base64', [$this, 'twig_base64_filter']),
function twig_base64_filter($source)
{ if($source!=null) {
return base64_encode(stream_get_contents($source));
return '';
In your template:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,{{ | base64 }}">

Passing multiple arguments through twig path

I have this twig code:
<div style="padding-left: 5em" class="comment">
<p>{{ }} - {{ comment.created|date('j. n. Y H:i') }}</p>
<p>{{ comment.text }}</p>
<p>Odpovědět na komentář</p>
{% for child in comment.children %}
{% include 'BlogApplicationBundle:Post:_comment.html.twig' with {'comment' : child}%}
{% endfor %}
and this is function that processes the output from link in twig code:
* #Route("/post/{id}/newcommentresponse", name="comment_response_new")
* #Template("BlogApplicationBundle:Post:form.html.twig")
public function commentResponceAction($id,$idc)
$comment = new Comment();
$form = $this->createForm(new CommentType(), $comment);
return array(
'form' => $form->createView()
when i try to run code i get this error :
Controller "Cvut\Fit\BiWt1\Blog\ApplicationBundle\Controller\CommentController::commentResponceAction()"
requires that you provide a value for the "$idc" argument (because
there is no default value or because there is a non optional argument
after this one).
So it seems that second argument passsed through link is ignored and i have no idea what am i doing wrong.
You are missing the $idc definition in your #Route annotation. It should look something like this:
#Route("/post/{id}/newcommentresponse/{idc}", name="comment_response_new")
or this:
#Route("/post/{id}/{idc}/newcommentresponse", name="comment_response_new")
You can also leave it out of the route and function declaration and grab it directly from the Controller:
* #Route("/post/{id}/newcommentresponse", name="comment_response_new")
* #Template("BlogApplicationBundle:Post:form.html.twig")
public function commentResponceAction($id)
$idc = $request->query->get('idc');

Can verbatim be used on contents of an include?

I'm sharing templates between client and server and would like to output the raw template inside a script tag which is possible with verbatim.
However it would be nicer if this could be applied as a filter to the include but it doesn't seem possible?
I'm new to twig so excuse me if i've missed obvious functionality.
I ran into the same problem, and this page came up in my search results. In the time since this question was answered, the Twig developers added this functionality into the library. I figured I should add some details for future searchers.
The functionality to include raw text (aka for client-side templates using the same syntax as Twig) is accomplished with the source function.
Ie: {{ source('path/to/template.html.twig') }}
I was looking for something like this too because I'm using Twig.js for some client-side templating along with Symfony. I was trying to share templates between the server-side and client-side code, so I needed content to be parsed in some cases and treated as verbatim in others, which proved to be a bit tricky.
I couldn't find anything built into Twig to help with this, but luckily, it's pretty easy to extend Twig to get what you're looking for. I implemented it as a function, but you may be able to do it as a filter too.
class: StatSidekick\AnalysisBundle\Twig\IncludeAsTemplateExtension
- { name: twig.extension }
namespace StatSidekick\AnalysisBundle\Twig;
use Twig_Environment;
use Twig_Extension;
class IncludeAsTemplateExtension extends Twig_Extension {
* Returns a list of global functions to add to the existing list.
* #return array An array of global functions
public function getFunctions() {
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleFunction( 'include_as_template', array( $this, 'includeAsTemplate' ), array( 'needs_environment' => true, 'is_safe' => array( 'html' ) ) )
function includeAsTemplate( Twig_Environment $env, $location, $id ) {
$contents = $env->getLoader()->getSource( $location );
return "<script data-template-id=\"{$id}\" type=\"text/x-twig-template\">{$contents}</script>";
* Returns the name of the extension.
* #return string The extension name
public function getName() {
return 'include_as_template_extension';
Usage in Twig file
{{ include_as_template( 'Your:Template:here.html.twig', 'template-id' ) }}
If you have a Twig file like this:
<ul class="message-list">
{% for message in messages %}
<li>{{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
The output will be this:
<script data-template-id="template-id" type="text/x-twig-template">
<ul class="message-list">
{% for message in messages %}
<li>{{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
The work is derived from Kari Söderholm's answer here. Hope that helps!
