I've a code that works perfectly for my purpose (it reads some files with a specific pattern, read the matrix within each file and compute something using each filepair...the final output is a matrix that has the same size of the file number) and looks like this:
m<- 100
output<- matrix(0, m, m)
lista<- list.files(pattern = "q")
listan<- as.matrix(lista)
n <- nrow(listan)
for (i in 1:n) {
AA <- read.table((listan[i,]), header = FALSE)
A<- as.matrix(AA)
dVarX <- sqrt(mean(A * A))
for (j in i:n) {
BB <- read.table ((listan[j,]), header = FALSE)
B<- as.matrix(BB)
V <- sqrt (dVarX * (sqrt(mean(B * B))))
output[i,j] <- (sqrt(mean(A * B))) / V
My problem is that it takes a lot of time (I have about 5000 matrixes, that means 5000x5000 loops).
I would like to parallelize, but I need some help!
Waiting for your kind suggestions!
Thank you in advance!
The bottleneck is likely reading from disk. Running code in parallel isn't guaranteed to make things faster. In this case, multiple processes attempting to read from the same disk at the same time is likely to be even slower than a single process.
Since your matrices are being written by another R process, you really should save them in R's binary format. You're reading every matrix once and only once, so the only way to make your program faster is to make reading from disk faster.
Here's an example that shows you how much faster it could be:
# make some random data and write it to disk
for(i in 0:9) {
m <- matrix(runif(700*700), 700, 700)
f <- paste0("f",i)
write(m, f, 700) # text format
saveRDS(m, paste0(f,".rds")) # binary format
# initialize two output objects
m <- 10
o1 <- o2 <- matrix(NA, m, m)
# get list of file names
files <- list.files(pattern="^f[[:digit:]]+$")
n <- length(files)
First, let's run your your code using scan, which is already a lot faster than your current solution with read.table.
for (i in 1:n) {
A <- scan(files[i],quiet=TRUE)
for (j in i:n) {
B <- scan(files[j],quiet=TRUE)
o1[i,j] <- sqrt(mean(A*B)) / sqrt(sqrt(mean(A*A)) * sqrt(mean(B*B)))
# user system elapsed
# 31.37 0.78 32.58
Now, let's re-run that code using the files saved in R's binary format:
for (i in 1:n) {
fA <- paste0(files[i],".rds")
A <- readRDS(fA)
for (j in i:n) {
fB <- paste0(files[j],".rds")
B <- readRDS(fB)
o2[i,j] <- sqrt(mean(A*B)) / sqrt(sqrt(mean(A*A)) * sqrt(mean(B*B)))
# user system elapsed
# 2.42 0.39 2.92
So the binary format is ~10x faster! And the output is the same:
# [1] TRUE
I'm working with raster package and I try to switch to terra but for some reasons that I don't understand, terra cannot reproduce the same operation of raster when working in parallel with packages such snowfall and future.apply. Here is a reproducible example.
r <- rast()
r[] <- 1:ncell(r)
m <- rast()
m[] <- c(rep(1,ncell(m)/5),rep(2,ncell(m)/5),rep(3,ncell(m)/5),rep(4,ncell(m)/5),rep(5,ncell(m)/5))
ms <- separate(m,other=NA)
mymask <- function(ind){
tipo <- tipo_tav[ind]
mask <- ms[[ind]]
masked <-
richard <- function(x){
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
pred <- richard(masked)
pred <- clamp(pred,lower=0)
#the sequential usage works fine, faster than the `raster` counterpart
system.time(x <- mymask(1))#0.03
#when I try to run my function in parallel I receive an error
system.time(pred_list <- future_lapply(1:5, FUN = mymask))
Error in .External(list(name = "CppMethod__invoke_notvoid", address = <pointer: (nil)>, :
NULL value as symbol address.
the exactly same code works well if I change rast with raster and terra::mask with raster::mask. See below:
r <- raster(r)
ms <- stack(ms)
mymask <- function(ind){
tipo <- tipo_tav[ind]
mask <- ms[[ind]]
masked <-
richard <- function(x){
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
pred <- richard(masked)
pred <- clamp(pred,lower=0)
#this works fine
system.time(x <- mymask(1))#0.06
#this works too
system.time(pred_list <- future_lapply(1:5, FUN = mymask))#15.48
The same behavior if I use snowfall instead of future
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus =5)
system.time(pred_list <- sfLapply(1:5, fun = mymask))
this return the same error of future_lapply
Why is this happening? I've never seen such an error. I was hoping to take advantage of the higher speed of terra but so I'm stuck.
A SpatRaster cannot be serialized, you cannot send it to parallel compute nodes. Have a look here for more discussion.
Instead you can (a) send and receive filenames; (b) parallelize your custom function that you supply to app or lapp; (c) use the cores=n argument (where available, e.g. app and predict); (d) use a mechanism like wrap; (e) send a filename and a vector to make a SpatExtent to process and create a virtual raster from the output tiles (see ?vrt).
For example, you could do use a function like this (Option "a")
prich <- function(filein, fileout) {
r <- rast(filein)
richard <- function(x) {
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
y[y<0] <- 0
x <- app(masked, richard, filename=fileout, overwrite=TRUE)
I use app because it is much more efficient for large rasters --- as it could avoid writing temp files for each of the 10 arithmetic operations with a SpatRaster. Given that you want to parallelize this relatively simple function, I assume the files are very large.
Or option "c":
richard <- function(x) {
k <-0.2
v <-0.3
a <-200
y0 <-2
y <- k/v*x*(1-((x/a)^v))+y0
y[y<0] <- 0
x <- app(masked, richard, cores=12)
In neither case I included the masking. You could include it in option "a" but mask is disk I/O intensive, not computationally intensive, so it might be as efficient to do it in one step rather than in parallel.
With wrap you could do something like this
f <- function(w) {
x <- rast(w)
y <- richard(x)
r <- rast(nrow=10, ncol=10, vals=1:100)
x <- f(wrap(r))
x <- rast(x)
Where f would be run in parallel. That only works for small rasters, but you could parallelize over tiles, and you can create tiles with terra::makeTiles.
More internal parallelization options will be coming, but don't hold your breath.
I've written a function that splits words into single letters, and than create a 2 variable dataframe with those letters and their position in the original word expressed in percentage. It looks like this:
pozycje.literek <- function(slowo){
literki <- unlist(strsplit(slowo,""))
liczby <- seq(0,length(literki)-1) / (length(literki)-1)
pozycje <- data_frame(literki, liczby)
The function does what I need, but it is awfully slow. with the below example with 10 thousand elements it took 52 seconds (just the second loop, without generating random example vector of characters). And the vectors I'm dealing with are above 500 thousand.
wektor <- vector()
for(i in 1:10000){
wektor[i] <- paste0(sample(letters[1:24], round(runif(1,3,10),0)),collapse = "")
tabelka <- data.frame()
system.time(for(i in wektor){
tabelka <- rbind(tabelka, pozycje.literek(i)) #tu powstaje baza dla danego kraju i potem już jest kod wspolny bo zamieniam na 'tabelka'
Any idea how to speed it up? I could't think of any application of apply family, to do that, but I believe there might be one. Or the job my function does could be done in completely different way?
literki <- strsplit(wektor, "")
x <- lengths(literki)
liczby <- lapply(x, function(x) seq(0, x-1)/(x-1))
pozycje <- data_frame(unlist(literki), unlist(liczby))
I am writing an R program that involves analyzing a large amount of unstructured text data and creating a word-frequency matrix. I've been using the wfm and wfdf functions from the qdap package, but have noticed that this is a bit slow for my needs. It appears that the production of the word-frequency matrix is the bottleneck.
The code for my function is as follows.
liwcr <- function(inputText, dict) {
stop("Dictionary file does not exist.")
# Read in dictionary categories
# Start by figuring out where the category list begins and ends
dictionaryText <- readLines(dict)
if(!length(grep("%", dictionaryText))==2)
stop("Dictionary is not properly formatted. Make sure category list is correctly partitioned (using '%').")
catStart <- grep("%", dictionaryText)[1]
catStop <- grep("%", dictionaryText)[2]
dictLength <- length(dictionaryText)
dictionaryCategories <- read.table(dict, header=F, sep="\t", skip=catStart, nrows=(catStop-2))
wordCount <- word_count(inputText)
outputFrame <- dictionaryCategories
outputFrame["count"] <- 0
# Now read in dictionary words
no_col <- max(count.fields(dict, sep = "\t"), na.rm=T)
dictionaryWords <- read.table(dict, header=F, sep="\t", skip=catStop, nrows=(dictLength-catStop), fill=TRUE, quote="\"", col.names=1:no_col)
workingMatrix <- wfdf(inputText)
for (i in workingMatrix[,1]) {
if (i %in% dictionaryWords[, 1]) {
occurrences <- 0
foundWord <- dictionaryWords[dictionaryWords$X1 == i,]
foundCategories <- foundWord[1,2:no_col]
for (w in foundCategories) {
if (!is.na(w) & (!w=="")) {
existingCount <- outputFrame[outputFrame$V1 == w,]$count
outputFrame[outputFrame$V1 == w,]$count <- existingCount + workingMatrix[workingMatrix$Words == i,]$all
I realize the for loop is inefficient, so in an effort to locate the bottleneck, I tested it without this portion of the code (simply reading in each text file and producing the word-frequency matrix), and seen very little in the way of speed improvements. Example:
fn <- reports::folder(delete_me)
n <- 10000
lapply(1:n, function(i) {
out <- paste(sample(key.syl[[1]], 30, T), collapse = " ")
cat(out, file=file.path(fn, sprintf("tweet%s.txt", i)))
filename <- sprintf("tweet%s.txt", 1:n)
for(i in 1:length(filename)){
text <- readLines(paste0("/toshi/twitter_en/", filename[i]))
freq <- wfm(text)
The input files are Twitter and Facebook status postings.
Is there any way to improve the speed for this code?
EDIT2: Due to institutional restrictions, I can't post any of the raw data. However, just to give an idea of what I'm dealing with: 25k text files, each with all the available tweets from an individual Twitter user. There are also an additional 100k files with Facebook status updates, structured in the same way.
Here is a qdap approach and a mixed qdap/tm approach that is faster. I provide the code and then the timings on each. Basically I read everything in at once and operator on the entire data set. You could then split it back apart if you wanted with split.
A MWE that you should provide with questions
fn <- reports::folder(delete_me)
n <- 10000
lapply(1:n, function(i) {
out <- paste(sample(key.syl[[1]], 30, T), collapse = " ")
cat(out, file=file.path(fn, sprintf("tweet%s.txt", i)))
filename <- sprintf("tweet%s.txt", 1:n)
The qdap approach
tic <- Sys.time() ## time it
dat <- list2df(setNames(lapply(filename, function(x){
readLines(file.path(fn, x))
}), tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename)), "text", "tweet")
difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to read in
the_wfm <- with(dat, wfm(text, tweet))
difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to make wfm
Timing qdap approach
> tic <- Sys.time() ## time it
> dat <- list2df(setNames(lapply(filename, function(x){
+ readLines(file.path(fn, x))
+ }), tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename)), "text", "tweet")
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to read in
Time difference of 2.97617 secs
> the_wfm <- with(dat, wfm(text, tweet))
> difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to make wfm
Time difference of 48.9238 secs
The qdap-tm combined approach
tic <- Sys.time() ## time it
dat <- list2df(setNames(lapply(filename, function(x){
readLines(file.path(fn, x))
}), tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename)), "text", "tweet")
difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to read in
tweet_corpus <- with(dat, as.Corpus(text, tweet))
tdm <- tm::TermDocumentMatrix(tweet_corpus,
control = list(removePunctuation = TRUE,
stopwords = FALSE))
difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to make TermDocumentMatrix
Timing qdap-tm combined approach
> tic <- Sys.time() ## time it
> dat <- list2df(setNames(lapply(filename, function(x){
+ readLines(file.path(fn, x))
+ }), tools::file_path_sans_ext(filename)), "text", "tweet")
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to read in
Time difference of 3.108177 secs
> tweet_corpus <- with(dat, as.Corpus(text, tweet))
> tdm <- tm::TermDocumentMatrix(tweet_corpus,
+ control = list(removePunctuation = TRUE,
+ stopwords = FALSE))
> difftime(Sys.time(), tic) ## time to make TermDocumentMatrix
Time difference of 13.52377 secs
There is a qdap-tm Package Compatibility (-CLICK HERE-) to help users move between qdap and tm. As you can see on 10000 tweets the combined approach is ~3.5 x faster. A purely tm approach may be faster still. Also if you want the wfm use as.wfm(tdm) to coerce the TermDocumentMatrix.
Your code though is slower either way because it's not the R way to do things. I'd recommend reading some additional info on R to get better at writing faster code. I'm currently working through Hadley Wickham's Advanced R that I'd recommend.
Seemingly simple question, but I don't know how the loop syntax and variable assignments work in R very well. I have a 6900 line table that I want parsed into 10 equal sized text files. My code is below, but how would I design a loop around it and iterate through the filenames?
The manual way
I guess not such an issue to use a loop for IO:
for (i in 1:10) {
start <- 1 + (i-1) * nrow(clipboard) / 10
end <- i * nrow(clipboard) / 10
fname <- paste("mydata", i ,".txt", sep="")
write.table(x=clipboard[start:end, 1], file=fname, sep="\t")
Note that this assumes that it can actually be separated into 10 equally sized files!
Done properly, write.split:
This method will actually (when not perfectly divisable) create an extra file for the remainder.
I used this splitter to create a list of data that will then be used in parallel for some statistical computations in my package correlate. Here, it actually means we would be able to write the files in parallel. Note that this is pointless for small files; maybe even slower.
# Helper to split the data in chunks
splitter <- function(x, splitsize) {
nr <- nrow(x)
if (splitsize > nr) {
splitsize <- nr
splits <- floor(nr / splitsize)
splitted.list <- lapply(split(x[seq_len(splits*splitsize), ],
seq_len(splits)), function(x) matrix(x, splitsize))
if (nr %% splitsize != 0) {
splitted.list$last <- x[(splits * splitsize + 1):nr, ]
write.split <- function(x, chunks, file.prefix, file.extension, cores = 1, ...) {
splitsize <- nrow(x) / chunks
splitted.list <- splitter(x, splitsize)
if (cores == 1) {
sapply(names(splitted.list), function(z)
file = paste(file.prefix, z, file.extension, sep=""),
} else {
# currently just the simple linux version; this won't work on Windows.
# Upon request I'll add it
mclapply(names(splitted.list), function(z)
file = paste(file.prefix, z, file.extension, sep=""),
write.split(z, chunks = 10,
file.prefix = "mydata", file.extension = ".txt", sep="\t")
You can also give it the row.names and col.names arguments, basically anything that can be passed to write.table.
Using `matrix(1:1000000, 1000)` as data.
Unit: seconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
1-core 1.780022 1.990751 2.079907 2.166891 2.744904 100
4-cores 1.305048 1.438777 1.492114 1.559110 2.070911 100
It could also be easily extended by allowing to give a number of lines to write rather than the amount of chunks.
I'm breaking my head on how to write multiple files from each row of the input matrix, after some calculations. The code that I'm using now looks like this:
akl <- function(dii) {
ddi <- as.matrix(dii)
m <- rowMeans(ddi)
M <- mean(m) # mean(ddi) == mean(m)
r <- sweep(ddi, 1, m)
b <- sweep(r, 2, m)
return(b + M)
akl.list <- llply(1:nrow(aa), function(i) {
akl(dist(aa[i, ]))
The akl.list that I create is too large for large input matrix and I cannot store it in the RAM. My idea was to write on files each matrix that I obtain in the llply loop. Is there an easy way to do that?
thank you!!
you can use do_ply since you want just the loop feature
d_ply(aa, 1,function(row){
a <- akl(dist(row))
write.table(a) ## you save in a file here
},.progress='text' ## to show progress (optional)