Distinguish different Selenium Grid node - networking

I'm dealing right now with following problem:
My Selenium Grid instance should connect few nodes which are in different locations and I would like to run each test in every location. How can I point to Selenium Grid that it should choose one node from each location and send test there? I tried manipulating browser name or platforms (ex. naming it firefox-pl/firefox-fr or windows-pl/windows-fr) but I received always following exception:
Error forwarding the new session cannot find
and I found out that those values are not changeable.
Is there any other method to do it? I would not like to change browser or its version, because nature of those tests is to compare network responses on different locations and different browsers can change it.

I also come across same situation and I just think of the node and did as follows.
In one folder
1.place the selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar file and set the environment variable as well.
2.create the hub: Type "java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar -role hub -port 4444" in the text file and save it as Hub.bat and run it
3.Create the node: Type "java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.44.0.jar -role node -hub http://(IP Address of the parent machine which has above two files):4444/grid/register -port 8882 -browser "browserName=firefox,maxInstances=1,applicationName=two"" and put this file in another machine and run this. Now this node will be connected with the hub.
4.If you want particular test should run in one node(client machine) then you can just specify the applicationName in the node as like in above point(3) and in setting the capabilities in the test class file as "desiredCapability.setCapability("applicationName", nodeName);".
setting the application name in the node is hidden features in selenium. Now just test and enjoy.

Sounds like you're looking to run tests in parallel, testng is a great tool to help you setup. Take a look at the following link

When you start the node and you are specifying the capabilities, you might consider setting maxInstances. This value controls the number of concurrent instances of that browser which can be opened on that node. If you set this to 1 - you can run tests in parallel against the Grid but only one browser will open at a time on each node.
java.exe -jar selenium-server.jar -role node -browser


Why can't Openstack find clouds.yaml (or is unable to access it)?

Openstacks configuration page says (highlights and numbering by me):
OpenStackClient looks for a file called clouds.yaml in the following locations: I) current directory II) ~/.config/openstack III) /etc/openstack
but when I place an openstack clouds.yaml at I-III), it doesn't read any data from it. openstack configuration show at least is not showing the additional information and calls that would require said information fail due to that information not being available to openstack.
I used the command: openstack configuration show
openstack configuration show won't show any information from your clouds.yaml unless you either specify --os-cloud <name> on the command line or set the OS_CLOUD environment variable (because otherwise how does it know which cloud configuration to use?).

How do I make sure my R session attached is using the compute node instead of the admin (i.e. login) node?

I am using VS Code for R in a remote Unix environment. My goal is to perform regular interactive job while editing the script on the remote server as what people usually do in RStudio locally.
For the HPC server I use, there're a admin node (i.e. login node) and a compute node (mostly for interactive job).
Usually what I did, is to login in via admin node first (via ssh), and then request certain resourses (e.g. memories, cpu, etc) from the compute node, and then do
which transfer me from 'admin' to 'compute' node in the terminal.
And lastly, I do "R: Create R terminal". However, I wouldn't be able to check if this R terminal is operated on the compute node or the admin node.
There's a way to go around, by using 'radian' package and set "r.alwaysUseActiveTerminal" as "true". However, via this way, my data viewer wouldn't be attached and I couldn't view my data in the 'workspace'. As this,
enter image description here
The trickiest part is I need to use 'ssh' to switch between 'admin' and 'compute node'. While at the same time the whole left panel of VS Code, including the File Viewer, is still based on the 'admin' node.
Any suggestions and advice are welcome! Thanks a lot!
In the R syntax, use Sys.info() to find the hostname of the computer R is running on:
> Sys.info()["nodename"]

No such interface 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' on object at path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/

I start my qt application in the user's .profile file (not root) to make the app start on boot. Sometimes when my application start, it reports an warning as below:
"No such interface 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' on object at path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1"
I searched on google but did not find a explanation.
It seems my app is still working fine, but I want to locate the problem.
The application is running on ubuntu and using Qt5.
Thanks in advance.
I tried to debug dbus based on Eligijus Pupeikis's help with running:
gdbus introspect --system \
--dest org.freedesktop.NetworkManager \
--object-path /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection
it returns:
node /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection {
node 0 {
So, this means there is no such object just as the error message said, right?
And also, this gns3 team member says this problem is about Qt and Ubuntu.
Does this mean I don't need to solve it? I not familiar with the relationship between dbus and qt.
Most likely there is no such object "/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/1" and because of that it can't find 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties' interface.
From documentation org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active :
Objects that implement the Connection.Active interface represent an attempt to connect to a network using the details provided by a Connection object. The Connection.Active object tracks the life-cycle of the connection attempt and if successful indicates whether the connected network is the "default" or preferred network for access. NetworkManager has the concept of connections, which can be thought of as settings, a profile or a configuration that can be applied on a networking device. Such settings-connections are exposed as D-Bus object and the active-connection expresses this relationship between device and settings-connection. At any time a settings-connection can only be activated on one device and vice versa. However, during activation and deactivation multiple active-connections can reference the same device or settings-connection as they are waiting to be activated or to be deactivated.
You can't know that that ActiveConnection object with specifically index 1 exists so you need to check by reading ActiveConnections property from /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager object's org.freedesktop.NetworkManager interface.
To have better visualize and understand how it looks I suggest D-Bus debugger. If you are using Gnome check out D-Feet.

topbeat to monitor specific java process

I am newbie to the beats. I am using topbeat to monitor the system health.
Up to this point everything is fine.
Now I need to monitor the resource utilization of a java process, so I configured topbeat.yml as: procs: ["java"]
In my linux box there are 4 java processes are running but I am interested in only one java process. So,
Is there any way to monitor specific java process using regex?
Is there any way to differentiate the processes by name [not with pid]?
If you wish to view certain processes then you can use sample topbeat dashboards and in that dashboard there is one search which is for proc stats. From there select proc.name from the available fields and further filter it to select your relevant proc.name
Suggestion from elastic forum: https://discuss.elastic.co/t/topbeat-monitor-specific-java-process/65594/2 Try MetricBeat and see if it helps.

Can asterisk monitor() and mixmonitor() applications be executed on same channel?

Im recording calls with Mixmonitor() application, it works fine, but recently i had a request to record each leg of call with addition to mixedfile. I know, that i can record each leg of call with Monitor() and then use external script tp mix it, but the problem is that it is additional loading of server. So I wonder can I do it by means of asterisk? For example by using Monitor and Mixmonitor together?
You can specify the call-legs with MixMonitor's parameters:
as stated in the description:
asterisk*CLI> core show application MixMonitor
r(file): Use the specified file to record the *receive* audio feed.
Like with the basic filename argument, if an absolute path isn't given,
it will create the file in the configured monitoring directory.
t(file): Use the specified file to record the *transmit* audio feed.
Like with the basic filename argument, if an absolute path isn't given,
it will create the file in the configured monitoring directory.
