phpexcel File does not exist - symfony

I am trying to read a xlsx document with PHPExcel. My document is in my local and my code shows me this error.
Could not open MunicipioPreinscripcion.xlsx for reading! File does not
This is my code (My excel document is my current directory with my controller)
#namespace Backend\AlumnosBundle\Controller
define('PHPEXCEL_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');
$inputFileName = 'MunicipioPreinscripcion.xlsx';
$inputFileNameWithPath = PHPEXCEL_ROOT.$inputFileName;
if(file_exists($inputFileNameWithPath)) {
echo 'exist'; //Allways show exist
echo $inputFileNameWithPath."<br>";
} else {
echo 'dont exist';
/** Identify the type of $inputFileName **/
$inputFileType = PHPExcel_IOFactory::identify($inputFileName);
/** Create a new Reader of the type that has been identified **/
$objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($inputFileType);
/** Advise the Reader that we only want to load cell data **/
/** Load $inputFileName to a PHPExcel Object **/
$objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($inputFileName); //This is where throw the error
What i am doing wrong?
How can i show the directory where load() method is looking for files? I'm lost
Thanks in advance

SOLVED: I think it didn´t load for permission in this directory (mybundle/controller). I have moved the xlsx file to web/upload directory and this work correctly.
$objPHPExcel = $this->get('xls.load_xls2007')->load($this->get('kernel')->getRootDir() .'/../web/upload/MunicipioPreinscripcion.xlsx');


Is there a way to transfer data from a repeater field in WP Formidable Forms to ActiveCampaign?

Currently I am trying to transfer data from a repeater field in Wordpress Formidable Forms to a list in a CRM system known as ActiveCampaign.
Unfortunately the ActiveCampaign Add-On does not recognise fields inside the repeater field.
When exporting the Child Form, I get exactly what I want. Is there any way to export this file as soon as an entry is created?
Any support would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe this link can help you:
add_action('frm_after_create_entry', 'create_csv', 30, 2);
function create_csv($entry_id, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 1234) { //replace 1234 with the id of the form
// Collect the form data - Add a new row for each field you want to export and give it a unique name
$firstName = isset($_POST['item_meta'][1537]) ? $_POST['item_meta'][1537] : '';
$lastName = isset($_POST['item_meta'][1538]) ? $_POST['item_meta'][1538] : '';
$email = isset($_POST['item_meta'][1540]) ? $_POST['item_meta'][1540] : '';
$organizationId = isset($_POST['item_meta'][1547]) ? $_POST['item_meta'][1547] : '';
$organizationName = isset($_POST['item_meta'][1548]) ? $_POST['item_meta'][1548] : '';
$createdAt = isset($_POST['item_meta'][1555]) ? $_POST['item_meta'][1555] : '';
// The header row of the CSV - Add a name for each field in the form
$header = "firstName,lastName,email,organizationId,organizationName,createdAt\n";
// The data of the CSV - Add each of the form fields listed above
$data = "$firstName,$lastName,$email,$organizationId,$organizationName,$createdAt\n";
* The file name of the CSV.
* NB: To save a single file per entry you will need to make the file name unique
* This can be done using the entry ID or the date & time stamp by including the hour, minutes & seconds.
* E.g at 12:38:43 the file will be named "TestUser-21-02-05-12-38-43-request.csv".
* One second later the time (and file name) will be "12:38:44".
* Then a new file "TestUser-21-02-05-12-38-44-request.csv" will be created.
* How you name the file will determine if you have a new file for each entry, a new file per user or a single file with all entry data.
$fileName = dirname(__DIR__, 3) . "/your-project-folder/" . $refUserId . "-" .$createdAt . "-request" . ".csv";
* Create the CSV file.
* If file exists, append the data to it. Otherwise create a new file.
if (file_exists($fileName)) {
// Add only data. The header is already added in the existing file.
file_put_contents($fileName, $data, FILE_APPEND);
} else {
// Add CSV header and data.
file_put_contents($fileName, $header.$data);

How to handle file upload in symfony?

im trying to upload diffrent types of files in symfony
$uploadedFile = $request->files->get('image');
Works good for handling with images, However i cannot use it with diffrent files than
$uploadedFile = $request->files->get('file');
Whatever i send using this, dd method shows me null.
How can I upload files for example pdfs, docx etc. (diffrent than images)
I use vue on the frontend.
You should use createForm.
$form = $this->createForm(ProductType::class, $product);
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
/** #var UploadedFile $brochureFile */
$brochureFile = $form->get('brochure')->getData();
// this condition is needed because the 'brochure' field is not required
// so the PDF file must be processed only when a file is uploaded
if ($brochureFile) {
$originalFilename = pathinfo($brochureFile->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);
// this is needed to safely include the file name as part of the URL
$safeFilename = transliterator_transliterate('Any-Latin; Latin-ASCII; [^A-Za-z0-9_] remove; Lower()', $originalFilename);
$newFilename = $safeFilename.'-'.uniqid().'.'.$brochureFile->guessExtension();
// Move the file to the directory where brochures are stored
try {
} catch (FileException $e) {
// ... handle exception if something happens during file upload
// updates the 'brochureFilename' property to store the PDF file name
// instead of its contents

Adding images from an external gallery to a SilverStripe site via a BuildTask

I'm making a Silverstripe build task to get many images from an external gallery, and create/upload them into the /assets/images/gallery folder with the necessary database links to the GalleryPage.
So I load the list of Urls, display the images to the browser, now how do I save an image into the assets folder with the necessary GalleryPage database links?
class ImportGalleryTask extends BuildTask {
public function writeImage($data) {
//this is the external url that I can output as an image to the browser
// folder to save image is 'assets/images/gallery'
// ? save into folder and database and associate to PageImageBelongsToID ?
You can use copy to copy a remote file to your local filesystem. PHP must be configured to support allow_url_fopen though.
So, your resulting function might look like this:
* #param $data
* #return null|Image return written Image object or `null` if failed
public function writeImage($data)
// The target folder for the image
$folder = Folder::find_or_make('images/gallery');
// assuming that $data->Filename contains just the file-name without path
$targetPath = $folder->getFullPath() . $data->Filename;
// Check if an image with this name already exists
// ATTENTION: This will overwrite existing images!
// If you don't want this, you need to implement this differently
file_exists($targetPath) &&
$image = Image::get()->where(array(
'"Name" = ?' => $data->Filename,
'"ParentID" = ?' => $folder->ID
// just copy the new file over…
copy($data->Url, $targetPath);
// … and delete all cached images
// and we're done
return $image;
// Try to copy the file
if (!copy($data->Url, $targetPath)) {
return null;
// Write the file to the DB
$image = Image::create(array(
'Name' => $data->Filename,
'ParentID' => $folder->ID,
'Filename' => $folder->getRelativePath() . $data->Filename
return $image;

PHPExcel file does not exsit

Please kindliy help out.Am using php excel with laravel but whenever i try to import excel file into database i get error "Error loading file "update.xlsx": Could not open localhost:9090/xls/update.xlsx for reading! File does not exist.".
My xls folder is placed in my public directory and am loading phpexcel with composer.Kindly help out i ddont know what am doing wrong.thanks in advance
Here is my code:
/************************ YOUR DATABASE CONNECTION START HERE ****************************/
define ("DB_HOST", "lhost"); // set database host
define ("DB_USER", "root"); // set database user
define ("DB_PASS",""); // set database password
define ("DB_NAME","name"); // set database name
// $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) or die("Couldn't make connection.");
// $db = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link) or die("Couldn't select database");
$databasetable = "applicant";
$con = new mysqli(DB_HOST, DB_USER,DB_PASS,DB_NAME);
/************************ YOUR DATABASE CONNECTION END HERE ****************************/
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'Classes/');
// This is the file path to be uploaded.
$inputFileName = asset("xls/".$filename);;
try {
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($inputFileName);
} catch(Exception $e) {
die('Error loading file "'.pathinfo($inputFileName,PATHINFO_BASENAME).'": '.$e->getMessage());
$allDataInSheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null,true,true,true);
$arrayCount = count($allDataInSheet); // Here get total count of row in that Excel sheet
$surname = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["A"]));
$othernames = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["B"]));
$address = strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["C"]);
$lga = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["D"]));
$sex = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["E"]));
$dob = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["F"]));
$genotype = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["G"]));
$blood_grp = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["H"]));
$phone = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["I"]));
$email = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["J"]));
$occupation = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["K"]));
$place_emp = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["L"]));
$facility = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["M"]));
$medical_his = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["N"]));
$allergy = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["O"]));
$reg_frm = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["P"]));
$reg_to = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["Q"]));
$collector = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["R"]));
$form_no = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["S"]));
$tell_no = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["T"]));
$amt_paid = trim(strtoupper($allDataInSheet[$i]["U"]));
$query = "SELECT surname FROM `applicant` WHERE `surname` = '$surname' and `othernames` = '$othernames'";
$sql = $con->query($query);
$recResult = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$existName = $recResult["surname"];
if($existName=="") {
$insertTable= $con->query("insert into `applicant` (surname, othernames,address,lga,sex,dob,genotype,blood_grp,phone,email,occupation,place_emp,facility,medical_his,allergy,reg_frm,reg_to,collector,form_no,tell_no,amt_paid)
values('".$surname."', '".$othernames."','".$address."','".$lga."','".$sex."','".$dob."',
$msg = 'Record has been added';
$msg = 'Record already exist';
echo "<div class='alert alert-info'>".$msg."</div>";
I'm not sure what is "composer" and what the asset() function is supposed to be doing, but normally for file uploads to a PHP script you'd use a "mime/multipart" web form with a file input, and then the PHP runtime will consume the file and make it available in the $_FILES array. Read the PHP manual on handling file uploads for more information.
PHPExcel cannot open a file from a URL, only from the local filesystem. As the url that you're using (localhost)suggests that file is on the server's filesystem, us a full filesystem path instead

Delete image on database delete symfony2

Symfony Forms
I have this all working correctly. One thing that I am not sure is how to delete the image that is uploaded in the uploads folder when the associated entry in the database is deleted.
I really just need an idea on how to do it to get headed in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
You are both correct I did a var dump on the code that was in the entity...
* #ORM\PostRemove
public function removeUpload()
if(file_exists($file)) {
if ($file = $this->getAbsolutePath()) {
if file exists $file was showing an empty variable. In the upload it saves the variable as $logo
I changed the code to the following
* #ORM\PostRemove
public function removeUpload() {
// ** Original Code used file but logo has the name in it.
if(file_exists($this->getAbsolutePath())) {
if ($this->getUploadRootDir() . $this->logo = $this->getAbsolutePath()) {
It now deletes the file correctly. Thank you both.
In your delete action, you would have to delete the file manually. I assume you will be storing the file path in the database, so this should be relatively easy.
$path = ....//query db to get the path to the file
//now you can delete the record in the database
See php docs for deleting a file
What you are probably searching for are Doctrine2 Lifecycles. Just add a method to your entity:
* #ORM\PreRemove
public function deleteImage()
// unlink your image and what not.
Also don't forget the #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks() annotation for your entity class.
