Is there a function/package in R which takes a function f and a parameter k, and then returns a Taylor approximation of f of degree k?
You can use Ryacas to work with the yacas computer algebra system (which you will need to install as well)
Using an example from the vignette
# run yacasInstall() if prompted to install yacas
yacas("texp := Taylor(x,0,3) Exp(x)")
## expression(x + x^2/2 + x^3/6 + 1)
# or
Now, if you want to turn that into a function that you can give values of x
myTaylor <- function(f, k, var,...){
.call <- sprintf('texp := Taylor( %s, 0, %s) %s', var,k,f)
result <- yacas(.call)
foo <- function(..., print = FALSE){
Eval(result, list(...))}
# create the function
foo <- myTaylor('Exp(x)', 3, 'x')
## [1] 2.666667 6.333333 13.000000 23.666667 39.333333
foo(x=1:5, print = TRUE)
## expression(x + x^2/2 + x^3/6 + 1)
## [1] 2.666667 6.333333 13.000000 23.666667 39.333333
Compare the above symbolic solution with a numerical Taylor approximation:
p <- taylor(f = exp, x0 = 0, n = 4) # Numerical coefficients
# 0.1666667 0.5000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 # x^3/6 + x^2/2 + x + 1
polyval(p, 1:5) # Evaluate the polynomial
# 2.66667 6.33333 13.00000 23.66667 39.33334 # exp(x) at x = 1:5
As a followup, consider:
foo <- myTaylor('Exp(x)', 3, 'x')
[1] "2.666666666666667" "6.333333333333333" "13.000000000000000"
[4] "23.666666666666664" "39.333333333333329"
p <- taylor(f = exp, x0 = 0, n = 3)
[1] "2.666666721845557" "6.333333789579300" "13.000001556539996"
[4] "23.666670376066413" "39.333340601497312"
Which of these is more accurate I'll leave up to the reader :-)
The below function returns the function obtained by using the Taylor series approximation of n-th order of function f at the point a.
taylor <- function(f, n, a) {
ith_derivative <- as.expression(body(f))
f_temp <- function(x) x
series <- as.character(f(a))
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
ith_derivative <- body(f_temp) <- D(ith_derivative, "x")
series <- paste0(series, "+", f_temp(a) / factorial(i), "*(x - ", a, ")^", i)
f_output <- function(x) x
body(f_output) <- parse(text = series)
taylor(f = function(x) sin(x), n = 3, a = 0)
If you are asking for Taylor approximation in a background of error propagation, you might try the "propagate" function of my qpcR package, which evaluates symbolic gradient vectors together with the covariance matrix in the form of g * V * t(g) (the famous matrix notation for error propagation), which is equivalent to the first-order Taylor expansion.
I need to evaluate an integral in the following form:
\int_a^b f(x) \int_0^x g(t)(x-t)dtdx
Can you please suggest a way? I assume that this integral can't be done in the standard approach suggested in the following answer:
Standard approach
Update: Functions are added in the following image. f(x) basically represents a pdf of a uniform distribution but the g(t) is a bit more complicated. a and b can be any positive real numbers.
The domain of integration is a simplex (triangle) with vertices (a,a), (a,b) and (b,b). Use the SimplicialCubature package:
alpha <- 3
beta <- 4
g <- function(t){
((beta/t)^(1/2) + (beta/t)^(3/2)) * exp(-(t/beta + beta/t - 2)/(2*alpha^2)) /
a <- 1
b <- 2
h <- function(tx){
t <- tx[1]
x <- tx[2]
g(t) * (x-t)
S <- cbind(c(a, a), c(a ,b), c(b, b))
adaptIntegrateSimplex(h, S)
# $integral
# [1] 0.01962547
# $estAbsError
# [1] 3.523222e-08
Another way, less efficient and less reliable, is:
InnerFunc <- function(t, x) { g(t) * (x - t) }
InnerIntegral <- Vectorize(function(x) { integrate(InnerFunc, a, x, x = x)$value})
integrate(InnerIntegral, a, b)
# 0.01962547 with absolute error < 2.2e-16
I'm trying to solve this equation: ((2300+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400) =1
Is there a way to do this with R?
ATTEMPT with incorrect solution:
eq <- "((2300+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400) ==1 "
# simplify the equation:
evaluate() just returns the equation:
"((2300+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400) ==1 "
The answer for the equation is −2004200
It sounds like you want to Solve() for x rather than merely simplifying ... ? The following code solves the equation, strips off the x== from the solution, and evaluates the expression:
eq2 <- gsub("x==","",yac_str(glue("Solve({eq},x)")))
[1] "{(-0.80168e6)/0.4}"
[1] -2004200
1) Ryacas Use the Ryacas package solve as shown below. (Thanks to #mikldk for improvement to last line.)
eq <- "((2300+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400) ==1 " # from question
res <- solve(ysym(eq), "x")
as_r(y_rmvars(res)) # extract and convert to R
## [1] -2004200
if eq has R variables in it, here h is referenced in eq2, then use eval to evaluate the result.
h <- 2300
eq2 <- "((h+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400) ==1 " # from question
res2 <- solve(ysym(eq2), "x")
## [1] -2004200
2) Ryacas0 or using eq from above with the Ryacas0 package:
res <- Solve(eq, "x")
eval(Expr(res)[[1:3]]) # convert to R
## [1] -2004200
3a) Base R In light of the fact that this is a linear equation and the solution to the following where A is the slope and B is the intercept:
A * x + B = 0
x = - B / A
if we replace x with the imaginary 1i and then move the rhs to the lhs we have that B and A are the real and imaginary parts of that expression. No packages are used.
r <- eval(parse(text = sub("==", "-", eq)), list(x = 1i))
-Re(r) / Im(r)
## [1] -2004200
3b) If we move the rhs to lhs then B equals it at x=0 and A equals the derivative wrt x so another base R solution would be:
e <- parse(text = sub("==", "-", eq))
- eval(e, list(x = 0)) / eval(D(e, "x"))
## [1] -200420
Here is a base R solution.
Rewrite the equation in the form of a function, use curve to get two end points where the function has different signs and put uniroot to work.
f <- function(x) ((2300+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400) - 1
curve(f, -1e7, 1)
uniroot(f, c(-1e7, 1))
#[1] -2004200
#[1] 0
#[1] 1
#[1] NA
#[1] 7995800
Following the discussion in the comments to the question, here is a general solution. The function whose roots are to be found now accepts an argument params in order to pass the values of rent, salary, number of workers, price, unit cost and capital cost. This argument must be a named list.
f <- function(x, K = 1, params) {
A <- with(params, rent + salary*workers)
with(params, (A + (x + A)*capitalcost)/(price - unitcost) - K)
params <- list(
rent = 2300,
salary = 1900,
workers = 1,
price = 600,
unitcost = 400,
capitalcost = 0.002
curve(f(x, params = params), -1e7, 1)
uniroot(f, c(-1e7, 1), params = params)
If you want something quick: rootSolve library is your go-to.
func_ <- function(x) ((2300+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400)-1
uniroot.all(func_, c(-1e9, 1e9))
[1] -2004200
Note that most of the time reducing the interval is better.
If you will maintain the same structure, then in Base R, you could do:
solveX <- function(eq){
U <- function(x)abs(eval(parse(text = sub("=+","-", eq)), list(x=x)))
optim(0, U, method = "L-BFGS-B")$par
eq <- "((2300+1900*1)+(x+2300+1900*1)*0.002)/(600-400) ==1 "
[1] -2004200
E.g. I want to transform the code
everytime I see mean in the code.
replace_mean <- function(code) {
substitute(code, list(mean = fn)) # doesn't work
substitute(substitute(code), list(mean = fn)) # doesn't work
the above two approaches don't work. E.g.
replace_mean(list(mean(y), mean(x)))
What's the best way to do function replacement using NSE in R?
Base R Solutions preferred.
Update example output
replace(mean(x)) # fn(x)
replace(list(a = mean(x), mean(ok))) # list(a=fn(x), fn(ok)))
The following function, when passed mean(x) and some fn such as sqrt as its two arguments returns the call object fn(x), i.e. sqrt(x), replacing occurrences of mean with fn.
replace_mean <- function(code, fn) {"substitute", list(substitute(code), list(mean = substitute(fn))))
1) Basic example
e <- replace_mean(mean(x), sqrt)
## sqrt(x)
x <- 4
## [1] 2
2) more complex expression
ee <- replace_mean(mean(x) + mean(x*x), sqrt)
## sqrt(x) + sqrt(x * x)
x <- 4
## [1] 6
3) apply replace_mean to body of f creating g
f <- function(x) mean(x) + mean(x*x)
g <- f
body(g) <-"replace_mean", list(body(f), quote(sqrt)))
## function (x)
## sqrt(x) + sqrt(x * x)
x <- 4
## [1] 6
One way is much more ugly and relies on string manipulation to generate the code you want to run and then evaluating it.
replace_mean <- function(code) {
code_subbed = substitute(code)
# constructu the code I want
code_subbed_subbed = sprintf("substitute(%s, list(mean=quote(fn)))", deparse(code_subbed))
eval(parse(text = code_subbed_subbed))
replace_mean(list(mean(x), a= mean(ok)))
I've found polynomial coefficients from my data:
R <- c(0.256,0.512,0.768,1.024,1.28,1.437,1.594,1.72,1.846,1.972,2.098,2.4029)
Ic <- c(1.78,1.71,1.57,1.44,1.25,1.02,0.87,0.68,0.54,0.38,0.26,0.17)
NN <- 3
ft <- lm(Ic ~ poly(R, NN, raw = TRUE))
pc <- coef(ft)
So I can create a polynomial function:
f1 <- function(x) pc[1] + pc[2] * x + pc[3] * x ^ 2 + pc[4] * x ^ 3
And for example, take a derivative:
g1 <- Deriv(f1)
How to create a universal function so that it doesn't have to be rewritten for every new polynomial degree NN?
My original answer may not be what you really want, as it was numerical rather symbolic. Here is the symbolic solution.
## use `"x"` as variable name
## taking polynomial coefficient vector `pc`
## can return a string, or an expression by further parsing (mandatory for `D`)
f <- function (pc, expr = TRUE) {
stringexpr <- paste("x", seq_along(pc) - 1, sep = " ^ ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, pc, sep = " * ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, collapse = " + ")
if (expr) return(parse(text = stringexpr))
else return(stringexpr)
## an example cubic polynomial with coefficients 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4
cubic <- f(pc = 1:4 / 10, TRUE)
## using R base's `D` (requiring expression)
dcubic <- D(cubic, name = "x")
# 0.2 + 2 * x * 0.3 + 3 * x^2 * 0.4
## using `Deriv::Deriv`
dcubic <- Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 1L)
# expression(0.2 + x * (0.6 + 1.2 * x))
Deriv(f(1:4 / 10, FALSE), x = "x", nderiv = 1L) ## use string, get string
# [1] "0.2 + x * (0.6 + 1.2 * x)"
Of course, Deriv makes higher order derivatives easier to get. We can simply set nderiv. For D however, we have to use recursion (see examples of ?D).
Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 2L)
# expression(0.6 + 2.4 * x)
Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 3L)
# expression(2.4)
Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 4L)
# expression(0)
If we use expression, we will be able to evaluate the result later. For example,
eval(cubic, envir = list(x = 1:4)) ## cubic polynomial
# [1] 1.0 4.9 14.2 31.3
eval(dcubic, envir = list(x = 1:4)) ## its first derivative
# [1] 2.0 6.2 12.8 21.8
The above implies that we can wrap up an expression for a function. Using a function has several advantages, one being that we are able to plot it using curve or plot.function.
fun <- function(x, expr) eval.parent(expr, n = 0L)
Note, the success of fun requires expr to be an expression in terms of symbol x. If expr was defined in terms of y for example, we need to define fun with function (y, expr). Now let's use curve to plot cubic and dcubic, on a range 0 < x < 5:
curve(fun(x, cubic), from = 0, to = 5) ## colour "black"
curve(fun(x, dcubic), add = TRUE, col = 2) ## colour "red"
The most convenient way, is of course to define a single function FUN rather than doing f + fun combination. In this way, we also don't need to worry about the consistency on the variable name used by f and fun.
FUN <- function (x, pc, nderiv = 0L) {
## check missing arguments
if (missing(x) || missing(pc)) stop ("arguments missing with no default!")
## expression of polynomial
stringexpr <- paste("x", seq_along(pc) - 1, sep = " ^ ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, pc, sep = " * ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, collapse = " + ")
expr <- parse(text = stringexpr)
## taking derivatives
dexpr <- Deriv::Deriv(expr, x = "x", nderiv = nderiv)
## evaluation
val <- eval.parent(dexpr, n = 0L)
## note, if we take to many derivatives so that `dexpr` becomes constant
## `val` is free of `x` so it will only be of length 1
## we need to repeat this constant to match `length(x)`
if (length(val) == 1L) val <-, length(x))
## now we return
Suppose we want to evaluate a cubic polynomial with coefficients pc <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) and its derivatives on x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2), we can simply do:
FUN(x, pc)
# [1] 0.1000 0.1552 0.2536 0.4144 0.6568 1.0000
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 1L)
# [1] 0.200 0.368 0.632 0.992 1.448 2.000
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 2L)
# [1] 0.60 1.08 1.56 2.04 2.52 3.00
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 3L)
# [1] 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 4L)
# [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
Now plotting is also easy:
curve(FUN(x, pc), from = 0, to = 5)
curve(FUN(x, pc, 1), from = 0, to = 5, add = TRUE, col = 2)
curve(FUN(x, pc, 2), from = 0, to = 5, add = TRUE, col = 3)
curve(FUN(x, pc, 3), from = 0, to = 5, add = TRUE, col = 4)
Since my final solution with symbolic derivatives eventually goes too long, I use a separate session for numerical calculations. We can do this as for polynomials, derivatives are explicitly known so we can code them. Note, there will be no use of R expression here; everything is done directly by using functions.
So we first generate polynomial basis from degree 0 to degree p - n, then multiply coefficient and factorial multiplier. It is more convenient to use outer than poly here.
## use `outer`
g <- function (x, pc, nderiv = 0L) {
## check missing aruments
if (missing(x) || missing(pc)) stop ("arguments missing with no default!")
## polynomial order p
p <- length(pc) - 1L
## number of derivatives
n <- nderiv
## earlier return?
if (n > p) return(, length(x)))
## polynomial basis from degree 0 to degree `(p - n)`
X <- outer(x, 0:(p - n), FUN = "^")
## initial coefficients
## the additional `+ 1L` is because R vector starts from index 1 not 0
beta <- pc[n:p + 1L]
## factorial multiplier
beta <- beta * factorial(n:p) / factorial(0:(p - n))
## matrix vector multiplication
drop(X %*% beta)
We still use the example x and pc defined in the symbolic solution:
x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.2)
pc <- 1:4 / 10
g(x, pc, 0)
# [1] 0.1000 0.1552 0.2536 0.4144 0.6568 1.0000
g(x, pc, 1)
# [1] 0.200 0.368 0.632 0.992 1.448 2.000
g(x, pc, 2)
# [1] 0.60 1.08 1.56 2.04 2.52 3.00
g(x, pc, 3)
# [1] 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
g(x, pc, 4)
# [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
The result is consistent with what we have with FUN in the the symbolic solution.
Similarly, we can plot g using curve:
curve(g(x, pc), from = 0, to = 5)
curve(g(x, pc, 1), from = 0, to = 5, col = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(g(x, pc, 2), from = 0, to = 5, col = 3, add = TRUE)
curve(g(x, pc, 3), from = 0, to = 5, col = 4, add = TRUE)
Now after quite much effort in demonstrating how we can work out this question ourselves, consider using R package polynom. As a small package, it aims at implementing construction, derivatives, integration, arithmetic and roots-finding of univariate polynomials. This package is written completely with R language, without any compiled code.
## install.packages("polynom")
We still consider the cubic polynomial example used before.
pc <- 1:4 / 10
## step 1: making a "polynomial" object as preparation
pcpoly <- polynomial(pc)
#0.1 + 0.2*x + 0.3*x^2 + 0.4*x^3
## step 2: compute derivative
expr <- deriv(pcpoly)
## step 3: convert to function
g1 <- as.function(expr)
#function (x)
# w <- 0
# w <- 1.2 + x * w
# w <- 0.6 + x * w
# w <- 0.2 + x * w
# w
#<environment: 0x9f4867c>
Note, by step-by-step construction, the resulting function has all parameters inside. It only requires a single argument for x value. In contrast, functions in the other two answers will take coefficients and derivative order as mandatory arguments, too. We can call this function
g1(seq(0, 1, 0.2))
# [1] 0.200 0.368 0.632 0.992 1.448 2.000
To produce the same graph we see in other two answers, we get other derivatives as well:
g0 <- as.function(pcpoly) ## original polynomial
## second derivative
expr <- deriv(expr)
g2 <- as.function(expr)
#function (x)
# w <- 0
# w <- 2.4 + x * w
# w <- 0.6 + x * w
# w
#<environment: 0x9f07c68>
## third derivative
expr <- deriv(expr)
g3 <- as.function(expr)
#function (x)
# w <- 0
# w <- 2.4 + x * w
# w
#<environment: 0x9efd740>
Perhaps you have already noticed that I did not specify nderiv, but recursively take 1 derivative at a time. This may be a disadvantage of this package. It does not facilitate higher order derivatives.
Now we can make a plot
## As mentioned, `g0` to `g3` are parameter-free
curve(g0(x), from = 0, to = 5)
curve(g1(x), add = TRUE, col = 2)
curve(g2(x), add = TRUE, col = 3)
curve(g3(x), add = TRUE, col = 4)
I have some trouble in order to solve my set of linear equations.
I have three 3D points (A, B, C) in my example and I want to automate the solving of my system. I want to create a plane with these 3 points.
It's very simple manually (mathematically) but I don't see why I don't solve my problem when I code...
I have a system of cartesian equation which is the equation of a plane : ax+by+cz+d=0
xAx + yAy + zA*z +d = 0 #point A
xBx + yBy + zB*z +d = 0 #point B
I use a matrix, for example A=(0,0,1) ; B=(4,2,3) and C=(-3,1,0).
With manual solving, I have for this example this solution : x+3y-5z+5=0.
For resolving it in R : I wanted to use solve().
A <- c(0,0,1)
B <- c(4,2,3)
C <- c(-3,1,0)
res0 <- c(-d,-d,-d) #I don't know how having it so I tried c(0,0,0) cause each equation = 0. But I really don't know for that !
#' #param A vector 3x1 with the 3d coordinates of the point A
carteq <- function(A, B, C, res0) {
matrixtest0 <- matrix(c(A[1], A[2], A[3], B[1], B[2], B[3],C[1], C[2], C[3]), ncol=3) #I tried to add the 4th column for solving "d" but that doesn't work.
#checking the invertibility of my matrix
out <- tryCatch(determinant(matrixtest0)$modulus<threshold, error = function(e) e)#or out <- tryCatch(solve(X) %*% X, error = function(e) e)
abcd <- solve(matrixtest0, res0) #returns just 3 values
abcd <- qr.solve(matrixtest0, res0) #returns just 3 values
That's not the good method... But I don't know how I can add the "d" in my problem.
The return that I need is : return(a, b, c, d)
I thing that my problem is classical and easy, but I don't find a function like solve() or qr.solve() which can solve my problem...
Your solution is actually wrong:
A <- c(0,0,1)
B <- c(4,2,3)
C <- c(-3,1,0)
CrossProduct3D <- function(x, y, i=1:3) {
To3D <- function(x) head(c(x, rep(0, 3)), 3)
x <- To3D(x)
y <- To3D(y)
Index3D <- function(i) (i - 1) %% 3 + 1
return (x[Index3D(i + 1)] * y[Index3D(i + 2)] -
x[Index3D(i + 2)] * y[Index3D(i + 1)])
N <- CrossProduct3D(A - B, C - B)
#[1] 4 2 -10
d <- -sum(N * B)
#[1] 10
#test it:
crossprod(A, N) + d
# [,1]
#[1,] 0
crossprod(B, N) + d
# [,1]
#[1,] 0
crossprod(C, N) + d
# [,1]
#[1,] 0