Calling Generic-HttpHandler inside another Generic-HttpHandler -

I want to call a genric http-handler inside another generic-http-handler Inside the same project.
Suppose I have to two handlers
I want to call the second on SecondHandler.ashx on the FirstHandler.ashx
I created an instance of SecondHandler.ashx on the FirstHandler.ashx as follows
var objCreateLogs=new SecondHandler();
I want to know will it work?
1. Further more do I need to pass the `**context**` or it will be implicitly there.
How Can I get response of the SecondHandler.ashx on the FirstHandler.ashx since the return type of ProcessRequest is void.
Can I get response from httpcontex

The handlers should not do the work. Create a Class/Method that does the word and use it in both handlers.
//Extract parameters
string par1=Request["a"];
//Call a backend function
var result = MyFunctions.DoTheWork(par1);


Unable to get data from ajax function call from WCF service in first attempt

public static string LoadAccount()
address = new EndpointAddress(objClientSession.ServiceURL);
proxy = new PMToolServices.MyAppServiceClient(binding, address);
//Now call the web service to get the accounts
proxy.wsGetAccountsCompleted += new EventHandler<MyAppServices.wsGetAccountsCompletedEventArgs>(proxy_wsGetAccountsCompleted);
return strAccountList;
I am calling LoadAccount WebMethod using ajax. In LoadAccount I have added callback proxy_wsGetAccountsCompleted to wsGetAccounts of WCF. In proxy_wsGetAccountsCompleted I'm building result to return to LoadAccount.
I'm unable to return result directly from 'proxy_wsGetAccountsCompleted' so I've stored that result in global defined string and then at the end of LoadAccout WebMethod returning that. Can I return that directly from proxy_wsGetAccountsCompleted.
When I call LoadAccount WebMethod first time it returning blank result and if I call again second time then I get correct result. Even though as sequence I'm returning that global defined string after proxy_wsGetAccountsCompleted above it. Is that right?
Confused about sequence/return response between:
return strAccountList
You are doing something strange: calling a wcf operation that is synchonous, that calls an asynchonous operations. Of course the first time it will not works.
LoadAccount() returns prior to get the wsGetAccountsAsync() result. You can either call wsGetAccountsAsync in synchonous way or use an asynchonous operation, like using Signal R.
Remember that when call the operation by the 2nd time, you will get result from previous request, if your method was accepting some parameter, you will store a wrong value, that is the response for your previous request.

Occurrence of ResultEvent event in remoting a spring Object

In my attempt to learn flex remoting I came across this
flexService.getRules.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, loadRules);
here flexService is a remote java object .. In above function call can any one help me that when ResultEvent.RESULT will occur. On studying about ResultEvent in AS document it states as
The event that indicates an RPC operation has successfully returned a result
So keeping that in mind my guess is ResultEvent will be fired when flexService.getRules method will successfully return a list of object,where flexService is object of remote class FlexService having getRules function which returns list of object, Can any one please tell how exactly it works..
Also can some one plz tell me how eventListener can be added to a list of object
PS: I am using Spring as backend
Here you set result to arraycollection
private function loadRules(event:ResultEvent):void
var list:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
list = event.result as ArrayCollection;
I'll be going on assumptions since you apparently aren't keen on showing more code or giving pertinent information.
I'm assuming that 'flexService' is a RemoteObject that has set all required properties (destination, endpoint, etc)
I'm assuming that 'getRules' is an available function on your java remote class which returns the information needed.
I'm assuming that everything is being sent over using AMF.
in that case, it's as simple as doing this:
var token:ASyncToken = flexService.getRules(arg1, arg2);
token.addResponder(new Responder(yourResultFunction, yourFaultFunction));
private function yourResultFunction(data:Object):void
// Do something with data here
private function yourFaultFunction(fault:Object):void
// do something if a fault happens
Of course, this is very basic and you should try to implement a better pattern (commands) around it.

Flex Event Dispatching

I have some questions with a particular structure of a program I'm writing.
I'm using a Remote Object to make a remote call to a Rails method (using WebOrb). The problem arises in the way that I get my data back.
Basically I have a function, getConditions, in which I add an event listener to my remote call and then I make the remote call. However, what I want to do is to get that data back in getConditions so I can return it. This is a problem because I only access the event result data in the event handler. Here's some basic code describing this issue:
public function getConditions():Array
remoteObject.getConditions.addEventListener("result", onConditionResult);
//Here is where I want to get my event.result data back
public function onConditionResult(event:ResultEvent):void
//Here's the data that I want
How can I achieve this data turn-about?
Remote calls in flex are always asynchronous so you won't be able to call getConditions() and wait there for the result. You have to use a function closure to process the results, either by means of an event handler than you declare elsewhere or a dynamic one created immediately within getConditions(), like so:
remoteObject.getConditions.addEventListener("result", function(event:ResultEvent):void {
// Run the code that you would want to when process the result.
The advantage of doing the above is that you would be able to "see" parameters passed to getConditions() or the result of any logic that happened before addEventListener() in the function closure. This however, takes a slight performance hit compared to declaring an explicit function (for that exact reason).
I should also add that doing so requires you to clean up after yourselves to make sure that you are not creating a new listener for every request.
you do it like this
public function getConditions():Array
remoteObject.getConditions.addEventListener("result", onConditionResult);
public function callMyExtraFunction(data:Object):void
//Here is where you want to get your event.result data back
public function onConditionResult(event:ResultEvent):void
//Here's the data that you want
var data:Object = event.result;
You could make use of Call Responder like so :
<s:CallResponder id="getOperationsResult"/>
then use these lines to get the result from get operations
getOperationResult.token = remoteObject.getOperation();
this creates the call and returns the result stores it in getOpresult
whnever u want to access this u can call that token or getOperationResult.lastResult
Hope that helps

Multiple asynchronous calls to populate an object

I'm developing a Flex application and am having some trouble working with asynchronous calls. This is what I would like to be able do:
[Bindable] var fooTypes : ArrayCollection();
for each (var fooType : FooType in getFooTypes()) {
fooType.fooCount = getFooCountForType(fooType);
The issue I'm running into is that both getFooTypes and getFooCountForType are asynchronous calls to a web service. I understand how to populate fooTypes by setting a Responder and using ResultEvent, but how can I call another service using the result? Are there any suggestions/patterns/frameworks for handling this?
If possible, I Strongly recommed re-working your remote services to return all the data you need in one swoop.
But, if you do not feel that is possible or practical for whatever reason, I would recommend doing some type of remote call chaining.
Add all the "remote calls" you want to make in array. Call the first one. In the result handler process the results and then pop the next one and call it.
I'm a bit unclear from your code sample when you are calling the remote call, but I assume it part of the getFooCountForType method. Conceptually I would do something like this. Define the array of calls to make:
public var callsToMake : Array = new Array();
cache the currently in process fooType:
public var fooType : FooType;
Do your loop and store the results:
for each (var fooType : FooType in getFooTypes()) {
// based on your code sample I'm unclear if adding the fooTypes to itemTypes is best done here or in the result handler
Then call the remote handler and save the foo you're processing:
fooType = callsToMake.pop();
In the result handler do something like this:
// process results, possibly by setting
fooType.fooCount = results.someResult;
and call the remote method again:
fooType = callsToMake.pop();

Calling Javascript After Web Method has fired

I'm trying to implement the cascading dropdown from the toolkit. I need to get the count in a sub category dropdown, if it's zero then I turn off the visibility of the sub category.
If I use the javascript OnChange event then my script fires before the web method, so I need to know how to fire my script AFTER the web method has fired please.
My demo page:
Below is my code and the order I need it to fire.
public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetSubCats1(string knownCategoryValues, string category)
StringDictionary kv = CascadingDropDown.ParseKnownCategoryValuesString(knownCategoryValues);
int CategoryID;
if (!kv.ContainsKey("Category") || !Int32.TryParse(kv["Category"], out CategoryID))
return null;
dsSubCat1TableAdapters.Categories_Sub1TableAdapter SubCats1Adapter = new dsSubCat1TableAdapters.Categories_Sub1TableAdapter();
dsSubCat1.Categories_Sub1DataTable SubCats1 = SubCats1Adapter.GetSubCats1(CategoryID);
List<CascadingDropDownNameValue> values = new List<CascadingDropDownNameValue>();
foreach (DataRow dr in SubCats1)
values.Add(new CascadingDropDownNameValue((string)dr["SubCategory1"], dr["SubCatID1"].ToString()));
return values.ToArray();
function getSubCatCount() {
$get("ddlSubCats1").style.display = $get("ddlSubCats1").length > 1 ? "block" : "none";
Generally when you call your web method function through javascript you can supply it two call back functions. One gets fired if there is an error and the other gets fire once the web method call has been completed. The callback requires two arguments, the result and a context. For example if your function was called myWebMethodFunction and your namespace it was contained in was my.fully.qualified.namespace it may look like this.
my.fully.qualified.namespace.myWebMethodFunction(param1, param2, ... , paramN, onErrorCallback, onCompleteCallback, context);
Once that function finishes, it will call the onCompleteCallback passing the result of your webmethod function and whatever you passed for a context.
It has been a while since I've called a web method function so I might have gotten the order of the callback reversed.
For some reason I can't comment on things either, but I can add to this.
I may be thinking about something different, but you must be calling something through javascript to fire your webmethod, correct? Whatever you use to call the webmethod through javascript should provide a mechanism to add a callback that will be fired once your webmethod call is complete and returned.
Use jQuery.ajax() it allows you to specify a success function and a failure function that fire after the web method returns.
