How to DELETE a row with a GUID Value in SQLite - sqlite

I have a column in SQLite of GUID type, I have tried a query like this, and it returns no error, but the row is not deleted
DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Id='4ffbd580-b17d-4731-b162-ede8d698e026';
In SQLite Browser the Id values look like binary values, they have strange characters.
I also have tried this, but still does not work
DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Id='{4ffbd580-b17d-4731-b162-ede8d698e026}';

I know I'm late for this, but it might just be useful for someone with the same problem.
I have a uniqueidentifier type of column in one of my tables and when I execute a select query without any conditions, it returns the result guid column values in this format -
(Yes, with the braces)
I found out using typeof() function that my guid column values had been stored as text. So, I just tried out four different statements and luckily, the 4th one worked -
1. select myGuidColumn, typeof(myGuidColumn) from MyTable WHERE [myGuidColumn] = '000B6A69-04D6-C557-7EA3-08CF8C8AD84B' --didn't work
2. select myGuidColumn, typeof(myGuidColumn) from MyTable WHERE [myGuidColumn] = '{000B6A69-04D6-C557-7EA3-08CF8C8AD84B}' --didn't work
3. select myGuidColumn, typeof(myGuidColumn) from MyTable WHERE [myGuidColumn] LIKE '{000B6A69-04D6-C557-7EA3-08CF8C8AD84B}' --didn't work
4. select myGuidColumn, typeof(myGuidColumn) from MyTable WHERE [myGuidColumn] LIKE '000B6A69-04D6-C557-7EA3-08CF8C8AD84B' --it works!

Try this command. Id is a probably a binary blob field
DELETE FROM MyTable WHERE Id= X'4ffbd580b17d4731b162ede8d698e026';


Copy rows from table to another

I want to copy the rows of a table OLD into another table NEW.
SELECT date, kind, id, product, version, quantity FROM OLD;
The table OLD has a column kind which is VARCHAR and contains words like insert, extract, delete. In the NEW table this column is an INTEGER. Is there a way to say that if you find delete insert 1, if you find extract insert 2 etc.. ?
This should work for you,
INSERT INTO Destination SELECT * FROM Source;
See SQL As Understood By SQLite: INSERT for a formal definition.
You can use a CASE statement to replace the string labels with integers:
SELECT date,
CASE WHEN kind = 'delete' THEN 1
WHEN kind = 'extract' THEN 2
ELSE ...
This assumes that the columns line up correctly, and all the other column types match.

SQLite Find ROWID of most recent or next ROWID

So I have a table with data about an image. The table looks something like this...
The file path contains the name of the image. I want to rename the image to match the ROWID.
How do I get the latest ROWID? I need to also account for rows that have been deleted as I am using this as an autoincremented primary key. Because, if a row within the table has been deleted it is possible for the table to look like this...
1|title A|description A|..\fileA.jpg
2|title B|description B|..\fileB.jpg
5|title E|description E|..\fileE.jpg
7|title G|description G|..\fileG.jpg
On top of that there could be one or more rows that have been deleted so the next ROWID could be 10 for all I know.
I also need to account for an fresh new table or a table that has had all data deleted and the next ROWID could be 1000.
In summary, I guess the real question is; Is there a way to find out what the next ROWID will be?
If you have specified AUTOINCREMENT in primary key field and table is not empty this query will return latest ROWID for table MY_TABLE:
FROM sqlite_sequence
What language? Looks like the c API has the following function:
sqlite3_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3*);
You could also just do:
select MAX(rowid) from [tablename];
Unfortunately neither of these methods completely worked the way I needed them to, but what i did end up doing was....
insert data into table with the fields I needed the rowid for filled with 'aaa'
then updated the rows with the data.
This seemed to solve my current issue. Hopefully it doesn't cause another issue down the road.
I think last_insert_rowid is what you want, usually.
Note that the rowid behavior is different depending on the autoincrement flag - either it will monotonically increase, or it will assume any free id. This will not usually affect any smaller use cases though.

SELECT statement returns nothing in SQLite

I have a table in which there's a column of type BLOB. Another column is of type 'text'. Something like:
CREATE TABLE Tbl(TXT text, BLB blob);
Now I've inserted a few records using:
INSERT INTO Tbl(TXT) VALUES("whatever");
As you can see nothing was defined for BLB. But each time that I issue a query like:
SELECT * FROM 'Tbl' WHERE 'TXT'="whatever";
I get nothing at all without any error message or anything. My primary guess was that the problem might have something to do with BLB being null or undefined or something like that. Any ideas?
Your query should be:
SELECT * FROM Tbl WHERE TXT="whatever";
You are specifying strings for the table name and for the column. SQL lets you perform queries on values, not just tables.

combing DELETE and LIKE in a sqlite statement

I am trying to combine the two into a single statment, I would even settle for two seperate statements..... I know it must be possible, but how?
this is what I have tried:
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myValue LIKE 'findme%';
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myValue LIKE 'findme%');
I get an error for the second statement saying something like, you can only have a single result for a LIKE statement with another statement...
If this statement returns any rows
select * from mytable where myvalue like 'findme%';
then replacing "select *" with "delete" should delete them.
delete from mytable where myvalue like 'findme%';
That should work with any SQL database, as long as you have sufficient permissions.
Your first statement should work. Try without the final semicolon maybe?
The second one is not logical. Your subquery is not correlated to the first one and you cannot scan a table which is being modified. Actually what I would expect from this query, if it would ever run, is that all rows are deleted if there is a single row where your column matches…
If you wonder why the solutions with the IN clause work and not the EXISTS, it is because the EXISTS condition is evaluated for each row, whereas the IN set is evaluated once.
This works to me:
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM myTable WHERE myValue LIKE 'findme%');
Have you tried this?
DELETE FROM myTable WHERE myValue IN (SELECT myValue FROM myTable WHERE myValue LIKE 'findme%');
DELETE FROM `table_name` WHERE `column_name` LIKE 'value%'

Keep first and remove dupliciate rows only using sqlite

Maybe i should do this in C# but i have more then one row with linkId X. I would like to remove it but i am unsure how. In code i could just use a foreach from 0 to n and remove any found rows with a greater (or !=) id but thats in code. Is there a less difficult way of doing it using sqlite?
Assuming the table's name is tableName and there is a primary key field named id, the following sql would do it. I think the following SQL query is general enough and should be able to be executed under any database engine.
delete from tableName
where id not in (
select min(id) from tableName
group by linkId
