How Can WYSIHTML5 output inline CSS? - css

I am running WYSIHTML5 to allow myself to enter email text and format it for sending as HTML. However when I view HTML of the formatted text I get classes associated with elements for Colors. This is expected behavior but since I need to send the output in an email hence I would like to have those colors to be in Inline CSS, since I cannot attach CSS files with the email like that. Example here
<span class="wysiwyg-color-green">Testing</span>
That is if I select green color for text: Testing. Is there any way to modify that green to become part of html itself like
<span style="color:green">Testing</span>
I have tried to search for this but could not find, so I am not asking without first looking for it. If anybody could please just point somewhere. Even a link to any guide to this, will do. I do not wish that you spend time writing code for me.

You could do it with php :
str_replace ( 'class="wysiwyg-color-green"', 'style="color:green"' ,$html)
You can do the same with javascript, altrough it's always safer to do everything server-side.

Here's the javascript code I used but may be a good idea to heed Jean-Georges warning above:
replaceColorStylesWithInlineCss = function (htmlContents){
result = htmlContents.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-black"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-black" style="color:black"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-silver"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-silver" style="color:silver"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-gray"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-gray" style="color:gray"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-maroon"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-maroon" style="color:maroon"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-red"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-red" style="color:red"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-purple"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-purple" style="color:purple"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-green"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-green" style="color:green"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-olive"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-olive" style="color:olive"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-navy"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-navy" style="color:navy"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-blue"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-blue" style="color:blue"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-orange"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-orange" style="color:orange"');
return result
Note: I kept the wysiwyg styles in there because I'm saving to the db and want it to display properly in the wysihtml5 section when I load it again. DRY it up if you're clever.


Get Next and Previous Tags (AwesomeWM)

Is there a way to get the next or previous tag in AwesomeWM Lua Config?
Reason :- I want to get the next or previous tag to set the focused clients tag to it and then move to the tag.
I know there is awful.tag.viewnext which moves to the next tag but unsure about how to get the tag it will move to to set this on a client.
Thanks in advance
Well... yes, there is a way, but there is not a completely trivial one.
First, let's look at the default config. What existing functionality has to get next/previous tags? That is the mouse wheel on the taglist:
So, how does awful.tag.viewnext and viewprev get the next tag? These functions just call viewidx with an idx of 1 or -1, e.g.:
So, awful.tag.viewidx can do what we want. How does it do it?
It gets a table of all un-hidden tags, finds the index of the currently selected tag and then uses gears.math.cycle to compute the index of the tag with the requested offset.
For you, something like the following should do the trick:
function get_tag_at_offset(i, s)
s = screen[s or awful.screen.focused()]
local tags = s.tags
local showntags = {}
for _, t in pairs(tags) do
if not awful.tag.getproperty(t, "hide") then
table.insert(showntags, t)
for k, t in ipairs(showntags) do
if t == sel then
return showntags[gears.math.cycle(#showntags, k + i)]
The above function can be used like get_tag_at_offset(1) to get the next tag and with argument -1 for the previous. Where possible, I would recommend to also pass in a screen via the second argument.
Also, all of this is completely untested and just written on the spot. There could very well be typos and other mistakes in here.

readHTMLTable does not recognize URL

Okay guys, I have, what I'm sure, is an entry-level problem. Still, I cannot explain it. Here's my code and its error:
> sample1 = readHTMLTable(, which = 16)
Error: unexpected '/' in "sample1 = readHTMLTable(http:/"
It's having a problem with the second front-slash? Not only does every URL have two front-slashes, but I've poured through countless examples of this function, both on this site and others, and they've all formatted this code in this way. So, what am I doing wrong?
Additionally, I've tried it without the back-slashes:
> sample1 = readHTMLTable(, which = 16)
Error: unexpected symbol in "sample1 = readHTMLTable("
Here, I'm not even sure which symbol it's talking about.
Please explain.
The issue is that you need to place your url in quotes (""). The following does return the table from your specified url:
sample1 = readHTMLTable("")
As you probably know, the "which=" parameter is used to select which of the tables in that page you would like to retrieve. However my own attempts show that only 1 and 2 work. Could you tell me which table you are attempted to read into R? If this method doesn't end up working you can also attempt to read in the entirety of the webpage and parse out the table in question.
Hope this helps get things started!

Is there a way to make a plugin display lines 'between' numbered lines in atom?

In the atom editor I'd like to be able to create notes 'in between' the lines of a file. I'm more than happy to do this via a plugin, but I'm wondering if someone more experienced in the API can confirm whether it's even possible before I dive in.
Basically, if I open a file with 10 lines, I want to be able to 'insert' new lines between some of them (which will be saved to another file), while still maintaining the line numbering of the original file. Eg:
1 Hello
2 World
. This is a note line saved in another file 'attached' to line 2
3 Foo
4 Etc
Think along the lines of inline comments on GitHub.
You can use block decorations to inject text between two lines:
A block decoration is a special kind of decoration that allows you to insert a DOM node before or after a certain line, and have it follow the line as the buffer changes. You can see it in action by running the snippet below in the DevTools:
var element = document.createElement('div')
element.textContent = 'Block decorations! 🐲'
var editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
var marker = editor.markScreenPosition([0, 0])
editor.decorateMarker(marker, {type: 'block', position: 'before', item: element})
In your case, you would be injecting text rather than GIFs, but you get the idea!

Unicode characters in qt app dont show up

I'm trying to display different language strings in my qt app by inserting each language into a QMap<QString, QString> so it can be re-used in several places and put into different combo Boxes across the application. I do this by
creating the QMap like so in the CTOR:
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"English"), "english");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Dansk"), "dansk");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Nederlands"), "dutch");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Čeština"), "czeck");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Slovenský"), "slovak");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Magyar"), "hungarian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Român"), "romanian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Latviešu"), "latvian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Lietuvių"), "lithuanian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Polski"), "polish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Português"), "portuguese");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Español"), "spanish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Français"), "french");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Italiano"), "italian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Svenska"), "swedish");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Русский"), "russian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Українська"), "ukranian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"Русский"), "russian");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"中文"), "chinese");
m_langMap.insert(QString::fromWCharArray(L"日本語"), "japanese");
I then insert them into the combo box:
QMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator it = m_langMap.begin();
while (it != m_langMap.end())
When the app runs, I see the following:
However, if I create a separate .ui file and insert the map the same way, I see the following (even if I include this separate Dialog class into the same application), so clearly there is no font issue as far as the App not knowing how to render the different character sets....yet I cant figure out why the first one won't render the character sets?
Can someone tell me why the first doesn't work but the second does? I checked the Designer and its Locale is set to 'C, Default' in both ui files I've shown below. I can't seem to figure out what else is causing the difference for the first not to work, and the second does work within the same application.
Thanks for any help!
The other test Dialog:
Your code is correct, but the problem is that your source file cannot contain Unicode characters - apparently it is using different coding.
Save file as UTF-8 and everything should work!
In the first screenshot the font used by the combobox is much larger than in the second screenshot. My guess is that you have changed the font either in the GUI designer or in the code and the second (working) screenshot is using the default font. It might be that when you have changed the font size, you have also changed the font to something that doesn't contain all the required Unicode characters. Try changing the font used by the combobox to something else.

open graph image url problems with converted special chars XKB Symbols

I try to use the like-Button and therefor the open graph.
My problem is, that "&" and "$" chars are always replaced by & and %24
Of course, thats the normal case, but I need a clean $ and no entity there, becuase otherwise the link is not working for this image.
I could see, that facebook´s raw output produces \u0024 and so on (seems to be XKBSymbols). But if I try to put this symbols in the link in my typo3 meta-tag, it doesnt work either.
I already tried:
#page.headerData.12345.htmlSpecialChars = 0
#page.headerData.12345.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1
#page.headerData.12345.rawUrlEncode = 0
to solve this problem, but none of those work.
Please give me a useful hint.
try to write to your php code trough htmlspecialchar php function and add it to header with
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData['somekey'] = '...'
