"blur" existing single image to mosaic with rmagick? - rmagick

Trying to mosaic an image with rmagick.
How would one "mosaic blur" an existing image making the picture that it represents mosaic'ed ?

This is how you do a mosaic using RMagick
#!/home/software/ruby-1.8.5/bin/ruby -w
require 'RMagick'
# Demonstrate the mosaic method
a = Magick::ImageList.new
letter = 'A'
26.times do
# 'M' is not the same size as the other letters.
if letter != 'M'
# Make a copy of "a" with all the images quarter-sized
b = Magick::ImageList.new
page = Magick::Rectangle.new(0,0,0,0)
a.scene = 0
5.times do |i|
5.times do |j|
b << a.scale(0.25)
page.x = j * b.columns
page.y = i * b.rows
b.page = page
(a.scene += 1) rescue a.scene = 0
# Make a 5x5 mosaic
mosaic = b.mosaic
# mosaic.display


95% significance plot with NCL

i want to plot a contour of PBLH difference between 2 wrf-chem simulations. I have the netcdf means (attached files), and i want to draw contour of 95% significance levels, but the script did not work, can you give your suggestions please?
"Error: scalar_field: If the input data is 1-dimensional, you must set sfXArray and sfYArray to 1-dimensional arrays of the same length.
warning:create: Bad HLU id passed to create, ignoring it"
i'm explecting a contour plot with Grey shaded areas indicate regions with less than 95 % significance.
here is the code. You can test it with any two WRF netcdf files:
; contoursym_1.ncl
; Concepts illustrated:
; - Using a symmetric color map
; - Using a blue-red color map
; - Explicitly setting contour levels
; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRF_contributed.ncl"
; This file still has to be loaded manually
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
;-- load data
;specify file names (input&output, netCDF)
pathin = "./" ; directory
fin1 = "15-25-omet.nc" ; input file name #1
fin2 = "15-25-wrfda.nc" ; input file name #2
fout = "signif_pblh_omet-wrfda" ; output file name
foutnc = fout+".nc"
f = addfile ("15-25-omet.nc", "r")
; open input files
in1 = addfile(pathin+fin1,"r")
in2 = addfile(pathin+fin2,"r")
; read data
tmp1 = in1->PBLH
tmp2 = in2->PBLH
x = f->PBLH(0,:,:)
; calculate probabiliites
xtmp=tmp1(XTIME|:,south_north|:, west_east|:)
ytmp = tmp2(XTIME|:,south_north|:, west_east|:)
aveX = dim_avg_Wrap(xtmp)
aveY = dim_avg_Wrap(ytmp)
varX = dim_variance(xtmp)
varY = dim_variance(ytmp)
sX = dimsizes(xtmp&XTIME)
sY = dimsizes(ytmp&XTIME)
alphat = 100.*(1. - ttest(aveX,varX,sX, aveY,varY,sY, True, False))
;aveX = where(alphat.lt.95.,aveX#FillValue, aveX)
;---Start the graphics
wks = gsn_open_wks("ps" ,"Bias_gray_F") ; ps,pdf,x11,ncgm,eps
res = True
res#gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to maximize size
res#gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colormap
res#cnFillOn = True ; color plot desired
res#cnLinesOn = False ; turn off contour lines
res#cnLineLabelsOn = True ; turn off contour labels
res#cnLineLabelsOn = True ; turn on line labels
res#lbOrientation = "Vertical"
res#lbLabelPosition = "Right" ; label position
res#tiMainFontHeightF = 0.025
res#lbBoxEndCapStyle = "TriangleBothEnds" ; triangle label bar
; Use WRF_contributed procedure to set map resources
res = True
WRF_map_c(f, res, 0) ; reads info from file
; if appropriate, set True for native mapping (faster)
; set False otherwise
res#tfDoNDCOverlay = True
; associate the 2-dimensional coordinates to the variable for plotting
; only if non-native plot
if (.not.res#tfDoNDCOverlay) then
x#lat2d = f->XLAT(0,:,:) ; direct assignment
x#lon2d = f->XLONG(0,:,:)
end if
; Turn on lat / lon labeling
res#pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always" ; turn on tickmarks
;res#tmXTOn = False ; turn off top labels
;res#tmYROn = False ; turn off right labels
; Loop over all times and levels ( uncomment )
; Demo: one arbitrarily closen time and level
dimx = dimsizes(x) ; dimensions of x
ntim = dimx(0) ; number of time steps
klev = dimx(1) ; number of "bottom_top" levels
nt = 0 ; arbitrary time
kl = 6 ; " level
res = opts ; Use basic options for this field
opts#MainTitle = "OMET-FBDA"
opts#InitTime = False ; Do not plot time or footers
opts#Footer = False
plot0 = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,diff(0,:,:),res ) ; define plot 0
pval = gsn_csm_contour(wks,alphat(0,:),res1) ;-- this adds a contour line around the stippling
pval = gsn_contour_shade(pval,0.05,1.00,opt) ;-- this adds the stippling for all pvalues <= 0.05

How to create julia color scheme for displaying Ct scan Makie.jl

I use makie.jl with slicesNumb for visualization of PET/CT scans, I have 3d array of attenuation values and I display heatmap with changing slices using slider - this works well I have two problems
I do not know how to be able to define custom colormaps (basically I need to be able to specify that all above some threshold value will be black and all below white and values between will have grey values proportional to attenuation value).
2)I would like to be able to display to display over my image (tachnically heatmap) another ones where I would be able to controll transparency - alpha value of pixels - in order to display some annotations/ PET ...
code that works but without those 2 functionalities and how it looks
using GLMakie
simple display of single image - only in transverse plane
function singleCtScanDisplay(arr ::Array{Number, 3})
fig = Figure()
sl_x = Slider(fig[2, 1], range = 1:1:size(arr)[3], startvalue = 40)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
hm = heatmap!(ax, lift(idx-> arr[:,:, floor(idx)], sl_x.value) ,colormap = :grays)
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm)
Thanks for help !
You can use Colors and ColorSchemeTools, but you will need to add the top and bottom of the scheme according to your thresholds.
using Colors, ColorSchemeTools
truemin = 0
truemax = 600
max_shown_black = 20
min_shown_white = 500
data = rand(truemin:truemax, (500, 500, 20))
grayscheme = [fill(colorant"black", max_shown_black - truemin + 1);
collect(make_colorscheme(identity, identity, identity,
length = min_shown_white - max_shown_black - 1));
fill(colorant"white", truemax - min_shown_white + 1)]
For controlling alpha, I would add a popup window with an alpha slider. Take a look at some of the distributable DICOM tools for examples.
I finally managed it basically I load 3 dimensional data stored in hdf5 (I loaded it into hdf5 from raw using python)
It enables viewing transverse slices and annotate 3d pathes in a mask that will be displayed over main image
exmpleH = #spawnat persistenceWorker Main.h5manag.getExample()
minimumm = -1000
maximumm = 2000
arrr= fetch(exmpleH)
imageDim = size(arrr)
using GLMakie
maskArr = Observable(BitArray(undef, imageDim))
MyImgeViewer.singleCtScanDisplay(arrr, maskArr,minimumm, maximumm)
Now definition of the required modules
functions responsible for displaying medical image Data
using DrWatson
#quickactivate "Probabilistic medical segmentation"
module MyImgeViewer
using GLMakie
using Makie
#using GeometryBasics
using GeometricalPredicates
using ColorTypes
using Distributed
using GLMakie
using Main.imageViewerHelper
using Main.workerNumbers
## getting id of workers
simple display of single image - only in transverse plane we are adding also a mask that
arrr - main 3 dimensional data representing medical image for example in case of CT each voxel represents value of X ray attenuation
minimumm, maximumm - approximately minimum and maximum values we can have in our image
function singleCtScanDisplay(arrr ::Array{Number, 3}, maskArr , minimumm, maximumm)
#we modify 2 pixels just in order to make the color range constant so slices will be displayed in the same windows
arrr[1,1,:].= minimumm
arrr[2,1,:].= maximumm
imageDim = size(arrr) # dimenstion of the primary image for example CT scan
slicesNumb =imageDim[3] # number of slices
#defining layout variables
scene, layout = GLMakie.layoutscene(resolution = (600, 400))
ax1 = layout[1, 1] = GLMakie.Axis(scene, backgroundcolor = :transparent)
ax2 = layout[1, 1] = GLMakie.Axis(scene, backgroundcolor = :transparent)
#control widgets
sl_x =layout[2, 1]= GLMakie.Slider(scene, range = 1:1: slicesNumb , startvalue = slicesNumb/2 )
sliderXVal = sl_x.value
#color maps
cmwhite = cgrad(range(RGBA(10,10,10,0.01), stop=RGBA(0,0,255,0.4), length=10000));
greyss = createMedicalImageColorSchemeB(200,-200,maximumm, minimumm )
#main heatmap that holds for example Ct scan
currentSliceMain = GLMakie.#lift(arrr[:,:, convert(Int32,$sliderXVal)])
hm = GLMakie.heatmap!(ax1, currentSliceMain ,colormap = greyss)
#helper heatmap designed to respond to both changes in slider and changes in the bit matrix
currentSliceMask = GLMakie.#lift($maskArr[:,:, convert(Int32,$sliderXVal)])
hmB = GLMakie.heatmap!(ax1, currentSliceMask ,colormap = cmwhite)
#adding ability to be able to add information to mask where we clicked so in casse of mit matrix we will set the point where we clicked to 1
colorB = layout[1,2]= Colorbar(scene, hm)
GLMakie.translate!(hmB, Vec3f0(0,0,5))
inspired by https://github.com/JuliaPlots/Makie.jl/issues/810
Generaly thanks to this function the viewer is able to respond to clicking on the slices and records it in the supplied 3 dimensional AbstractArray
ax - Axis which store our heatmap slices which we want to observe wheather user clicked on them and where
dims - dimensions of main image for example CT
sc - Scene where our axis is
maskArr - the 3 dimensional bit array that has exactly the same dimensions as main Array storing image
sliceNumb - represents on what slide we are on currently on - ussually it just give information from slider
function indicatorC(ax::Axis,dims::Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64},sc::Scene,maskArr,sliceNumb::Observable{Any})
register_interaction!(ax, :indicator) do event::GLMakie.MouseEvent, axis
if event.type === MouseEventTypes.leftclick
##async begin
#appropriately modyfing wanted pixels in mask array
#async calculateMouseAndSetmaskWrap(maskArr, event,sc,dims,sliceNumb)
# println("fetched" + fetch(maskA))
# finalize(maskA)
return true
#print("xMouse: $(xMouse) yMouse: $(yMouse) compBoxWidth: $(compBoxWidth) compBoxHeight: $(compBoxHeight) calculatedXpixel: $(calculatedXpixel) calculatedYpixel: $(calculatedYpixel) pixelsNumbInX $(pixelsNumbInX) ")
wrapper for calculateMouseAndSetmask - from imageViewerHelper module
given mouse event modifies mask accordingly
maskArr - the 3 dimensional bit array that has exactly the same dimensions as main Array storing image
event - mouse event passed from Makie
sc - scene we are using in Makie
function calculateMouseAndSetmaskWrap(maskArr, event,sc,dims,sliceNumb)
maskArr[] = calculateMouseAndSetmask(maskArr, event,sc,dims,sliceNumb)
end #module
and helper methods
functions responsible for helping in image viewer - those functions are meant to be invoked on separate process
- in parallel
using DrWatson
#quickactivate "Probabilistic medical segmentation"
module imageViewerHelper
using Documenter
using ColorTypes
using Colors, ColorSchemeTools
using Makie
export calculateMouseAndSetmask
export createMedicalImageColorSchemeB
# using AbstractPlotting
given mouse event modifies mask accordingly
maskArr - the 3 dimensional bit array that has exactly the same dimensions as main Array storing image
event - mouse event passed from Makie
sc - scene we are using in Makie
function calculateMouseAndSetmask(maskArr, event,sc,dims,sliceNumb)
#position from top left corner
xMouse= Makie.to_world(sc,event.data)[1]
yMouse= Makie.to_world(sc,event.data)[2]
#data about height and width in layout
compBoxWidth = 510
compBoxHeight = 510
#image dimensions - number of pixels from medical image for example ct scan
pixelsNumbInX =dims[1]
pixelsNumbInY =dims[2]
#calculating over which image pixel we are
calculatedXpixel =convert(Int32, round( (xMouse/compBoxWidth)*pixelsNumbInX) )
calculatedYpixel = convert(Int32,round( (yMouse/compBoxHeight)*pixelsNumbInY ))
sliceNumbConv =convert(Int32,round( sliceNumb[] ))
#appropriately modyfing wanted pixels in mask array
return markMaskArrayPatch( maskArr ,CartesianIndex(calculatedXpixel, calculatedYpixel, sliceNumbConv ),2)
maskArr - the 3 dimensional bit array that has exactly the same dimensions as main Array storing image
point - cartesian coordinates of point around which we want to modify the 3 dimensional array from 0 to 1
function markMaskArrayPatch(maskArr, pointCart::CartesianIndex{3}, patchSize ::Int64)
ones = CartesianIndex(patchSize,patchSize,patchSize) # cartesian 3 dimensional index used for calculations to get range of the cartesian indicis to analyze
maskArrB = maskArr[]
for J in (pointCart-ones):(pointCart+ones)
diff = J - pointCart # diffrence between dimensions relative to point of origin
if cartesianTolinear(diff) <= patchSize
return maskArrB
works only for 3d cartesian coordinates
cart - cartesian coordinates of point where we will add the dimensions ...
function cartesianTolinear(pointCart::CartesianIndex{3}) :: Int16
abs(pointCart[1])+ abs(pointCart[2])+abs(pointCart[3])
creating grey scheme colors for proper display of medical image mainly CT scan
min_shown_white - max_shown_black range over which the gradint of greys will be shown
truemax - truemin the range of values in the image for which we are creating the scale
#taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67727977/how-to-create-julia-color-scheme-for-displaying-ct-scan-makie-jl/67756158#67756158
function createMedicalImageColorSchemeB(min_shown_white,max_shown_black,truemax,truemin ) ::Vector{Any}
# println("max_shown_black - truemin + 1")
# println(max_shown_black - truemin + 1)
# println(" min_shown_white - max_shown_black - 1")
# println( min_shown_white - max_shown_black - 1)
# println("truemax - min_shown_white + 1")
# println(truemax - min_shown_white + 1)
return [fill(colorant"black", max_shown_black - truemin + 1);
collect(make_colorscheme(identity, identity, identity,
length = min_shown_white - max_shown_black - 1));
fill(colorant"white", truemax - min_shown_white + 1)]
end #module

Getting the exact data index from a click on pyqt5graph image (not just pixel value)

I am new to PyqtGraph ( Infact this is my first time)
I have a Qt designer file which I import in my python code. I 6 windows in which I plot a 42x22 (different sizes) as an inmage, these have been promoted the graphicview.
I have a data set which is 6x42x22 and so I use a for loop to plot the 6 images
for n in range(imageStackSize):
self.glayout = pg.GraphicsLayout()
self.vb = self.glayout.addViewBox()
self.vb.setAspectLocked(lock=True, ratio=self.aspect_ratio)
img_temp = image[n, :, :]
img = pg.ImageItem(img_temp, lut=self.jet_lut)
if n == 0:
elif n == 1:
elif n == 2:
elif n == 3:
elif n == 4:
elif n == 5:
After this I am trying to click on one of the image (ideally I would like to make it such that I can click any of the six images) to get the (6,x,y) coordinated the first dimension does not matter. In order to achieve this I did
def onClick(self, event):
and then I tried
items = self.ui.Channel1_img.imageItem.mapFromViewToItem(event.pos())
items = self.ui.Channel1_img.imageItem.mapFromSceneToView(event.pos())
but the prog just crashes. I read somewhere that the coordinates are in the viewbox, but I cant seem to find the viewbox or vb in the self.ui.Channel1_img
I went through the entire ui variable in debug to look for vb or image Item and could not find it.
infact the only thing I found was,
items = {dict} {<pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.ViewBox.ViewBox.ViewBox
object at 0x000001CF73888CA8>: [(0, 0)]}
<pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.ViewBox.ViewBox.ViewBox object at
0x000001CF73888CA8> (1990508186792) = {list} <class 'list'>: [(0, 0)]
0 = {tuple} <class 'tuple'>: (0, 0)
0 = {int} 0
1 = {int} 0
__len__ = {int} 2
__len__ = {int} 1
__len__ = {int} 1
what am I missing? Any help is appreciated
Ok I figured it out, here is my solution for some who may have same question
I plot the data using it as imageItem
vb = pg.ViewBox()
self.img = pg.ImageItem(pmtImage)
and then in other function I recover the vb using getViewBox() and then use mapFromViewtoItem()
vb = self.ui.PMTVoltage_plt.getViewBox()
items = vb.mapSceneToView(event.scenePos())
pixels = vb.mapFromViewToItem(self.img, items)
Hope this helps

Axis label values are generated dynamic, however require specific labels to be displayed

I am trying to dynamically generate axis label values as follows.
Dim dt As DataTable
dt = ds.Tables(0)
Dim y2max As Double = dt.Compute("max(return)", String.Empty) + 0.001
Dim y2min As Double = dt.Compute("min(return)", String.Empty) - 0.001
Dim ymax As Double = dt.Compute("max(TC_" & TC & ")", String.Empty) + 0.005
Dim ymin As Double = dt.Compute("min(TC_" & TC & ")", String.Empty) - 0.005
And generate the following chart.
I am able to achieve desired scaling with this approach , however i want by PRIMARY Y label values to have "1". Can i set an appropriate interval or format Y label values to achieve this.
This is what i wish to achieve
I am not concerned about the interval values/length, however i need my Blue line series to start with 1.
WRONG ANSWER: I think you are looking for the AxisY.IntervalOffset property. Why is it wrong? Because it shifts the labels. It just happened that it looked right in my previous attempt.
RIGHT ANSWER: If you set the AxisY.Crossing property to 1 then it will force it to use 1 as a label value, and calculate the other labels appropriately. You then need to set AxisY.IsStartedFromZero = False to avoid zero being included on the axis and AxisX.IsMarksNextToAxis = False to make the x-axis labels appear at the bottom edge of the chart.
Sub GenerateChart()
' generate some sample data
Dim s1 As New Series
For i = 0 To 180 Step 2
s1.Points.AddXY(i, Math.Sin(Math.PI * i / 60) * 0.004 + 1)
Chart1.Series(0).ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line
Chart1.Series(0).BorderWidth = 2
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.IsStartedFromZero = False
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Crossing = 1
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IsMarksNextToAxis = False
' avoid the label "1.000" being formatted as "1"
Dim labelFormat = "0.000"
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.LabelStyle = New LabelStyle With {.Format = labelFormat}
End Sub

Help modifying recursive function

Given a canvas, let's say 10x10, and given 3 rectangles/squares.
Canvas = 10x10
Rectangle 1 = 2x2
Rectangle 2 = 3x3
Rectangle 3 = 2x4
I've created a recursive function that loops every position of every rectangle on the canvas, and it works fine. (I've included the function below incase anyone wants to see it but I don't think it's necessary).
We can see that rectangle 1 and 2 are non rotatable, IE, if you rotate either of them 90 degrees essentially they are the same shape. However rectangle 3 is rotatable.
How do I change/construct the loop/recurisve function so that it loops every position of every rectangle, along with every possible rotation?
The aim is to loop through every possible fitting of the shapes on the canvas.
Thanks for any help!
Sub recurse(ByVal startPoint As Integer)
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim validSolution As Boolean = isSolutionValid()
Dim loopXTo As Integer
Dim loopYTo As Integer
Dim solutionRating As Integer
'If parent nodes create invalid solution, we can skip (375 iterations from 1,600 iterations saving)
If validSolution = True Then
If (startPoint = 0) Then
loopXTo = Math.Floor((canvasCols - squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows()) / 2) '576 iterations from 1,680 iterations
loopYTo = Math.Floor((canvasRows - squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols) / 2) '31,104 iterations from 90,720 iterations
loopXTo = canvasCols - squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows
loopYTo = canvasRows - squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols
End If
'Loop all positions on canvas
For x = 0 To loopXTo
For y = 0 To loopYTo
'Set coords of square
squareObjects(startPoint).setSquareCords(x, y)
'Phyiscally place it in canvas
placeSquareOnCanvas(x, y, squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows, squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols)
'Recursive, get next square
If (startPoint + 1 < totalSquares) Then
recurse(startPoint + 1)
validSolution = isSolutionValid()
'Is solution valud
If (validSolution = True) Then
solutions = solutions + 1
End If
iterations = iterations + 1
'Response.Write("<br /><b>Iteration " & iterations & "</b>")
If (validSolution) Then
'Rate solution, record if best
solutionRating = rateSolution()
If solutionRating > bestCellSaving Then
bestCellSaving = solutionRating
End If
'Response.Write(" <span style='color:green'> <B>VALID SOLUTION</B></span> (" & rateSolution() & ")")
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
If you extract the loops in a separate routine the solution emerges relatively easily.
I have changed the validSolution logic a bit to make the code shorter - now we don't call recurse if the solution is invalid and we don't need to check for isSolutionValid() at the beginning of recurse(). These changes make counting the iterations harder so I removed that code, but it should be possible to add it later.
The recurse() routine without the last "If" statement should behave exactly as your code. The last "If" statement essentially performs the loops for a rotated rectangle.
I am not sure how removeSquare() is implemented, but it may need to know the orientation to be able to work correctly.
Sub recurse(ByVal startPoint As Integer)
Dim loopXTo As Integer
Dim loopYTo As Integer
If (startPoint = 0) Then
loopXTo = Math.Floor((canvasCols - squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows) / 2)
loopYTo = Math.Floor((canvasRows - squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols) / 2)
loopXTo = canvasCols - squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows
loopYTo = canvasRows - squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols
End If
fitSqare(loopXTo, loopYTo, False)
If (squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols <> squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows) Then
fitSqare(loopYTo, loopXTo, True)
End If
End Sub
Sub fitSquare(ByVal loopXTo As Integer, ByVal loopYTo As Integer, ByVal rotate As Boolean)
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim solutionRating As Integer
Dim validSolution As Boolean
'Loop all positions on canvas
For x = 0 To loopXTo
For y = 0 To loopYTo
'Set coords of square
squareObjects(startPoint).setSquareCords(x, y)
'Phyiscally place it in canvas
If (rotate) Then
placeSquareOnCanvas(x, y, squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols, squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows)
placeSquareOnCanvas(x, y, squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows, squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols)
End If
validSolution = isSolutionValid()
'Is solution valud
If (validSolution) Then
'Recursive, get next square
If (startPoint + 1 < totalSquares) Then
recurse(startPoint + 1)
solutions = solutions + 1
'Rate solution, record if best
solutionRating = rateSolution()
If solutionRating > bestCellSaving Then
bestCellSaving = solutionRating
End If
End If
End If
squareObjects(startPoint).removeSquare(canvas) 'removeSquare may require additional work to handle rotated state
End Sub
If the canvas is always a square then you don't need to change much. The result for the rotated rectangle 3 is the same as for the unrotated, except the origin of the Canvas is different. Imagine leaving the Rectangle 3 unrotated and rotating the canvas 90 degrees in the other direction. This means that you should be able to use some maths on the same results to get your answer.
Put your (x,y) coordinate loop in its own function. Then call the (x,y) coordinate loop on a rectangle of WxH, and then call it again on the rotated rectangle HxW.
Alternatively you can put the branching on the two rotations of your rectangle inside the (x,y) loop, after both coordinates have been picked, but before you make the recursive call.
In both cases you will need to be careful about whether your rotation causes the rectangle to exceed the height or width of your bounding box.
Can't you simply scan the list of shapes and for those that are rectangles (SizeX != SizeY) add a cloned rectangle with { SizeX = source.SizeY, SizeY = source.SizeX } (eg.: rotated rectangle)?
That would of course mean to do the loops twice (one for the unrotated list of shapes and one for the rotated one).
=> doing something like
squareObjects(startPoint) = squareObjects(startPoint).Rotate();
Frankly I don't think your implementation is the best- but if you don't want to make big changes and make separate routines you can just put the code for the rectangles twice in the same function-iteration.
So after:
'Phyiscally place it in canvas
placeSquareOnCanvas(x, y, squareObjects(startPoint).sqRows, squareObjects(startPoint).sqCols)
End If
You can do a check
IF the square is rectangle (width <> height)
then copy the same code again (in Then code) changing sqRows with sqCols in placeSquareOnCanvas().
The recursion will not be anymore linear, as this will make 2 recursive branches for each rectangle. Maybe it is not very nice written copying the same code 2 times, but the result will be right, the code changing is minimal and this straight solution based on your code will have more performance than trying other tweaks.
