HTML video showing weird black lines - css

I'm having an extremely strange issue with an HTML that has 3 videos on it. I'm using videojs for the videos, and all videos have been converted to three different formats to ensure cross-browser compat.
Having said that, when the videos are played, strange black lines appear on the bottom, or on the right of the videos (This even changes across browsers!!).
I have absolutely no clue where this lines come from, as they don't appear on CSS at all.
Here's the link to show you what I'm talking about:
PS: In case it has become a part of the video itself, is there any common software to edit these videos?

The line is in the background image which the video is overlayed on.
Now I see the image is hidden when the video is played (display: none;). However it does look like the end of the video the still image from the feed was using the same background image.. worth looking into.
- here is a screenshot.


Image resizing issues

So im building my first wordpress site at the moment. Most problems i come across i just do a google search, read, learn, fix.
But one continuous problem i keep getting is images and resizing them.
Im really lost as to how it works, its so simple, yet i cant seem to manage them at all.
Heres some of my issues:
I'm using customizr theme, it has a slider, featured images for posts-big and small (featured image and thumbnail).
I resize the picture to the recommended dimensions, but it never seems to actually resize the picture in the box. And that's for all of them, the slider, thumbnail and featured image.
I toy with the dimensions to try to learn whats happening, but it just doesn't make sense to me, the box just zooms further into the image, the image doesn't actually move or try to fit at all when the dimensions are changed.
They also share the same image for the featured image and thumbnail, even if i click 'thumbnail only' and change the dimensions, it effects all of the images.
The slider images are always cut off, even if i change to the recommended dimensions. I've given up with the slider after a week of resizing, trying new sliders, adding slider codes into .php, enough.
But now this issue with a simple featured image and thumbnail is the last straw. So here it is, my cry for help!
How can i get control of my images, resize effectively, so i dont get these issues every time i try to add images into various functions.
Any help is much appreciated, thanks.

How to prevent GIFs from stopping animating when uploaded in Content area

When uploading animated GIFs in the content area they don't animate after the page is published.
I tried turning off resizing but that didn't work. I also tested it with Silverstripe 4 but it's the same problem.
What can I do to keep animated GIFs as they are when users upload them within the content area?
Update: Regarding the possible duplicate - there was no solution to this problem, just a work around which didn't last long. What I need is for animated GIFs to be uploaded as they are and not meddled with by SilverStripe in any way so they continue to remain animated. This is not a CSS issue. It cannot be fixed with CSS. It is the way SilverStripe handles content that is the problem. The solution to the other question was to increase the insert width but I've done it to a high number already, going any higher seems to defeat the point of that feature, so all I want is for GIFs to be completely left alone by SilverStripe and whatever resizing feature it uses.
Additionally, there was a suggestion to make a separate upload field for GIFs, again this is not a solution. The GIFs are to be part of the article which the user creates; for example, if the article is a tutorial then the animated GIFs help the reader visually see what should be happening as they read
I have discovered a solution for this in SS4... It seems if you use the 'Replace File' option within the files section and re-upload the animated GIF that way it will not corrupt it in the same way that tiny-MCE upload does. It's a long-winded and problematic way to go about it, but at least you don't have to make any changes to your php/ss files.

Faint Boxes in JPG Images Appearing

Having some issues on my Wordpress installation.
I'm noticing that on some monitors faint/semi-opaque boxes are appearing in my JPG images.
I didn't notice this until I was viewing my website on a friend's computer.
They aren't appearing on the original images, just when they are uploaded to my server and WP displays them.
I am about to add a filter changing the jpeg compression quality to 100%, rather than 90%, but before I go and re-upload all of my images, have any of you guys experienced this?
Do you mean a box like a border around the image, or an overlay on top of the image? Also is it appearing only on the webpage, or also when you look at the images on the server?
It sounds like a response sensitivity problem in the monitors. Is it any particular brand of monitor?
Other things could contribute to the problem.
Your images may subsample the Cb and Cr components and your JPEG decoder may not be evening out the subsampled components. get a JPEG dumping program and see if the sampling rates are higher for Y than Cb and Cr.
You image may be over-quantized (quality).

One big background image or multiple small images?

As a web developer, I have to cut a layout similar to this (example website by Ruben Bristian):
Should I bother with cutting multiple small images like a logo:
a label:
and so on? Or should I just make one big background image with all elements like this:
and make a positioned <a href> with display: block; for a linked logo?
A single image has smaller size than multiple elements altogether. What are the other pros and cons?
Use separate images.
Here are a few reasons why:
It's going to be much easier to maintain in the future, if/when there comes a point when you want to build on what you already have. Furthermore (and subjectively), the background image is not critical to the design. It wouldn't look broken if parts of the background were clipped. It would look broken however, if the logo were distorted.
Bear in mind also that newer, sharper displays are being developed. It's much easier to display the standard resolution background (it's already blurry, so clarity is not essential), and maintain two versions of the logo. One for standard displays, one for HD.
Semantics: What if the user has images disabled? Sure, it's unlikely, but what about Google? You should have some proper markup with real content. Your site needs real textual content in order for Google's crawlers to gather information about it. Use CSS image-replacement techniques to build the interface.
Another note on HD displays:
It's convention to serve larger images to HD (retina) displays, and use CSS to downsize them, effectively increasing their dots-per-inch. If you use just one image, the user will have to download a considerably large image. More bandwidth used by you, and slower experience for your users.
Furthermore, the text will look horrible on HD displays. It makes much more sense to allow the browser to render razor-sharp text to the user.
Accessibility: For a start, screen readers won't have a clue what your site is about. That might not be so relevant in this case, but it's best practice to build and accessible website. If you want to include some smaller text on the site, some users may be unable to read it. Normally they would increase the font-size, but if you use images, they're powerless.
I may have over-dramatised this answer, but the advice is well-intentioned.
I would honestly try a little bit of a different approach. The "photo" part of the image would be one image, the logo another, and maybe the double bar on either side of the heading another (but might not be necessary.
I would use the photo part as a bg image on a div, and within code the rest.
I wouldn't make the text part of the image at all. Try using a service like Google Web Fonts to get a good font.
The approach will save you lots of maintenance time, and also help with performance.
Total bytes loaded is lower.
You do not have to worry about how little images are put together to become the total image.
if you just use 1 image you will find that it will be much easier to maintain the fluidity of the layout. You will not have padding/alignment issues, rendering issues, etc. Realistically the load time should be the same either way, maybe a tad longer for multiple images as the browser would have to render more css, but i imagine it would not be very noticable. In the end it really comes down to what is better for the job. I pretty biased towards 1 clean image :)
I guess you have to think about how you are going to use each element individually, and how they are going to change in the future.
You might want to change the logo, animate it, or want to re-use it elsewhere. The background image might change, or become multiple images in some sort of transitional gallery.
If this its never going to change (unlikely), then, yes, flatten it in a single image.
I personally would have as a separate background image. Then perhaps have the logo and the label on another transparent png and utilise css sprites to re-use them throughout the site. This will halve the number of requests required to download the logo/label, and allow you to optimise each image separately ie the complex background photo, and the more simple logo/label.

Background image shows through briefly

I have a site that uses a large centered background image, which naturally loads a tad slower than the other elements on the page. For the most part this works okay, but there is also a repeat-x background image that covers the background for large monitors. The only problem is that this smaller file loads first and flashes briefly before the large image loads fully. Is there a way to have the large image load first so it is in place before the repeating background image loads? Thanks!
I don't know whether there is a way to accomplish that but you can use either javascript or jquery to change your dom elements show priority.
There's no way using strictly css to absolutely control the order images load.
The browser will try to download the images in the order they're listed in the css file, so putting your large background iage first will help, but the download time is gonna make it a moot point more than likely.
You could load the larger background via javascript once the rest of the DOM has loaded if it's worth going that far.
I figured out the answer to my own question: Instead of repeating the whole pattern of the upper body, I used only the pattern portion that is where the main content is. This loads quickly and looks natural behind the content while the large image loads. Thanks Aaron for the reply.
