Networking Dilemma IP stack(Microcontrollers) - networking

I basically have used the ethernet connection successfully with Microcontrollers to control real world aspects,The dilemma is of IP address I mean how can be accessed from around the world without any specific MAC ID attached to it, I wanted to implement the same networking usage with a GSM module eliinating wires but that doesn't have MAC addressing so TCP connection from it towards a IP client won't reach?

I am not sure how you did your 'real world control' with Ethernet before, but the MAC address does not 'live' past the next recipient (which means after the next switch) so do not use it for anything.
Your 192.168.x.x address is private, so it will never appear beyond your internet gateway (i.e. your GSM modem if you used GPRS), and it cannot be used directly for anything on the internet. It is not easy to briefly explain here how the internet routing works, but you should either use port forwarding towards your private IP address given to you by hour DHCP server (in which you have to initiate request from the client so that other side would not the IP address and the port), or you have to either have fixed public IP address or you could use some dynamic DNS service (like, or you can update data from the client on some server over which you have control (like if you updated data manually from your PC).
All summed up, it is not very clear what you are trying to achieve, but I would say you need to check out some things about internet routing before you proceed.


How do modems connect with ISP?

AFAIK when i turn on my modem, it says: "Hi ISP, i need an IP".
Then, my ISP give it an IP.
How does my ISP identify my modem? by last IP, key, or what?
After i have an IP, i can navigate, but after some hours my modem changes its IP.
2) How is that change done?
I mean, my ISP says: "Hi user modem, there is your new IP"
It gets even funnier if when i turn on my modem, some other modem has the last IP my modem had.
There is a collision. So, my ISP would give my modem another IP, wont it?
I know im talking about technical stuff, but i would like you to explain me in your own words in order not to make it cumbersome.
If technical references arise, maybe just name the concept or leave a link. It would be enough for me.
Thanks you all!
By posting under the tag „dhcp“, you are obviously already assuming that the DHCP protocol is the answer to your questions:
The DHCP Protocol allows the DHCP Server (your ISP) to identify the DHCP client (your modem) by a multitude of information. The most important one is usually the MAC address of your modem. The last IP is also transmitted from client to server along with proprietary information such as the client identifier and others.
The server supplies the IP address along with a lease time. The client will renew the IP address with the DHCP server when the lease time is about to expire. The server decides in the renewal process triggered by the client if the same IP is ok to use further or not.
Restart is not much different from renewal. The DHCP protocol is for that purpose equipped with a broadcast feature so the collision does not really happen, because the client (modem) will ask for an IP address before it uses the old IP.
It is possible that modem and ISP do not use DHCP but the mechanism is probably similar. DHCP is specified in RFC 2131.

Basic networking questions

I am trying to understand how exactly routing works:
if 2 computers are on the same network
if they are on different networks.
More specifically I am trying to understand this: Routing
I am also trying to understand the difference between
IP Address,
Net Address,
Mac Address.
From what I understand:
1) IP Address: is used when computers communicate on the internet only.
2) Net Address: is a local version of the IP address and each device on the network has a unique net address. It's used when devices on the same network want to communicate with each other.
3) Mac Address: is a globally unique address and no other computer in the world has the same Mac address. In reality this is not true because it can be changed. It's used when ???
When a computer wants to communicate with another on the same network, they use net address, right? If the computers are on different networks what exactly happens?
Question: Can someone please fix my mistakes if any and explain what I am missing?
Thank you very much.
There are many network types, but since the most used ones are Ethernet and IP networks (and you seem to be asking about them), I will answer shortly based on them.
IP addresses are always used. They may not be used for deciding who gets the packets directly, but they are the basis even in local networks, since it is an IP network. There can also be other network types that have their own mechanisms, but they are not that common.
In local Ethernet the machines ask via ARP protocol "who has this IP address?" and get a reply with a MAC address. After that they send and receive packets based on that MAC address. The packets still have the IP address information, otherwise the receiving machine wouldn't know what is the destination. Do note that the receiving machine might be a firewall or other middleware device, not the actual computer that has the address. Also a single machine and network card may have several IP addresses set up for it.
In IP networks the IP address is used for routing. All routing devices have a routing table that will tell where the packets should go. If it's a simple device, it usually has a local network and everything else goes via a default gw, which will know better what to do with the packets.
A home router will just push them to the operator, there another router will know what addresses go to their networks, others are pushed forward via another connection, until a bigger place is reached where there are inter-operator connections and they choose again the correct route. And then it goes to smaller and smaller pipes the other way around.

Simplest way to find my external ip address and port

I'm trying to develop an applicaton for p2p communication between two android devices. In order to punch a hole through my NAT(s), I'd need to know my external ip address and port.
To that end, I've developed a java server on GAE to report my "remote" ip address and port. The problem is that on GAE I can get my ip address, but not my port. Without it, I'm unable to successfully punch the hole.
So, my question is what's the best, free method to find out my external IP address and port?
That's a question that has no answer with TCP.
Here's the problem: your "port" is not a fixed value. You don't have "an" external port. You typically get one dynamically assigned for each outbound connection.
As answers you should see from the test sites posted in another answer clearly indicate, it's a moving target (though it may stay stationary for a short time due to the browser using HTTP/1.1 keepalives and actually reusing the same connection, not just the same port)... but if you hit the site repeatedly, you'll see it either drift around randomly, or increment. Trying it from two different web browsers on the same machine, you'd never see the same port number -- the port corresponds to the specific source connection, not the machine sourcing the connection.
Sometimes, you may find that it's the same port number as the port your machine's stack opened for the outbound connection, but even when it is, it doesn't matter, because no traffic should be able to return to your machine on that port unless it is from the IP address and port of the machine to which you made the outbound connection. Any decent network address translating device would never accept traffic from another source IP address and/or port, other than the one you addressed in the outbound connection.
There is no standard, simple, predictable, reliable, or consistent way to punch a hole in TCP NAT and then exploit that hole for a peer-to-per connection. To the extent that such things are possible in a given NAT implementation, that is an implementation that is shoddy, broken, defective, and insecure.
See also:
Sounds like your app could use a STUN server to get its external address.

UDP cannot connect to anything other than

Im not too sure why this wont work. My application works fine if the client and server are ran on the same PC hence the but it wont connect to my other laptop using IP which is the IP of that device.
Any reason why this is happening?
Your firewall could quite possibly be blocking the port assuming all of your coding is working fine - try opening up the port number you're running the application on (in the client/server comptuers' firewall options).
Some additional information that should shed some light on things
Networked devices use ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol) to map IPs to link layer (MAC) addresses and back. Your network interface card (the thing that plugs into your ethernet cable) will have a unique MAC address on both computers. Each PC has an IP configured for it which is used by higher level protocols (those in the Network Layer).
Computer A will know computer B's IP address (and it will be different from computer A's) if your program works correctly. When computer A goes to send to comptuer B, assuming they're directly connected and not going through a router or something in between, computer A's link layer will need to translate that IP for comptuer B into a MAC address it can use. It does this by sending out a broadcast to all network PCs on the same sub network asking "Hey, is this your IP!?" essentially. The one that has an IP matching the broadcasted one yes, "Yes, it's mine - and here's my MAC address so you can talk directly to me."
So, if two computers have the same IP this all goes to hell :) don't do it - give them unique IPs and make sure that comptuer A transmits to the same UDP port and IP that computer B is listening on as well. communications work in {IP, Port} pairs - its like a telephone number and area code.
As said by EJP - UDP is a connectionless protocol - computer A just sends to computer B and hopes that computer B is listening correctly. If computer B wasn't listening or was but wasn't in the right state to process the data, the data will simply be dropped and lost. Computer A will not know that this happened. If you want reliable communications where it will keep trying and you will have assurance that compuer B received computer A's data then use TCP instead - it does a 3 way handshake to establish a connection and uses acknowledgements to ensure data is retransmitted when it doesn't reach the other end.
It could be that you're listening on localhost ( and don't accept other traffic. Use a wildcard address.
Check on the server with netstat -npu.
If that's not the case then it's probably firewall issue, verify with tcpdump or wireshark.
Check firewall on your laptop... Most of the time that acts as spoilsport.

Windows 7 does not accept broadcasts from ip address

we have little network devices which are shipped with IP address to ensure that they never collide with any other device in their new environment (thus none of the 10.x.x.x, 172.16.x.x or 192.168.x.x ranges) until configuration. DHCP is no solution since there might be no DHCP server in the field.
The devices would listen to UDP broadcasts and answer with broadcasts until they are given their new IP address this way.
This worked fine with Windows XP - but sucks with Windows 7: the config program does not receive the answer packets from the devices which still have Wireshark sees the packets, then they are dumped by the system.
Question: Is there any reason (RFC?) that actually prohibits using this address in a local environment? Or is it just MS that was overcautious? Where can I read why they treat this address "invalid"? Which ranges are really "invalid" now, too?
Any idea of a workaround on the PC side (Win 7)?
I know that it is not recommended to use addresses for work places, but for this very reason - having a not-used address - it works perfectly.
Edit: there is a device out there called "Netburner" which might have faced the similar issue, according to their forum. See: Does - by coincidence - anybody know some background information?
It sounds as if your configuration application is listening for broadcast packets on all network interfaces and expecting to receive packets from foreign subnets.
That should not work - the OS should only pass-on broadcast packets from the subnets each network interface is on, not from all subnets on the same physical (e.g. Ethernet) segment. I am reasonably certain that doing otherwise is broken behaviour WRT the IP protocol.
The are two ways to deal with this:
Make sure that your network interface has an IP address in the target subnet. You can have more than one IP addresses for each network card, so that should not interfere with normal network operations.
Configure or modify you application to use raw sockets, like Wireshark. Keep in mind, however, that this overrides all normal checks and balances and should be avoided, since it can cause behaviour that is almost impossible to diagnose - which is why it is frowned upon by meny network administrators.
Can you you add new routing table entries to Windows machines easily? Windows has to know which interface to use when routing a broadcast packet to the 0.0.0.x network.
The Unix machines I'm familiar with have a routing table that maps network/netmask entries to either gateways or interfaces (if the network is a local network). The local network ( for my home network) gets sent to interface eth0. Everything else gets sent to a specific gateway machine
If my machine sent a UDP broadcast message to network (in other words, UDP broadcast sent to, then my machine would forward the packet to the gateway machine (which it can look up via arp). The switches in the middle wouldn't propagate the packet to other network devices, because the MAC address is set.
If my machine had another routing entry for to the local interface, then my machine would send the packet on the wire using an ethernet broadcast group, and the switches would forward the packet to all connections. (Yay! Just like hubs in the 90s! :)
So I figure you need to add a routing entry for to your client machines, so that they can properly address the broadcast packet.
