Maximum Intermediate Volatility - r

I have two vectors, a and b. See attached.
a is the signal and is a probability.
b is the absolute percentage change the next period.
Signalt <- seq(0, 1, 0.05)
I would like to find the maximum absolute return occuring within each intermediate 5%-tile (Signalt) of the a vector. So if it is
0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.06 0.07
then it should calculate the maximum return between
0.01 and 0.02,
0.01 and 0.03,
0.02 and 0.03.
Then move on to
0.06 and 0.07 do it over etc.
Output would then be combined in a matrix or table when the entire sequence has run.
It should follow the index from vector a and b.
i is an index that is updated by one every time that a crosses into a new percentile. t(i) is the bucket associated with the ith cross.
a is the probability vector which has length tao. This vector should be analyzed in its 5% tiles, with the maximum intermediate absolute return being the output. The price change of next period is the vector b. This would be represented by P in the equation below.
l and m are indexes.
Every time Signal moves from one 5% tile to another, we compute the
largest absolute return that occurs between any two intermediate
buckets, until Signal moves to another 5% tile. For example, suppose
that Signal moves into the 85th percentile and 4 volume buckets later
moves into the 90th percentile. We would then calculate absolute
returns between buckets 1 and 2, 1 and 3, 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 2 and 4, 3
and 4. We are interested in the maximum absolute return. We would then
calculate the max return in the following percentile bucket, move on
to the next, which could be an 85th percentile and so on. So we let i
be an index that is updated by 1 every time that Signal moves from one
percentile into another, and τ(i) the bucket associated with the ith
This is the equation I am using. The notation might vary slightly.
Now my question is how to go about this. Perhaps someone has an intuitive solution to this.
I hope my question is clear.

My interpretation of the question
I hope I understand your question correctly. Here is what I understood:
For each row you compute which 5% percentile it belongs to
Whenever that percentile changes, you start a new bucket
All rows from the same bucket result in a single resulting value
If there is only a single row in a bucket, the b value from that row is the resulting value
Otherwise, you compute all abs(b[l]/b[m]-1) where m<l and both belong to the same bucket
Basic answer
This code here does what I describe above:
# read the data (shortened, full data in OP)
d <- read.table(textConnection("a,b
"), sep=",", header=TRUE)
# compute percentile number for each line
d$percentile <- floor(d$a/0.05)*5 + 5
# start a new bucket whenever the percentile changes
d$bucket <- cumsum(c(1, diff(d$percentile) != 0))
# compute a single number for all rows of the same bucket
aggregate(b ~ percentile + bucket, d, function(b) {
if(length(b) == 1) return(b); # special case of only a single row
m <- outer(b, b, function(pm, pl) abs(pl/pm - 1)) # compare all pairs
return(max(m[upper.tri(m)])) # only return pairs with m < l
The result will look like this:
percentile bucket b
1 5 1 0.8960891071
2 30 2 0.0013531800
3 35 3 0.0000000000
4 50 4 0.0040540541
5 55 5 0.0006729475
6 60 6 0.0020202020
7 70 7 0.0006720430
8 50 8 0.0006715917
9 35 9 2.0020174849
10 40 10 0.0053691275
11 25 11 1.0026737968
12 40 12 0.0006666667
13 35 13 0.0033355570
14 30 14 0.0000000000
15 35 15 0.0000000000
16 40 16 0.0026773762
17 20 17 0.2520080321
18 25 18 0.5010026738
19 40 19 0.0006671114
20 50 20 0.0006666667
21 40 21 3.0026666667
22 35 22 0.0013297872
23 20 23 0.7511597084
24 15 24 0.0013262599
25 20 25 0.7506605020
26 15 26 0.0013218771
27 20 27 0.0026402640
28 40 28 0.0006583278
29 45 29 0.0000000000
Additional columns
If you also want to know the number of items in each group, then I suggest you use the plyr library:
aggB <- function(b) {
if(length(b) == 1) return(b)
m <- outer(b, b, function(pm, pl) abs(pl/pm - 1))
ddply(d, .(bucket), summarise,
percentile = percentile[1], n = length(b), maxr = aggB(b))
This will give you the following result:
bucket percentile n maxr
1 1 5 4 0.8960891071
2 2 30 1 0.0013531800
3 3 35 1 0.0000000000
4 4 50 1 0.0040540541
5 5 55 1 0.0006729475
6 6 60 1 0.0020202020
7 7 70 1 0.0006720430
8 8 50 1 0.0006715917
9 9 35 2 2.0020174849
10 10 40 1 0.0053691275
11 11 25 2 1.0026737968
12 12 40 1 0.0006666667
13 13 35 1 0.0033355570
14 14 30 1 0.0000000000
15 15 35 1 0.0000000000
16 16 40 1 0.0026773762
17 17 20 2 0.2520080321
18 18 25 3 0.5010026738
19 19 40 1 0.0006671114
20 20 50 1 0.0006666667
21 21 40 2 3.0026666667
22 22 35 1 0.0013297872
23 23 20 3 0.7511597084
24 24 15 1 0.0013262599
25 25 20 2 0.7506605020
26 26 15 1 0.0013218771
27 27 20 1 0.0026402640
28 28 40 1 0.0006583278
29 29 45 1 0.0000000000

I am not sure to understand but here an attempt. My idea is to group data by centiles than do calculation on each group using by
To group data I create a new variable split
##dat$split <- cut(dat$a,seq(0, 1, 0.05),include.lowest=T)
dat$split <- c(0,cumsum(diff(dat$a) > 0.05))
Using by, I can performs my function en each group. I remove the singular cases of NULL prob values or one values.
by(dat,dat$split,FUN =function(x){
P <- x$b
if( is.null(P)||length(P) ==1) return(0)
nn <- length(P)
ind <- expand.grid(1:nn,1:nn) ## I generate indexes here
ret <- abs(P[ind[,1]]/P[ind[,2]]-1) ## perfom P_l/P_m-1 (vectorized)
ret.max = max(ret),
ret.ind = ind[which.max(ret),])
Here the result list. For each interval I show ,
P ( Prob values),
The maximum return
The indexes from which this maximum is computed.
For example:
dat$split: 0
[1] 0.0130 0.0014 0.0014 0.0020
[1] 8.6236
Var1 Var2
5 1 2
dat$split: 1
[1] 0.0014 0.0000
[1] 1
Var1 Var2
2 2 1


How do I calculate CV of triplicates in R?

I have 1000+ rows and I want to calculate the CV for each row that has the same condition.
The data look like this:
Condition Y
0.5 25
0.5 26
0.5 27
1 43
1 45
1 75
5 210
5 124
5 20
10 54
10 78
10 10
and then I did:
CV <- function(x){
CV.for every row. <- aggregate(y ~ Condition,
data = df,
I have the feeling that what I did, uses the mean of the whole column, cause the results are a bit whatever.

How to use apply function instead of for loop if you have multiple if conditions to be excecuted

1st DF:
V1 V2 V3 V4
1 1 6 11 16
2 2 7 12 17
3 3 8 13 18
4 4 9 14 19
5 5 10 15 20
names(t.d) <- c("ID","A","B","C")
t.d$FinalTime <- c("7/30/2009 08:18:35","9/30/2009 19:18:35","11/30/2009 21:18:35","13/30/2009 20:18:35","15/30/2009 04:18:35")
t.d$InitTime <- c("6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35")
ID A B C FinalTime InitTime
1 1 6 11 16 7/30/2009 08:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
2 2 7 12 17 9/30/2009 19:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
3 3 8 13 18 11/30/2009 21:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
4 4 9 14 19 13/30/2009 20:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
5 5 10 15 20 15/30/2009 04:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
2nd DF:
> s.d
F D E Time
1 10 19 28 6/30/2009 08:18:35
2 11 20 29 8/30/2009 19:18:35
3 12 21 30 9/30/2009 21:18:35
4 13 22 31 01/30/2009 20:18:35
5 14 23 32 10/30/2009 04:18:35
6 15 24 33 11/30/2009 04:18:35
7 16 25 34 12/30/2009 04:18:35
8 17 26 35 13/30/2009 04:18:35
9 18 27 36 15/30/2009 04:18:35
Output to be:
From DF "t.d" I have to calculate the time interval for each row between "FinalTime" and "InitTime" (InitTime will always be less than FinalTime).
Another DF "temp" from "s.d" has to be formed having data only within the above time interval, and then the most recent values of "F","D","E" have to be taken and attached to the 'ith' row of "t.d" from which the time interval was calculated.
Also we have to see if the newly formed DF "temp" has the following conditions true:
here 'j' represents value for each row:
if(temp$F[j] < 35.5) + (temp$D[j] >= 100) >= 1)
temp$Flag <- 1
} else{
temp$Flag <- 0
Originally I have 3 million rows in the dataframe and 20 columns in each DF.
I have solved the above problem using "for loop" but it obviously takes 2 to 3 days as there are a lot of rows.
(Also if I have to add new columns to the resultant DF if multiple conditions get satisfied on each row?)
Can anybody suggest a different technique? Like using apply functions?
My suggestion is:
use lapply over row indices
handle in the function call your if branches
return either your dataframe or NULL
combine everything with rbind
by replacing lapply with mclapply from the 'parallel' package, your code gets executed in parallel.
resultList <- lapply(1:nrow(t.d), function(i){
do stuff
resultDF <-, resultList)

Adding extreme value distributed noise (with µ=0,σ=10) to a vector of numbers in R

I have the following matrix
Measurement Treatment
38 A
14 A
54 A
69 A
20 B
36 B
35 B
10 B
11 C
98 C
88 C
14 C
I want to add extreme value distributed noise (with mean=0 and sd=10) to the Measurement values. How can I achieve that in R?
I found revd in extRemes package, but it does not work as expected. Does devd from the same package do what I want to do? (but it does not allow for mean and sd to be defined)
If you want to use your measure as the mean for the noise, then you can do this:
measure = round(runif(10,0,30),0)
data = data.frame(measure)
for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
data$measure1[i] = rnorm(1,data$measure[i],10)
measure measure1
1 6 6.281557
2 12 -5.780177
3 18 13.529773
4 26 33.665584
5 14 12.666614
6 24 41.146132
7 5 -1.850390
8 14 16.728703
9 13 26.082601
10 13 14.066475
EDIT: You can avoid the for loop with this instead:
data$measure1 = data$measure + rnorm(1,0,10)

Two way ANOVA - repeated measure in r, missing a desired effect

I am trying to do a two way mixed factorial ANOVA with repeated measures. From:
aov(Estimate ~ Dose*Visit, data = AUClast)
I get 3 sums of squares: two main effects (Visit and Dose) and their interaction (Dose:Visit) which I figured out by hand are correct.
Both Dose and Visit are explanatory variables with Dose being a between subject variable with 4 levels, 3, 10, 30, 100 and Visit being a within subjects variable (repeated measure) of 2 levels, 1 and 28. Also, the subjectID variable is 'Animal'
I want to include one more effect into the result but do not know how. The desired effect is variance between Animal within Dose, or how SAS puts it Animal(Dose). The SS is calculated by:
Where k is the animal of a dose i (averaging the Estimates of the observation in Visit 1 and Visit 28 for each Animal and subtracting the mean Estimate of animals in that Dose quantity squared for all Animals in this study).
Does anyone know how to adjust the formula accordingly to include the Animal(Dose) effect?
Thanks in advance for the help and sorry if all of this is too unspecific.
If I understand you correctly, I have a suggestion. First, a sample data set
#sample data
), Estimate=runif(24)
Now we calculate the interaction term as requested. First, we split the data into dosage groups, then for each does, we subtract the overall mean from the mean for each animal. Then we sum the squared of those differences. Finally, we expand them back out to does group using unsplit.
animaldose<-unsplit(lapply(split(AUClast, AUClast$Dose), function(x) {
sum((tapply(x$Estimate, x$Animal, mean) - mean(x$Estimate))^2)
, nrow(x))
}), AUClast$Dose)
And we can see what that looks like next to the original data.frame
cbind(AUClast, animaldose)
Which gives the result
Animal Dose Visit Estimate animaldose
1 1 3 1 0.60211404 0.1181935
2 2 3 1 0.19504393 0.1181935
3 3 3 1 0.96645873 0.1181935
4 1 10 1 0.65090553 0.1641363
5 2 10 1 0.36707189 0.1641363
6 3 10 1 0.98885921 0.1641363
7 1 30 1 0.81519341 0.0419291
8 2 30 1 0.25396837 0.0419291
9 3 30 1 0.68723085 0.0419291
10 1 100 1 0.83142902 0.1881314
11 2 100 1 0.10466936 0.1881314
12 3 100 1 0.64615091 0.1881314
13 1 3 28 0.50909039 0.1181935
14 2 3 28 0.70662857 0.1181935
15 3 3 28 0.86231366 0.1181935
16 1 10 28 0.84178515 0.1641363
17 2 10 28 0.44744372 0.1641363
18 3 10 28 0.96466695 0.1641363
19 1 30 28 0.14118707 0.0419291
20 2 30 28 0.77671251 0.0419291
21 3 30 28 0.80372740 0.0419291
22 1 100 28 0.79334595 0.1881314
23 2 100 28 0.35756312 0.1881314
24 3 100 28 0.05800106 0.1881314
So you can see each does group has it's own adjustment.

converting arrival time/process to count process in R

I have the data for an arrival process and I want to convert it to count process. This is what I did:
# inter-arrival time in milliseconds
x <- rpareto(100000, location = 10, shape = 1.2)
# arrival time in milliseconds
x.cumsum <- cumsum(x)
# the last arrival
x.max <- max(x.cumsum)
# the time scale for the count data, in this case 1 second
kTimeScale <- 1000
count.length <- ceiling(x.max / kTimeScale)
counts <- rep(0, times = count.length)
for (i in x.cumsum) {
counts[round(i / kTimeScale)] <- counts[round(i / kTimeScale)] + 1
This works but for very large dataset (few millions it's slow). I was wondering if there is a better faster way to do this?
You can do this with table:
## [1] 24 41 1 2 33 26 20 45 36 19
## 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
## 5 24 41 1 2 33 26 20 45 36
The difference is that your function misses the 0 values. The table function won't put in 0 for values where there are no observations but you can do something like this to fix that:
## [1] TRUE
