how to pass data from fluent security custom policy to controller - fluent-security

I am using fluent security in my project, In every Index action i want to fetch the access permission information and pass over it to controller to enable or disable buttons according to the role of user currently logged in. Is there a way to pass information from policy to controller. please help
Thanks in advance,

You can access all the information that FluentSecurity uses during execution through SecurityContext.Current and SecurityConfiguration.Current. But as Brett already mentioned you could also store the information you need elsewhere and access it directly.

You can store the roles in Session and pull them out of session. That is how fluent security would get the roles from you anyway for role based authentication.
If you look at their sample app, this is how they are doing it.


.NET Role Based Access with Resources - best practice

I am developing a .NET MVC application, and currently using only Role Based Access Control. I am wrapping my controllers endpoints with [Authorize(Roles="Provider")] for example.
Now, I want to add the add permissions on resources as well, e.g. not only saying if a user can edit a document, but also to define which documents it can edit.
So I want it to look something like -
What is the best practice for doing so? What type of authorization is required here? Perhaps I need to mix some (Role Based Access + Policy Based Access)? Do I need to change my whole Authentication method or just add on top of it?
You will want to look into Policies. I too got schooled on this pretty fast when I tried submitting a PR for authorization tag helpers and never got back to it. In short define policies at your composition root and check those with Authorize attributes.
Row level access may require additional checking however unless you can establish membership levels.
Assuming that the authorization at the controller level is read-only, a more restrictive "Edit" role could be enforced at the controller's edit methods by using an authorization attribute on the edit methods. I would also conditionally hide links to edit methods in the view from end users without that role. Another option is to leverage claims that the authenticated user has to discriminate their access to certain resources.

ASP.NET Identity - How to manage claims?

I would like to implement claims based authorization in a Web Api project. I understand the idea of claims and can manually add a claim to a user and authorize a request based on it. However, I don't know how I should manage the claims, assign them to users and update them in future.
For example, say I have a Product entity and ProductCreate, ProductRead, ProductUpdate and ProductDelete claims for the CRUD operations on this entity. So I have a few questions:
I can store the claims in the DB, but what is the best way to add the "default" claims to a user on registration?
If I add new functionality to list the products which is only authorized if the user has the ProductList claim - new users would get this claim, but how would I add this claim to all existing users in the system?
Should there be a limit on the number of claims associated with a user? In a larger system with many entities, a user could end up with hundreds of claims
As I said, I know how to physically add the claims to the user etc., but it's more the bigger picture of the process of how you would manage claims and users in a real world example.
Thanks Brendan, I appreciate your help! I don't know if I'm misunderstanding something fundamental or if the answer is staring me in the face - either way, I'm not getting it.
So I have web api and would like to give granular access to the different controller methods. As the Admin, I want to be authorized on all calls so I should have all claims. Registered users should have read access to some methods and you as a moderator should have update and create access to some. My understanding is that these claims should be stored in a DB (SQL server in my case) somewhere and "assigned" to the user when they register. Using Asp.Net Identity, each user's claims would be stored in the AspNetUserClaims table, so when they login they get all their claims in the token by default. Simples!
What I am missing is the process of how you would handle the claims that should be assigned to a user when they register, what claims should a Moderator get etc. and how would you add / remove privileges. It doesn't seem right to me to have this in the code as adding a new claim in the system would require a rebuild and new deployment.
Also, if I add new functionality which requires new claims for different types of user, how would I make sure that the next time an existing user logs in they get the new claims as well as the ones they were assigned when the first registered.
I hope I am making sense, I may be mixing up some of the Role-based thinking with some of the Claims-based thinking which could be the source of my confusion. I just haven't seen any examples of how you would manage an application with many, many claims in the real world.
Thanks again!
That's exactly the same question and issue i'm running into. All I found is info on how to create a claim using the manager classes but nothing on where to manage these claims.
There can be different combination of access to give to a user and if my UI is a disconnected UI from my API, I don't think i would want the ui to manage these claims for me.
Other than mucking and creating a claims manager class with a claims table did you figure anything built in that can be used?

Spring-security split authentication and the authorization

I'm trying to create a custom login for my flex web app with spring-security.
I have an working version where we use the channelset.login with blazeds.
The problem i have is that i would like to split the authentication and the authorization.
I would like to ask the user to make some choices after the authentication to determine its roles.
Since the roles the user is authorized to are determined by this choices.
This means the user has to be authenticated and then the client needs to do a service call to the service and then the authorization process needs to take place.
Does anyone know if this is possible and have some tips of how this can be done?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, that doesn't sound too far-fetched.
You can store the user roles in the database, make each role for new users something like SIGNUP which will only allow the user to signup, once his new role is determined, simply update that role and restrict the new role from being able to update the role again, unless you're admin.
You can also override the authentication process to do whatever you want to do:
The session object might need to be refreshed if you're using some form of ORM.

ASP.NET Membership - Two providers on site

Our site has got two ASP.NET membership providers. The built in one, and a custom one (SqlMembershipProvider.
I am able to log into both no problems, but I don't necessary require the ability to have both logged in at the same time.
The issue I have is as follows:
User "" logs into the built in provider. They then navigate to the section of the site where we require the custom provider.
On this page, I can check if they are authenticated, and get their username. I can then get a MembershipUser object form the custom providers GetUser method. (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name)
It is possible (and very likely) that the username "" could also exist in the users for the custom provider.
But, I don't want them to be logged in here, as they haven't authenticated against the custom provider.
So, is it possible to check which proivider HttpContext.Current.User was generated from.
Hope this all makes sense!!
Yes, if you notice on the RolePrincipal there is a property called ProviderName.
Typically when people roll their own providers they omit usage of this field.
In your case, simply modify your custom provider to identify itself, if it does not already, and check that property of the user.

Advanced .NET Membership/Role Provider

I'm in need of a RoleProvider with the following functionality:
Dynamic Assignment of Roles to Tasks
Authentication / Authorizaiton of IPrincipals based on the dynamically allocated tasks in the system they have privilege to access
Reporting showing who is currently logged in, and other common usage statistics.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to roll my own, but wanted to make sure I didn't miss out on something OSS or even from MS.
I'm also using ASP.NET MVC and so my basic plan is to write a custom attribute like: [Authorize(Task=Tasks.DeleteClient)]
and place it over the methods that need authorization.
Rather than authorizing against the Role, I'll authorize the task against the role based on whatever settings the user has configured in the DB.
You might want to check out NetSqlAzMan. It allows you to define tasks and assign them to roles and then authenticate and authorise your IPrincipal objects.
You may need to roll your own security attribute but NetSqlAzMan should help make that a reasonably easy task.
We had a similar issue with one of our systems. The first thing I'd do is create more AuthorizeAttribute classes for your specific tasks - e.g. DeleteClientAuthorize etc. You can then add specific logic into your classes.
As long as you can access the routines that trigger the change of roles for the current user you should be OK. Just call Membership.DeleteCookie() and this will force the next authorisation request to re-query your data store. It's at that point that you can determine what roles are required now.
