Zurb Foundation Top Bar 'min-height" wrong - wordpress

I am in the process of using Foundation to create a website, and I have come across a problem that I can't seem to find the solution too. I have noticed that when expanded, some of my drop-downs get cut off in the Mobile Version of the Top Bar, and I was wondering if anyone had come across this issue, or had a fix for it. Did I do something in the CSS that made the JS no longer count all of the elements correctly?
You can see what I am saying here.

Just try this by adding in css.
.jScrollPaneDrag {

I think the link is break in theme
Update the link from

Figured out that if I add a List Item at the end of the main top bar section in "mobile" mode, and added a clearfix class to it, the js kicked in and started calculating the height correctly.
Thanks guys,


Incorrect resizing on h1 and navbar wordpress

I've been fighting with a small(big) issue on a wordpress site all morning. I've tried adjusting margins, adding and adjusting an overflow attribute, adding media queries, and the lot. But it seems I can't get these elements to play nice with a minimized window.
As you can see, I just need the h1 text (Quiescent imaging...) to always stay visible and in place and I also need the text in the sidebar to stay together.
These issues also only occur with a minimized window.
Any tips are highly appreciated. Thank you!
So it turns out this is a lot more simple than needing to edit any code. The h1 attribute, rather, the title bar I was trying to edit can be modified toward the bottom of the page editor which we are using (fusion builder).
I usually overlook these simple solutions, but I'll accept the embarrassment if this helps someone out one day!
More info:
The Page Title Bar is not an Element; rather it is controlled via the Theme Options and the Fusion Page Options. This article will look in depth at the options that are available for this often overlooked tool.

How create a sticky Navbar that is changing the color while scrolling? [with Typescript in Angular]

I want to create a navbar like here: http://www.devoncrawford.io/
I couldn't figure it out how to interact with css elements through my ts code.
Maybe you can give me a tip, where I could research a bit more.
I would also love to get this autoscrollbutoon and just be able to interact with my css stuff.
I found a lot of jQuery stuff, but I am not familiar with it. Is that working in angular and should I learn it?
Thanks for your time. Sorry, it is a little bit general question, but I hope you can give me some advice
Check the below article which explain how to create sticky navbar using angular with good explanation and example
I would use an windows eventListener to look at the scroll movement.
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.scroll);
After the scroll hits a number of vertical pixels, you could change the navbar background-color from 'transparent' to the color you want. (in the examples case '#fff'. You could make two different classes with the different background-colors and append or remove the css class.
Hope this helps.

z-index and CSS issues

How do I set a specific section of a page (div section?) to be on top of another section? I tried adding a z-index on the CSS file but it's not working. Or maybe I'm adjusting the wrong CSS file. In the end, I am confronted with:
--- which CSS file do I adjust? (I'm using Firebug but now I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly
--- what exact code adjustments do I need to do?
This is a sample page: http://www.criminal-lawyers.com.au/offences/aggravated-assault. The testimonial box to the lower right part of the page gets covered by the brown area when you scroll down. The goal is to put it on top so it's not covered whenever you scroll down (I know I should better position it "absolute" instead, but that's not the goal).
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
Finally had it solved! Many thanks to all your comments below. Although some answers did not exactly solve the problem, there were concepts behind them that really helped.
You need to set z-index:21 on the div with id it_widget_content-11-background-wrapper which is the main container of the sidebar widget. That should solve the issue.
it's pretty simple, to this widget-background-wrapper sidebar-widget-2 add z-index:9999. sorry i would rather comment this, but reputation < 50.
Remove position:fixed on the classes
CSS file - wp-content/themes/Criminal-Lawyers-it/style.css
They will remain in place.
Just realised it may not be exactly how you want it to look :) However, even with correct z-index, it may look weird having them overlap the footer...

Elements position changes when i minimize the window

I have a problem with my page. Whenever i minimize the window all the positioning of elements goes off and things get distorted. Please help me. Am using bootstrap elements.
You need to fix a width/min-width to your principal wrap. I think it will fix your problem.
remove the file "bootstrap-responsive.css" from your css files if you're looking for a more "static" website. You might want to read up on responsive design... having a website that isn't responsive helps to alienate potential mobile users... that's just my two cents.

Facebook like dialog hidden behind other page elements

I am having trouble getting the facebook pop out dialog to be on top of my nav bar and slideshow here:
I have search for several hours and all the solutions have not seemed to work. Here is a list of what I have checked:
-overflow:hidden on other page elements causes problems. I looked into this but my nav bar does not have this property.
-z- index only works for positioned elements. I made sure my elements were positioned relative or absolute.
-I tried directly styling the js created facebook elements using things like
display:block !important;
z-index:9999 !important;
I'm not that good with CSS but have never been stuck this long on one single issue.
I am assuming the issue actually is with something I have done wrong elsewhere on the page, like the navbar itself, but I cannot see what it is. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I searched lot of things and tried it too but no solutions worked for me. I found one quick fix to solve facebook like dialogbox overlap issue here and it worked for me.
Hope it could save others time, Cheers!
It doesn't really solve the issue, but what I have done is to hide the comment box. For this case it was acceptable. In the css file I added:
.fb_edge_widget_with_comment span.fb_edge_comment_widget {
What worked for me was to set the z-index for the element that holds the Facebook like button to be higher than the element the comment box was shown behind.

