Install .bar file in BB10 Virtual Machine - blackberry-playbook

Hello Everybody ,
I am working on Application porting concept . Port Android Application to BB 10 & successfully generate BAR (Executable file in BB10 OS) file from the Android apk.
I am using Online Repacking tool for the conversion .
here is the link :-
follow the process and get bar file from given APK.
Now My question is how I can run this .bar file into BB 10 Virtual Machine.
I got answer from the link ..
Open a .bar file in Blackberry Playbook Simulator
but not able to implement properly.Please let me know how I can run .bar file format in Virtual Machine .

If you haven't already, you'll need to download the Command Line Tools for Android apps.
If you unzip the command line tools to a known location, the blackberry-deploy command is located in;
<unzip location>\\bin (Windows)
<unzip location>/ (Mac)
(the command itself is included in multiple SDKs, but you seem to currently be working with Android)


how to create a distributable .jar with intelliJ JavaFX

It's been a few days since I've been trying to export a very simple project made in JavaFX but I have a very frustrating problem: To run the jar I need to open cmd navigate to the jdk folder and execute the following code java --module-path %path_to_JavaFX_on_my_pc% --add modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml, -jar %path_to_jar% where I point to the jfx folder on the pc and add the necessary modules to run the jar.
run the jar using java java -jar %path_to_jar% results in the following error: Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
The project is modular, having declared with the following code:
module Timer {
requires java.prefs;
requires com.jfoenix;
requires javafx.base;
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.web;
requires javafx.swing;
opens main;
exports main;
when exporting the artifact I include all the .jar contained in the javafx, so why should I point to it externally?
The app runs well when I run it through the IDE, I didn't even have to add VM options.
My goal is to create an application that can actually be distributed, without the user needing to have any knowledge beyond the basics to run it, no jre, jdk, jfx, cmd code, etc... just click twice and done.
The question is: How do I generate an executable file that can be opened with 2 clicks like any other application on the pc on *any pc?
finally I got a solution to my problem.
1 ° - It was necessary to solve the problem when generating a java artifact using javaFx in intelliJ: In JDK 13 the IDE threw the following error
Can't build artifact - fx: deploy is not available in this JDK
the easiest solution for that was to return on JDK 9 ond the javaFx was still built in and everything worked fine. Having done that, I was able to generate .jar artifacts that worked without the need to use command line tools.
2 ° -So I needed to generate a native executable for my application: In this topic there is an excellent list of tools that create launchers for java artifacts (Ideal was to convert but there gets a little complicated). What worked best for me was Jsmooth where I was able to set up a launcher that built in my .jar and where I could also attach a copy of the JRE for distribution on computers without Java
It is worth noting that I develop desktop applications just for my use and that of some friends, they do not work with sensitive data and do not require a high level of security and therefore there is no problem using an old version of jdk, in any other case, no recommend this approach.
Thank you all for your help.
I ran into the same problem with JavaFX 11. The way I did it, to be able to generate the jar artifact, I set the Project Settings - Artifacts - Type to JAR rather than JavaFX Application. That enabled me to create a jar in the out directory of my project. Afterwards, I wrote a batch file that created a custom jre for my app (as small as ~40 MB for a small app), including JavaFX. I called that bat file create.bat and placed that bat file in the same folder as my jar artifact.
Now, provided
my jar artifact is called app.jar,
path to JDK is D:\jdks\jdk11,
path to JFX mods is D:\jdks\jfx11\jmods,
module name is com.epsilon, and
path to Main class is com.epsilon.Main,
below is the contents of the bat file to create a custom JRE, including JavaFX. It created a custom JRE in the folder dist, the launch file is in the dist\bin directory called run.bat.
rem This sets the variable DIR to the current directory with the jar artifact
set DIR=%~dp0
rem This creates a temporary mod file
D:\jdks\jdk11\bin\jmod create --class-path %DIR%app.jar %DIR%temp.mod
rem This creates distributable JRE
D:\jdks\jdk11\bin\jlink ^
--compress=2 ^
--strip-debug ^
--no-man-pages ^
--launcher run=com.epsilon/com.epsilon.Main ^
--module-path D:\jdks\jdk11\jmods;D:\jdks\jfx11\jmods;%DIR% ^
--add-modules com.epsilon ^
--output %DIR%dist
rem This command deletes the temporary mod file
del %DIR%temp.mod
rem You can create a shortcut to your app above the "dist" folder and enter the below line to the shortcut's target property
rem %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c start "" "%CD%\dist\bin\javaw.exe" -m com.epsilon/com.epsilon.Main
So, this has enabled me to create a working distributable without downgrading Java.

How to run a kaa file on Windows?

I generated sdk in C ++ by sandbox.
I created the app using the steps described on this page, "".
On Ubuntu I run the kaa-app file with the "./kaa-app" command on the terminal.
How can I run this file on Windows?
Basically you need to compile the whole project on windows - with the windows compiler to be more specific.
Than you will get a windows executable (.exe).

RStudio: how to set the Git executable in Windows 7?

I'm using Windows 7 Enterprise on a work laptop.
I downloaded the GitHub Desktop app from the GitHub site ( and installed it. I read somewhere that the GitHub Desktop app automatically installs Git. I verified version control is working OK using both the GitHub Desktop app and also using the command line in shell.
But now I want to use Git with my RStudio app. SO I went to Tools | Global Options, clicked on the Git/SVN item on the left panel. The second item in the dialog asks for "Git executable". I looked in all the usual places like:
C:\Program Files
but cannot see where the Git executable is. Do you have any suggestions?
Look deeper into your AppData\Local\GitHub folder. I found mine in AppData\Local\GitHub\Portable_Git_XXXXXX\bin\git.exe where XXXX is a string of 32 characters or so.

Installed FB 4.7 but cannot manage to install AIR SDK 3.7

I always get the error iOS Simulator launch requires AIR SDK 3.4 or higher when I try launching a mobile app on iOS Simulator.
I did everything they say on there website:
Which is basically just overwrite the AIRSDK directory with the new AIR SDK from:
And as long as I have AIR 3.6 or higher which I have ( 3.7 ), I just need to change the project's application descriptor to the right version.
I went on and checked this forum post about it:
Here there is a mention that the AIR SDK must not be downloaded from the usual place, which is the one I used. It also says I could install the Gaming SDK which I did. I installed the earlier version 3.6. Went to their other website to check for versions: I installed the version 3.7 from this other site and also the 3.6. Same problem over and over..
I am just missing something but what?
Yes, the over lay guide is just wrong in terms of where the IDE gets its AIRSDK (mainly the adt command invocation) files from. In order to see where your IDE gets it from you have to look at the launch command, to do this
just select your project then click on the Project menu item in the top bar -> export release build -> select your project in the window -> target version IOS -> click next -> Now the swf file will be built(might take a few secs to minutes depending on project size)
once successfully built you will get a pop up showing warnings if there are any warnings or errors (if you get errors you can't move to the next step, so please fix the errors).
In the next window click on the Native Extensions tab -> click on the customize launch button at the bottom -> opens a new window -> click on show command button at the bottom right -> you will see something like this
/usr/bin/java -d32 -jar /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder
4.7/sdks/4.6.0/lib/adt.jar -package -target ipa-ad-hoc -hideAneLibSymbols no -provisioning-profile path-to-your-provisioning file
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore path-to-your-ios-developer-certificate -storepass
Main.ipa Main-app.xml .DS_Store assets Default-568h#2x.png Main.swf
-extdir path-to-your-external-libs
if you look at the adt being invoked you see that it is not using the one eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flash.compiler_xxx/AIRSDK/bin/adt.jar so it doesn't matter which version of air sdk you have in the AIRSDK folder under eclipse plugins, because those files are not used by your IDE at all. Idk why Adobe is misleading everyone like so.
So in order for you to properly update the AIR sdk that your project is using, you need to change the flex compiler from the default 4.6.0 (which uses AIR sdk version 3.1 afaik), to the latest AIR sdk or the air sdk version of your choice, in order to do this you need follow below steps
Download the latest Air sdk from here
It opens a page like shown in the above picture. If you click on the yellow Download now button it will down the merged air sdk + compiler files. What you need is only the air sdk so in the black encircled area click on the MAC link.(For mac ofc)
Once you finish downloading, extract it (to lets say ~/Desktop/AIR21.0/) open your terminal type
cd /Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.7/sdks
here you will have different folders for different flex compiler versions, just take the latest one (in my case its 4.6.0) and make a copy of it and rename the copied dir to 4.6.0_AIR21.0, you can do this with the following command
cp -r 4.6.0 4.6.0_AIR21.0
This will create a copy of the 4.6.0 flex compiler, now all you have to do is update the air sdk files this you can do by using rsync command.
First cd to the directory where you extracted the downloaded air sdk, (in my case ~/Desktop/AIR21.0/) cd ~/Desktop/AIR21.0 Then type the below command to sync the files from this directory to the 4.6.0_AIR21.0 directory (what rsync does is it overwrites all the files, and doesn't remove the files which are already present).
rsync ./* -avl /Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.6/sdks/4.6.0_AIR21.0/
Then you edit the following files in the frameworks directory,
Update xml files:
In Flash Builder go to Preferences > Flash Builder > Installed Flex SDKs, add the new 4.6.0_AIR21.0 path, give it a name and make it the default sdk if you wish.
Don't forget to update your project xml namespace:
<application xmlns="">

Running external tools in Eclipse on Mac OS X

I'm using Flash Builder 4 on a mac. I've created a JSFL file for building a few fla's and then testing my main SWF file. I'm trying to run this JSFL file as an external tool from Flash Builder 4 but when I select Adobe Flash as the file to run the JSFL Eclipse warns "External tool location specified is not a file."
I have Parallels installed and if I point at a .exe file this warning goes away. Is this a bug? Why can't I use a .app as an external tool in Eclipse?
Try this:
Location: /usr/bin/open
Working Directory: empty
Arguments: -a /Applications/ --args "arguments"
