I'm trying to apply a css class to all <th class='euroth'></th> which are located in either table.tablesorter-All-Activity or table.tablesorter-Events.
This is what I did
table.tablesorter-All-Activity,.tablesorter-Events th.euroth {
width: 7px;
text-align: left;
z-index: 5;
As a result, the first table is shifted all the way to the left and the second one accepts the style nicely.
Why is that?
You have to append th.euroth to your first selector:
.tablesorter-All-Activity th.euroth,
.tablesorter-Events th.euroth {
/* properties go here... */
Is there a way in CSS to modify the parent element, given the first child?
In my case, this would be to format a table cell differently if the first child is a link.
<td>Go here!</td>
td { padding: 5px; } /* Normal cell */
?? { padding: 0px; } /* Cell with link as first child */
No, but you can think of a different approach and do something like:
td { padding: 5px; } /* Normal cell */
td a { margin: -5px; } /* Cell with link as first child */
There are many other ways to do the similar, of course.
CSS4 should offer a :has pseudo class which would do exactly what you wanted, but we need to wait for it.
So I was writing up some code when I decided I wanted to make a variable for margin and padding, along with some other positioning too. But when I try I get errors.
This is what my code looks like:
#margin_t: margin-top:0;
#margin_r: margin-right:0;
#margin_l: margin-left:0;
#margin_b: margin-bottom:0;
#padding_t: padding-top:0;
#padding_r: padding-right:0;
#padding_l: padding-left:0;
#padding:_b: padding-bottom:0;
#center: text-align: center;
#left: text-align: left;
#right: text-align: right;
#relative: position: relative;
#justify: position: justify;
Can anyone give me their two-cents? Thank you!
As of LESS 1.7
You can include property values in variables by rulesets, like so (note bracketing and following semicolon; p.s. position: justify is not valid, I've changed it to absolute):
#margin_t: {margin-top:0;};
#margin_r: {margin-right:0;};
#margin_l: {margin-left:0;};
#margin_b: {margin-bottom:0;};
#padding_t: {padding-top:0;};
#padding_r: {padding-right:0;};
#padding_l: {padding-left:0;};
#padding:_b: {padding-bottom:0;};
#center: {text-align: center;};
#left: {text-align: left;};
#right: {text-align: right;};
#relative: {position: relative;};
#absolute: {position: absolute;};
A variable assigned ruleset is use much like a mixin (note the parentheses on the call), so:
.yourClass {
.yourClass {
position: relative;
The differences of a variable ruleset to a mixin are that you cannot pass parameters to a ruleset (directly anyway), but a ruleset can itself be passed as a parameter to a mixin. Also, variable rulesets will overwrite a previous definition (no matter properties defined), whereas mixins will merge property values. Rulesets work well for fixed values, like some of your items. They can be parametrized indirectly, something like so:
#margin_t: {margin-top: #tm;};
.yourClass {
#tm: 0;
Varible rulesets actually work best for when one wants to pass to a mixin a group of properties or a single, unknown dynamic property. As an example of the latter, suppose you know you will want to set a single margin for an element, but depending on some context, you don't know which you want to set, so you want a single way to handle it. Then something like this can be done:
#margin_t: {margin-top: #value;};
#margin_r: {margin-right: #value};
#margin_l: {margin-left: #value;};
#margin_b: {margin-bottom: #value;};
.set-a-margin(#prop; #value: 0;) {
.yourClass {
.set-a-margin(#margin_r; 10px);
.anotherClass {
.set-a-margin(#margin_b; 5px);
.yourClass {
margin-right: 10px;
.anotherClass {
margin-bottom: 5px;
Basically, variable assigned rulesets just offer another way LESS can be used to code the way you may want to code. They can offer some functionality like mixins, with certain limitations and advantages different from those as related to variables.
Firstly, define your mixins like this:
.margin_t {
margin-top: 0;
.margin_b (#value: 0) {
margin-bottom: #value;
and then just use it!
body {
You don't set the whole style. you would do #margin_t: 0;
Then use it
.myClass {
margin-top: #margin_t;
In my first line I have the following style:
* {
Which works well through the site as most of it is left aligned. However a handful of areas need to be text-align: center and it will not update, even with !important. for example:
table.footer {
text-align:center !important;
Any ideas on how I can fix this?
It should work as you can see in this live example.
You might want to do this instead:
table.footer td
!important is not needed anyway.
Live example
I guees I know what is missing.
The table.footer selector does only match for a table with class footer, not for the elements inside it
You could do
table.footer td {
text-align: center;
See http://jsfiddle.net/mMM5q/
or perhaps even better
html {
text-align: left;
* {
text-align: inherit;
See http://jsfiddle.net/B3F9U/
I have the following HTML:
<div class="float-left inline orderby">
<div class="arrow up" style="margin-bottom: 2px; margin-left: 2px"></div>
<div class="arrow down" style="margin-left: 2px;"></div>
<input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="inverse" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 10px;">
I'm trying to use the less pre-processor to create my CSS.
How can I use less to create CSS to remove the styles from this example. In particular I am not sure how to handle the difference between the 1st and 2nd DIV
You mean you want to remove the inline styles?
.orderby .arrow, .orderby input {
margin: 0;
&.up {
/* styles for first div */
&.down {
/* styles for second div */
It's a little unclear exactly what your question is. I can read it two ways:
(1) You cannot remove css set with style with LESS
If you actually have a style property on your html elements, then that cannot be directly affected by LESS at all (so it cannot be "removed" by LESS). Additionally, the only way to overcome those styles with LESS is by using the exact same solution you would have available with CSS, the !important attribute (which I despise, but the facts are the facts when it comes to what is available for CSS styling). So this would remove the margins imposed by the style for all direct children in your div (as your example has):
.orderby > * {
margin: 0 !important;
But perhaps you want to know how...
(2) You can move the code from the style to the LESS
In which case, it is something like this:
.orderby {
.arrow {
margin-left: 2px;
&:first-child { /* or could use &.up */
margin-top: 2px;
input {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 10px;
CSS Output
.orderby {
.arrow {
margin-left: 2px
&:first-child { /* or could use &.up */
margin-top: 2px;
input {
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 10px;
Can I do the following:
.content:not([class="no-touch"]) {
.content-index-container {
.chr-selector {
select {
margin-top: 5px;
when the no-touch class in not in the content class, but the other way around.
I know that my CSS won't work because it's wrong, but how can I achieve what I'm trying to do: style the content but ignore the styling if the content it's not within the touch class? (Modernizr appends the class to the HTML if touch devices are detected.)
You could reverse your thinking and modify the no-touch child instead....
select { margin-top: 5px; }
.content.no-touch .content-index-container .chr-selector select {
margin-top: 0;
select { margin-top: 5px; }
.content.no-touch select { margin-top: 0; }
No, I am afraid not. Javascript is your friend or add extra classes to your markup.