Maximum value of TCP sequence number - tcp

I'm trying to capture packets and reorganize packets for obtaining original HTTP request.
I'm capturing packets by IPQUEUE(by iptables rule), and I figured out that packets are not captured in order.
I already know that in TCP protocol, packets have to be re-sequenced, so I'm trying to re-sequence packets by sequence number.
According to Wikipedia, the sequence number of TCP is 32 bits number. Then, what happens if sequence number reaches to MAX 32bits number?
Because sequence number of SYN packet is random number, I think this limitation can be reached very fast.
If anybody has a commend on it, or has some links helpful, please leave me a answer.

From RFC-1185
Avoiding reuse of sequence numbers within the same connection is
simple in principle: enforce a segment lifetime shorter than the
time it takes to cycle the sequence space, whose size is
effectively 2**31.
If the maximum effective bandwidth at which TCP
is able to transmit over a particular path is B bytes per second,
then the following constraint must be satisfied for error-free
2**31 / B > MSL (secs)
So In simpler words TCP will take care of it.
In addition of this condition TCP also has concept of Timestamps to handle sequence number wrap around condition. From the same above RFC
Timestamps carried from sender to receiver in TCP Echo options can
also be used to prevent data corruption caused by sequence number
wrap-around, as this section describes.
Specifically TCP uses PAWS mechanism to handle TCP wrap around case.
You can find more information about PAWS in RFC-1323

RFC793 Section 3.3:
It is essential to remember that the actual sequence number space is
finite, though very large. This space ranges from 0 to 2*32 - 1.
Since the space is finite, all arithmetic dealing with sequence
numbers must be performed modulo 2*32. This unsigned arithmetic
preserves the relationship of sequence numbers as they cycle from
2**32 - 1 to 0 again. There are some subtleties to computer modulo
arithmetic, so great care should be taken in programming the
comparison of such values.
Any arithmetics done on the sequence number are modulo 2^32

In simple terms, the 32-bit unsigned number will wrap around:

have a look at tcp timestamps section of


If TCP runs out of its sequence number, what will happen ? if it is 0 again, will that byte not be considered duplicate?

If TCP runs out of its sequence number, what will happen?
If it again turns to 0 as the sequence number of the next byte, won't that be considered "duplicate" by the receiver?
If yes, then it has to ignore that byte.
If not, why?
I think, i found the answer.
The answer of this query, lies on one of the TCP option field known as "timestamp". It's in every TCP segment (including data and ACK segments).
Therefore to identify a unique tcp segment, we look for a combination of "timestamp" and "sequence number".
The basic idea is that a segment can be discarded as an old duplicate if it is
received with a timestamp less than some timestamp recently received on this connection.
Example :
Two segments 400:12001 and 700:12001 definitely belongs to two different incarnations.
And this mechanism is known as "PAWS" or protection against wrapped sequence numbers.

TCP- Sequence number wrap around

With the Sequence number in the TCP header consisting of 32 bits, Does this value wrap around, if so surely does this not cause problems? Again, if so, would this be a problem on long or fast networks, due to the amount of packets in the pipeline?
No, no problem. In fact, the sequence number could even start near the "end" -- it is initialized with some pseudo-random number for anti-spoofing reasons.
Just think of it as a never-ending counter with only the bottom 32 bits showing. There's no problem because we're not actually counting bytes but just enumerating them so there is no confusion as to what bytes are currently being received.
The only limitation is that you could never have more than 4GiB of traffic "in flight" in either direction.

Where TCP sequence number come from?

I am wondering when I doing some example on Wirshark, where TCP sequence number come from
An initial sequence number is generated randomly on handshake, and the number is incremented accordingly for packets sent.
I'm not sure but probably from the system included stack implementation of the OSI model???

Is there a good way to frame a protocol so data corruption can be detected in every case?

Background: I've spent a while working with a variety of device interfaces and have seen a lot of protocols, many serial and UDP in which data integrity is handled at the application protocol level. I've been seeking to improve my receive routine handling of protocols in general, and considering the "ideal" design of a protocol.
My question is: is there any protocol framing scheme out there that can definitively identify corrupt data in all cases? For example, consider the standard framing scheme of many protocols:
Field: Length in bytes
<SOH>: 1
<other framing information>: arbitrary, but fixed for a given protocol
<length>: 1 or 2
<data payload etc.>: based on length field (above)
<checksum/CRC>: 1 or 2
<ETX>: 1
For the vast majority of cases, this works fine. When you receive some data, you search for the SOH (or whatever your start byte sequence is), move forward a fixed number of bytes to your length field, and then move that number of bytes (plus or minus some fixed offset) to the end of the packet to your CRC, and if that checks out you know you have a valid packet. If you don't have enough bytes in your input buffer to find an SOH or to have a CRC based on the length field, then you wait until you receive enough to check the CRC. Disregarding CRC collisions (not much we can do about that), this guarantees that your packet is well formed and uncorrupted.
However, if the length field itself is corrupt and has a high value (which I'm running into), then you can't check the (corrupt) packet's CRC until you fill up your input buffer with enough bytes to meet the corrupt length field's requirement.
So is there a deterministic way to get around this, either in the receive handler or in the protocol design itself? I can set a maximum packet length or a timeout to flush my receive buffer in the receive handler, which should solve the problem on a practical level, but I'm still wondering if there's a "pure" theoretical solution that works for the general case and doesn't require setting implementation-specific maximum lengths or timeouts.
The reason why all protocols I know of, including those handling "streaming" data, chop up the datastream in smaller transmission units each with their own checks on board is exactly to avoid the problems you describe. Probably the fundamental flaw in your protocol design is that the blocks are too big.
The accepted answer of this SO question contains a good explanation and a link to a very interesting (but rather heavy on math) paper about this subject.
So in short, you should stick to smaller transmission units not only because of practical programming related arguments but also because of the message length's role in determining the security offered by your crc.
One way would be to encode the length parameter so that it would be easily detected to be corrupted, and save you from reading in the large buffer to check the CRC.
For example, the XModem protocol embeds an 8 bit packet number followed by it's one's complement.
It could mean doubling your length block size, but it's an option.

Start Bit vs Start Byte

I know in a lot of asynchronous communication, the packet begins starts with a start bit.
But a start bit is just a 1 or 0. How do you differentiate a start bit from the end bit from the last packet?
If I choose my start bit to be 0 and my end bit to be 1.
and I receive 0 (data stream A) 1 0 (data stream B) 1,
what's there to stop me from assuming there is a data stream C which contains the same contents of "(data stream A) 1 0 (data stream B)" ?
Isn't it more convenient to have a start BYTE and then check the data stream for that combination of bits? That will reduce the possibility of a confusing between the start/end bit.
Great question! Most asynchronous communication also specifies a stop bit, which is the complement of the start bit, ensuring each new symbol begins with a stop-to-start transition.
Example: let's transmit the characters ABC, which are ASCII 65, 66, and 67:
A = 65 = 0x41 = 0100 0001
B = 66 = 0x42 = 0100 0010
C = 67 = 0x43 = 0100 0011
Let's also assume (arbitrarily) that the start bit is 0 and the stop bit is 1, and the data is transmitted from MSB to LSB. The transmitter will be in the stop (1) state when no data is transmitted. So the receiver might see this:
Data: ....1111 0010000011 111 0010000101 0010000111 11111....
(quiet) ^ A $ ^ B $ ^ C $ (quiet)
With apologies for the ASCII graphics, the data consists of a series of stop (1) bits while the channel is idle. When the transmitter is ready to send a character, it sends a start (0) bit (marked with ^), followed by the character code, and ending with a stop (1) bit (marked with $). It continues to send stop bits until the next character is transmitted, beginning with another start bit.
The reason we use start bits instead of bytes is efficiency. The scheme above requires 10 bits (1start + 8data + 1stop) to transmit 8 bits of data, resulting in an overhead of (10 - 8) / 8 = 1/4 = 25%. If we used start and stop bytes, we'd need to transmit 3 bytes for each byte of data, which would be an overhead of (3 - 1)/1 = 2 = 200%. If the start, data, and stop bytes were each 8 bits, we'd have to transmit 24 bits instead of 10 for each character, so it would take almost 2 1/2 times as long to send the data!
One can always define a start byte as an indication that a message is beginning (and the ASCII SOH, STX, and ETX codes were intended for such purposes). However, the standard hardware and protocols for connection to data-transmission equipment (RS232C and later) operate at a lower level, and it is generally neither possible nor desirable to alter that arrangement (especially via software).
High performance synchronous data transmission schemes, such as those used on local-area networks and wide-area transmission systems do use elaborate frame markers. The frame marker is a distinct pattern of bits that never occurs in the stream for message data. There is typically a special rewriting rule that essentially "escapes" any in-data occurrence of a similar bit pattern so that transmission equipment will not see it as a frame marker. These escaped patterns are reconstructed by the recipient so the sender and receiver never have to pay attention to this. These arrangements make specialized hardware even more important, such as in the typical Network Interface Card (these days, motherboard chip) on personal computers.
It is useful to think of asynchronous serial transmissions as asynchronous between character/data frames and synchronous within the span of the character frame (including the start bits and initial stop/fill).
With this scheme, there is a constant fill signal between the frames and it is usually at least one data-bit wide, although some arrangements require a 1.5-bit or two-bit stop/fill. The stop "bit" uses the same signal level and can be considered the minimum fill period before another start bit will arrive.
When a frame is arriving, it is necessary to synchronize with the predetermined number of bits it is expected to carry. The transition from the fill to an opposite level signal is accomplished by the start bit which is always opposite to the stop/fill level. The sampling of the bits can be timed to happen in the middle of subsequent bit-arrival periods.
Technically, if frames were being sent at the maximum rate, it would not be necessary to send any stop/fill, proceeding to the start bit of the next frame immediately. However, counting on at least one bit worth of fill before the start-bit transition helps to keep the sender and receiver synchronized.
If you think of the asynchronous streams as being encoded from key depressions using a keyboard, you can see the importance of allowing arbitrary fill between character frames. Once it is known what frame to send next, it can be inserted immediately, with its start bit, at the agreed bit rate, after there has been at least one bit worth of preceding stop/fill.
It is also useful to notice that, in typical low-speed asynchronous transmissions, there are only two kinds of bits/levels, so the only way the presence of data as opposed to fill can be distinguished is by a marker scheme like this where the start of the frame is uniquelly detectable and the end of frame is predetermined (unless there is a more-sophisticated variable-length frame structure generally not used in asynchronous serial communication). It is actually rather difficult for a receiver to discover the bit rate of a transmitter without some additional agreement, such as looking for a recognizable data sequence from which one can estimate the bit rate which would have it arrive correctly when it arrives in incorrect form.
Even though high-speed modems now transmit complex analog signals that aren't described in terms of two simple signal levels, the RS232C (and later-mode) digital communication between a computer UART and the data coupling on the modem is pretty much as described.
High-speed modems also have additional capabilities for synchronizing with a distant end-point, as you can tell by listening to the signal audio while a connection starts up. In addition, There are separate signal lines in the serial cable to the computer that are used for pacing between the computer and the modem so that the sending party does not transmit new data frames faster than the receiving party (either computer or modem) can accept them. But a frame, once started, is always started at the agreed synchronous speed.
Wikipedia has a good description of asynchronous serial communication, what computer serial ports use.
There is a common over-simplification that suggests the stop bit determines the length of the data. That's not the case. The stop bit looks just like a level for another data bit. The way the stop bit and the period until the next start bit, are recognized is by knowing the bit rate at which in-frame data and start/stop bits are being transmitted and knowing how many bits a frame contains. Otherwise, there is no way to distinguish a stop bit from just another bit of that polarity as part of the data frame.
Here is the way start and stop bits usually work:
A start bit is sent, say 1. This indicates to the receiver that a specified number of bits of data will be transmitted, say 8.
8 bits of data are sent.
A stop bit is sent, say 0. This indicates that the 8 bits of data have been sent.
If more data is to be sent, each byte must be initiated with a start bit and terminated with a stop bit. The transmitter and receiver must agree on how many bits of data are sent for each start bit so the receiver will be able to distinguish the stop bit from the data. Sometimes the start bit is actually multiple bits or even a byte, but the idea is the same. The receiver recognizes the end of the data frame when it sees the stop bit after receiving the pre-specified number of data bits. Sometimes a parity bit is sent before the stop bit to provide a simple error-detecting mechanism.
It is all protocol dependent. You can say that after start symbol you will expect N symbols or you will read until you encounter the stop symbol.
Where symbol colud be any n-bit sequence (including bit and byte.)
Indeed, your example with bits exactly apply to a protocol which uses bytes instead of bits.
Say you send 00000000 stream A 11111111 00000000 stream B 11111111. In this case you may still confuse it with stream C = stream A 11111111 00000000 stream B.
Usually a start bit is used because a voltage level change can trigger an event (See edge triggering in flip flops.) On the other hand a start symbol with multiple bits will be used to synchronize clocks of two systems in addition to triggering an event. An example of it would be a PAL signal.
The start and stop bits come from the days of the teletypes. They essentially were pulses that took up time to sort of let the mechanical hardware set. Dos text file lines are ended with CR LF which literally caused the carriage to return to column 1, and the platen to advance one line. I think it is in the order because it takes longer for the CR to occur, and the LF can effectively happen in parallel.
Detecting it is a little bit harder. You sort of have to watch the bit stream go by.
Over time you ought to be able to detect it, as the data is normally ASCII with the start/stop bits around it. Normally this isn't an issue, because it is handled by the UART which runs the COM port.
