How to run a function asynchronous in with RGtk2 - r

As the title implies I would like to be able to run a function asynchronous in a GUI created with RGtk2.
The function in itself is an R wrapper for a system command, thus the bulk of the processing time is used on a system() call, and the processing time can range from 10 min to an hour. I would like the GUI to still be responsive in that period.
As it is now the function is put in a gSignalConnect(GtkButton, 'clicked') and the rest of the GUI is thus unresponsive until the 'clicked' signal is terminated.
Does anyone have an idea regarding whether this is possible?

There might be a more direct way, but I think you can do this with gTimeoutAdd:
w <- gtkWindow()
g <- gtkVBox(); w$add(g)
b1 <- gtkButton("Start timer"); g$packStart(b1)
b2 <- gtkButton("click me"); g$packStart(b2)
gSignalConnect(b1, "clicked", function(...) {
id <- gTimeoutAdd(1, function(...) {
Sys.sleep(5) # replace me
message("Okay, I'm up")
FALSE # one shot
gSignalConnect(b2, "clicked", function(...) message('clicked me'))

What might work (although not tested, and I am not too familiar with RGtk so no guarantees) is to use the wait=FALSE option in the system call. The system call is then executed asynchronously. In your gtk GUI you would then have to periodically check if your system call has finished. I believe it is possible using RGtk to have a function using that is periodically called (from the documentation of RGtk this is probably gtkTimeoutAdd()).


How to check if a function has been called from the console?

I am trying to track the number of times certain functions are called from the console.
My plan is to add a simple function such as "trackFunction" in each function that can check whether they have been called from the console or as underlying functions.
Even though the problem sounds straight-forward I can't find a good solution to this problem as my knowledge in function programming is limited. I've been looking at the call stack and rlang::trace_back but without a good solution to this.
Any help is appreciated.
A simple approach would be to see on which level the current frame lies. That is, if a function is called directly in the interpreter, then sys.nframe() returns 1, otherwise 2 or higher.
Rscript detect if R script is being called/sourced from another script
myfunc <- function(...) {
if (sys.nframe() == 1) {
message("called from the console")
} else {
message("called from elsewhere")
# called from the console
g <- function() myfunc()
# called from elsewhere
Unfortunately, this may not always be intuitive:
ign <- lapply(1, myfunc)
# called from elsewhere
for (ign in 1) myfunc()
# called from the console
While for many things the lapply-family and for loops are similar, they behave separately here. If this is a problem, perhaps the only way to mitigate this is the analyze/parse the call stack and perhaps "ignore" certain functions. If this is what you need, then perhaps this is more appropriate:
R How to check that a custom function is called within a specific function from a certain package

Is rJava object is exportable in future(Package for Asynchronous computing in R)

I'm trying to speed up my R code using future package by using mutlicore plan on Linux. In future definition I'm creating a java object and trying to pass it to .jcall(), But I'm getting a null value for java object in future. Could anyone please help me out to resolve this. Below is sample code-
# preprocess is a user defined function
my_value <- preprocess(a = value){
# some preprocessing task here
# time consuming statistical analysis here
return(lreturn) # return a list of 3 components
f <- future({
.jcall(obj, "V", "CustomJavaMethod", my_value)
Basically I'm dealing with large streaming data. In above code I'm sending the string of streaming data to user defined function for statistical analysis and returning the list of 3 components. Then want to send this list to custom java class [ java.custom.class ]for further processing using custom Java method [ CustomJavaMethod ].
Without using future my code is running fine. But I'm getting 12 streaming records in one minute and then my code is getting slow, observed delay in processing.
Currently I'm using Unix with 16 cores. After using future package my process is done fast. I have traced back my code, in .jcall something happens wrong.
Hope this clarifies my pain.
(Author of the future package here:)
Unfortunately, there are certain types of objects in R that cannot be sent to another R process for further processing. To clarify, this is a limitation to those type of objects - not to the parallel framework use (here the future framework). This simplest example of such an objects may be a file connection, e.g. con <- file("my-local-file.txt", open = "wb"). I've documented some examples in Section 'Non-exportable objects' of the 'Common Issues with Solutions' vignette (
As mentioned in the vignette, you can set an option (*) such that the future framework looks for these type of objects and gives an informative error before attempting to launch the future ("early stopping"). Here is your example with this check activated:
## Assert that global objects can be sent back and forth between
## the main R process and background R processes ("workers")
options(future.globals.onReference = "error")
end <- .jnew("java/lang/String", " World!")
f <- future({
start <- .jnew("java/lang/String", "Hello")
.jcall(start, "Ljava/lang/String;", "concat", end)
# Error in FALSE :
# Detected a non-exportable reference ('externalptr') in one of the
# globals ('end' of class 'jobjRef') used in the future expression
So, yes, your example actually works when using plan(multicore). The reason for that is that 'multicore' uses forked processes (available on Unix and macOS but not Windows). However, I would try my best to limit your software to parallelize only on "forkable" systems; if you can find an alternative approach I would aim for that. That way your code will also work on, say, a huge cloud cluster.
(*) The reason for these checks not being enabled by default is (a) it's still in beta testing, and (b) it comes with overhead because we basically need to scan for non-supported objects among all the globals. Whether these checks will be enabled by default in the future or not, will be discussed over at
The code in the question is calling unknown Method1 method, my_value is undefined, ... hard to know what you are really trying to achieve.
Take a look at the following example, maybe you can get inspiration from it:
end = .jnew("java/lang/String", " World!")
f <- future({
start = .jnew("java/lang/String", "Hello")
.jcall(start, "Ljava/lang/String;", "concat", end)
[1] "Hello World!"

How can I run multiple independent and unrelated functions in parallel without larger code do-over?

I've been searching around the internet, trying to understand parallel processing.
What they all seem to assume is that I have some kind of loop function operating on e.g. every Nth row of a data set divided among N cores and combined afterwards, and I'm pointed towards a lot of parallelized apply() functions.
(Warning, ugly code below)
My situation though is that I have is on form
tempJob <- myFunction(filepath, string.arg1, string.arg2)
where the path is a file location, and the string arguments are various ways of sorting my data.
My current workflow is simply amassing a lot of
tempjob1 <- myFunction(args)
tempjob2 <- myFunction(other args)
tempjobN <- myFunction(some other args here)
# Make a list of all temporary outputs in the global environment
temp.list <- lapply(ls(pattern = "temp"), get)
# Stack them all
df <- rbindlist(temp.list)
# Remove all variables from workspace matching "temp"
These jobs are entirely independent, and could in principle be run in 8 separate instances of R (although that would be a bother to manage I guess). How can I separate the first 8 jobs out to 8 cores, and whenever a core finishes its job and returns a treated dataset to the global environment it'll simply take whichever job is next in line.
With the future package (I'm the author) you can achieve what you want with a minor modification to your code - use "future" assignments %<-% instead of regular assignments <- for the code you want to run asynchronously.
tempjob1 %<-% myFunction(args)
tempjob2 %<-% myFunction(other args)
tempjobN %<-% myFunction(some other args here)
temp.list <- lapply(ls(pattern = "temp"), get)
EDIT 2022-01-04: plan(multiprocess) -> plan(multisession) since multiprocess is deprecated and will eventually be removed.
Unless you are unfortunate enough to be using Windows, you could maybe try with GNU Parallel like this:
parallel Rscript ::: script1.R script2.R JOB86*.R
and that would keep 8 scripts running at a time, if your CPU has 8 cores. You can change it with -j 4 if you just want 4 at a time. The JOB86 part is just random - I made it up.
You can also add switches for a progress bar, for how to handle errors, for adding parameters and distributing jobs across multiple machines.
If you are on a Mac, you can install GNU Parallel with homebrew:
brew install parallel
I think the easiest way is to use one of the parallelized apply functions. Those will do all the fiddly work of separating out the jobs, taking whichever job is next in line, etc.
Put all your arguments into a list:
args <- list(
list(filePath1, stringArgs11, stringArgs21),
list(filePath2, stringArgs12, stringArgs22),
list(filePath8, stringArgs18, stringArgs28)
Then do something like
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
df <- parSapply(cl, args, myFunction)
I'm not sure about parSapply, and I can't check as R isn't working on my machine just now. If that doesn't work, use parLapply and then manipulate the result.

Avoid pauses due to readline() while testing

I am running tests in R using the test_dir() function from the testthat package. In some of the test scripts there are functions that call readline(), which - in interactive mode - causes the testing to pause and wait for user input. The functions calling readline() are not my own and I don't have any influence on them. The user input is irrelevant for the output of those functions.
Is there a way to avoid these pauses during testing?
Approaches that come to mind, but I wouldn't know how to implement them:
disable interactive mode while R is running
use another function from the testthat package that runs scripts in non-interactive mode
somehow divert stdin to something else than the terminal(??)
wrap functions calling readline() in another script that is called in non-interactive mode from my testing script and makes the results available
Testing only from the command line using Rscript is an option, but I'd rather stay in the RStudio workflow.
Example Code
with_pause <- function () {
without_pause <- function () {
expect_equal(with_pause(), without_pause())
I have a similar problem. I solved it with a global option setting.
original_test_mode <- getOption('my_package.test_mode')
options('my_package.test_mode' = TRUE)
# ... some tests ...
options('my_package.test_mode' = original_test_mode)
In my scripts I have a if statement
if(getOption('my_package.test_mode', FALSE)) {
# This happens in test mode
my_value <- 5
} else {
# normal processing
my_value <- readline('please write value: ')
Also not the nicest way but it works for me.
Maybe one more hint. It happened to that my test script failed. The problem here is, that the global option stays TRUE and in the next round and also for executing the script in the same session, it will never prompt you to write a value. I guess I should put some stuff in a tryCatch function or so. But if you have this problem in mind, just "sometimes" options('my_package.test_mode', NULL) helps :-)

R parallel computing with snowfall - writing to files from separate workers

I am using the snowfall 1.84 package for parallel computing and would like each worker to write data to its own separate file during the computation. Is this possible ? if so how ?
I am using the "SOCK" type connection e.g., sfInit( parallel=TRUE, ...,type="SOCK" ) and would like the code to be platform independent (unix/windows).
I know it is possible to Use the "slaveOutfile" option in sfInit to define a file where to write the log files. But this is intended for debugging purposes and all slaves/workers must use the same file. I need each worker to have its OWN output file !!!
The data i need to write are large dataframes, and NOT simple diagnostic messages. These dataframes need be output by the slaves and could not be sent back to the master process.
Anyone knows how i can get this done?
A simple solution is to use sfClusterApply to execute a function that opens a different file on each of the workers, assigning the resulting file object to a global variable so you can write to it in subsequent parallel operations:
nworkers <- 3
sfInit(parallel=TRUE, cpus=nworkers, type='SOCK')
workerinit <- function(datfile) {
fobj <<- file(datfile, 'w')
sfClusterApply(sprintf('worker_%02d.dat', seq_len(nworkers)), workerinit)
work <- function(i) {
write.csv(data.frame(x=1:3, i=i), file=fobj)
sfLapply(1:10, work)
