How to get logical drivers from a client machine with asp -

A tester came up to me and told me that a link was creating a dialog with the logical drivers from the server and the desired behavior would be that it showed drivers from the client side.
Since c# is a server side language I only believed that I need to use a client-side language.
Today this application is developed in Asp Net MVC so I went to seach such a feature in asp net.
Turns out there is nothing related to that I could find.
I found that javascript provides "FileSystemObject" that I believe I could do that, but I am looking for a solution using asp.
Any suggestion?

AFAIC, you cannot do this in C#. Software running on your server has no way to access the file system of the client computer. So you do need a client-side language such as JavaScript.
So I would try to get more information from JavaScript people, but I strongly suspect that there are severe limitations on this if it's possible at all. I don't want every website I visit to be able to access my system drives. It's a security risk.


Are there any non-cloud web analytics platforms for IIS/.Net?

I am wondering if there exists a web analytics product that meets these criteria:
Can be installed on private server, not using anything cloud-based
Can be installed on IIS/.Net and does not require PHP, or any server side language beyond ASP.NET
Can use a local SQL Server as its datastore (not MySQL or any kind of cloud storage)
Can work with an internal intranet web application without a fully qualified domain name
Can track page views and button clicks using simple JavaScript and/or C# APIs
Is free or at least cheap
I am trying to avoid installing PHP on IIS to run Piwik or something similar, and this is a last ditch effort. My searches are turning up nothing.
The answer to this question is no.
Until a few years ago Webtrends ( was providing exactly what you are looking for (even if it is not for free).
I am not sure, though, if the On Premise version of their software is still available.
Hope this helps!

How to sign XML using private key contained in smartcard for a web application?

I was looking for a solution to sign XML using unexportable private key (this require passphrase/secret password to be informed by user input for create the hash using it) contained in usb token (smartcard etc) for a web application. I have made a c# class library to make this but obviously the code is executed in server-side, so I can't access the usbtoken/smartcard of the client over internet, unless it's plugged in the server pc (so my solution may be installed in local network of my customers and the usbtoken plugged in server's usb. It's working like that today but I want to change this for the customer use its token in his machine)
I have created a code using SignedXml, X509Certificates and other classes, to achieve this, but I was looking for equivalents in silverlight class library for encapsulate all this things and execute it in client side, but unfortunately SignedXml can't be used in Silverlight (not exists..).
I have created an ActiveX for doing this successfully but my solution now only works in Internet Explorer/Windows, and it's not very easy to maintain because of my business logics.
Anyone can help me with this please? Any suggestions are very welcome.
If I can port my activex solution to silverlight, or if its possible to do that using other MS Technology that can be executed in other browser/OS.
Sorry for bad English, not a native speaker. Thank you.
Java applet is a better option than the ActiveX.
Silverlight won't give you access to certificate storages, and its development has stopped (Silverlight 5 is officially the last version).
Our company offers a ready to use solution for distributed cryptography which includes ActiveX, Java applet and Flash module for client-side activities. This solution is discussed in details in this answer.

Converting an old windows base application (with fox pro) to web base application ( with c# csharp)-which technologies are needed(ajax or etc)?

my programming language is with c#...
i am looking for a best and fastest way for converting an old windows base application (with fox pro) to web base application (with and c#)...
in this case speed of inputing data is so important for users ...
which technology should i use for this purpose ?
i know ajax (update panel or RadAjaxManager) , is it enough for doing this or should i learn the other technologies ?
it seems this site has a good rating for working in ajax mode (like comments , voting and etc) is it possible to tell us about that?
in my country the max bandwith of my users is : 1mbps
thanks in advance
/best regards/
This site uses several nice features of ajax and also Comet, which is ajax push. It keeps the connection between the server and client open for transfer of data from the server to the client. (Like the update that others have posted an answer while you are writing an answer). Also, I converted a project that was originally done on a text-based unix platform, to .net. The most important take-home lesson from that was, the users were used to working fast and not using a mouse and such.
Use .net, but consider what your users liked about the old application, and play in to that.
Cosider how they are used to interacting with the application and replicate that.
One of the things I did on that conversion project is make the enter key move the focus to the next input field. That allowed the users to work more like they were used to.

How to get list of drives on local system using ASP.Net

I am going to develope a module in ASP.Net. In this module I want to get the list of drives of the local system where this page is displaying. I have already tring with System.IO.... etc. but it gives me the server drives.
I want to get the list of LOCAL drive where page is displaying on server drives.
Thank you.
Do you mean the client's computer's drives?
That is not possible.
EDIT: However, it is possible with ActiveX or a browser plug in.
This absolutely cannot be done with neither server-side ASP.NET, nor with client-side JavaScript. You can try writing an ActiveX "control" (or how are these called?) or Java applet.
Fortunately you can not do that.
This is impossible, since your ASP.Net code runs on the server. The client only sees the rendered page (HTML and javascript).
Remember: your C# or VB.Net code runs on the server for the explicit purpose of sending html/javascript to the client browser. It does not get to peek directly at the "local" system, and the only thing the "local" system knows about is the html/javascript rendered on the server. That's just how the web works.
Furthermore, javascript runs in a sandbox that does not include any way to enumerate the local drives. This is by design.
So the only way to do this is via plug-in like flash, silverlight, or activex.
You can write a .NET control which is downloaded from your website to the clients' PC and looks at the drives there. As this could be abused (you could steal the users' files) you will have to convince the user to download the control in the first place. Look here for more info:
ClickOnce Deployment overview

How to write an offline version of an AJAX/ASP.NET web application

We have a web application that uses AJAX to talk to an ASP.NET web service. We would like to write another version that can be used offline. We need to be able to re-use our existing code as much as possible. What approaches should we consider?
The app is currently using XmlHttpRequest to get dynamic data from the server. Obviously the offline version will not be able to talk to the server, but it does need to talk to something! I'm sure installing IIS or Cassini on the client would work, but I was hoping for a simpler solution. Is there no other way for JavaScript to talk to some external code?
There are plenty offline web apps nowaday. It simply evolve from AJAX.
For example:
WoaS (wiki on a stick / stickwiki), Tiddly Wiki,
Google doc and Gmail is going to be offline.
You don't need a webserver to run these webapps in offline mode. Just store the required data, scripts on the client side (usually as XML).
One of the possibilities would be to use Cassini. This is a web server that acts as a host for the ASP.Net runtime. You can host Cassini in a Windows application or a Windows Service. In this scenario you do not have to rewrite the web app and the web service.
Most other solutions do require a rewrite of both your web app and your web service. Depending on the way you have written the existing app you can reuse more or less code.
Have you considered HTML5 with application cache and offline storage?
If you hope to create an "offline" version of your package your biggest issue by far will be the need to install your site into a local copy of IIS (registering a virtual directory, etc.). I pursued this briefly a few years ago and gave up in frustration. It can be done: a number of software vendors such as DevExpress do this so you have local copies of their demonstration projects. Indeed, I was able to do this. The problem was the classic "it works on my computer" syndrome. There was simply no way to guarantee that most of my end-users had anywhere near the technical proficiency to make this work.
Thus, I would strongly recommend that you not pursue this path unless you have very technically proficient users and a huge support staff.
But there is one more very important question: did you abstract all data access code to a DAL? If not, then you have a lot of work to do in managing data access as well.
Update: user "Rine" has recommended Cassini. I just wanted to let you know that I pursued Cassini and another 3rd-party web server as well. I think that there are licensing issues with Cassini but may be wrong - it has been awhile. However, I do distinctly remember running into barrier after barrier with this approach and very little documentation to help me out.
if you want a web application run offline, you need a webserver (IIS for ASP) bound to the localhost ( address. After this so can access your web application by typing in your web browser the same way as you do online.
If your AJAX relies on XMLHttpRequest's, you can:
Make the static versions of XML's you get over XMLHttpRequest and put then into a folder on disk.
Rewrite your XMLHttpRequest URL's so that they point to files on disk.
Rewrite your XMLHttpRequest's so that they don't check status (it's always 0 for the file:// protocol.
All JScript works on file:// pages as well as on http:// ones.
Of course it's not the best way to develop static pages, but it may save you some time on rewriting.
I havent come across any framework specifically built for like the ones available for PHP or RoR.
Here is a good article by Steven to get you started with HTML 5 and ASP.Net Creating HTML 5 Offline application
Obviously the offline version will not be able to talk to the server, but it does need to talk to something!
Enter HTML5 LocalStorage. It works like a database and enables you to put data on your client. Indeed you have to rework parts of your code in javascript and transmit it to the client, but then it would work offline.
Local Storage works like this:
- Setter: window.localStorage.setItem(KEY, VALUE)
- Getter: window.localStorage.getItem(KEY)
- Remove: window.localStorage.removeItem(KEY)
To get the main page working offline you need to create a manifest. This is used to store complete sites on the client. Please refer to this for more information about manifests:
You want to build a web application to work offline?? It can't be done.
You could split the interface code from the rest (in diferent dlls) and create a windows application to mimic the behaviour of your web application. This way you have 2 distinct user interfaces but the same code for business rules and data access.
I don't really see any other way...
