MsRdpClient - open with querystring parameters - asp-classic

I'm currently trying to open an MsRdpClient connection in a web browser by opening a new tab and passing it dynamic server names. However, the following code doesn't seem to work and I can't dynimically populate any of the required values, namely servername and available screen width and height.
resWidth = request.querystring("width")
resHeight = request.querystring("height")
MsRdpClient.DesktopWidth = resWidth
MsRdpClient.DesktopHeight = resHeight
MsRdpClient.Width = resWidth
MsRdpClient.Height = resHeight
MsRdpClient.server = request.querystring("fqdn")
MsRdpClient.username = "username"
MsRdpClient.AdvancedSettings.ClearTextPassword = "password"
MsRdpClient.AdvancedSettings2.RDPPort = "3389"
I'm not really sure where to go from here. I see it's been asked on a few boards but no one has seem to come up with an answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Below is the script I ended up using. putting the required variables in via scriptlets is what did the trick. i.e. the "<%=fqdn%>"
resWidth = (screen.AvailWidth - 45)
resHeight = (screen.AvailHeight - 150)
MsRdpClient.DesktopWidth = resWidth
MsRdpClient.DesktopHeight = resHeight
MsRdpClient.Width = resWidth
MsRdpClient.Height = resHeight
MsRdpClient.server = "<%=fqdn%>"
MsRdpClient.AdvancedSettings2.RDPPort = "3389"
sub MsRdpClient_OnDisconnected(disconnectCode)
end sub


How to create a new data file from an existing dataset to load into Rattle?

My goal is to create a decision tree model in Rattle for a school project. I've been able to determine the variables that I would need for my research question and created a new dataset from the original .csv file. After saving the new dataset as not only an .xls file and a .rdata file, I received an error message after loading the file into Rattle. This is my first time creating a decision tree model so I'm struggling a bit. Thanks in advance for your help!
Here's what I have so far:
setwd("C:/Users/river/OneDrive/Documents/Random Data")
edu <- read_excel('pfi_pu.xlsx')
eduu <- data.frame(c("P1HRSWK" = c(edu$P1HRSWK),
"P1EMPL" = c(edu$P1EMPL),
"P2HRSWK" = c(edu$P2HRSWK),
"P2EMPL" = c(edu$P2EMPL),
"P1ENRL" = c(edu$P1ENRL),
"P2ENRL" = c(edu$P2ENRL),
"P1EDUC" = c(edu$P1EDUC),
"P2EDUC" = c(edu$P2EDUC),
"P1HISPRM" = c(edu$P1HISPRM),
"P2HISPRM" = c(edu$P2HISPRM),
"P1PACI" = c(edu$P1PACI),
"P2PACI" = c(edu$P2PACI),
"P1BLACK" = c(edu$P1BLACK),
"P2BLACK" = c(edu$P2BLACK),
"P1ASIAN" = c(edu$P1ASIAN),
"P2ASIAN" = c(edu$P2ASIAN),
"P1AMIND" = c(edu$P1AMIND),
"P2AMIND" = c(edu$P2AMIND),
"P1HISPAN" = c(edu$P1HISPAN),
"P2HISPAN" = c(edu$P2HISPAN),
"P1LKWRK" = c(edu$P1LKWRK),
"P2LKWRK" = c(edu$P2LKWRK),
"P1REL" = c(edu$P1REL),
"P2REL" = c(edu$P2REL),
"P1SEX" = c(edu$P1SEX),
"P2SEX" = c(edu$P2SEX),
"P1MRSTA" = c(edu$P1MRSTA),
"PAR1EMPL" = c(edu$PAR1EMPL),
"PAR2EMPL" = c(edu$PAR2EMPL),
,dim = c(14075,38,1))
error message
Seems your problem is about writing a file. The command save must be used to save .RData files, not Excel files. According to this post, you may try:
openxlsx::write.xlsx(eduu, 'eduu.xlsx')
xlsx::write.xlsx(eduu, 'eduu.xlsx')
writexl::write_xlsx(eduu, 'eduu.xlsx')

Access - Strange Error with Date Function

This is a strange bug and I feel like I'm missing something easy.
When I use the standard access date function on one form it works without issue (see 'functions properly'). When I use it on another form (see 'code causing error') I get a debug error 'Database can't find the field 'Date' referred to in your expression.'
Hoping someone else sees a stupid/obvious mistake...
Functions properly:
With rs
If chkSubAssembly = True Then
.Fields("Document") = mySubassembly
.Fields("Type") = "S"
.Fields("Document") = "M" & cmbCustomer & "-" & txtCustPN
.Fields("Type") = "D"
End If
.Fields("Description") = txtDMRDesc
.Fields("Author") = Forms("frmUser").lblUser.Caption
.Fields("CreationDate") = date
.Fields("Revision") = "Draft"
.Fields("PE") = cmbPE.Column(1)
.Fields("lasteditby") = Forms("frmUser").lblUser.Caption
End With
Code Causing Error:
With rs
.Fields("ValidNum") = myProtocol
.Fields("Description") = txtNewDescription
.Fields("Author") = Forms("frmUser").lblUser.Caption
.Fields("createdOn") = date
.Fields("lasteditby") = Forms("frmUser").lblUser.Caption
End With

adding a chart control to a placeholder VB

I'm trying to add a manually created chart to a placeholder but when i look at the output all i get is a blank.. I am getting the data from a dataset datatable that is the last table in the dataset. I only has two colums "Industry" and "industryTheta" any help is much appreciated. I'm not sure whats wrong here
Dim chrt As New Chart
chrt.ID = "dynChart"
chrt.Height = Unit.Pixel(1000)
chrt.Width = Unit.Pixel(1000)
chrt.BackImageWrapMode = ChartImageWrapMode.Scaled
chrt.BorderlineColor = Color.Black
chrt.ImageLocation = "~/TempImages/ChartPic_#SEQ(300,3)"
chrt.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.None
Dim ca As New ChartArea
ca.Name = "IndustryTheta"
ca.AlignmentOrientation = AreaAlignmentOrientations.All
ca.AlignmentStyle = AreaAlignmentStyles.All
ca.Area3DStyle.Enable3D = True
ca.Area3DStyle.LightStyle = LightStyle.Realistic
ca.Area3DStyle.Inclination = 30
ca.BackHatchStyle = ChartHatchStyle.None
Dim sers As New Series
sers.Name = "IndustryName"
sers.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie
sers.Label = "#VALX, #PERCENT"
sers.LabelAngle = 90
sers.IsXValueIndexed = True
sers.IsValueShownAsLabel = True
sers.XAxisType = AxisType.Primary
sers.YAxisType = AxisType.Primary
sers.YValuesPerPoint = 1
sers.XValueMember = "Industry"
sers.YValueMembers = "IndustryTheta"
For Each dr As DataRow In table.Rows
Dim p As New DataPoint
p.AxisLabel = dr.Item("Industry")
Most likely your problem is with when you are calling your function in the page life cycle. Please refer to this information to learn more about it.
In order to address dynamic controls in please refer to this for more information on dynamic controls.

web2py SQLFORM.grid url

When I try to put form = SQLFORM.grid(db.mytable) in my controller the request changes to my/web/site/view?_signature=520af19b1095db04dda2f1b6cbea3a03c3551e13 which causes my if statement in controller to collapse. Can smbd please explain why this happens?
If I put user_signature=False then on view load the grid is shown (though the looks is awful, and I still need to find out how to change the view of my table), but on search,edit, etc. click, the same thing happens again. The url is changed and I get an error
Any suggestions?
thank you
This is my edit function
def edit():
#Load workers
workers = db(db.worker.w_organisation == 10).select(db.worker.w_id_w, db.worker.w_organisation, db.worker.w_first_name, db.worker.w_last_name,db.worker.w_nick_name,db.worker.w_email,db.worker.w_status,db.worker.w_note).as_list()
#Define the query object. Here we are pulling all contacts having date of birth less than 18 Nov 1990
query = ((db.worker.w_organisation == 10) & (db.worker.w_status==db.status.s_id_s))
#Define the fields to show on grid. Note: (you need to specify id field in fields section in 1.99.2
fields = (db.worker.w_first_name, db.worker.w_last_name,db.worker.w_nick_name,db.worker.w_email,db.status.s_code,db.worker.w_note)
#Define headers as tuples/dictionaries
headers = { 'worker.w_first_name' : 'Ime',
'worker.w_last_name' : 'Priimek',
'worker.w_nick_name' : 'Vzdevek',
'worker.w_email' : 'E-posta',
'status.s_code': 'Status',
'worker.w_note' : 'Komentar' }
#Let's specify a default sort order on date_of_birth column in grid
#Creating the grid object
form = SQLFORM.grid(query=query, fields=fields, headers=headers,searchable=True, orderby=default_sort_order,create=True, \
deletable=True, editable=True, maxtextlength=64, paginate=25,user_signature=False
form = SQLFORM.grid(db.worker,user_signature=False)
workersDb = db((db.worker.w_organisation == 10) & (db.worker.w_status==db.status.s_id_s)).select(db.worker.w_id_w, \
db.worker.w_organisation, db.worker.w_first_name, \
workersList = []
for rec in workersDb:
status = rec['status']['s_code']
workers = rec['worker']
if not rec["worker"]["w_first_name"]:
polno_ime = rec["worker"]["w_last_name"]
elif not rec["worker"]["w_last_name"]:
polno_ime = rec["worker"]["w_first_name"]
polno_ime = rec["worker"]["w_first_name"] + " " + rec["worker"]["w_last_name"]
rec["worker"]['w_full_name'] = polno_ime
rec["worker"]["w_status"] = status
data = rec["worker"]
#print rec
#print data
# If type of arg is int, we know that user wants to edit a script with an id of the argument
script = db(getDbScript(request.args[0])).select(db.script.sc_lls, db.script.sc_name,, db.script.sc_menu_data).first()
formData = str(script["sc_menu_data"])
#form = SQLFORM.grid(db.auth_user)
#print formData
# If we dont get any results that means that user is not giving proper request and we show him error
#print script
#Parsing script to be inserted into view
if not script:
return error(0)
return dict(newScript = False, script = script, formData = formData, workers = workersList, form = form)
# If the argument is new we prepare page for new script
elif request.args[0] == 'new':
scripts = db((auth.user.organization == db.script.sc_organization)).select(db.script.sc_name,, workers = workersList, form = form)
return dict(newScript = True, scripts = scripts, workers = workersList, form = form)
# Else error
return error(0)
also not to mention the sqlgrid looks awful, here is link to the picture

Clearing multiple cookies

The code below tries to clear the cookies for all domains once a user logs out of the system. For some reason, only the last domain in the array is cleared. Why does this happen? Am I doing something wrong?
For example, if I change the size of the array to 4 and then change the for loop to only go to 3, then it only logs me out of
As a sidenote, I have this loop working on a different server that uses a slightly different function to clear the cookies.
Edit: Code updated per suggestions below. Now it fails on the "as HttpCookie" line. Do I need to include some library?
Dim aDomain(12)
Dim ESidCookie, WIdCookie, EBidCookie, TSidAccessCookie, PSidAccessCookie, SSidCookie As HttpCookie
aDomain(0) = ""
aDomain(1) = ""
aDomain(2) = ""
aDomain(3) = ""
aDomain(4) = ""
aDomain(5) = ""
aDomain(6) = ""
aDomain(7) = ""
aDomain(8) = ""
aDomain(9) = ""
aDomain(10) = ""
aDomain(11) = ""
for count = 0 to 11
strDomain = aDomain(count)
response.Write count & "/" & strDomain
ESidCookie = New HttpCookie("oneCookie")
ESidCookie.Domain = strDomain
ESidCookie.Path = "/"
ESidCookie = ""
ESidCookie.Expires = now() - 100
WIdCookie = New HttpCookie("twoCookie")
WIdCookie.Domain = strDomain
WIdCookie.Path = "/"
WIdCookie = ""
WIdCookie.Expires = now() - 100
EBidCookie = New HttpCookie("threeCookie")
EBidCookie.Domain = strDomain
EBidCookie.Path = "/"
EBidCookie = ""
EBidCookie.Expires = now() - 100
TSidAccessCookie = New HttpCookie("fourCookie")
TSidAccessCookie.Path = "/"
TSidAccessCookie = "LoggedOut"
PSidAccessCookie = New HttpCookie("fiveCookie")
PSidAccessCookie.Domain = strDomain
PSidAccessCookie.Path = "/"
PSidAccessCookie = ""
PSidAccessCookie.Expires = now() - 100
SSidCookie = New HttpCookie("sixCookie")
SSidCookie.Domain = strDomain
SSidCookie.Path = "/"
SSidCookie = ""
SSidCookie.Expires = now() - 100
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
The Response.Cookies collection is keyed off of the cookie name so you are just changing the domain of the same cookie each time you go through your loop. That's why the last one wins.
You could try creating a new cookie object and adding that to the Response.Cookies collection in your loop instead.
If you want to clear all cookies you will should create all new ones with the same name. Here is a basic example that should get you going:
Dim newCookie As HttpCookie
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
' creating a new cookie each time
newCookie = New HttpCookie(cookieNames(i))
' expire the cookie
newCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)
' storing the new cookie each time
It doesn't look like your creating all new cookies and adding them to the response properly.
