I am trying to create an interactive histogram in R whose bin width can be adjusted either by moving a slider or entering a value in the text box. In addition to this, I would also like to provide the user with an option of saving the plot for a particular bin width.
To this end, I found the 'gslider' function of 'aplpack' library to be a good starting point. I tried to modify it to meet my purpose as well as learn more about Tcl/Tk constructs. But I am now stuck and can't proceed, mostly because I haven't completely understood how a slider value is captured and transferred between functions.
Following are the snippets of code that I haven't really understood. These are from the source code of the 'gslider' function.
# What is the rationale behind using the 'assign' function here and at
# other instances in the code?
img <- tkrplot::tkrplot(gr.frame, newpl, vscale = 1, hscale = 1)
tkpack(img, side = "top")
assign("img", img, envir = slider.env)
# I understand the below lines when considered individually. But collectively,
# I am having a difficult time comprehending them. Most importantly, where
# exactly is the slider movement captured here?
sc <- tkscale(fr, from = sl.min, to = sl.max,
showvalue = TRUE, resolution = sl.delta, orient = "horiz")
assign("sc", sc, envir = slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(sc, variable=inputbw1)"), envir = slider.env)
sl.fun <- sl.function
if (!is.function(sl.fun))
sl.fun <- eval(parse(text = paste("function(...){",
sl.fun, "}")))
fname <- 'tkrrsl.fun1'
eval(parse(text = c(paste(fname, " <-"), " function(...){",
deparse(sl.fun)[-1], ")", "}")))
eval(parse(text = paste("environment(", fname, ")<-parent.env")))
if (prompt)
tkconfigure(sc, command = get(fname))
else tkbind(sc, "<ButtonRelease>", get(fname))
if (exists("tkrrsl.fun1")) {
assign("slider.values.old", sl.default, envir = slider.env)
Thanks to everyone for the varied scope of answers. Juba's and Greg's answers were the ones I could work upon to write the following code:
slider_txtbox <- function (x, col=1, sl.delta, title)
## Validations
pos.of.panel <- 'bottom'
col <- names(x)[col]
x <- x[,col, drop=FALSE]
if (missing(x) || is.null(dim(x)))
return("Error: insufficient x values")
sl.min <- sl.delta # Smarter initialization required
sl.max <- max(x)
xrange <- (max(x)-min(x))
sl.default <- xrange/30
if (!exists("slider.env")) {
slider.env <<- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
if (missing(title))
title <- "Adjust parameters"
## Creating initial dialogs
nt <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(nt, title)
if(.Platform$OS.type == 'windows')
tkwm.geometry(nt, "390x490+0+10")
else if(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix')
tkwm.geometry(nt, "480x600+0+10")
assign("tktop.slider", nt, envir = slider.env)
nt.bak <- nt
sl.frame <- tkframe(nt)
gr.frame <- tkframe(nt)
tx.frame <- tkframe(nt)
tkpack(sl.frame, tx.frame, gr.frame, side = pos.of.panel)
## Function to create and refresh the plot
makeplot <- function(bwidth, save) {
if(bwidth <= 0) {
df <- data.frame('x'=1:10, 'y'=1:10)
histplot <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_point(size=0) + xlim(0, 10) + ylim(0, 100) +
geom_text(aes(label='Invalid binwidth...', x=5, y=50), size=9)
} else {
histplot <- ggplot(data=x, aes_string(x=col)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth=bwidth, aes(y = ..density..), fill='skyblue') +
theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=15), axis.title.y=element_text(size=15),
axis.text.x=element_text(size=10, colour='black'),
axis.text.y=element_text(size=10, colour='black'))
filename <- tkgetSaveFile(initialfile=paste('hist_bw_', bwidth, sep=''),
filetypes='{{PNG files} {.png}} {{JPEG files} {.jpg .jpeg}}
{{PDF file} {.pdf}} {{Postscript file} {.ps}}')
filepath <- as.character(filename)
splitpath <- strsplit(filepath, '/')[[1]]
flname <- splitpath[length(splitpath)]
pieces <- strsplit(flname, "\\.")[[1]]
ext <- tolower(pieces[length(pieces)])
if(ext != 'png' && ext != 'jpeg' && ext != 'jpg' && ext != 'pdf' && ext != 'ps') {
ext <- 'png'
filepath <- paste(filepath, '.png', sep='')
filename <- tclVar(filepath)
if(ext == 'ps')
ext <- 'postscript'
eval(parse(text=paste(ext, '(file=filepath)', sep='')))
img <- tkrplot::tkrplot(gr.frame, makeplot(sl.default, FALSE), vscale = 1, hscale = 1)
tkpack(img, side = "top")
assign("img", img, envir = slider.env)
## Creating slider, textbox and labels
parent.env <- sys.frame(sys.nframe() - 1)
tkpack(fr <- tkframe(sl.frame), side = 'top')
sc <- tkscale(fr, from = sl.min, to = sl.max,
showvalue = TRUE, resolution = sl.delta,
orient = "horiz")
tb <- tkentry(fr, width=4)
labspace <- tklabel(fr, text='\t\t\t')
tkpack(sc, labspace, tb, side = 'left')
tkpack(textinfo <- tkframe(tx.frame), side = 'top')
lab <- tklabel(textinfo, text = ' Move slider', width = "20")
orlabel <- tklabel(textinfo, text=' OR', width='10')
txtboxmsg <- tklabel(textinfo, text = 'Enter binwidth', width='20')
tkpack(txtboxmsg, orlabel, lab, side='right')
tkpack(f.but <- tkframe(sl.frame))
tkpack(tklabel(f.but, text=''))
tkpack(tkbutton(f.but, text = "Exit", command = function() tkdestroy(nt)),
tkpack(tkbutton(f.but, text = "Save", command = function(...) {
bwidth <- as.numeric(tclvalue(get('inputtb', envir=slider.env)))
tkrreplot(get('img',envir=slider.env),fun=function() { makeplot(bwidth, TRUE); sync_slider()})
}), side='right')
## Creating objects and variables associated with slider and textbox
assign("sc", sc, envir = slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "assign('inputsc', tclVar(sl.default), envir=slider.env)"))
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(sc, variable=inputsc)"), envir = slider.env)
assign("tb", tb, envir = slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "assign('inputtb', as.character(tclVar(sl.default)),
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(tb, textvariable=inputtb)"), envir = slider.env)
## Function to update the textbox value when the slider has changed
sync_textbox <- function() {
bwidth_sl <- tclvalue(get('inputsc', envir=slider.env))
assign('inputtb', tclVar(bwidth_sl), envir=slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(tb, textvariable=inputtb)"), envir = slider.env)
## Function to update the slider value when the textbox has changed
sync_slider <- function() {
bwidth_tb <- tclvalue(get('inputtb', envir=slider.env))
assign('inputsc', tclVar(bwidth_tb), envir=slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(sc, variable=inputsc)"), envir = slider.env)
## Bindings : association of certain functions to certain events for the slider
## and the textbox
tkbind(sc, "<ButtonRelease>", function(...) {
bwidth <- as.numeric(tclvalue(get('inputsc', envir=slider.env)))
tkrreplot(get('img',envir=slider.env),fun=function() { makeplot(bwidth, FALSE); sync_textbox()})
tkbind(tb, "<Return>", function(...) {
bwidth <- as.numeric(tclvalue(get('inputtb', envir=slider.env)))
if(bwidth > sl.max && !is.na(bwidth)) {
bwidth <- sl.max
assign('inputtb', tclVar(bwidth), envir=slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(tb, textvariable=inputtb)"), envir = slider.env)
} else
if(bwidth < sl.min || is.na(bwidth)) {
bwidth <- sl.min
assign('inputtb', tclVar(bwidth), envir=slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(tb, textvariable=inputtb)"), envir = slider.env)
tkrreplot(get('img',envir=slider.env),fun=function() { makeplot(bwidth, FALSE); sync_slider()})
slider_txtbox(movies, 'rating', 0.1, 'Adjust binwidth')
Here is a minimal working example with comments, based on the complete code you first submit. As I'm far from an expert in tcl/tk, there may be cleaner or better ways to do it. And it is quite incomplete (for example the textbox values should be checked to be in the range of the slider, etc.) :
title <- "Default title"
## Init dialog
if (!exists("slider.env")) slider.env <<- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
nt <- tktoplevel()
tkwm.title(nt, title)
tkwm.geometry(nt, "480x600+0+10")
assign("tktop.slider", nt, envir = slider.env)
nt.bak <- nt
sl.frame <- tkframe(nt)
gr.frame <- tkframe(nt)
tx.frame <- tkframe(nt)
tkpack(sl.frame, tx.frame, gr.frame, side = "bottom")
## First default plot
newpl <- function(...) {
dummydf <- data.frame('x'=1:10, 'y'=1:10)
dummy <- ggplot(dummydf, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_point(size=0) + xlim(0, 10) + ylim(0, 100) +
geom_text(aes(label='Generating plot...', x=5, y=50), size=9)
img <- tkrplot::tkrplot(gr.frame, newpl, vscale = 1, hscale = 1)
tkpack(img, side = "top")
assign("img", img, envir = slider.env)
tkpack(fr <- tkframe(sl.frame), side = 'top')
## Creating slider, textbox and labels
sc <- tkscale(fr, from = 0, to = 5, showvalue = TRUE, resolution = 0.1, orient = "horiz")
tb <- tkentry(fr, width=4)
lab <- tklabel(fr, text = 'Select binwidth ', width = "16")
orlabel <- tklabel(fr, text=' or ', width='4')
tkpack(lab, sc, orlabel, tb, side = 'left')
tkpack(textinfo <- tkframe(tx.frame), side = 'top')
## Creating objects and variables associated with slider and textbox
assign("sc", sc, envir = slider.env)
assign("tb", tb, envir = slider.env)
assign('inputsc', tclVar(2.5), envir=slider.env)
assign('inputtb', tclVar('2.5'), envir=slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(sc, variable=inputsc)"), envir = slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(tb, textvariable=inputtb)"), envir = slider.env)
## Function to update the textbox value when the slider has changed
sync_textbox <- function() {
bwidth_sl <- tclvalue(get('inputsc', envir=slider.env))
assign('inputtb', tclVar(bwidth_sl), envir=slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(tb, textvariable=inputtb)"), envir = slider.env)
## Function to update the slider value when the textbox has changed
sync_slider <- function() {
bwidth_tb <- tclvalue(get('inputtb', envir=slider.env))
assign('inputsc', tclVar(bwidth_tb), envir=slider.env)
eval(parse(text = "tkconfigure(sc, variable=inputsc)"), envir = slider.env)
## Function to refresh the plot
refresh <- function(bwidth) {
histplot <- ggplot(data=movies, aes_string(x="rating")) +
aes(y = ..density..), fill='skyblue') +
theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=15), axis.title.y=element_text(size=15),
axis.text.x=element_text(size=10, colour='black'),
axis.text.y=element_text(size=10, colour='black'))
## Bindings : association of certain functions to certain events for the slider
## and the textbox
tkbind(sc, "<ButtonRelease>", function(...) {
bwidth <- as.numeric(tclvalue(get('inputsc', envir=slider.env)))
tkrreplot(get('img',envir=slider.env),fun=function() { refresh(bwidth); sync_textbox()})
tkbind(tb, "<Return>", function(...) {
bwidth <- as.numeric(tclvalue(get('inputtb', envir=slider.env)))
tkrreplot(get('img',envir=slider.env),fun=function() { refresh(bwidth); sync_slider()})
If you do not insist on a local solution, you might give rapporter.net a try, which lets you specify such tasks easily with any number of tweakable sliders. Okay, enough of marketing :)
Here goes a quick demo: Interactive histogram on mtcars which looks like:
There you could choose one of the well-know variables of mtcars, but of course you could provide any data frame to be used here or tweak the above form after a free registration.
How it's done? I have just created a quick rapport template and let it rapplicate. The body of the template is written in brew-style (please see the above "rapport" URL for more details):
evalsOptions('width', width)
evalsOptions('height', height)
# Histogram
set.caption(paste('Histogram of', var.name))
hist(var, breaks=seq(min(var), max(var), diff(range(var))/round(binwidth)), main = paste('Histogram of', var.name), xlab = '')
## Parameters
Provided parameters were:
* variable: <%=var.name%> (<%=var.label%>)
* bin-width of histogram: <%=binwidth%>
* height of generated images: <%=height%>
* width of generated images: <%=width%>
# Kernel density plot
set.caption('A kernel density plot')
plot(density(var), main = '', xlab = '')
But a bare-minimal example of the task could be also addressed by a simple one-liner template:
<%=hist(var, breaks=seq(min(var), max(var), diff(range(var))/round(binwidth)))%>
There you would only need to create a new template, add two input types with a click (one numeric variable of any data set and a number input field which would hold the binwidth of the histogram), and you are ready to go.
You might want to look at the R package 'rpanel' -- it uses tcltk under the hood but is much simpler to use:
rpanel reference
I don't know the gslider function and cannot help you there, but here are some alternatives:
One simple option is to use the tkexamp function from the TeachingDemos package, here is one way:
myhist <- function(x, s.width, e.width, ...) {
if( missing(e.width) || is.null(e.width) || is.na(e.width) ) {
e.width<- s.width
b <- seq( min(x)-e.width/2, max(x)+e.width, by=e.width )
hist(x, b, ...)
mylist <- list( s.width=list('slider', init=1, from=1, to=10, resolution=1),
e.width=list('numentry', init='', width=7)
sampdata <- rnorm(100, 50, 5)
tkexamp(myhist(sampdata), mylist)
This will create a quick GUI with your histogram and a slider and entry widget. The width of the bars are determined by the value in the entry widget, and if that is blank (default) then the value of the slider. Unfortunately the slider and entry widget do not update each other. There is a button that will print out the current call, so the same plot can be recreated from the command line in the default or current plotting device. You can edit the mylist variable above to make the controls fit your data better.
If you want the entry and slider to update each other then you can program that more directly. Here is a basic function that uses tkrplot:
mytkhist <- function(x, ...) {
width <- tclVar()
tclvalue(width) <- 1
replot <- function(...) {
width <- as.numeric(tclvalue(width))
b <- seq( min(x) - width/2, max(x)+width, by=width )
tt <- tktoplevel()
img <- tkrplot(tt, replot)
tkpack(img, side='top')
tkpack( tkscale(tt, variable=width, from=1, to=10,
command=function(...) tkrreplot(img),
orient='horizontal'), side='top' )
tkpack( e <- tkentry(tt, textvariable=width), side='top' )
tkbind(e, "<KeyRelease>", function(...) tkrreplot(img))
The fact that both the slider (scale) and the entry widget use the same variable is what makes them automatically update each other (no calls to assign needed). The command argument in tkscale and the tkbind call mean that any changes to either the slider or the entry will update the plot. This does not have anything to save the current plot, but you should be able to add that part as well as any other controls that you want to use.
I'm trying to generate heatmaps by using cellrangerRkit package. The function within this package refers to pheatmap function featured in pheatmap library as seen below:
function (gbm, genes_to_plot, cells_to_plot, n_genes = 5, colour = NULL,
limits = c(-3, 3))
if (!is.list(genes_to_plot)) {
cat("Plotting one gene set instead of multiple cluster-specific gene sets\n")
gene_indices <- sapply(genes_to_plot, function(x) get_gene_index(gbm,
gene_annotation <- NULL
else {
if ("significant" %in% names(genes_to_plot[[1]])) {
gene_indices <- unlist(lapply(genes_to_plot, function(x) with(x,
head(ix[significant], n_genes))))
gene_grouping <- unlist(lapply(names(genes_to_plot),
function(nm) rep(nm, with(genes_to_plot[[nm]],
length(head(ix[significant], n_genes))))))
else {
gene_indices <- unlist(lapply(genes_to_plot, function(x) x$ix[1:n_genes]))
gene_grouping <- rep(names(genes_to_plot), each = n_genes)
gene_annotation <- data.frame(ClusterID = as.factor(gene_grouping))
cell_indices <- unlist(lapply(cells_to_plot, function(x) x$ix))
value <- t(scale(t(as.matrix(exprs(gbm))[gene_indices, cell_indices])))
value[value < limits[1]] <- limits[1]
value[value > limits[2]] <- limits[2]
rownames(value) <- make.unique(fData(gbm)$symbol[gene_indices])
cell_grouping <- unlist(lapply(1:length(cells_to_plot), function(x) {
rep(names(cells_to_plot)[x], length(cells_to_plot[[x]]$barcode))
cell_annotation <- data.frame(ClusterID = as.factor(cell_grouping))
rownames(cell_annotation) <- colnames(value)
if (!is.null(gene_annotation)) {
rownames(gene_annotation) <- rownames(value)
if (is.null(colour)) {
anno_colors <- NULL
else {
names(colour) <- names(cells_to_plot)
anno_colors <- list(ClusterID = colour)
pheatmap(value, cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE,
show_colnames = FALSE, annotation_row = gene_annotation,
annotation_col = cell_annotation, annotation_names_row = FALSE,
annotation_names_col = FALSE, annotation_colors = anno_colors)
<bytecode: 0x00000000507b7970>
<environment: namespace:cellrangerRkit>
My problem is that, when I plot my heatmap, the annotation on the right side of the plot is overlapping due to large font size (see below)
The wrapper function gbm_heatmap doesn't have a fontsize option, preventing me from simply passing an argument when calling it. How I can change the plotting behavior within this wrapper?
Appreciate all the input, thanks!
I generated a scatterplot in HTML format using plotly and a generic dataframe. I am aware that it is possible to highlight (with a different color for example) certain data points before generating the plot HTML. However, I wonder if it is possible to add an element to the HTML file that would enable a user to find/highlight a certain data point based on its text label after the plot has been produced.
The code I used to produce the dataframe and scatter:
tab <- data.frame(sample.id = pca$sample.id,
EV1 = pca$eigenvect[, 1],
EV2 = pca$eigenvect[, 2],
p <- plot_ly(tab, x=tab$EV1, y=tab$EV2, text=tab$sample.id)
p <- layout(p, title="PCA", xaxis=list(title="PC 1"),
yaxis=list(title="PC 2"))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(as.widget(p), paste(output_name, ".html", sep=""))
As far as I know there is not builtin functionality in Plotly but you just need a few lines of Javascript code to get the functionality.
Plotly stores the data in a application/json object in the HTML file. You can get the data via
var data = JSON.parse(document.querySelectorAll("script[type='application/json']")[0].innerHTML);
The text elements are stored in
where i is the trace number and j is point number.
Now we need a text field and a button, we can use htmltools for that purpose
p <- htmlwidgets::appendContent(p, htmltools::tags$input(id='inputText', value='Merc', ''), htmltools::tags$button(id='buttonSearch', 'Search'))
Let's add a eventlister to the button which triggers a hover event of the first point of the first trace.
p <- htmlwidgets::appendContent(p, htmltools::tags$script(HTML(
'document.getElementById("buttonSearch").addEventListener("click", function()
var myDiv = document.getElementsByClassName("js-plotly-plot")[0]
Plotly.Fx.hover(myDiv, [{curveNumber: 0, pointNumber: 0}]);
And the whole code which searches for through all text labels and triggers a hover event when the entered text is found in the label.
pcaCars <- princomp(mtcars, cor = TRUE)
carsHC <- hclust(dist(pcaCars$scores), method = "ward.D2")
carsDf <- data.frame(pcaCars$scores, "cluster" = factor(carsClusters))
carsClusters <- cutree(carsHC, k = 3)
carsDf <- transform(carsDf, cluster_name = paste("Cluster", carsClusters))
p <- plot_ly(carsDf, x = ~Comp.1 , y = ~Comp.2, text = rownames(carsDf),
mode = "markers", color = ~cluster_name, marker = list(size = 11), type = 'scatter', mode = 'markers')
p <- htmlwidgets::appendContent(p, htmltools::tags$input(id='inputText', value='Merc', ''), htmltools::tags$button(id='buttonSearch', 'Search'))
p <- htmlwidgets::appendContent(p, htmltools::tags$script(HTML(
'document.getElementById("buttonSearch").addEventListener("click", function()
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var found = [];
var myDiv = document.getElementsByClassName("js-plotly-plot")[0]
var data = JSON.parse(document.querySelectorAll("script[type=\'application/json\']")[0].innerHTML);
for (i = 0 ;i < data.x.data.length; i += 1) {
for (j = 0; j < data.x.data[i].text.length; j += 1) {
if (data.x.data[i].text[j].indexOf(document.getElementById("inputText").value) !== -1) {
found.push({curveNumber: i, pointNumber: j});
Plotly.Fx.hover(myDiv, found);
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(p, paste('pca', ".html", sep=""))
The PCA implementation was modified from here.
1) I used the package gWidget to make a GUI in R. I have had some problems. I want to add a "save" button in the window, but I don't know how to store the pic already drawn in ggraphics.
#the main window to make and some parts of it to make
win <- gwindow("Load curve analysis", visible=TRUE,expand = TRUE)
biggroup <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=win, expand = TRUE)
topgroup<-ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=biggroup,expand = TRUE)
bottomgroup<-ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=biggroup, expand = TRUE)
leftgroup<-ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=bottomgroup,expand= TRUE)
rightgroup<-ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=bottomgroup,expand=TRUE)
add(rightgroup, ggraphics(), expand=TRUE)
#draw a pic
updatePlot <- function(h,...) {
if(svalue(Analyse1)=="Month duration curve")
if(svalue(Analyse1)=="Month load curve")
#the "save" button to make, this button will bring another window,
#but after setting up the road of the saving place, this smaller window will be closed
Store<-gbutton("Save as pdf",container=topgroup, handler = function(h,...){
win1 <- gwindow("set up road", visible=TRUE,expand = TRUE)
group <- ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=win1, expand = TRUE)
tmp <- gframe("Pls type the place you want to save in", container=group)
obj0<-gedit("",cont=tmp,expand = TRUE)
tmp <- gframe("Pls name the new diagram, and end it with .pdf", container=group)
obj1<-gedit("Lastganganalyse.pdf",cont=tmp,expand = TRUE)
#here the function recordPlot will be used,but it doesnt work,the document cant be opened
ok<-gbutton("Ok",container=group, handler = function(h,...){
# I dont know why this record Plot doesnt work
#the other parts of the main window
tmp <- gframe("Year(after input a year pls press Enter)", container=leftgroup)
#Jahren <- gradio(c(2012,2013,2014), horizontal=FALSE, cont=tmp, handler=updatePlot)
Jahren<-gedit("2012",cont=tmp, handler=updatePlot)
tmp <- gframe("Month", container=leftgroup)
Monat <- gslider(from=1,to=12,by=1, value=1, cont=tmp, handler=updatePlot)
tmp <- gframe("Analysis' way of a month", container=leftgroup)
Analyse1 <- gcombobox(c(" ","Month duration curve","Month load curve"), cont=tmp, handler=function(h,...){
},expand = TRUE)
tmp <- gframe("Analysis' way of a year", container=leftgroup)
Analyse2 <- gcombobox(c(" ","Jahresdauerlinie"),cont=tmp,handler=function(h,...){
updatePlot(h,...)},expand = TRUE)
2) Besides, I don't know how to set up the size of the ggroup. Or how can I control all parts of the window's size to look better. I dont know that kind of function.
3) The line which is drawn in ggraphics is hard to be seen. And how can I change this situation?
Suppose we had the following plot in the graphics:
ggplot(dat = data.frame("x" = 1:100, "y" = rnorm(100)), aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point()
Within the handler for the button, you can try the following:
dev.copy2pdf(file = svalue(obj1))
I am using the package networkDynamic to visualise two evolving networks and I would like to add, close to each network a simple legend (a few words of text). I can't find a way of doing this.
In the networkDynamic package, the function render.animation uses plot.network (from the package network) to render each frame and then compiles the different frames into an animation.
The plot.network arguments can be passed to render.animation, so the problem seems to boils down to adding text to a plot generated with plot.network but there doesn't seem to be a way of adding text at specified coordinates.
With a normal plot I would use the text function, but is there a way of including this function into the plot.network arguments?
render.animation is a function in the ndtv package. You will have to create a custom render.animation2 function based on render.animation. In the following function, I add an extra line to the render.animation function. I add an mtext after each plot.network calls (see about 20 lines from the end). You could change it to a text instead of mtext.
render.animation2 <- function (net, render.par = list(tween.frames = 10, show.time = TRUE,
show.stats = NULL, extraPlotCmds = NULL, initial.coords = 0),
plot.par = list(bg = "white"), ani.options = list(interval = 0.1),
render.cache = c("plot.list", "none"), verbose = TRUE, ...)
if (!is.network(net)) {
stop("render.animation requires the first argument to be a network object")
if (is.null(render.par)) {
stop("render.animation is missing the 'render.par' argument (a list of rendering parameters).")
if (is.null(render.par$tween.frames)) {
render.par$tween.frames <- 10
if (is.null(render.par$show.time)) {
render.par$show.time <- TRUE
if (is.null(render.par$initial.coords)) {
render.par$initial.coords <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = network.size(net))
if (!all(c("animation.x.active", "animation.y.active") %in%
list.vertex.attributes(net))) {
net <- compute.animation(net, verbose = verbose)
externalDevice <- FALSE
doRStudioHack <- TRUE
if (!is.null(render.par$do_RStudio_plot_hack)) {
doRStudioHack <- render.par$do_RStudio_plot_hack
if (!is.function(options()$device)) {
if (names(dev.cur()) == "RStudioGD" & doRStudioHack) {
message("RStudio's graphics device is not well supported by ndtv, attempting to open another type of plot window")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
else if (length(grep(R.version$platform, pattern = "apple")) >
0) {
else {
externalDevice <- TRUE
if (par("bg") == "transparent" & is.null(plot.par$bg)) {
plot.par$bg <- "white"
origPar <- par(plot.par)
oopts <- ani.options(ani.options)
slice.par <- get.network.attribute(net, "slice.par")
if (is.null(slice.par)) {
stop("render.animation can not locate the 'slice.par' list of parameters in the input network object")
render.cache <- match.arg(render.cache)
plot_params <- list(...)
if (is.null(plot_params$label)) {
plot_params$label <- function(slice) {
if (is.null(plot_params$xlab) & render.par$show.time) {
plot_params$xlab <- function(onset, terminus) {
ifelse(onset == terminus, paste("t=", onset, sep = ""),
paste("t=", onset, "-", terminus, sep = ""))
if (!is.null(render.par$show.stats) && render.par$show.stats !=
if (render.par$show.time) {
plot_params$xlab <- eval(parse(text = paste("function(slice,onset,terminus){stats<-summary.statistics.network(slice",
render.par$show.stats, ")\n return(paste('t=',onset,'-',terminus,' ',paste(rbind(names(stats),stats),collapse=':'),sep='')) }",
sep = "")))
else {
plot_params$xlab <- eval(parse(text = paste("function(slice){stats<-summary.statistics.network(slice",
render.par$show.stats, ")\n return(paste(rbind(names(stats),stats),collapse=':')) }",
sep = "")))
if (is.null(plot_params$jitter)) {
plot_params$jitter <- FALSE
interp.fun <- coord.interp.smoothstep
starts <- seq(from = slice.par$start, to = slice.par$end,
by = slice.par$interval)
ends <- seq(from = slice.par$start + slice.par$aggregate.dur,
to = slice.par$end + slice.par$aggregate.dur, by = slice.par$interval)
xmin <- aggregate.vertex.attribute.active(net, "animation.x",
xmax <- aggregate.vertex.attribute.active(net, "animation.x",
ymin <- aggregate.vertex.attribute.active(net, "animation.y",
ymax <- aggregate.vertex.attribute.active(net, "animation.y",
if (is.null(plot_params$xlim)) {
if (xmin == xmax) {
xmax <- xmin + 1
xmin <- xmin - 1
plot_params$xlim <- c(xmin, xmax)
if (is.null(plot_params$ylim)) {
if (ymin == ymax) {
ymax <- ymin + 1
ymin <- ymin - 1
plot_params$ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
if (is.numeric(render.par$initial.coords)) {
coords <- matrix(render.par$initial.coords, ncol = 2,
nrow = network.size(net))
slice <- network.collapse(net, starts[1], ends[1], rule = slice.par$rule,
rm.time.info = FALSE)
activev <- is.active(net, starts[1], ends[1], v = seq_len(network.size(net)),
rule = if (slice.par$rule != "all") {
if (length(slice) > 0 & network.size(slice) > 0) {
coords[activev, 1] <- get.vertex.attribute(slice, "animation.x")
coords[activev, 2] <- get.vertex.attribute(slice, "animation.y")
coords2 <- coords
if (render.cache == "plot.list") {
ani.record(reset = TRUE)
for (s in 1:length(starts)) {
if (verbose) {
print(paste("rendering", render.par$tween.frames,
"frames for slice", s - 1))
slice <- network.collapse(net, starts[s], ends[s], rule = slice.par$rule,
rm.time.info = FALSE)
activev <- is.active(net, starts[s], ends[s], v = seq_len(network.size(net)),
rule = if (slice.par$rule != "all") {
if (length(slice) > 0 & network.size(slice) > 0) {
evald_params <- .evaluate_plot_params(plot_params = plot_params,
net = net, slice = slice, s = s, onset = starts[s],
terminus = ends[s])
for (t in 1:render.par$tween.frames) {
coords2[activev, 1] <- get.vertex.attribute(slice,
coords2[activev, 2] <- get.vertex.attribute(slice,
tweenCoords <- interp.fun(coords, coords2, t,
plot_args <- list(x = slice, coord = tweenCoords[activev,
, drop = FALSE])
plot_args <- c(plot_args, evald_params)
do.call(plot.network, plot_args)
mtext("my text\n on two lines", side = 3) #my.legend
if (!is.null(render.par$extraPlotCmds)) {
if (render.cache == "plot.list") {
coords <- coords2
else {
evald_params <- .evaluate_plot_params(plot_params = plot_params,
net = net, slice = slice, s = s, onset = starts[s],
terminus = ends[s])
if (render.par$show.time) {
xlab <- evald_params$xlab
else {
xlab <- NULL
singlenet <- network.initialize(1)
for (t in 1:render.par$tween.frames) {
plot.network(singlenet, vertex.cex = 0, xlab = xlab)
if (!is.null(render.par$extraPlotCmds)) {
if (render.cache == "plot.list") {
if (externalDevice) {
It is then important to assign your new function render.animation2 to the ndtv namespace. If you don't, it will crash because render.animation refers to functions that can only be found in its own namespace.
environment(render.animation2) <- asNamespace('ndtv')
environment(render.animation) #<environment: namespace:ndtv>
environment(render.animation2) #<environment: namespace:ndtv>
Using, render.animation2, you will then get your legend printed on each slide of the animation.
triangle <- network.initialize(3) # create a toy network
# add an edge between vertices 1 and 2
# add a more edges
activate.edges(triangle,at=1) # turn on all edges at time 1 only
activate.edges(triangle,onset=2, terminus=3,
add.edges.active(triangle,onset=4, length=2,tail=3,head=1)
render.animation2(triangle) #custom function
Here's what the last slide looks like in the animation:
If you only need to add a few lines of text, you can pass the standard plot arguments main (for the main title) or xlab (for the x-axis caption). you can separate lines with the newline escape "\n"
It is also possible to plot other graphic elements (such as legend or text or maps) using the extraPlotCmds argument to render.animation. For example, if you wanted to plot "hello world" in blue at coordiantes 0,0 using text you can wrap it in an expression and pass it in via render.par
the extra plot command will evaluated on each frame as the network is rendered
ttMain <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(ttMain) <- "ttMain"
launchDialog <- function() {
ReturnVal <- modalDialog("First Gene", "Enter A Gene Name", "")
if (ReturnVal == "ID_CANCEL") return()
tkmessageBox(title = "Heatmap",
message = paste("Hello, ", ReturnVal, ".", sep = ""))
launchDlg.button <- tkbutton(ttMain, text = "Launch Dialog", command = launchDialog)
I want to rewrite the last line of the code to have the message return a heatmap. I have a dataframe with all the data necessary (data about gene expression in numerical form), called pedM, and ReturnVal represents a column name (a particular gene) within that dataframe. Please help.
Any tips that can be provided would be amazing.
Thanks in advance.
Here is an example that may help. Your code uses a modalDialog function that AFAIK does not exist. Here is an example of how to roll your own
tkinput <- function(parent, title, label, okButLabel="Ok", posx=NULL, posy=NULL) {
if(!require(tcltk2)) stop("This function requires the package tcltk2.")
if(!require(tcltk)) stop("This function requires the package tcltk.")
# param checks
if(!is.character(title)) stop("invalid title argument - character required.")
if(!is.character(label)) stop("invalid label argument - character required.")
# toplevel
tclServiceMode(FALSE) # don't display until complete
win <- tktoplevel(parent)
#win <- .Tk.subwin(parent)
tkwm.title(win, title)
tkwm.resizable(win, 0,0)
#tkconfigure(win, width=width, height=height)
# commands
okCommand <- function() if(!tclvalue(bookmVar)=="") tkdestroy(win) else tkfocus(te)
cancelCommand <- function () {
tclvalue(bookmVar) <- ""
tkwm.protocol(win, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", cancelCommand)
# pack
f <- tk2frame(win)
w <- tk2label(f, text=label, justify="right")
tkpack(w, side="left", padx=5)
bookmVar <- tclVar("")
te <- tk2entry(f, textvariable=bookmVar, width=40)
tkpack(te, side="left", padx=5, fill="x", expand=1)
tkpack(f, pady=5)
f <- tk2frame(win)
w <- tk2button(f, text=okButLabel, command=okCommand)
tkpack(w, side="left", padx=5)
w <- tk2button(f, text="Cancel", command=cancelCommand)
tkpack(w, side="left", padx=5)
tkpack(f, pady=5)
# position
if(is.null(posx)) posx <- as.integer((as.integer(tkwinfo("screenwidth", win)) - as.integer(tkwinfo("width", win))) / 2.)
if(is.null(posy)) posy <- as.integer((as.integer(tkwinfo("screenheight", win)) - as.integer(tkwinfo("height", win))) / 2.)
geom <- sprintf("+%d+%d", posx, posy)
tkwm.geometry(win, geom)
# run
ico <- tk2ico.load(file.path(R.home(), "bin", "R.exe"), res = "R")
tk2ico.set(win, ico)
tkbind(win, "<Return>", okCommand)
tkbind(win, "<Escape>", cancelCommand)
To plot an heatmap instead of a messagebox, you can use the tkrplot function
heat_example <- function() {
x <- as.matrix(mtcars)
rc <- rainbow(nrow(x), start=0, end=.3)
cc <- rainbow(ncol(x), start=0, end=.3)
hv <- heatmap(x, col = cm.colors(256), scale="column",
RowSideColors = rc, ColSideColors = cc, margins=c(5,10),
xlab = "specification variables", ylab= "Car Models",
main = "heatmap(<Mtcars data>, ..., scale = \"column\")")
launchDialog <- function() {
ReturnVal <- tkinput(parent=ttMain, title="First Gene", label="Enter A Gene Name")
if (ReturnVal == "") return()
hmwin <- tktoplevel(ttMain)
img <- tkrplot(hmwin, heat_example)
tkpack(img, hmwin)
ttMain <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(ttMain) <- "ttMain"
launchDlg.button <- tkbutton(ttMain, text = "Launch Dialog", command = launchDialog)
tkpack(launchDlg.button, ttMain)
This code produces a heatmap, but gives also an error message I cannot resolve. Maybe someone else here can find the problem.