how a password is sent in HTTP protocol? - http

am sorry for this dumb question, but am using RawCap to detect packets sent and received to learn what is sent in HTTP, and the page is a simple application made using Tornado and MongoDB, when i capture packets, i dont find the password in any packet sent.
Why? i dont use any encrypted protocole like HTTPS, it's a simple HTTP and cant see the password.
here is the file:
The result
as you can see, Mongodb answers the value of the database, and brings the password as it is saved (PBKDF2), but cant see the one sent from the first time.

Most likely, you don't see the password because the page is using HTTP basic authentication which encodes the username and password using base64. Look for a string like:
Authorization: SomeRealmName QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

If you're using Basic authentication, then the password is base 64 encoded. ENCODED not encrypted. Look for something like this in your packets: Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=


MbTest(MounteBank) vs WireMock vs Mock-server vs anyother for encrypted payload

we need to decide a mock-server for our applications. We have an ask in which the applications sends encrypted payload in request and response . that encryption is using rsa so the encrypted string changes for same payload so it is not possible to know by inspecting the encrypted string which request it is. and we should be able to inspect the payload and send the appropriate response. Have looked into the above three mockservers, I know mock-server has class callback mechanism through which i could decrypt the request and send but mock-server itself doesnt look that appealing. Anyone has any idea how can we mock encrypted request. ?

How to recognize and decode encoded string

I writing an application that using http request for authentication. Because of security matter, I am using WireShark to sniff the http packet to see if can steal the username and password.
When using WireShark, I got this encoded string:
I do research online, and I guess this is Base64 encoded. Then, I tried to decode from this website:
I managed to see my username which is sleekbook, but the others still seems unknown to me. Is it because it's not Base64 encoding or it's further encrypted by some other algo as well?

How to get digital signature of the request (in two-way SSL)?

In an ASP.Net web app, which runs on HTTPS and has RequireClientCertificate set in web.config, I need to receive the client certificate of the user and digital signature of the request on the server. The certificate is found in HttpContext.Request.ClientCertificate, but I can't find the signed data. The post params are automatically decoded and decrypted, but I need the signature too. Does anyone know where is it found or is it possible to get it?
One more question, when the browser asks for your certificate and hands it to the server, does it encrypt the whole HttpRequest with your private key or just a part of it (for example post params)?
Thanks for any help
One more question, when the browser asks for your certificate and
hands it to the server, does it encrypt the whole HttpRequest with
your private key or just a part of it (for example post params)?
Firstly, it doesn't make sense to "encrypt with a private key": you sign with a private key. While some algorithms (e.g. RSA) use very similar procedures to encrypt and sign, "encrypt" means "hiding" something: you're not hiding anything if anyone with the public key can decipher it.
Secondly, SSL/TLS uses symmetric keys (negotiated during the handshake) for encryption, not the keys in the certificates. The whole HTTP request will indeed be encrypted in this case.
The certificate is found in HttpContext.Request.ClientCertificate, but
I can't find the signed data. The post params are automatically
decoded and decrypted, but I need the signature too. Does anyone know
where is it found or is it possible to get it?
What's signed when using a client certificate is the handshake messages, not the HTTP request. Once the appropriate verification has been made by your SSL/TLS stack, it's unlikely to be of any use, either technically or administratively. (This is why it is generally not accessible.)

Securing user/password for REST API

I have a web service REST API on a secure ASP.NET website which requires a login to work. What is the most secure way to request the username/password programatically? (just adding a ?username=me&password=mysecret to the URL doesn't seem all that secure to me (even though this is a HTTPS connection).
There are several ways to achieve what you need:
[WRONG WAY] One could pass the username and password along with the query string. In theory there is nothing wrong with this practice, but such a URL ( is usually cached by browsers, proxies, etc and thus leverage a potential risk that someone else can access to your protected data by using these stored data.
[GOOD WAY] In order to remove "almost all" risks related to caching abilities of browsers, proxies, etc. and moreover in order to use standard features of the HTTP protocol, you have to deal with the special HTTP Authorization header.
The HTTP Authorization header :
If you are using HTTP S connections, then you can use the Basic Access Authentication method.
The Authorization header is constructed as follows:
Username and password are combined into a string "username:password".
The resulting string literal is then encoded using Base64.
The authorization method and a space i.e. "Basic " is then put before the encoded string.
For example, if the user agent uses 'Aladdin' as the username and 'open sesame' as the password then the header is formed as follows:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
If you are using HTTP connections, then you should use the Digest Access Authentication method. Because it's more complicated and useless with HTTPS connections, I let you read more about it if you want (here maybe).

How can I encrypt password and send through httpservice in flex

I am sending password text to the http service request <request><password>pass.text</password></request> now this password I am giving in navigate url also.but password is visibleing when load url and it is hacking.
how can I encrypt password string and send it to jsp?
I would use as3Crypto:
That supports a large variety of both one way and two way encryption schemas.
try a simple hashing, there are quite a few algorithms in the corelib in (see the crypto section).
