Endpoint design for a data retrieval orientated ASP.NET webapi - asp.net

I am designing a system that uses asp.net webapi to serve data that is used by a number of jquery grid controls. The grids call back for the data after the page has loaded. I have a User table and a Project table. In between these is a Membership table that stores the many to many relationships.
My question is what is best way to describe this data and relationships as a webapi?
I have the following routes
GET: user // gets all users
GET: user/{id} // gets a single user
GET: project
GET: project/{id}
I think one way to do it would be to have:
GET: user/{id}/projects // gets all the projects for a given user
GET: project/{id}/users // gets all the users for a given project
I'm not sure what the configuration of the routes and the controllers should look like for this, or even if this is the correct way to do it.

Modern standard for that is a very simple approach called REST Just read carefully and implement it.

Like Ph0en1x said, REST is the new trend for web services. It looks like you're on the right track already with some of your proposed routes. I've been doing some REST design at my job and here are some things to think about:
Be consistent with your routes. You're already doing that, but watch out for when/if another developer starts writing routes. A user wants consistent routes for using your API.
Keep it simple. A major goal should be discoverability. What I mean is that if I'm a regular user of your system, and I know there are users and projects and maybe another entity called "goal" ... I want to guess at /goal and get a list of goals. That makes a user very happy. The less they have to reference the documentation, the better.
Avoid appending a ton of junk to the query string. We suffer from this currently at my job. Once the API gets some traction, users might want more fine grained control. Be careful not to turn the URL into something messy. Something like /user?sort=asc&limit=5&filter=...&projectid=...
Keep the URL nice and simple. Again I love this in a well design API. I can easily remember something like http://api.twitter.com. Something like http://www.mylongdomainnamethatishardtospell.com/api/v1/api/user_entity/user ... is much harder to remember and is frustrating.
Just because a REST API is on the web doesn't mean it's all that different than a normal method in client side only code. I've read arguments that any method should have no more than 3 parameters. This idea is similar to (3). If you find yourself wanting to expand, consider adding more methods/routes, not more parameters.
I know what I want in a REST API these days and that is intuition, discoverability, simplicity and to avoid having to constantly dig through complex documentation.


Organizing Master-Detail Controllers ASP.Net Web API

I am trying to determine the best way to implement the retrieval of detail records based upon the master's ID.
Obviously you would set up API controllers for both master and detail.
Solutions I've considered:
Have API consumers use OData to get all details filtered by a master ID. While I don't have an issue with this solution, I kinda feel bad putting that onto the API consumer and feel it is something that should be handled internally by the API
Go against the convention of just having the Get/Put/Post/Delete methods and create an action of "GetMastersDetails" on the detail controller and make it accessible via routing. While this would certainly work, I feel this gets away from the whole point of Web API (to an extent).
Create a 3rd controller named "MastersDetailsController" which would have a Get based upon a master ID with different possible return types:
Which would return a list of detail IDs which would then be used to call a Get on the details controller to get those actual details
Which would return a list of actual detail objects. What I don't like about that is having a controller returning a different type than what it is based upon.
Option 2 will be fine. Option 1 opens up a lot more risk depending on your scenario, and what you want to allow the user to get at.
It's not really "against convention" to add custom methods to an ApiController. You can do that however you like. It would only be "against convention" if you did so and used the wrong HTTP methods (i.e. a GET when you're deleting something in your custom method).
I'd go with either #1 or #2.
For #1, OData support enables not only the scenario you describe but offers a lot of additional functionality which might be desired in the future.
For #2, I don't think it gets away from the point of Web API's. Maybe a bit from a true RESTful service, but it's easy to implement and easy to understand.

Dynamic form creation in asp.net c#

So, I need some input refactoring an asp.net (c#) application that is basically a framework for creating dynamic forms (any forms). From a high level point of view, there is a table that has the forms, and then there is a table that has all the form fields, where it is one to many between the two. There is a validation table, where each field can have multiple types of validation, and it is a one to many from the form fields table to the validation table.
So the issue is that this application has been sold as the be-all-end-all customizable solution to all the clients. So, the idea is whatever form they want, we can build it jsut using DB configurations. The thing is, that is not always possible, because there is complex relationship between the fields, and complex relationship between the forms themselves. Also, there is only once codebase, and this is for multiple clients - all of whom host it on their own. There is very specific logic for each of the clients, and they are ALL in the same codebase, with no real separation. Sometimes it was too difficult to make it generic, so there are instances where it has hard coded logic (as in if formID = XXX then do _). You can also have nested forms, as in, one set of fields on its own within each form.
So usually, when one client requests a change, we make the change and deploy it to that client - but then another client requests a different change, and we make the change and deploy it for THAT client, but the change from the earlier client breaks it, and its a headache trying to debug, because EVERYTHING is dynamic. There is no way we can rollback the earlier change, because then the other client would be screwed.
Its not done in a real 3-tier architecture - its a web site with references to a DB class, and a class library. There is business logic in the web site itself, in the class library, and the database stored procs (Validation is done in the stored procs).
I've been put in charge of re-organizing the whole thing, and these are my thoughts/questions:
I think this is a bad model in general, because one of the things I heard one of the developers say is that anytime any client makes a change, we should deploy to everybody - but that is not realistic, if we have say 20 clients - there will need to be regression testing on EVERYTHING, since we don't know the impact...
There are about 100 forms in total, and their is some similarity in them (not much). But I think the idea that a dynamic engine can solve ALL form requests was not realistic as well. Clients come up with the most weird requests. For example, they have this engine doing a regular data entry form AND a search form.
There is a lot of preserving state between pages, and it is all done using session variables, which is ok, except that it is not really tracked, and so sessions from the same user keep getting overwritten, and I think sessions should be got rid of.
Should I really just rewrite the whole thing? This app is about 3 years old, and there has been lots of testing and things done, and serious business logic implemented, so I hate to get rid of all that (joel's advice). But its really a mess of a sphagetti code, and everything takes forever to do, and things break all the time because of minor changes.
I've been reading Martin Fowlers "Refactoring" and Michael Feathers "working effectively with legacy code" - and they are good, but I feel they were written for an application that was 'slightly' better architected, where it is still a 3-tiered architecture, and there is 'some' resemblance of logic..
Thoughts/input anyone?
Oh, and "Help!"
My current project sounds like almost exactly the same product you're describing. Fortunately, I learned most of my hardest lessons on a former product, and so I was able to start my current project with a clean slate. You should probably read through my answer to this question, which describes my experiences, and the lessons I learned.
The main thing to focus on is the idea that you are building a product. If you can't find a way to implement a particular feature using your current product feature set, you need to spend some additional time thinking about how you could turn this custom one-off feature into a configurable feature that can benefit all (or at least many) of your clients.
If you're referring to the model of being able to create a fully customizable form that makes client-specific code almost unnecessary, that model is perfectly valid and I have a maintainable working product with real, paying clients that can prove it. Regression testing is performed on specific features and configuration combinations, rather than a specific client implementation. The key pieces that make this possible are:
An administrative interface that is effective at disallowing problematic combinations of configuration options.
A rules engine that allows certain actions in the system to invoke customizable triggers and cause other actions to happen.
An Integration framework that allows data to be pulled from a variety of sources and pushed to a variety of sources in a configurable manner.
The option to inject custom code as a plugin when absolutely necessary.
Yes, clients come up with weird requests. It's usually worthwhile to suggest alternative solutions that will still solve the client's problem while still allowing your product to be robust and configurable for other clients. Sometimes you just have to push back. Other times you'll have to do what they say, but use wise architectural practices to minimize the impact this could have on other client code.
Minimize use of the session to track state. Each page should have enough information on it to track the current page's state. Information that needs to persist even if the user clicks "Back" and starts doing something else should be stored in a database. I have found it useful, however, to keep a sort of breadcrumb tree on the session, to track how users got to a specific place and where to take them back to when they finish. But the ID of the node they're actually on currently needs to be persisted on a page-by-page basis, and sent back with each request, so weird things don't happen when the user is browsing to different pages in different tabs.
Use incremental refactoring. You may end up re-writing the whole thing twice by the time you're done, or you may never really "finish" the refactoring. But in the meantime, everything will still work, and you'll have new features every so often. As a rule, rewriting the whole thing will take you several times as long as you think it will, so don't try to take the whole thing in a single bite.
I have a number of similar apps for building dynamic forms that I support.
There's a whole lot of things you could/could not do & you're right to think hard before throwing away 3 years of testing/development.
My input for you to consider is to implement a plug-in architecture on top of what you're got. Any custom code for a form goes in the plug-in & the name of this plug-in is stored with the form. When you generate a form, the correct plug-in is called to enhance the base functionality. that way you get to move all the custom code out of the existing library. It should also mean less breaking changes, each plug-in only affects the form it's attached to.
From that point it'll be easy to refactor the core engine as it's common functionality across all clients & forms.
Since your application seems to have become a big ball of mud, a complete (or an almost complete rewrite) might make sense.
You should also take into account new technologies like document-oriented databases (couchDB, MongoDB)
Most of the form definitions could probably fit pretty well in document-oriented databases. For exemple:
To define a customer form, you could use a document that looks like:
EntityType: "Customer",
Fields: [
{ValidationType:"StringLength", Minimum:15, Maximum:50},
PossibleValues: ["Standard", "Valued", "Gold"],
DefaultValue: ["Standard"]
With this kind of document to define your forms, you could easily add forms and validations which are customer specific.
You could easily add subforms using a fieldtype of SubForm or whatever.
You could define FieldTypes for all common types of fields like e-mail, phone numbers, address, etc.
namespace System.CustomerName.CustomValidations {
class CustomerStatus: IValidator {
private FormContext form;
private List<ValidationErrors> validationErrors;
CustomerStatus(FormContext fc) {
this.validationErrors = new List<ValidationErrors>();
this.form = fc;
public List<ValidationErrors> Validate() {
if (this.formContext.Fields["CustomerType"] == "Gold" && Int.Parse(this.form.Fields["OrderCount"]) < 10) {
this.validationErrors.Add(new ValidationError("A gold customer must have at least 10 orders"))
if (this.formContext.Fields["CustomerType"] == "Valued" && Int.Parse(this.form.Fields["OrderCount"]) < 5) {
this.validationErrors.Add(new ValidationError("A valued customer must have at least 5 orders"))
return this.validationErrors;
A record of a document with that definition could look like this:
EntityType: "Customer",
Fields: [
{FieldName:"CustomerName", Value:"ABC Corp.",
{FieldName:"CustomerType", Value:"Gold",
Sure, this solution is a lot of work, but if/when realized it could be really easy to create/update/customize forms.
This is a common but (IMO) somewhat naive design approach. "Instead of solving the customer's problem, let's build a tool to let them solve their own problems!". But the reality is, that generally customers want YOU to solve their ACTUAL problems. So build things that solve their problems.
If you can architect it in a way that allows you to reuse some parts for different customers, fine. But that is generally what the frameworks have done for you already - work out the common features that applications need and make them available in neat packages.

Filtering Data in ASP.NET Web Services

I've been using this site for quite a while, usually being able to sort out my questions by browsing through the questions and following tags. However, I've recently come across a question that is rather hard to lookup amongst the great number of questions asked - a question I hope some of you might be able to share your opinion on.
As my problem is a bit hard to fit into a single line, going in the title, I'll try to give a bit more details on the problem I've encountered. So, as the title says I need to filter, or limit, some of the response data my standard ASP.NET Soap-based Web service returns on invoking various web methods. The web service is used to return data used by other systems (a data repository more or less), where the client today is able to specify a few parameters on how the data should be filtered and in return a full-set of data back.
Well, easy enough I thought, just put additional filtering options on the existing web methods which needs a bit more filtered applied, make adjustments on the server-side and we are all set to go - well, unfortunately it turned out to be a bit more tricky then this.
The problem I am facing is that I'm working on a web service running in a production environment, which needs to be extended in such that additional filters can be applied to existing web method being invoked w/o affecting the calls already being made by other systems used by the customer using their client stubs. This is where I am a bit troubled, since I can't seem to find a "right solution" on extending the current web service.
Today, the filter is send as a custom data structure which holds information on which data should filtered, but I am not sure if I can simply just add more information to this data structure w/o breaking code at the clients? One of my co-workers suggested that I could implement a solution where I would extend the web.config on the server-side to hold a section with details on which data should be excluded (filtered out), but I don't find this to be a viable solution long-sighted - and I don't trust customers with such an option since this is likely to go wrong at some point. So the solution I am looking for is a way that I can apply a "second filter" to the data I am requesting from the client so instead of getting a full-set of data back it should only give a fraction, it implemented in such that the filter can be easily modified and it must not affect the current client calls.
Any suggestions on how I should approach this problem?
Kind regards,
A pretty common practice is to create another instance of the application OR use part of the url to signify the version of the endpoint they are connecting to, perhaps the virtual directory is the date. That way old calls will go to the old API and new calls will come in on the new API.

Fetch userdata on each request

My problem is quite simple - I think. I'm doing an ASP.NET MVC project. It's a project that requires the user to be logged in at all time. I probably need the current user's information in the MasterPage, like so; "Howdy, Mark - you're logged in!".
But what if I need the same information in the view? Or some validation in my servicelayer?
So how to make sure this information is available when I need it, and where I need it?
How much user information do you need? You can always access the Thread.Current.Principal and get the user's name - and possibly use that to look up more info on the user in a database.
Or if you really really really need some piece of information at all times, you could implement your own custom principal deriving from IPrincipal (this is really not a big deal!), and add those bits of information there, and when the user logs in, create an instance of the MyCustomPrincipal and attach that to the current thread. Then it'll be available anywhere, everywhere, anytime.
I've had exactly the same issue, and have yet to find a satisfactory answer. All the options we've explored have had various issues. In the specific example you mention, you could obviously store that data in the session, as that would work for that example. There may be other scenarios, that we've had, where that may not work, but simple user info like that would be fine in the session.
We've just setup a BaseController that handles making sure that info is always set and correct for each view. Depending on how you're handling authentication, etc, you will have some user data available in HttpContext.User.Identity.Name at all times. Which can also be referenced.
Build a hierarchy of your models and put the shared information in the base model. This way it will be available to any view or partial view.
Of course it has to be retrieved on each request since web applications are not persistent.
You should store this in Session and retrieve it into your controllers via a custom ModelBinder.
Not sure if I get what you want to ask, but if you are looking for things like authentication and role-based authorization, actually ASP.net is providing a great framework to work on/start with.
This article (with also 2nd part) is something I recently discovered and read about which is really good start with the provider-pattern which help to understand the underlying authentication framework of ASP.net. Be sure to read about the membershipProvider class and the RoleProvider class in msdn also, they together make a great framework on most basic role-base authentication to work with (if you are comfortable with the function they provided, you even don't need to code data-access part, all are provided in the default implementation!)
PS: Check out Context.Users property too! It stores the current authenticated user information.
HttpContext.Current.Users.Identity returns the current user's information. Though I am not sure whether it gets passed implicitly when you make a webservice call.

ASP.NET built in user profile vs. old style user class/tables

I am looking for guidance regarding the best practice around the use of the Profile feature in ASP.NET.
How do you decide what should be kept in the built-in user Profile, or if you should create your own database table and add a column for the desired fields? For example, a user has a zip code, should I save the zip code in my own table, or should I add it to the web.config xml profile and access it via the user profile ASP.NET mechanism?
The pros/cons I can think of right now are that since I don't know the profile very well (it is a bit of a Matrix right now), I probably can do whatever I want if I go the table route (e.g., SQL to get all the users in the same zip code as the current user). I don't know if I can do the same if I use the ASP.NET profile.
Ive only built 2 applications that used the profile provider. Since then I have stayed away from using it. For both of the apps I used it to store information about the user such as their company name, address and phone number.
This worked fine until our client wanted to be able to find a user by one of these fields.
Searching involved looping through every users profile and comparing the information to the search criteria. As the user base grew the search time became unacceptable to our client. The only solution was to create a table to store the users information. Search speed was increased immensely.
I would recommend storing this type of information in its own table.
user profile is a nice clean framework for individual customization(AKA. Profile Properties). (e.g. iGoogle)
the problem of it is its not designed for query and not ideal for data sharing to public user.(you still would be able to do it, with low performance)
so, if you want to enhance the customized user experience, user profile would be a good way to go. otherwise, use your own class and table would be a much better solution.
In my experience its best to keep an the info in the profile to a bare minimum, only put the essentials in there that are directly needed for authentication. Other information such as addresses should be saved in your own database by your own application logic, this approach is more extensible and maintainable.
I think that depends on how many fields you need. To my knowledge, Profiles are essentially a long string that gets split at the given field sizes, which means that they do not scale very well if you have many fields and users.
On the other hand, they are built in, so it's an easy and standardized way, which means there is not a big learning curve and you can use it in future apps as well without needing to tweak it to a new table structure.
Rolling your own thing allows you to put it in a properly normalized database, which drastically improves performance, but you have to write pretty much all the profile managing code yourself.
Edit: Also, Profiles are not cached, so every access to a profile goes to the database first (it's then cached for that request, but the next request will get it from the database again)
If you're thinking about writing your own thing, maybe a custom Profile Provider gives you the best of both worlds - seamless integration, yet the custom stuff you want to do.
I think it is better off using it for supplementary data that is not critical to the user that is only normally important when that user is logging in anyway. Think data that would not break anything important if it was all wiped.
of course thats personal preference but others have raised some other important issues.
Also very useful considering it can be used for an unauthenticated user whose profile is maintained with an anonymous cookie.
