RcmdrPluginPackage Paths - r

My paths and files are as follows ...
where, in the name RcmdrPlugin.Package, I've used the word 'Package' to represent the name of the actual package being used.
The installation is as described above because (i) I'm not an expert at installing packages, (ii) I couldn't do a direct install from Cran because I wanted to put the package onto a USB stick; and, (iii) at work the Cran server is blocked (sic).
When I start the package from the GUI the Cmdr opens once and quickly closes (I don't know if this is relevant or normal) and opens again. Once open, I can operate the package via the Cmdr interface. It's a very nice package, everything works really well until I want to save the work. Then I get the following error,
Error in obj[i] : object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
I've been in contact with the people who developed (and are still developing) the package and they cannot reproduce the bug.
I strongly suspect that the problem lies in my 'crappy' install and file configuration, rather than with the package.
Can anyone please help me by suggesting how I would undo what I've done and do it properly in view of the constraints list above?
I appreciate that I can use Remove to get rid of the package but I don't want to start tinkering with something without having a greater understanding of what I'm doing.
Lastly, note that is error has been discussed a number of times on this list but not within this particular context.

I've managed to get it to work by following the instructions from here stackoverflow.com/questions/12820189/… where I set repos=NULL after I'd put the package into /MyLibrary/


Searching for a way to use `linearKEuclid` and corresponding functions of `spatstat`

My goal is to analyse simple point patterns on linear networks with respect to Euclidean distance instead of shortest-path distance implemented in linearK and related functions of spatstat and its sub packages. Browsing through the web I found the promising named function linearKEuclid() and related functions here.
Unfortunately, I could not bring those functions to live on my Win machine, e.g. I run in errors like this
Error in xysegMcircle(Y$x, Y$y, D, df$x0, df$y0, df$x1, df$y1) :
object 'C_circMseg' not found
Error in tapply(stuff$sinalpha, list(ii, jj), harmonicsum) :
object 'harmonicsum' not found
There is always something missing. For me, this means simply copying missing functions from the web, if available, does not help.
Probably, a reason for this is that the functions are merely written for internal purposes and under internal development, see, for instance, here under "Details".
However, I am hoping for some recommendation making the fascinating code around linearKEuclid() runnable on my machine. Maybe, there are some chances that someone draws my attention to a downloadable developer version or something comparable. Many thanks in advance!
I understand your confusion and it is unnecessarily complicated to get this to work at the moment since problems with another package on CRAN prevents spatstat and subpackages to be updated at the moment. Indeed you need to install a development version of spatstat.linnet and its dependencies. This is most easily done if you have the package remotes installed (and necessary tools to compile packages from source which would be RTools on Windows):
First run (in sequence):
Now the function should work (you may have to restart R if an old version of spatstat.linnet was already loaded when you updated). Try e.g. the example from the help file:
X <- rpoislpp(5, simplenet)
K <- linearKEuclid(X)

R package check() warning: A complete check needs the 'checkbashisms' script

Today I have tried to prepare a new CRAN update for a package and have come across a warning, while performing devtools::check().
Since this warning also occurs without my changes I made to the package, I am assuming this is a new check. Unfortunately I don't really get what I am supposed to do.
This is the error message:
A complete check needs the 'checkbashisms' script.
See section ‘Configure and cleanup’ in the ‘Writing R Extensions’
Of course I took a look at the section ‘Configure and cleanup’ as proposed in the warning. But still, I am not sure what to do exactly. I got, there is a checkbashisms Perl script I can download somewhere on the internet (but this alone won't make this message disappear). How shall I integrate this, that the message actually disappears.
Any hints or comments would be extremely helpful to me.
Here is a link to the repo of the package in case you want to clone it to reproduce the error.

R package namespace issue using data() -- data set not found

I've hit an issue trying to import a package (namely, 'robfilter') inside one of my own packages. One of its methods that I am trying to use, adore.filter, is failing at this line:
With error 'data set 'critvals' not found'.
The function works fine if I load the library via require(robfilter). However, this means that in order to use my custom package which calls adore.filter, I will have to load my own package, and then load robfilter. Not a huge problem but slightly annoying.
I'm not sure if the problem is that there is an extra step I need to do in order to make critvals visible within my package, or if perhaps there is something the package author needed to do (and hasn't done) to add critvals to its package namespace; there is no sign of 'critvals' in the robfilter NAMESPACE file. I haven't encountered this issue before and don't really understand how the use of data() inside a package is supposed to work.
There are two solutions as far as I know:
Either ask the robfilter Maintainer to put the data needed by robfiler in the internal data file of robfilter. (R/sysdata.rda)
Or make your package Depends on robfilter
So it works if you put robfilter in the depends section of your description file. But in my case (both are my packages), I was trying to avoid the Depends solution as it loads the imported package and also any other package will need to depend ont its imported package... See my question is quite a duplicate of yours but not in the same context.

Split an R package into two packages without disrupting users

Suppose I'm currently developing a package called mypackage. As time goes by, many different functions have landed in there, and I want to reorganize it. So I'd like to create a new package called newpackage in which I would move some of the functions of mypackage (and include new ones later).
The problem is that I don't want original users of mypackage to get object not found errors when they want to use one of the moved functions.
So, I thought about doing the following :
create newpackage and move the functions
add into mypackage DESCRIPTION file : Depends: newpackage
As such, when people would install, upgrade or load mypackage, newpackage would be installed or loaded too, and all the functions would be available.
Do you think it would work, or would there be some problems I don't think about ?
Thanks !
Isn't it so that it is not recommended to remove functions from a package without labeling them first to be depreciated?! So, maybe you proceed as you planned but before removing them from the mypackage, you could first mark them there as depreciated and then remove them from it finally in the next version of the package. And during the migrating phase you could use the namespace of the packages to refer already to the function in newpackage as you planned.

How can I remove a lock from a linked environment in R?

I tried to run a Bioconductor package (truncateCDF) that modify an environment(hgu133plus2cdf), to remove unwanted probesets, from an affymetrix chip.
Everything went fine, until I got the following message (translated from french):
> assign(cdfname, cdf.env, env=CDF.env)
Error in assign(cdfname, cdf.env, env = CDF.env) :
impossible to change the value of a locked link for 'hgu133plus2cdf'
The assign function is the ultimate function of the code, that save the changes made to the environment dataset CDF.env to the original environment (hgu133plus2cdf), before using it in analyses of affymetrix chip results; so, it is essential.
My question: what is this locked link to the hgu133plus2cdf environment, and how could I bypass it.
The author of this package successfully run its package around 2005; so I suppose it is a feature introduced since then in R (probably not related to Bioconductor, since assign is a basic R function, reason why I ask this question on this forum instead of Biostar).
I tried to read the docs, but I am overwhelmed, when it comes to environments.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I don't think truncateCDF is from a Bioconductor package; it is a at least not current. This sounds like this post and the next two from the same thread from the Bioconductor mailing list. It is a result of a change in R -- packages now have not-easily-modified name spaces, and these are implemented by locking the environment in which name space symbols are defined. Removing probes is not an essential part of a typical microarray work flow. Please ask on the Bioconductor mailing list (no subscription required) if you'd like more help.
