Paging in ASP.NET gridview -

I am looking for paging in which I can enter values in a box to reach at desired page something like this.
I googled it. but could not find this. Help me if you have links or code.
I am working on 4.0.

There's no out of the box functionality. To do that, you'd need to override the DataBound event of the gridview and add a custom pager row. This CodeProject tutorial or this article might get you started.

As told by Echilon i used CustomPager and used textbox instead of slider in it.


how to get suggestions in textbox while typing text

I have text-box and grid-view is present in same page. while typing some text in text-box I want suggestions, if text is present in data grid-view.
Example: Google Suggest.
What will be the procedure to achieve this.
There are several ways to get this done.
Since you're using (if you're using webforms) you can use the ajax control toolkit which has a combobox control
Or you can go with jquery ui
There are many other plugins and frameworks you can try, but these two are pretty basic. formview inside gridview row

I need a gridview such that when I click on a row to edit it, the data shows in a formview within that row. The user can then make updates within the formview. I am not able to find a suitable example that can do something like this. Can somebody please point me to an appropriate example that does this.
Note that I am using ASP.NET.
Thank you.
Here is an example from Kendo , You can download and use their tools for free with limited support.
Kendo Inline Editing Grid for ASP.Net

Gridview as a slide in

I am using asp.net2.0 and c#.
I have to display data into the datalist/repeater/gridview. maximum 5-10 records. It should run in the bottom of the page and work similar like a slider in a horizontal way. Like when I click next, next 2 record will display.
Please help me,
Thanks in advance
Following link will help you.
You need to use ajax tool kit slider extender for that.

thoughts on grid controls

All, I am creating a web application and I need to give users the ability to add/edit/delete records in a grid type control. I can't use 3rd party controls so I am restricted to just whats in the box for (datagrid or gridview) or creating my own. Any thoughts on the best direction to go in. I'd like to keep the complexity level at a dull roar :)
thanks in advance
You should definitely use edit and insert templates. All you have to do is give the button/link the command name such as insert/delete/update and you can allow the Grid to do most of all the work.
Check out this link
I think you'll learn to love the gridviews because they are pretty powerful.
Gridviews have different item templates that you can use for editing and inserting data. That'd be an easy way to go about it.
As long as you set your datakeyid property to the primary key in the database, you should be able to make template fields based off of whether or not you're editing or inserting data. The command name of the button you use to fire the event will handle the statements required for updating/inserting data.
This is a good site for some examples.
the out of the box grid is not too bad.
Here are a few links on master detail records in this should get you started on the CRUD opperations.
this is the best site for what you are after
Data Access Tutorials controls
Master/Detail Using a Selectable
Master GridView with a Details
Using TemplateFields in the GridView
Beginners Guide to the GridView
The GridView Control

Fixing a row and column excel style in

Is there a way to fix a column or row so when the user scrolls down or right, the first is always shown?
I'd need to replicate this excel feature in and am using a ListView control.
Is it at least doable in html? I'm open to any suggestion to accomplish this
This article explains how to do it using a Gridview and CSS only, but it does not appear to be compatible with Firefox.
This article explains how to do it with a GridView, a Control Adapter, and CSS.
This article explains how to do it by extending the GridView control. This one, to my eye, seems the best, simplest approach.
Telerik also has a GridView in their control toolkit that is capable of this. They have a demo here.
