Can Rcpp package DLLs be unloaded without restarting R? - r

When installing a Rcpp package on Windows, you need to ensure that the package DLL is unloaded or you get a "Permission Denied" error when copying the new DLL. This means restarting R on every recompile, which is pretty annoying. Is there any way to unload the package DLL without killing R?
I've tried the detach("package:my_package", force=TRUE) command, but it doesnt unload the DLL.

Opinions are divided on this. I often prefer to run the builds and test outside of my main R session(s), simply by chaining R CMD INSTALL with Rscript (or, on Linux, r calls from littler) to test the new build. If you use proper options to R CMD INSTALL ... to skip parts that may take extra time you get a quick turnaround AND are assured that you do get a fresh build.
And if you want the same behaviour by clicking a button, RStudio offers it too.

If you want to do this in your main R session (without using RStudio, which makes reinstalling the package and reloading R very easy), you can use devtools:
Among other things, load_all will reload all your R code, and re-compile and reattach the DLL.

I guess you need to run library.dynam.unload to unload DLLs.


Installing a package in R inside a script

I'm a beginner with R. I want to launch R scripts at specific moments, managing this with Linux's cron and launching the scripts as Rscript name_of_the_script.
I have installed tidyverse in Rstudio, with install.packages("tidyverse"). Ok, but I guess that installation is specific to the Rstudio environment. When working in a script (not using Rstudio), and launching that script with Rscript, the library tidyverse is not installed. Even worse, I couldn't install it in the script with install.packages("tidyverse").
What do you suggest? Thanks.
The library is, in fact, probably installed. It is difficult to be sure of what is the problem without more details, but I would guess that you did not load your library in your script. Try to add the following at the beginning on the first line of your script
The solution is you simply use require() to load your package without worrying about the path.

how to read a SAS data (.sas7bat) in R [duplicate]

I am trying to embed RInside to my application on win7 64-bit system but when I initialize an RInside:
Rin = new RInside(argc, argv);
the following message appears:
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'Rcpp'
This error only occurs with Windows.
I think you get that issue when your .libPaths() differ--in other words run the .libPaths() function to see the paths stored by R for its use. Then check where RInside is installed, and make sure Rcpp is installed there too. It is a setup issue.
In other words, it should work if you have Rcpp and RInside installed where the basic R libraries are. Otherwise you have to tell the (embedded) R session about the other location (and before it starts).
There are more Windows users on the list, so you could try asking on rcpp-devel.
First get your default library locations by command ".Library" in R.
Get Rcpp package from
Unzip and copy folder "Rcpp" to your default library locations obtained from step1.
Now you are ready to install packages which have dependencies on Rcpp.
Dirk is right in this case, BUT if the .libPaths() does not work, then please also check if you have the latest packages.
I am posting this as an ancillary answer backup which I ran into with the shiny package backend switch of their code needing Rcpp!
In this case of getting the "no package" error message, I fixed it by:
Selecting devtools package and then using this line below. (if you don't have devtools then get it with install.packages("devtools")
The development version of the package handled this better, and added the package as a dependency.
Mods - I realize this is an answer to an old question, but I might help others not wasting an hour like I just did.
You might find it easy if the answers are for both R studio users and non R studio users.
R Studio users
First get your default library locations by command ".Library" in R.
Get Rcpp package from
Unzip and copy folder "Rcpp" to your default library locations obtained from step 1, you will find another folder named library, paste the unzip folder in it.
Non R studio Users
First get your default library locations by command ".libPath" in R.
Get Rcpp package from
Unzip and copy folder "Rcpp" to your default library locations obtained from step 1, you will find another folder named library, paste the unzip folder in it.
I was also getting this error while trying to run the 'ggplot' function from the ggplot2 package. After trying the suggestions posted here and elsewhere (checking file paths, restarting R, clearing out my environment, etc.) and encountering several other cryptic error messages, it turned out that I needed to download the latest version of base R for Windows (v3.4.1) and update my version of R-Studio to the latest version also (v1.0.153).
After doing this my 'ggplot' function was working again and I was able to render my figure from R Studio without any further issues.
I was also getting this message when trying to use ggplot. I first updating both my R for Windows to 3.4.3. Then updating R studio to version 1.1.423; then, updating all of the packages and being sure to access the R version 3.4.3 from R studio, I still got the message. None of these things fixed the error. I was ready to give up until I noticed that I was calling library(ggplot) and had ggplot::ggplot in my code. THIS WAS THE PROBLEM. I changed it to library(ggplot2) and the instance to ggplot2::ggplot(...). THIS FIXEd the problems.
I was facing a similar issue, and I simply installed the said package. It's working perfectly for me.

R keeps prompting to restart for installation

I keep receiving this prompt when installing R packages. When I hit "Yes", it just repeats itself. It turns off, then reopens with the same prompt. I've exited out of R and it did not work. What is this prompt asking?
I think this means that you already have that package installed. Stop executing that line and you should be fine.
Restart RStudio or run install.packages() in R CLI or R GUI.
As the other answer stated, it might mean that you already have the package installed.
Regardless if that holds or not, install.packages() should install the latest version of the package, i.e. also update it if necessary.
As explained in this answer, an update can fail if the package you are trying to update is already loaded.
In many cases, simply restarting R session is sufficient to unload the package, which can then be updated without any problems.
In your case, this did not help as evidenced by the prompt occurring over and over again.
To solve this problem, you can first try to restart RStudio (and not just your R session).
If that does not help, avoid using RStudio at all (which might load some packages automatically): run R from the command line or R GUI (bundled with R) and update the packages in a completely clean session.
As stated in the answer linked above, also "make sure you are not loading any packages through a start-up file ( or .Rprofile)".

Reload updated package in R

I used to develop some package for R. So, this is an iterative process where I need to check the working of the package in between by installing it via rstudio, and then again adding some necessary functionalities. So, I used the following process:
create a R package
install it via command prompt: R CMD install <{package_name}>
load the package in rstudio as, library(package_name)
Check the necessary functionality
detach package in rstudio using, detach(package:{package_name})
remove package via command prompt as: R CMD remove <{package_name}>
add/update package
repeat steps 2 - 7,until package is fully developed.
Now the problem is that everytime I close rstudio after step 5, otherwise updated package after installation is not reflected in R.
So, How can I avoid to close rstdio everytime; and always get updated copy of installed package. In other words, I don't want to close rstudio everytime. I have found that detach( ) is not effective.
Note: I use rstudio only for checking the functionality of package. I check,build for building packages on command prompt using R CMD check/build commands
RStudio has functionality for building packages that I does what I think you have described.
Basically, use 'new project' and select the R-package option or just open an old project using the '.Rproj' file
Then use the build and reload each time you make a change to the package
and want to reload the package in (see pic).
Seems to work OK for me.
See link for more details:

Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'Rcpp'

I am trying to embed RInside to my application on win7 64-bit system but when I initialize an RInside:
Rin = new RInside(argc, argv);
the following message appears:
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'Rcpp'
This error only occurs with Windows.
I think you get that issue when your .libPaths() differ--in other words run the .libPaths() function to see the paths stored by R for its use. Then check where RInside is installed, and make sure Rcpp is installed there too. It is a setup issue.
In other words, it should work if you have Rcpp and RInside installed where the basic R libraries are. Otherwise you have to tell the (embedded) R session about the other location (and before it starts).
There are more Windows users on the list, so you could try asking on rcpp-devel.
First get your default library locations by command ".Library" in R.
Get Rcpp package from
Unzip and copy folder "Rcpp" to your default library locations obtained from step1.
Now you are ready to install packages which have dependencies on Rcpp.
Dirk is right in this case, BUT if the .libPaths() does not work, then please also check if you have the latest packages.
I am posting this as an ancillary answer backup which I ran into with the shiny package backend switch of their code needing Rcpp!
In this case of getting the "no package" error message, I fixed it by:
Selecting devtools package and then using this line below. (if you don't have devtools then get it with install.packages("devtools")
The development version of the package handled this better, and added the package as a dependency.
Mods - I realize this is an answer to an old question, but I might help others not wasting an hour like I just did.
You might find it easy if the answers are for both R studio users and non R studio users.
R Studio users
First get your default library locations by command ".Library" in R.
Get Rcpp package from
Unzip and copy folder "Rcpp" to your default library locations obtained from step 1, you will find another folder named library, paste the unzip folder in it.
Non R studio Users
First get your default library locations by command ".libPath" in R.
Get Rcpp package from
Unzip and copy folder "Rcpp" to your default library locations obtained from step 1, you will find another folder named library, paste the unzip folder in it.
I was also getting this error while trying to run the 'ggplot' function from the ggplot2 package. After trying the suggestions posted here and elsewhere (checking file paths, restarting R, clearing out my environment, etc.) and encountering several other cryptic error messages, it turned out that I needed to download the latest version of base R for Windows (v3.4.1) and update my version of R-Studio to the latest version also (v1.0.153).
After doing this my 'ggplot' function was working again and I was able to render my figure from R Studio without any further issues.
I was also getting this message when trying to use ggplot. I first updating both my R for Windows to 3.4.3. Then updating R studio to version 1.1.423; then, updating all of the packages and being sure to access the R version 3.4.3 from R studio, I still got the message. None of these things fixed the error. I was ready to give up until I noticed that I was calling library(ggplot) and had ggplot::ggplot in my code. THIS WAS THE PROBLEM. I changed it to library(ggplot2) and the instance to ggplot2::ggplot(...). THIS FIXEd the problems.
I was facing a similar issue, and I simply installed the said package. It's working perfectly for me.
