Converting geo coordinates from degree to decimal - r

I want to convert my geographic coordinates from degrees to decimals, my data are as follows:
lat long
105252 30°25.264 9°01.331
105253 30°39.237 8°10.811
105255 31°37.760 8°06.040
105258 31°41.190 8°06.557
105259 31°41.229 8°06.622
105260 31°38.891 8°06.281
I have this code but I can not see why it is does not work:
for(i in 1:nrow(don1)){don_convert[i,2]=convert(as.character(don1[i,2])); don_convert[i,3]=convert(as.character(don1[i,3]))}
The convert function works but the code where I am asking the loop to do the job for me does not work.
Any suggestion is apperciated.

Use the measurements package from CRAN which has a unit conversion function already so you don't need to make your own:
x = read.table(text = "
lat long
105252 30°25.264 9°01.331
105253 30°39.237 8°10.811
105255 31°37.760 8°06.040
105258 31°41.190 8°06.557
105259 31°41.229 8°06.622
105260 31°38.891 8°06.281",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Once your data.frame is set up then:
# change the degree symbol to a space
x$lat = gsub('°', ' ', x$lat)
x$long = gsub('°', ' ', x$long)
# convert from decimal minutes to decimal degrees
x$lat = measurements::conv_unit(x$lat, from = 'deg_dec_min', to = 'dec_deg')
x$long = measurements::conv_unit(x$long, from = 'deg_dec_min', to = 'dec_deg')
Resulting in the end product:
lat long
105252 30.4210666666667 9.02218333333333
105253 30.65395 8.18018333333333
105255 31.6293333333333 8.10066666666667
105258 31.6865 8.10928333333333
105259 31.68715 8.11036666666667
105260 31.6481833333333 8.10468333333333

Try using the char2dms function in the sp library. It has other functions that will additionally do decimal conversion.

A bit of vectorization and matrix manipulation will make your function much simpler:
x <- read.table(text="
lat long
105252 30°25.264 9°01.331
105253 30°39.237 8°10.811
105255 31°37.760 8°06.040
105258 31°41.190 8°06.557
105259 31°41.229 8°06.622
105260 31°38.891 8°06.281",
header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
The function itself makes use of:
strsplit() with the regex pattern "[°\\.]" - this does the string split in one step
sapply to loop over the vector
Try this:
z <- sapply((strsplit(x, "[°\\.]")), as.numeric)
z[1, ] + z[2, ]/60 + z[3, ]/3600
Try it:
[1] 9.108611 8.391944 8.111111 8.254722 8.272778 8.178056
Disclaimer: I didn't check your math. Use at your own discretion.

Thanks for answers by #Gord Stephen and #CephBirk. Sure helped me out.
I thought I'd just mention that I also found that measurements::conv_unit doesn't deal with "E/W" "N/S" entries, it requires positive/negative degrees.
My coordinates comes as character strings "1 1 1W" and needs to first be converted to "-1 1 1".
I thought I'd share my solution for that.
df <- c("1 1 1E", "1 1 1W", "2 2 2N","2 2 2S")
measurements::conv_unit(df, from = 'deg_min_sec', to = 'dec_deg')
[1] "1.01694444444444" NA NA NA
Warning message:
In split(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, " "))) * c(3600, 60, 1), :
NAs introduced by coercion
ewns <- ifelse( str_extract(df,"\\(?[EWNS,.]+\\)?") %in% c("E","N"),"+","-")
dms <- str_sub(df,1,str_length(df)-1)
df2 <- paste0(ewns,dms)
df_dec <- measurements::conv_unit(df2,
from = 'deg_min_sec',
to = 'dec_deg'))
[1] "1.01694444444444" "-1.01694444444444" "2.03388888888889" "-2.03388888888889"
[1] 1.016944 -1.016944 2.033889 -2.033889

Have a look at the command degree in the package OSMscale.

As Jim Lewis commented before it seems your are using floating point minutes. Then you only concatenate two elements on
Having degrees, minutes and seconds in the form 43°21'8.02 which as.character() returns "43°21'8.02\"", I updated your function to
adding the alternative for negative coordinates, and works great for me . I still don't get why char2dms function in the sp library didn't work for me.

Another less elegant option using substring instead of strsplit. This will only work if all your positions have the same number of digits. For negative co-ordinates just multiply by -1 for the correct decimal degree.
x$LatDD<-(as.numeric(substring(x$lat, 1,2))
+ (as.numeric(substring(x$lat, 4,9))/60))
x$LongDD<-(as.numeric(substring(x$long, 1,1))
+ (as.numeric(substring(x$long, 3,8))/60))


Generate full width character string in R

In R, how can I make the following:
convert this string: "my test string"
to something like this ( a full width character string): "my  test  string"
is there a way to do this through hexidecimal character encodings?
Thanks for your help, I'm really not sure how to even start. Perhaps something with {stringr}
I'm trying to get an output similar to what I would expect from this online conversion tool:
Here is a possible solution using a function from the archived Nippon package. This is the han2zen function, which can be found here.
x <- "my test string"
han2zen <- function(s){
zenEisu <- paste0(intToUtf8(65295 + 1:10), intToUtf8(65312 + 1:26),
intToUtf8(65344 + 1:26))
zenKigo <- c(65281, 65283, 65284, 65285, 65286, 65290, 65291,
65292, 12540, 65294, 65295, 65306, 65307, 65308,
65309, 65310, 65311, 65312, 65342, 65343, 65372,
s <- chartr("0-9A-Za-z", zenEisu, s)
s <- chartr('!#$%&*+,-./:;<=>?#^_|~', intToUtf8(zenKigo), s)
s <- gsub(" ", intToUtf8(12288), s)
# [1] "my test string"

Convert DMS coordinates to decimal degrees in R

I have the following coordinates in DMS format. I need to convert them to decimal degrees.
# Libraries
> library(sp)
> library(magrittr)
# Latitide & Longitude as strings
> lat <- '21d11m24.32s'
> lng <- '104d38m26.88s'
I tried:
> lat_d <- char2dms(lat, chd='d', chm='m', chs='s') %>% as.numeric()
> lng_d <- char2dms(lng, chd='d', chm='m', chs='s') %>% as.numeric()
> print(c(lat_d, lng_d))
[1] 21.18333 104.63333
Although close, this result is different from the output I get from this website. According to this site, the correct output should be:
Latitude: 21.190089
Longitude: 104.6408
It seems that sp::char2dms and as.numeric are rounding the coordinates. I noticed this issue when converting a large batch of DMS coordinates using this method because the number of unique values decreases drastically after the conversion.
You are right! To tell you the truth, I didn't notice this problem.
To get around this, here is a solution with the use of the package measurements:
lat <- conv_unit('21 11 24.32', from = "deg_min_sec", to = "dec_deg")
long <- conv_unit('104 38 26.88' , from = "deg_min_sec", to = "dec_deg")
print(c(lat, long))
#> [1] "21.1900888888889" "104.6408"
Created on 2021-10-07 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Edit from OP
This can also be solved by adding 'N' or 'S' to latitude and 'E' or 'W' to longitude.
# Add character to lat & long strings
> lat_d <- char2dms(paste0(lat,'N'), chd='d', chm='m', chs='s') %>% as.numeric()
> lng_d <- char2dms(paste0(lng,'W'), chd='d', chm='m', chs='s') %>% as.numeric()
> print(c(lat_d, lng_d))
[1] 21.19009 -104.64080

Concatenate multiple strings in R

I want to concatenate the below urls, I have written a below function to concatenate all the urls:
get_thredds_url<- function(mon, hr){
a <-""
b <-"thredds/path/"
c <-paste0("%02d", ymd_h(mon))
d <-paste0(strftime(datetime_group, format="%Y%m%d%H"))
e <-paste0("/gfs.t%sz.pgrb2.0p25.f%03d",(c, hr))
url <-paste0(a,b,b,d)
return (url)
mon = datetime(2017, 9, 26, 0)
hr = 240
url = get_thredds_url(mon,hr)
print (url)
But I am getting below error when I execute the definition of get_thredds_url():
Error: unexpected ',' in:
" d<-paste0(strftime(datetime_group, format="%Y%m%d%H"))
url <-paste0(a,b,b,d)
Error in paste0(a, b, b, d) : object 'a' not found
return (url)
Error: no function to return from, jumping to top level
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
What is wrong with my function and how can I solve this?
The final output should be:
Using sprintf allows more control of values being inserted into string
get_thredds_url<- function(mon, hr){
strftime(mon, format = "%Y%m%d%H", tz = "UTC"),
mon <- make_datetime(2017, 9, 26, 0, tz = "UTC")
hr <- 240
get_thredds_url(mon, hr)
[1] ""
It was a bit messy to figure out what it is, you're trying to do. There seem to be quite a couple of contradicting pieces in your code, especially compared to your wanted final output. Therefore, I decided to focus on the wanted output and the inputs you provided in your variables.
get_thredds_url <- function(yr, mnth, day, hrs1, hrs2){
part1 <- ""
part2 <- "thredds/path/"
ymdh <- c(yr, formatC(c(mnth, day, hrs1), width=2, flag="0"))
part3 <- paste0(ymdh, collapse="")
pre4 <- formatC(hrs1, width=2, flag="0")
part4 <- paste0("/gfs.t", pre4, "z.pgrb2.0p25.f", hrs2)
return(paste0(part1, part2, part3, part4))
get_thredds_url(2017, 9, 26, 0, 240)
# [1] ""
The key is using paste0() appropriately and I think formatC() may be new to some people (including me).
formatC() is used here to pad zeros in front of the number you provide, and thus makes sure that 9 is converted to 09, whereas 12 remains 12.
Note that this answer is in base R and does not require additional packages.
Also note that you should not use url and c as variable names. These names are already reserved for other functionalities in R. By using them as variable names, you are overwriting their actual purpose, which can (will) lead to problems at some point down the road

Subtracting times that exceed 60 minutes

I have a dataset which contains the timing of events in football. A game exceeds 60 minutes, and I'm trying to calculate intervals. This is the data I have:
data <- c("11:14", "17:27", "25:34", "39:17", "39:59", "42:32", "50:15", "50:53", "64:22", "67:39")
My issue arises from the fact that minutes exceed 60 (they can be between 0 and 90 minutes). So essentially, I would like code that would print out the intervals between the events:
"6:13", "8:07", "13:43",..., "3:17"
Would it be better to convert the data into hours and then go from there? Just an idea I had to make it easier. I've had a look at other questions, but I couldn't find any that had been asked for R. If it has and I missed it, feel free to criticize but please link me the duplicate.
Thanks in advance!
Look into lubridate for this kind of thing.
There's probably an easier way to do it, but this works:
data <- c("11:14", "17:27", "25:34", "39:17", "39:59", "42:32", "50:15", "50:53", "64:22", "67:39")
out <- seconds_to_period(diff(as.numeric(ms(data)))
If you want the output as a formatted string instead of a period, use sprintf:
sprintf('%02d:%02d', minute(out), second(out))
This might work too
data1 <- c("11:14", "17:27", "25:34", "39:17", "39:59", "42:32", "50:15", "50:53", "64:22", "67:39")
data2 = sapply(strsplit(data1,":"), # from
function(x) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
difference = list()
for (i in 1: (length(data1) - 1)) {
difference[i] = data2[i+1] - data2[i]
Another base R attempt using as.difftime to specify the units explicitly:
out <- diff(sapply(strsplit(data, ":"), function(x)
Reduce(`+`, Map(as.difftime, as.numeric(x), units=c("mins","secs"))))
# time difference in seconds
#[1] 373 487 823 42 153 463 38 809 197
# formatted string
sprintf("%d:%02d", out %/% 60, out %% 60)
#[1] "6:13" "8:07" "13:43" "0:42" "2:33" "7:43" "0:38" "13:29" "3:17"

Truncate decimal to specified places

This seems like it should be a fairly easy problem to solve but I am having some trouble locating an answer.
I have a vector which contains long decimals and I want to truncate it to a specific number of decimals. I do not wish to round it, but rather just remove the values beyond my desired number of decimals.
For example I would like 0.123456789 to return 0.1234 if I desired 4 decimal digits. This is not an issue of printing a specific number of digits but rather returning the original value truncated to a given number.
yields 0.1234 like expected.
More generally,
trunc <- function(x, ..., prec = 0) base::trunc(x * 10^prec, ...) / 10^prec;
print(trunc(0.123456789, prec = 4) # 0.1234
print(trunc(14035, prec = -2), # 14000
I used the technics above for a long time. One day I had some issues when I was copying the results to a text file and I solved my problem in this way:
trunc_number_n_decimals <- function(numberToTrunc, nDecimals){
numberToTrunc <- numberToTrunc + (10^-(nDecimals+5))
splitNumber <- strsplit(x=format(numberToTrunc, digits=20, format=f), split="\\.")[[1]]
decimalPartTrunc <- substr(x=splitNumber[2], start=1, stop=nDecimals)
truncatedNumber <- as.numeric(paste0(splitNumber[1], ".", decimalPartTrunc))
print(trunc_number_n_decimals(9.1762034354551236, 6), digits=14)
[1] 9.176203
print(trunc_number_n_decimals(9.1762034354551236, 7), digits=14)
[1] 9.1762034
print(trunc_number_n_decimals(9.1762034354551236, 8), digits=14)
[1] 9.17620343
print(trunc_number_n_decimals(9.1762034354551236, 9), digits=14)
[1] 9.176203435
This solution is very handy in cases when its necessary to write to a file the number with many decimals, such as 16.
Just remember to convert the number to string before writing to the file, using format()
numberToWrite <- format(trunc_number_n_decimals(9.1762034354551236, 9), digits=20)
Not the most elegant way, but it'll work.
string_it<-sprintf("%06.9f", old_numbers)
pos_list<-gregexpr(pattern="\\.", string_it)
pos<-unlist(lapply(pos_list, '[[', 1)) # This returns a vector with the first
#you're probably going to have to play around with the pos- numbers here
new_number<-as.numeric(substring(string_it, pos-1,pos+4))
