Adding weight and volume to woocommerce products - wordpress

I'm trying to configure the FedEx plugin on my woocommerce installation. According to the woocommerce documentation:
The FedEx Shipping Extension only works when your products have a defined volume and weight. That’s how it calculates what to charge for shipping. Whenever you add a new product to your inventory, make sure you have entered its weight along with the size of the smallest box you plan to ship it in.
The problem is when I'm adding a new product or editing an existing one, I do not see these options anywhere.
This is what the documentation shows
This is what I see
The shipping tab isn't much help either - it just has a shipping class dropdown menu. Tried creating a test shipping class, but I don't see anywhere where to specify weight and/or volume. Any help is highly appreciated!

Those fields will only display on the edit product page if you enable them.
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings and click on the "Catalog" tab. Then under the "Product Data" section check the boxes next to "Enable the weight field for products" and "Enable the dimension fields for products".


WordPress WooCommerce Shipping costs will be calculated once you have provided your address WordPress

I am using the Custom Shipping Method, from which the customer has to choose by themselves.
However when you go on the cart or checkout page it only says
“Shipping costs will be calculated once you have provided your address.”
To work around it I have tried to tick “enable the shipping calculator on the cart page” under “shipping options” but failed. Even the "Calculate Shipping" link is also not working. I have searched many tuts on shipping method but no success.
After doing few modification, now i get following error:
There are no shipping methods available. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.
Any help will be appreciated.
Please follow the below step..
Go to Woo-commerce setting select "Sell to all contries" in Selling location(s)
Then after select "Ship to all countries you sell to" in Shipping location(s)
After setting remove specific country from the "Shipping zones > Your zone" and Set shipping anywhere.
After all set up please check on cart page.
Thank you.

Display WooCommerce Flat Rate Shipping Options on Cart page

I'm building a WooCommerce site and I have a need to display shipping options on the cart page vs the checkout page.
Shipping is flat rate across a single country and not dependent on user location.
Is there a way to accomplish this task?
Go to the General tab in Woocommerce Settings.
Set the shop base address to be the Default Customer Location
If you only have a flat rate and your shop's base address is under it, that's the one that will be displayed by default.
Make sure you have done this
On Woocommerce -> Settings-> Shipping and make sure that you check the boxes
Enable shipping
Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page
Save setting and Configure shipping rates as well, hope it will help

woo commerce replace dropdown product variable with label where there is an attribute that has only one selection

I'm completely new on wp Woo Commerce.
Using wp AllImport I try to get products from the site bellow but for usability I have one big problem - users need to select all options even there is only one option, to buy a variable product.
Is there a solution to display variable products in woo commerce as in this website?
and orphan attribute to be shown as label but in same time to be selected?
Please note the dropdown is show only if there is another attribute (variant) with different value.
I've try to filter orphan values from my Array() but the product has not full details as I wish.
Please see my work result
As you can see you need to select all dropdowns to buy the product.
Thanks in advance

WooCommerce - Disable shipping for downloadable purchases

I've just set up a Woocommerce based webstore and I'm very happy with it so far, but I've come across something that isn't necessarily a dealbreaker, though it's annoying for the customer.
Some context: the store is for my band website and sells physical as well as digital media, collecting shipping information for physical media makes a lot of sense of course, however it's unnecessary step if the customer is only buying digital media.
I've been searching but not had any luck, is there any way to turn off the shipping if all of the items in the user's cart are digital downloads?
UPDATE For WooCommerce 2.6+ (and 3+)
1) Enabling shipping in WooCommerce (prior)
You need to go in:
WooCommerce > Settings > General > Shipping Location(s) (selector), to select a shipping behavior for your e-commerce:
Then save. A new Shipping Tab is going to appear in WooCommerce Settings (in products too).
2) To disable shipping for your downloadable product
You need in your product page edit mode within the Product data metabox to enable:
The downloadable checkbox (as this product is downloadable logically).
The virtual checkbox (as this product is not going to be shipped, logically too)
When enabling the virtual checkbox the shipping tab setting will disappear.
Then update your downloadable product.
Now If you add to cart this downloadable (virtual) product and you go to checkout, there is NOT anymore shipping address or shipping options for this product.
Go to WooCommerce => Settings => Shipping => Shipping Destination and uncheck "Collect shipping address even when not required".
According to the code, if all items are "virtual" then shipping is not required. If you have the aforementioned box checked, it ignores whether the items are in the cart are physical or virtual and will require the shipping address.
in the new versions of Woocommerce luckily, the tick of a “Downloadable” product type will disable shipping for this product

Add option to add extra fees to Ubercart checkout?

I have a Drupal website with the UBERCART module to accept donations in the form of adopting a book in my library. I need to add an option in the cart page before the checkout to add an entry to the cart with the value of 3% of the total order to cover the payment transaction fees.
It could be a check box that says..
[_] I wish to add 3% to cover the online transfer fees.
Any Ideas of how to implement this? Thanks
I'm not sure how to set up an optional fee, but for required fees, this module will do it:
Unfortunately there seems to be no version for Drupal 7 yet.
Also, it's a little quirky in some ways...for example, if you want to create a fee to be applied to all products of a particular class, by default that fee gets applied at the cart level, meaning that that a long as the cart contains at least one product of the type you specified when creating the conditional action, the fee will be applied to the other products in the cart as well. If the fee only should be applied once per order then you can just set Max Applications to zero, otherwise...
The process to apply a fee to each product in the cart of a particular class is as follows:
Create a fee at Store administration > Fees with a price of zero
Click the "conditions" link next to the fee (again, from Store administration > Fees) and say the cart needs to contain at least one product of your desired class
Go to Store administration > Products > Manage classes, click "edit" for your desired class, go to the Fees tab and override the price to be whatever the fee should be.
Create products of that class. If your products are already created, it appears you need to edit each already-existing product and override the fee there (on the Fees tab); unfortunately the product-class override only appears to apply to products created after the setting was changed.
I realise it's a long time since this question was posted, but it came up in search when I was trying to solve a similar problem. Since it hasn't been satisfactorily answered after all this time, I thought I'd share the solution I found for my own problem.
There is some sample module code here:
I created my own module with this code to allow customers to specify if they live in a rural area. If they check the box, a $5 rural delivery fee is added to the cost of their order. The label on the checkbox and the value of the fee can be set by changing the code in the module.
The scenario asked here would need some additional coding to calculate the 3% fee based on the value of the order, which shouldn't be too hard to achieve.
if you are using drupal 6 then visit these link in your site
Administer -> Store administration -> Configuration -> Shipping quote settings
then visit the "quote method" where you can define your shipping quote setting
once you understand the method for creating shipping charges, you can apply whatever shipping rate you want to charge.
