Moving wordpress from self-hosted into wp hosted - wordpress

I was using self-hosted wordpress for a while and now I want to move all posts, settings to my account. I mean I want create free wordpress hosted account and move all data from self-hosted account into it. Is that possible? if yes, how? please explain

Although this isn't the usual direction to move, WordPress has documented it here:

Megatron, I've seen a few of your posts about this hack. Its an up-to-date Wordpress install with very few plugins. By the sounds of things (and I may well be wrong here), I doubt you have done a huge amount of customisation yourself which could have introduced a vulnerability.
It could well be your theme but frankly my money is on your hosts themselves. Wordpress is so prolific that when a hosting company running many shared servers gets hacked there are inevitably loads of Wordpress sites that get compromised as a result and Wordpress gets the blame. The hosting company certainly don't own up to it.
Before you go to .com, switch hosts. Clean install, plenty of guides out there on resurrecting a Wordpress site - you've said yourself on other threads the site is only a week old so it'll be very easy to do. My 2p.


How do I use WordPress with HostGator?

If I'm using the free version of WordPress to build my blog, would it be worth getting WordPress hosting through HostGator?
The blog is very image heavy and it has some JavaScript so I'm worried about speed. I'll also be using a "comment" plug-in (disqus?). It's hard coded so no templates. I'm not sure if that matters.
Also, would it be worth upgrading to the premium version of WordPress for this same concern?
So there are effectively two platforms. and
Upgrading to the 'premium' version of WordPress is on the .com side, which means they would host your site, whereas hostgator is a hosting company that would host the .org part of WordPress. You would have to migrate from .com to .org for the hostgator. But if it's a small project and you're inexperienced I would recommend upgrading on the current set up.
The biggest differences you will see with creating a Wordpress site on a 3rd party host such as Hostgator vs. working within the Wordpress network itself is the catered support and tools you get.
If you already know what you are doing; creating databases, FTP access, resource management, you would be fine uploading an installation of Wordpress on any hosting provider. However, they most likely won't be top tier experts in using Wordpress and their main goal would be to keep the server that you are on running. Software updates and config changes such as php versions and some rules needing to be whitelisted would be the suspected level of support.
At Wordpress, at certain levels they offer cultivated aid (based on the sales page.) They also have hosting that is specifically tailored to work with Wordpress. If you are just starting, or even a super user that has WP specific needs, would be a good option.
Drake Customer Advocate at HostGator

Malware on Wordpress Site

I am working on a Wordpress website hosted on Godaddy and struggling with a Malware issue.
Every now and then the webpages start displaying thousands of random links on top of the pages.
When I searched for the texts in the content files, the only place I could find them was in comet cache.
If I delete the cache files, the links go away but again come back after few days.
Can anyone please suggest how can I prevent such a scenario and what all steps I can take to secure my website from such vulnerabilties.
Many thanks in advance.
There's a number of things that could be causing it. Check all of the following to help remove security holes:
Are you running the latest version of WordPress? If not, there could be a known vulnerability that is being exploited.
Are all your plugins up to date? For the same reason as above - a poorly written WordPress plugin can open up security holes.
Do the WordPress files and folders have the correct CHMOD permissions on the server? If not, you're asking for trouble.
I'd recommend any/all of the following as further reading:
If you don't want to do this work on your own, and you're working with GoDaddy, they offer (and now own) Sucuri which is a security service that will scan and clean your site. You can do this one-time, or pay for a monthly service that will continuously protect and restore your site.

Best way to build convert a Shopify store to WordPress

I have a website through shopify, hosting through Shopify, and want it rebuilt in WordPress.
What would be the best way to do this while keeping the original website live until the new website is done? The new website may take a while to be created since the database of products needs a lot of modification.
I was thinking about creating a new hosting account and building it there without connecting it to the domain name, and when it is ready I'll connect it. Does this make sense or is it even possible? Or should I build I'd offline and upload it when it's ready? I'm not quite sure how I would build it offline though...
Thanks in advance!
Like the others said, you can build it offline on your computer using a program like XAMPP to create an offline server, however I prefer to build the new website online on a sub domain of your current domain, and switch it over once the website is done.
For example, if your website is you can create a sub domain and build it there. You will most likely have to use a search and replace plugin to replace all instances of "" with "".
As for transferring all your products etc. you can export all your products from Shopify as a CSV file and then re-import it into WooCommerce using a plugin called WP All Import along with the WooCommerce add-on.
Good luck!
You can build it in a new hosting environment set up for wordpress hosting. And yes, you can reassign your domain to the new site when it is ready. I don't think building an offline wordpress site would be wise if you aren't familiar with apache servers or transferring wordpress sites to different servers, it can be a headache.
Funny enough you're asking this. I currently am working on a project that is more or less the same task. The best and most optimal way would to just develop the website locally on your machine, using a program like XAMPP or WAMP.
Here's a link on how to get started using a virtual machine that is localized on your computer:
After installing WordPress on your machine, you can proceed by installing Woo-Commerce. This is the best e-commerce plugin which works with WordPress and is highly recommended due to how frequently updated it is. There are tons of themes out there which can help you change the look of your shop depending on what look and feel you want your shop to be.
Since you're porting a Shopify website over to WordPress, I assume the Shopify site didn't have anything crazy over-the-top when it comes to the look & feel...That being said, I would 100% recommend the "Storefront" theme for WooCommerce, which is a great theme, both for developers and non-developers to use. Here's a link to the Storefront theme, which is free:
In terms of hooking up the domain to the website, this can be done once you actually are ready to launch the website. There's no need to have a live domain working for developing.
Good luck! I hope this helps!

Which CMS or blogging engine supports multiple sites?

Dont know if SO is the appropriate place to ask this question, but anyway ...
I have some sites running Wordpress and maintaining/managing them is a pain. Is there any CMS or blogging platform out there that support multiple sites/blogs in one codebase ? I know there are some hacks for Wordpress but they are quite ugly and do not scale (i need 100-1000 blogs supported). WPMU AFAIK run with subdomains only.
Thanks in advance.
I'm fairly certain you can use WordPress MU in a sub directory versus a sub domain.
WordPress Hive is an alternative to WordPress MU. I'd imagine you're going to have to do some more research and reading before you make a decision.
Wordpress 3 - scheduled for release this month - combines the code bases of Wordpress and Wordpress MU and supports mutliple sites, multiple domains, etc., out of the box: Version 3.0 Project Schedule « WordPress Development Updates
WPMU will support multiple sites, but it's a bit tricky to implement on some hosts. WP 3.0 will roll in WPMU's multi-site features sometime very soon.
In the meantime, I use a WordPress plug-in called Hive to manage multiple installations. I have some sites set up as subdomains pointing to the same WordPress installation and some sites that are completely separate domains pointing to the same thing. It's a great way to use one WordPress codebase to manage multiple sites (one set of plug-in upgrades, on set of themes, etc).

What's the process for getting a plug in in

What's the process for getting a plug in in Do they pick plug ins from the same directory as a local Wordpress installation? Is there any further approval?
We are considering making a Wordpress plug in but it only makes sense if people with blogs at can use it.
Check out the Plugin support article - it seems it really is a case of the team deciding which plugins have the green light, partly based on user suggestions and demands.
Are you talking about or self-hosted Wordpress? I'd suspect it's difficult to get .com to accept and use a plugin, while there are millions of people who self-host Wordpress and can install any plugins they want: WordPress › WordPress Plugins
