How to combine two projects in xcode? - xcode4.5

I have two projects in xcode: first one contains frameworks for getting a JSON from web (i'm using ASIHTTPRequest + SBJSON. I spent alot of time to make it works, because i'm a noob). and the second one is a custom tableview GUI which I'm going to use for represent JSON data from first project.
Is there any easy way to combine these two projects? I can't belive I must spend my time adding and setting up all JSON+ASIHTTPRequest frameworks into the second project.

I must say that xcode allows to copy classes from one project to an other simply by dragging them in project navigator. It seems like this is the only way to combine functionality from several projects. Easy enough for me.
It's also possible to copy all frameworks from one project to an other (again by dragging and drop).
My problem is solved!


Nested Sub Projects in Phabricator

Is there a way to change the project listing so that sub projects display as nested items below their parent?
I have looked in the documentation and searched here, but cannot find anything.
At present the display of projects is either alphabetical or by creation date and doesn't differentiate between projects and sub projects.
It would be useful to be able to group projects in teh list under their master project.
NOTE: The Subprojects feature is still in development, so stuff might still change over the coming months.
There isn't a built-in way to do what you're asking, but that doesn't mean there isn't a way. For example, I often list the master project in the subproject's name, in brackets. (i.e. "Goldilocks [PawLIB]") This allows me to create and save a Projects query for those projects with "[PawLIB]" in the name.
There are a few other ways to approach the issue, such as strategic use of project icons or colors (queries can search by those).
In short, organize your projects using names, icons, or colors, and then set up a query. This does not nullify the usefulness of the subproject feature - that handles many trickier organization in the background - but the feature as it exists can't do everything.
Aside from that, you could technically request a feature, but I wouldn't recommend it. Developer Chad Little mentioned that the features are backlogged by about two years. All things considered, they have bigger fish to fry.

Solution organization with a primary configuration/index project

I have a series of .NET MVC 5 projects I'll be creating that will be used by different departments in my organization with a central index. I'd like to set up a project that contains the css, scripts, images, layouts, error pages, and eventually forms authentication logic/pages. I would then want sub-projects that inherit all of those things so that I don't have to duplicate them for each.
As far as the url structure goes, I'd want to get to the index like this:
And to get to one of the sub-projects (TimeKeeping):
I currently have one project with all of the Controllers/Views/etc for each sub-project lumped in with one another, which can be cluttered. How can I structure my solution so that one project governs css, scripts, images, layouts, error pages, and authentication for sub-projects, so that I may have better separation between projects without having to repeat code/config?
Those structures may have separate solutions, so I numbered them for easier reference. My apologies if this question has been asked a lot, or is often found in references. I was unsure how to find a concept like this using a search engine.
I suppose you searching for areas that appeared in MVC 5.
If you use them you still have all your base logic and styles in the same project but can customize Views, Controller logic and ViewModels.

How to minimize the build time of a Flash project?

One of the most annoying things when working with Flash/Flex projects is that it takes soo long to build the project. In a Flash game I am doing, it takes more than one minute to build it...
So, the question is simple: Is that normal? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to minimize this?
A common way of avoiding the long build-times is to divide your project up into multiple projects and reference them in as SWC's in a Main project.
Actually the shorter build times are mostly considered a positive side effect, as any larger project really ought to be divided into multiple project. Typically you will have more than one library project, handling the service layer/ controller ect.
This way you could for move the controller/ game logic to one project. This would have longer intervals between changes, and therefore you could close this project, building only the one you are currently working in.
If you are using a lot of assets from Flash ect. move those to a SWC as well.
A simple tip that makes compile time from the Flash IDE a bit shorter: Go to 'publish settings' > actionscript 3.0 > settings > disable 'Warnings Mode'
This mode checks if you are using actionscript 2.0 functions. If you know what you are doing (not copy/paste as2.0 code into as3.0 projects), you'll never need these 'warnings'.
Another tip is to use lots of SWC's: if you are using a tweenengine or a framework; most of them are available as SWC files. Use them.
Yes, it is normal. it can take more if your projects get bigger and bigger.
I have a flex project that a full build (using ANT not flex builder) takes 4 minutes.
The best advice I can give you on the subject and is an SSD drive, an SSD drive installed on my Mac cut the times by more then 50%.
I've found embedding assets tends to delay build times considerably. It's hardly noticeable at first but after a while they start stacking up and build time increases.
Maybe try delaying embedding assets a long as you can.

JavaFX Datagrid

Im in the verge of starting a new RIA development. We've been using Flex/Flash for the last 2 years but we were considering using a more OS approach so we though giving JavaFX a try since it seams the only solid option available. However after a couple of days of research we found out that there is not such thing as a datagrid for it, at least not in the core API. For those unfamiliar with Flex, a Datagrid is a component that allows you to display a collection of data in column-row layout (much like a HTML Table on steroids). The beauty of it is that you only need to worry about the data itself as the component does pretty much the rest (sorting, column dragging, etc).
Im afraid to ask... but is there something slightly similar for JavaFX?
We require nothing as fancy as Flex Datagrids/AdvancedDatagrids, we only require a easy, straight forward way to display grids of data that are able to have a little of interaction like clicking, sorting and that are able to display images, buttons, etc. without having to download a ton of different jars.
If there isnĀ“t something out there... This would be a shot in the back of the head to the idea of giving javaFx the chance to compete with flash on our project (which is sad).
I really cant believe the SUN people didnt include something like this on the core API...
There is currently no datagrid you can use JTable for that. Such a thing should be available in the next release of JavaFX I think. See my answer here for more information about available JTable implementations. You mentioned the JFXtras project with that you are able to embed those Swing components into JavaFX.
There are external companies selling such a component. E.g. do a web search or look here
For apache pivot you should ask them directly for the pros and cons; they are very responsive and honest.

Is there an easy way to find orphan classes in a Flex/ActionScript project?

I have been in the process of creating a "lite" version of an existing Flex application, and thereby porting many of the classes that are used by both into a library project. As such, I want to easily find all of the "orphan" classes in the original project - those classes that are no longer referenced/used by the project. Is there an Eclipse plug-in, or some other easy way to find these in Flex Builder 3?
MXML Compiler (mxmlc) compiler has "link-report" which will generate all the classes you are using in your original application. From there, with a bit of grep / awk / xsl magic, you should be able to diff with the classes you have in your library project.
Here's what I do sometimes, lets say we've been refactoring, and a class becomes obsolete, I simply move the suspecting file from Flex Builder to the desktop, rebuild the project and see if it the compiler spits out any Errors.
If it doesn't complain, I know I can safely delete it.
If your class is depended on, the compiler will throw some errors in the Problems panel in Flex Builder and give you a fairly clear hint of what's missing.
This won't be fun however if you have thousands of classes, as you have to traverse them one by one.
I would suggest, always keep copies of the old ones in Subversion, just in case you had something re-usable in there, and later you want the deleted file restored.
