Modernizr and descendants selector? - css

According to mdn :
The descendant selector is the most expensive selector in CSS. It is
dreadfully expensive—especially if the selector is in the Tag or
Universal Category.
When Modernizr is up , it adds all the non supported classes to the html tag.
Meaning he can later do :
.myNotSupportedClass .myLastDiv <-- notice descendants selecotr[ ]
But this is absolutely slow operation an operation which can be optimized.... which has to go through all the DOM tree in order to find the div.
I know there isn't another way of doing it , but still :
1) they could have added those classes to the body/form which is closer to the elements. soo there will be less of searching.
Or am I wrong ...,?

But this is absolutely slow operation
they could have added those classes to the body/form which is closer to the elements. soo there will be less of searching.
body: how much less searching? 1 level less? How much of a difference does that make?
form: not every page has a form, and pages can have more than one form. The form element itself can be placed anywhere in the page body too, so the elements that should be affected by selectors in Modernizr class context may very well be unrelated to it, making searching completely impossible.
Do whatever you like, but since Modernizr chooses to place classes on the html element, write contextual selectors that make use of those classes and the descendant selector. If you're that obsessive about descendant selector performance, you have the choice not to use Modernizr and lose all the feature detection goodness it brings.
Why it chooses to place classes on the html element is anybody's guess. It could have been the most convenient element to place them on.


CSS selectors, tagname + class vs class

Lets imagine very simple case:
Which option is faster and why ?
.className{} is faster in downloading, because of smaller size of the css file.
It is also faster when rendering page, because it is not necessary to look for div elements.
A guideline from google:
Avoid qualifying ID and class names with type selectors. Unless
necessary (for example with helper classes), do not use element names
in conjunction with IDs or classes.
Avoiding unnecessary ancestor selectors is useful for performance reasons .
One very important difference between div.classname and simply .classname is in something called selector specificity. It is a set of rules which defines which selector gets more weight once the browser starts going through all the selectors that potentially have influence on a particular element.
ne of the most basic rules of CSS is that selectors can be redefined in a way that whatever definition comes last and has influence on a particular element its the one that is going to be used (the sole exception being when using !important which always takes precedence).
Now in the above example redefining the .class selector should actually hide the text but instead its still visible. How is that possible if we said that latter rules always take precedence? Its because the div.classname rule has a higher specificity that .box since it actually gets points for containing both an element (div) and a class selector (.class) in its selector declaration (div.class).
Of course the div.class rule will be applied only on a div element but since class selectors are often reusable pieces of code there is plenty of situations when they are used on divs.
Although the rules in the official W3 specification are not that hard to understand they are sometimes pretty hard to remember. That's why I would like to recommend an excellent article on CSS selector specificity which can be found here.
In my opinion selector specificity is by far the most important thing to master when it comes to tracing inheritance problems with CSS stylesheets.
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Is it improper to use an ID as a CSS selector? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between id and class in CSS, and when should I use them? [duplicate]
(15 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
So I often use a website to test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that I've written. It has a syntax checker, and whenever I use an ID as a selector in the CSS section, it says that it is improper to use an ID as a selector.
I have demonstrated it in this Weaver. To the right of line three in the CSS window is a yellow icon, which, when hovered over, says that it is improper to use IDs as a selector. I was under the impression that that is specifically for the purpose of being used as a selector for a single DOM element, as opposed to classes, which are designed to be applied to multiple DOM elements.
Am I wrong? IS it improper to use an ID as a selector?
The only other instance I can think of an ID being used is for JavaScript document.getElementById(), and similar functions. What is the proper use of an ID?
Note that I am NOT asking the difference between an ID and a Class, but rather whether it is proper to use an ID as a selector.
Using an ID is the most efficient way of selecting a DOM node in both CSS and Javascript. I personally like to use classes for all repeated items and ids for unique items, or unique configurations of repeated modules. There are many CSS patterns, I use a style called BEM (Block, Element, Modifier as seen here) which is a class based naming convention. Look at your favorite websites, right click or inspect. You will find that there is no one right answer to your question, only many right answers.
May I also say that both exist in the standard for a reason and serve a purpose depending on your applications needs.
Below is the order of efficiency for selectors. IDs are the most efficient and pseudo classes and pseudo elements are the least efficient.
id (#myid)
class (.myclass)
tag (div, h1, p)
adjacent sibling (h1 + p)
child (ul > li)
descendent (li a)
universal (*)
attribute (a[rel=”external”])
pseudo-class and pseudo element (a:hover, li:first)
See here...
It is not improper to use ID's as selectors, so long as the ID being used corresponds to only one element in the DOM (document object model).
If you'd like a selector that is multi-purpose, and able to be applied to multiple elements in the DOM, use a class. Although I'm sure you knew that.
The main reason ID's are frowned upon by some CSS developers, and full stack designers, is simply because they aren't as versatile and they have a higher specificity than classes, which can either help or hinder development (based on CSS knowledge).
For more information on CSS specificity, read here:
It's valid, it's just considered bad practice by some developers because it can make it difficult to maintain your CSS if you're not disciplined about it. I'm no expert on CSS but I'm pretty sure it's all to do with #'s having a really high specificity rating and if you have them dotted around your CSS files it makes it difficult to manage the cascade i.e. inheritance of style rules. So it's considered best by some to use IDs only for referencing elements in your JavaScript.
I've actually heard this argument before.
Some people push the idea of using solely classes for pure css stuff and keeping id for javascript and other id specific functionality.
It would seem that website follows that ideology, so they are trying to get their users to adopt it. I'm not sure if it is yet best practice to keep id out of css
You can decide for yourself whether an id is worth using, when you could just use a class instead.
If you used an ID as a selector and your using it in your Javascript too then you could make situation where if you decide to rename it then you've created a dependency that wouldn't be there if you had used a class name in your CSS.
Also, though using the ID is faster, it isn't faster if you then use #text a - since CSS reads right to left and has to check all the anchor elements first and then find the one with the ID of #text.
This also means the style isn't reusable and you can't use multiple classes either.
So I think the answer really is, based on all the pros and cons of using an ID as the selector, the best practice to keep you out of possible future problems is to not do it. Of course, this all really depends on how you code, the scope of the project and how many other people are working in the project. It's not against the rules, just not really best practice due to possible issues you might be building in that could bite you later.
On top of what has already been mentioned, even in CSS, ID's can be useful depending on what is the structural design.
For example; if every page in your website requires a header and a footer, I don't see why it would not be useful to make it an id.
What is wrong with doing:
#header {}
#footer {}
If you know for sure that your page has only one header and one footer, I don't see the point in using a class.
Mentioning the id is very specific and the page structure is undubious in this case.
Moreover, I also don't see what is wrong by doing something for example like:
#header .menu li{}
#footer .menu li{}
To add specific styling depending on the page segment. Seems very legit to me.
Ultimately, I even think that using ID's to indicate page sections might be more beneficial by ´knowing´ that they are unique (although they might be recurrent across different pages).
Reading an id in a CSS file should give the CSS designer the benefit of immediately knowing what page segment the following css rules are referring to.
A sheet with only classes would in that case seem less clear than using ID's imo.

What's the point of writing div#id_name vs. #id_name?

I've noticed that a lot of css style recipes are often stated like this:
div#id_name {
blah: blah;
But since IDs are unique, what's the point of sticking "div" in front of #id_name? Is there any advantage over the following snippet?
#id_name {
blah: blah;
I would argue that the latter is superior because you might decide to make the id_name element into something besides a div.
This is primarily done to advance specificity and to hint the document as to what type of element #id_name is.
First, specificity:
Specificity determines which styles are actually applied to your element. The more specific you are in calling your element out, the more priority that block of properties takes over another.
For example:
Given HTML
<div id="id_name">
Look at this blue text!
With CSS
div#id_name {
color: red;
#id_name {
color: blue;
Results in
This will render a div with red text as opposed to blue text. This is beneficial when writing a framework if you want to guard your styles from being arbitrarily overwritten by local styles.
Secondly, hinting:
Oftentimes, CSS is an afterthought. It's a shame, too, as it's gotten increasingly more powerful and has taken many of the responsibilities previously reserved for client-side scripting languages like JavaScript. There is no implicit inheritance in CSS, rather it's explicit via a long declaration.
What I'm talking about with this is that you don't see
div {
.my-class {
/* RULES! */
#my-id {
/* RULES! */
as a part of CSS unless you're using a precompiler like LESS or SASS. Hinting a document with the element name instead of only the id or class allows for much greater readability for not only future you, but any collaborators you may have on the project.
And finally:
Sometimes it just doesn't make sense to not add a an element guard to your rule. If I have a rule that sets things like height, width or padding, I wouldn't want that same rule applied to a span. I would rather see it fail loud than silent to prevent rules being applied that have no place being there. It can cause messy and unexpected results given the exact scenario you described.
In addition, there's no guarantee that #id-name won't be re-used on a later page for an element that is not a div in the scenario you gave. So there's that, too.
Using ID's have a very strict specificity issue. Realistically, according to the standards, you can only use an ID once in any given HTML document. That doesn't mean you can't use ID's as styling selectors, though, it does come with dangerous pitfalls in larger projects. They're fine if you're using them as targets in Javascript. Go crazy.
ID selectors are very, very specific in targeting elements and in return, you end up with problems later down the line dealing with CSS specificity. Class selectors are reusable and have much looser specificity. Styling with ID's doesn't have anything different that a class selector doesn't have, so why use them if they're causing specificity issues? Read this and this. They are both fantastic articles on why ID's are not cool for CSS. It is a personal preference, but, making your CSS very specific is a front-end disaster in all real-world cases web development.
So, to answer your question properly, adding div at the start of and id selector, like div#id_name means you can only apply that id to a <div> element. You couldn't add it to a <span>, or any other element for example, which is an insanely restrictive method of styling in CSS. If you just use #id_name, you can apply this selector on any element instead.
The only difference is that div#id_name has higher specificity. This is seldom relevant, and there are other ways to make a selector more specific. People may include the element (tag) name for documentation purposes, but then they take the risk that was referred to in the question: someone might change the div to, say, p and forget to modify the CSS selector(s).

CSS Specificity Filter

This is a long shot, but is there a tool available that optimizes CSS selectors by removing unneeded specificity?
I find that when I write CSS, I deliberately make my selectors more specific than necessary to avoid conflicts and for quasi-documentation.
It would be great if there were a tool that could analyze a given group of rules, determine their "uniqueness" in terms of overlap with other rules, and then strip away any unnecessary specificity.
I can't even begin to imagine how a tool developer would approach all of the scenarios this would require, but I've been blown away by others' ingenuities in this area before and figured it was worth asking.
I've added a bounty to this question, and the more I think about it, the more I realize how valuable a CSS Specificity Filter would be.
For example, when working with Nested Rules/Selectors in Sass and LESS, excessive nesting is a common and well-known antipattern that can easily lead to overly specific selectors.
There's a good illustration of this in the excellent TutsPlus course Maintainable CSS with Sass and Compass:
body {
div.container {
p {
a {
color: purple;
Sass will follow these nesting instructions and produce the following CSS output, raising no objection to any unneeded specificity:
body div.container p a {
color: purple;
If a Specificity Filter did/does exist, however, it would create potential benefits for CSS developers:
You could organize your stylesheets as a 1:1 mapping of the DOM, similar to what you see when you examine style rules in Firebug and Chrome Dev Tools. A smart editor/IDE could auto-populate styles for DOM elements with shared styles/classes. That redundancy would then, of course, be filtered out by the Specificity Filter/Optimizer.
Stylesheets could have their structure pre-populated by a tool that scans the DOM and translates it to CSS selectors/rules. This means a developer would only need to update the HTML; the CSS "tree" would be kept in sync to reflect the current state of the DOM. A smart editor would let you jump to the CSS definition for an element/class for styling -- or even make its style rules visible in a separate panel.
In a way, this almost seems like a step backward - like a feature you'd find in Dreamweaver or WebAssist to help newbs learn CSS. But the basic idea of a CSS selector optimization tool seems like a no brainer, and the type of workflow automation I've described would be the logical next step -- and the catalyst would be the Specificity Filter.
I looked into some of the better-known CSS editors and web IDEs, but haven't found anything offering this type of functionality beyond targeting a single element and generating a selector for it.
Update 2: CSS Selector Performance
In response to Spliff's comment, here are two great articles on CSS selector performance:
Performance Impact of CSS Selectors by Steve Souders
Efficiently Rendering CSS by Chris Coyier
Both agree that micro-optimizing CSS isn't worth the effort, but that over-qualified descendant selectors are "an efficiency disaster." I haven't benchmarked yet myself, but suspect that the kind of "DOM Mapping" approach I'm suggesting would cause a performance hit without an optimization step, either manual or automated.
Related Questions, Links, and Tools:
Points in CSS Specificity
Tool to See CSS Specificity
Tool for Cleaning Up CSS
Order by CSS Specificity
Top 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS
Google: Efficient CSS Selectors
Clean CSS
CSS Tidy
You could attempt to take a different approach, try to write your selectors as small (low specificity) as possible. and only make them more specific when needed.
With that way of working you don't need a tool.
Just going to throw this out there-- it doesn't 'answer' your question,but it's a tool I like to spread the word about for people who do a lot of css programming: Firebug.
If you're not familiar with it, it's a tool for web browsers. You pull up your page once it's installed, right click and select 'Inspect Element.' It will show you all css affecting different elements on your page, and is useful for creating clean, precise css code. Also it makes it easier to see instant updates on what your page would look like with slight modifications. It will inform you of useless css code that's being overridden by other css code.
ALSO! Firebug now is available for almost all browsers. Not just Firefox. Personally, I'm partial to using it in Chrome.
We really can't do without specificity because it is the only thing that saves you when you have two or more rules colliding. Specificity brings sanity to the whole jumbled CSS rule, so it is more of a blessing than curse. Some of the stuff you talked about, like the CSS selector, can be done using Firefox/Firebug. I'm more disturbed by browser compatibility.
Actually there's a way you can do this using HTML5 and CSS3. The standard technique is to specify elements using the HTML 5 attribute "data-" and then do CSS selection for this attribute. This isn't the purpose of the attributes, but you can customly specify some elements that you can use to even switch the theme of a site.
So, for example, you can end up creating your specificity filters manually in CSS, by specifying
<b data-specificity=2>test</b>
where data-specificity only matches to parents above.
Alright, so for example, let's say you have a paragraph class, but you want to specify which parent, or how many parents the paragraph can inherit properties from. You would use rules for each potential parent that can be inherited from:
div.container > *[data-specificity="2"] {
So these rules mean that any p tag which is a direct child of the div container and has specificity 2, is allowed to inherit properties from the div container. The blue color of the div gets inherited by the p with data-specificity 2.
Here's a JSFiddle where you can see this!
The idea is that like this, using HTML5, you can control exactly which elements are allowed to inherit which properties. It's a lot of extra code to write (for both child and parent elements) but you can use this to get rid of some unnecessary specificity
I've never actually seen anyone use this method in practice, I pretty much just cooked it up for you, but I think it could be very useful, what do you think ?

div.selector versus selector

In css, I have seen both div.selector and selector being used to define styling rules for a specific selector.
What's the difference between the two and what are the reasons I should consider when adopting one over the other when writing my own css files?
div.selector targets only div elements with a class of selector.
.selector targets ALL elements with a class of .selector not just DIVs
So prefix element with tag name if you KNOW that's the one you will be applying css to. The later approach is more generic and targets all elements with specified class. However, you should be specific whenever you can.
If you know only div elements will have .selector class, going specific is better in terms of performance eg div.selector rather than .selector which will look for all elements on the page but will eventually apply those styles to DIVs only.
div.selector is a more specific selector than .selector.
For example of you have this HTML:
<div class="selector"></div>
The selector div.selector only matches the div where .selector selects both elements.
As mentioned so far, prefixing your class with its element name (ie: div.selector) will select only elements which are divs, but exclude anything else. With this in mind you can create classes which can be applied to multiple elements and/or target a single element.
In terms of readability, prefixing your classes can help you and your team identify what the element is from within the css. However in terms of general best practise and performance it is commonly advised that you try to refrain from prefixing your class and id declarations as it causes additional work for your users' browser engine.
By prefixing your classes (ie: div#selector or div.selector) your browser has to locate the class and then identify whether it is of the div type). Whilst the time required to do this might be negligible, I feel it's still worth mentioning.
Below are a few helpful links on the matter of performance and practice: and
