R function to solve large dense linear systems of equations? - r

Sorry, maybe I am blind, but I couldn't find anything specific for a rather common problem:
I want to implement
being a large square matrix in the sense that command above uses all my memory and issues an error (b is a vector with corresponding length). The matrix I have is not sparse in the sense that there would be large blocks of zero etc.
There must be some function out there which implements a stepwise iterative scheme such that a solution can be found even with limited memory available.
I found several posts on sparse matrix and, of course, the Matrix package, but could not identify a function which does what I need. I have also seen this post but
produces a complete linear model fit. All I need is a simple solve. I will have to repeat that step several times, so it would be great to keep it as slim as possible.
I already worry about the "duplication of an old issue" and "look here" comments, but I would be really grateful for some help.


How to transpose a high-degree tensor in FP way?

I'm currently working on a math library.
It's now supporting several matrix operations:
- Plus
- Product
- Dot
- Get & Set
- Transpose
- Multiply
- Determinant
I always want to generalize everything I can generalize
I was thinking about a recursive way to implement the transpose of a matrix, but I just couldn't figure it out.
Anybody help?
I would advise you against trying to write a recursive method to transpose a matrix.
The idea is easy:
transpose(A) = A(j,i)
Recursion isn't hard in this case. You can see the stopping condition: a 1x1 matrix with a single value is its own transpose. Build it up for 2x2, etc.
The problem is that this will be terribly inefficient, both in terms of stack depth and memory, for any matrix beyond a trivial size. People who apply linear algebra to real problems can require tens of thousands or billions of degrees of freedom.
You don't talk about meaningful, practical cases like sparse or banded matricies, etc.
You're better off doing it using a straightforward declarative approach.
Haskell use BLAS as its backing implementation. It's a more functional language than JavaScript. Perhaps you could crib some ideas by looking at the source code.
I'd recommend that you do the simple thing first, get it all working, and then branch out from there.
Here's a question to ask yourself: Why would anyone want to do serious numerical work using JavaScript? What will your library offer that's an improvement on what's available?
If you want to learn how to reinvent wheels, by all means proceed. Just understand that you aren't the first.

Lapack Orthonormalization Function for Rectangular Matrix

I was wondering if there was a function in Lapack for orthonormalizing the columns of a very tall and skinny matrix. A similar previous question asked this question, presumably in the context of a square matrix. My setting is as follows: I have an M by N matrix A that I am trying to orthonormalize the columns of.
So, my first thought was to do a qr decomposition. The functions for doing a qr decomposition in Lapack seem to be dgeqrf and dormqr. Great. However, my problem is as follows: my matrix A is so tall, that I don't want to actually compute all of Q, because it is M by M. In fact, I can't afford to instantiate an M by M matrix at all during any of my computation (it would not fit in memory). I would rather compute just the matrix that wikipedia calls Q1. However, I can't seem to find a way to make this work.
The weird thing is, that I think it is possible. Numpy, in particular, has a function numpy.linalg.qr that appears to do just this. However, even after reading their source code, I can't figure out how they are using lapack calls to get this to work.
Do folks have ideas? I would strongly prefer this to only use lapack functions because I am hoping to port this code to CuSOLVE, which has implemented several lapack functions (including dgeqrf and dormqr) for the GPU.
You want the "thin" or "economy size" version of QR. In matlab, you can do this with:
[Q,R] = qr(A,0);
I haven't used Lapack directly, but I would imagine there's a corresponding call there. It appears that you can do this in python with:
numpy.linalg.qr(a, mode='reduced')

Square a matrix in R

I've searched and am surprised not to find an answer to the following fairly basic question:
How do you square a matrix in R? That is to say, for a square matrix $A$ how do I compute $A^{2}$? Of course I could matrix product it with itself, but if the matrix I want to square has a very long expression, this seems undesirable, and worse if I were to want a higher power.
I heard one person mention the expm package while talking about his problem and I suppose I could try this, but it mentioned a bug that I'm not certain has been fixed. It's also surprising you'd need to import a package to do this pretty basic matrix operation, but maybe that's just how it is.

Handling extremely small numbers

I need to find a way to handle extremely small numbers in R, particularly in order to take the log of extremely small numbers. According to the R-manual, “on a typical R platform the smallest positive double is about 5e-324.” Well, I need to deal with numbers even smaller (at least as small as 10^-350). If R is incapable of doing this, I was wondering if there is a way I can use a program that can do this (such as Matlab or Mathematica) from R.
Specifically, I am computing a matrix of probabilities, and some of these probabilities are so small that R does not distinguish them from 0. The reason I know this is because each probability is the product of two other probabilities; so I’ll have p(x)=10^-300, p(y)=10^-50, and then p(x)*p(y)=0. I’d like to be able to do these computations, take the log of the resultant very small number (-805.905 for my example, according to Mathematica), and then continue working with the log values in R.
So to be more detailed, I have a matrix of values for p(x), a matrix of values for p(y), both computed using dnorm, and I’m computing the product. In many cases, R is capable of evaluating p(x) and p(y), but the p(x)*p(y) is too small. In a few cases, though, even the p(x) or p(y) value itself is too small, and is itself just equated to 0 in R.
I’ve seen that there is stuff out there for calling R from Mathematica, but not much pertaining to calling Mathematica from R. I’d honestly prefer to do the latter than the former here. So if any one either knows how to do this (either employing Mathematica or Matlab or something else in R) or has another solution to this issue, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Note that I realize there are a few other threads on this topic, discussing such things as using the Brobdingnag package to deal with small numbers, but these do not appear applicable here.

Rules-of-thumb doc for mathematical programming in R?

Does there exist a simple, cheatsheet-like document which compiles the best practices for mathematical computing in R? Does anyone have a short list of their best-practices? E.g., it would include items like:
For large numerical vectors x, instead of computing x^2, one should compute x*x. This speeds up calculations.
To solve a system $Ax = b$, never solve $A^{-1}$ and left-multiply $b$. Lower order algorithms exist (e.g., Gaussian elimination)
I did find a nice numerical analysis cheatsheet here. But I'm looking for something quicker, dirtier, and more specific to R.
#Dirk Eddelbeuttel has posted a bunch of stuff on "high performance computing with R". He's also a regular so will probably come along and grab some well-deserved reputation points. While you are waiting you can read some of his stuff here:
There is an archive of the r-devel mailing list where discussions about numerical analysis issues relating to R performance occur. I will often put its URL in the Google advanced search page domain slot when I want to see what might have been said in the past: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/
