Can I make font loading in CSS Optional for mobile devices? - css

My current Website-Design is built with the Bootstrap responsive framework. It uses several custom fonts, which make up about 50% of the document size. The fonts are included via CSS, the way of inclusion can not be changed.
My goal now is to stop mobile devices from requesting these fonts, in order to reduce their bandwidth consumption.
Is there a CSS way, like #media (min-width: 480px), to not load the fonts in the responsive layout?

In most implementations, background images that are referenced in CSS media queries get pre-downloaded. (Unless you do some fiddling with your use of display:none;, but that won't be supported in all browsers.)
The same applies to any fonts you've included via media queries — even if they're specified for a larger/different viewport.*
This allows for a smoother transition if viewport size is changed, e.g. from portrait to landscape.
Considering the constraints you mentioned, I don't see a clean way to do this only with CSS. You could do something with JS (but make sure it degrades gracefully), or PHP.
But the easiest ways to reduce HTTP requests and how much your visitors have to download include doing one or all of the following:
Using less fonts, or web-safe fonts instead.
Using a CDN for fonts.
Including 'minified' font files that only have the characters you'll
be using them for.
Check out Google Web Fonts for the latter two.
If you expect or get a lot of mobile traffic that's important for the site, it's always worth re-thinking a website's design and markup from a mobile-first approach: what's necessary and what isn't. (That approach can often help to even reduce clutter on the desktop version of your site.)
* The fiddling approach could be useful for fonts too, but you'd have to do browser testing yourself, as so far it's undocumented.

You could create two different stylesheets, one for mobile and one for desktop, then use PHP browser detection or various other methods to see if the user is on a mobile device or desktop device, and provide them with the corresponding stylesheet.
Take a look at the PHP get_browser function:

All background images aren't necessarily pre-downloaded if referenced in your media queries -
perhaps this technique would also work for fonts too. Not if you're using anything that'd need JS (like typekit, google) your font's will be requested because of the JS anyways afaik.


Do media queries cause a rendering performance hit?

While refactoring my main css into a modular approach I'm using #media all {} to wrap css modules in the IDE. This approach makes it much more easy to scan the files' content as we can't use a preprocessor like less or sass right now.
My only concern is that all those media queries (one for each css module / set of coherent selectors) might cause a performance hit while rendering the site. I am NOT concerned about the file size of our css files as this is a minor issue with a slim modular css framework and proper zipping.
Do media queries like #media all {} have an impact on the performance (both on desktop and mobile/other) devices if used to frequently?
The answer is no... and yes. Having a bunch of media queries will not make the site harder to render. But more lines of code makes a file larger and that technically takes longer to load. Still this isn't much of a performance hit.
But when resizing the browser, it will be taxing on the browser to recalculate a bunch of different mq settings. Read more here: Web Performance: One or thousands of Media Queries?
But...if you want to be proactive about this, with out a preprocessor, just use Pleeease. Pleeease gives you preprocessor like ability with vanilla css. AND it provides a PostProcessor function called mqpacker. It will find all similar media queries in your style sheet and merge them into related media queries. But again, if you are gzipping your stylesheet on the server, you don't need to worry about it.
Good luck! Stay awesome! based feature to auto switch of CSS files

Is there is any feature that enable auto switch of css files based on different browsers.
I don't want to use javascript code for browser detection and switch of css files.
As browser files in help in loading different css props for different server controls on runtime. Is there is any feature for us to use for auto switching of css files
This would bring in a lot of overhead in development and maintenance. The typical way in supporting multiple browsers is by creating a main stylesheet for you site which covers your targeted devices. You also rely heavily on the knowledge stored in those browser files. What if the user agent string is not the actual browser visiting the site?
Use techniques such as:
Utilising vendor prefixes -webkit- -moz- etc.
Media Queries
Ensuring you use percentages as much as possible, fluid layouts.
& Lots of Trial and Error
If this is to cover older versions of IE then you can utilise IE stylesheets and IE selectors.
As described in the Holy Bible for CSS:
I know this is not the sort of thing you looking for but I feel your going down a very bumpy and messy road.

When using #media queries, does a phone load non-relevent queries and images?

If I base my CSS on mobile styling, then use #media queries for gradually larger displays (tablets, desktops etc), will the mobile devices use the desktop styles?
I believe that typically, mobile devices will load all images even if they don't apply to its own particular media size. Meaning it will load all images and hide ones not matching its query-based stylesheet.
What I am trying to do is use one background for the larger version of the site:
.splash {
background: #1a1a1a url('/assets/imageLarge.png') no-repeat;
and another for the mobile version:
.splash {
background: #1a1a1a url('/assets/imageSmall.png') no-repeat;
If I apply the mobile CSS before any media queries, and add the large media CSS below using a query like #media screen and (min-device-width: 481px) {...}, will mobile devices load the large image too?
Behaviour is browser depended but iOS Safari and Android Chrome will respect the media queries and only download the background images for the applicable media queries.
If you want to inspect this behaviour, try loading the page with Mobitest ( or a tethered device.
If you use separate CSS files (and I'd urge you not too) the browser will download each of them even if it doesn't need them, this is a limitation of the CSSOM. Some browsers e.g. WebKit and Blink based ones prioritise the stylesheets so the ones needed to render the page are downloaded first and the others at some point later.
One thing to watch out for is display:none on content images as it won't prevent download in many situations. Tim Kadlec explores this more here:
Tim Kadlec has put together some awesome research for this – Media Query & Asset Downloading Results
Your specific question is answered in Test #4 – results are spotty. Better to have media queries for both your images.
This sounds like it would be largely browser dependant, but I'd imagine any mobile browser worth its salt would try to cut down on data usage by not loading images (and possibly not loading entire stylesheets) that are marked as not for it. Furthermore many mobile browsers prefer to not be recognized as mobile browsers. I know I hate it when I pop open a site on my iPad and a mobile-stylesheet forces me to view a skinny sliver of single column site on my 9.7" screen.
So media queries are unreliable, but still worthwhile (they really don't hurt anything, so long as they're used responsibly), and that doesn't help what is a fairly obtuse (but still good) question; time to do some testing!
Most modern desktop browsers come packaged with developer tools. My current favorite is FireFox's dark and pretty web inspector (the 3D view is especially to die for). But what about on Mobile? The largest parts of your mobile audience will not be on browsers that come with developement tools.
Well, you have a couple options:
Firebug Lite has some mixed results on mobile browsers, but is
an excelent choice in most cases where other inspectors are
unavailable. It does seem to work in iOS and other mobile
browsers with HTML5 support, though.
This question suggests using something called "weinre". I've never used it, but it looks legit enough.
If you're okay with targetting just a few certain browsers, many DO include developer tools. Such as Google Chrome for Android!
Whatever you choose, you'll be looking for an asset viewer of some sort; perhaps a timeline view. Any sort of tool that will allow you to see what the page loaded, in what order it loaded it, and how long it took to load.
Good luck!

Media queries versus other methods / Universal Mobile support

I am building a mobile site and have looked into media queries but don't really like the lack of support. I'm really wondering what methods or approaches are commonly recommended.
On our site we are using head.js ( which adds classes into the tag about the client, notably: browser, width and supported features. What do people think about using this javascript method as a better supported way of handling different users and changing the design layout accordingly.
I do feel that perhaps this JS approach is used as our main method but that it might be worth using a number of others a fallbacks. Here is perhaps a chain of support.
1st: All universal styles plus layout for narrowest device window.
2nd: Use some method of CSS targetting to add a desktop style sheet if desktop viewing is assumed, possibly media=screen
After this we are handling the lowest and the highest denominator.
Finally: Use the styles (width etc) created by the javascript to fine tune the design for different layouts.

HTML CSS for mobiles

Is there is any difference in writing html and css for mobile from web??
The way HTML and CSS is interpreted is completely in the realm of the web browser. Standards have been established, and most major browsers attempt to adhere to these standards these days.
As long as the mobile platform has a browser that implements CSS and HTML in a standard way, then no, there's no difference in writing HTML and CSS for a mobile device.
How you want your web page to look on such a device might be completely different however, and you might need to write a second set of HTML/CSS to present the same data to a mobile browser.
If you enjoyed (sarcasm) the diversity of web browsers, you're going to love mobile phones, browsers and carriers.
PPK got paid by Verizon Germany to do some tests so he got to play with the whole set of phones sold by the carrier and it gave theses posts and tables.
Just horrible.
Yes. There's a difference in CSS for each different browser you're targeting!
It really depends a lot on how modern the mobile devices are, or at least the ones that you are supporting. iPhone, for example, behaves nearly identically to desktop Safari (except the notable absence of Flash). But middle-of-the-line phones from 3+ years ago barely support text-only browsing.
As others have mentioned, the level of CSS support among mobile devices varies even more than on the desktop. What others have not mentioned, however, is a fairly major annoyance that mobile developers need to be aware of: dual CSS media types.
Some (many?) mobile browsers advertise acceptance of both screen and handheld media types. This means that serving a handheld stylesheet is not enough, because the device will also apply the rules from the screen stylesheet.
To overcome this, it is sometimes sufficient to explicitly set rules in your handheld stylesheet for things you would have otherwise omitted. In some cases, it may be necessary to flag certain rules as important.
Other than that, stick to single column layout, go easy on the images, and everything should be fine. And I hope you're not relying on JavaScript, because some mobile browsers don't support it.
