OpenSocial API stopped working in Google Calendar Gadget - google-calendar-api

I found out that opensocial API we were using in Calendar Sidebar Gadget stopped working. It was still working correctly on Friday. We were using opensocial to store and get some key-value data, and today we are getting error code: badRequest (with no error message) everytime we are trying to read anything.
This an example of the code we are using:
var idspec = opensocial.newIdSpec({ "userId" : "VIEWER", "groupId" : "SELF" });
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
req.add(req.newFetchPersonAppDataRequest(idspec, "mydata"), "get_data");
And this is the response we are getting from google:
errorMessage_: undefined
globalError_: true
responseItems_: Object
get_data: opensocial.ResponseItem
data_: null
errorCode_: "badRequest"
errorMessage_: undefined
The code is quite simillar to what is described here:
Does anyone have some similar problem, or know how to fix it? We are using it on our production system which is down since morning. any help would be appreciated.

The API has been deprecated. For solving this i changed the implementation for importing Google Contacts with Google oAuth 2.0 and its working fine with it. ( deprecated one ).
For using Google oAuth 2.0 visit below link :-


Firebase Analytics preventing proper use of dynamic link

I'm running in trouble here with Firebase.
The code is in flutter, I am testing in iOS
It's all going well, but when I try to get the dynamic link sent from:
I get a debug message:
[Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023001] Deep Link does not contain valid required params. URL params: {
amv = 16;
apn = "";
ibi = "";
ifl = "";
link = "";
where I changed my project name to "myproject" and put XXX inplace of apiKey/oobcode
and then, when I try to get the dynamic link with my app
final PendingDynamicLinkData data = await FirebaseDynamicLinks.instance.getInitialLink();
data is null.
So I am guessing Firebase Analytics is processing it and "killing" the dynamic link before my app can parse it.
Anyone managed to go through this?
I found the problem.
It is not that Firebase Analytics was "consuming" and killing the deep link.
The thing is that in iOS still today there is a delay the link and the state cycle...
This link explains it, problem 2 in the blog post.
Solved. I can still use analytics in Firebase.
It is impossible to remove analytics btw, you can only disable it.

Empty description in Web Entities of Google Vision API

If you try Google Vision API with follwoing demo-image.jpg
shown in QuickStart, you will get a record with empty description and score of 0.7024 in “Web Entities”. Why!?
I think this is working as intended. If you check the getDescrition() method from Java API libraries, you see that getDescrition() could return value or null for none.

google translate API error undefined

I have written a sample nodejs code to consume google translate API. For last 2-3 days I am getting undefined error intermittently. If I run this sample code multiple times, randomly few times I am getting the error. not sure if I am doing something wrong here or the service is experiencing some issues.
Please help, thanks in advance.
var googleTranslate = require('google-translate')
googleTranslate.translate(['Hello', 'Thank you'], 'en', 'de',
function(err, translations) {
Check your API_KEY , I faced with this problem before and my api key was wrong

Issue in Getting the tweets of whom I follow using twitter API

I am using Twitter API and Flex 4 for creating Desktop App. I need to show tweets in two parts:
1)Tweets of User ABC to be shown in one section.
2)The tweets of people whom the User ABC is following, to be shown in another section.
I achieved point 1 by using :"+ usrObj.username + "&count=" + usrObj.count;
But getting Bad Authentication Error while trying for point no.2.
I am hitting the following URL using HTTPSERVICE:
Also, I used:"+ usrObj.username + "&count=" + usrObj.count;
where usrObj is an object.
Getting the following error message:
Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:" errorID=2032
Please let me know whether I am following proper url and queries. Can anyone suggest me as to how to get the tweets exactly?
Got my work done by using the following url for retrieving home timeline:

fetching all the Restaurants, supermarkets, malls etc. nearby using the Google Maps Api

I'm new in iPhone Development. I'm creating an application in which i need to fetch all the Restaurents, supermarkets, malls etc. in the nearby location using GoogleApi. Im using following link to find the venue:,151.1957362&radius=500&types=grocery_or_supermarket&sensor=true&key=AIzaSyAiFpFd85eMtfbvmVNEYuNds5TEF9FjIPI
But I'm getting the following message:
"html_attributions" : [],
"results" : [],
"status" : "REQUEST_DENIED"
Please help.
Any solution will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
"Access denied" is coming because the key(AIzaSyAiFpFd85eMtfbvmVNEYuNds5TEF9FjIPI) you are using is not valid.
You have to register your project on on Google and have to generate unique key from this link.replace the generated key with the key in your link, then this will work fine.
If you have any other query let me know.
